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Apophis built the Replicators

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    Originally posted by The6thRace View Post
    I think Apophis may have been responsible for constructing the replicators. While we all know the android 'Reese' was directly responsible for the creations of the replicators, we never learned much about the one who created Reese. Given how technologically advanced she was, only a genius could have possibly created the android. It's possible that the android was a prototype for a new kind of army Apophis was building, an android that failed to live up to expectations.

    The reason why I think it was Apophis and not any of the other goa'uld is because of Apophisis lack of surprise when the replicators arrive. He doesn't fear them or react in an unreasonable manner (compared to Baal, who panicked). It's almost as if he has seen them before. And there aren't many other technologically proficient species in the Milky Way, so it had to be a goa'uld. Apophis also knew that his personal shield would protect him from the replicators, and didn't even bother trying to fight them himself. He was probably waiting for his ship to land when it was controlled by replicators so he could simply step out and get another ship. The ship was destroyed though, so we'll never know for sure if that was his plan.
    The Replicator's technology was way more advanced than the Goa'uld. And yeah I know that their technology was largely due to their taking other race's technology (i.e, the Asgard) but I don't think that it makes much sense that Apophis would have created something so advanced and persistent, nor that he would have been capable.

    His reaction isn't that unique. Why would he expect his Jaffa's staff weapons to be effective? Surely he would have known this had he encountered them before.

    And the shield is self explanatory, it's a shield. The fact that it was on and working doesn't mean that he knew it would protect him, it's just a logical assumption. He wouldn't stand there and let them over run him without at least trying to see if the shield worked, which it did.

    I think that the Replicators were beyond the Goa'uld's capabilities. And why would they spread out into the Ida galaxy instead of MW?

    It's well established that the Goa'uld really didn't invent a lot, they relied on already existing technology. That's not to say that they didn't invent anything, but something as industrious as the Replicators just doesn't fit. Experimenting on humans is one thing, creating a race like the Replicators (especially the incredibly complicated Reese) is a stretch at best.


      Originally posted by The6thRace View Post
      You are a critic of my theories and I respect your opinion and opposition Tombombadil, though I still think its within the realm of possibilities.

      I have to agree with most people, I don't believe that it is within the realm of possibilities. It just doesn't make any sense. There is no way that the goa'uld were that advanced. I would sugest that the only goa'uld that would have been capable of doing such a thing would be Anubis, but only after he asscended.


        Originally posted by Starrtom View Post
        I have to agree with most people, I don't believe that it is within the realm of possibilities. It just doesn't make any sense. There is no way that the goa'uld were that advanced. I would sugest that the only goa'uld that would have been capable of doing such a thing would be Anubis, but only after he asscended.
        And to prove the point even further, what did Anubis, who was undoubtedly the smartest Goa'uld of the series, do with this knowledge? He continued the work of genetic manipulation to the point where he created the Kull warriors.

        The Goa'uld were obsessed with genetic enhancements to humanoid forms, including the one Goa'uld who may have been capable of creating Reese. So...

        If anything, it would be logical for Reese to have been created by an Ancient, given their work on the Asurans.


          Reese said that the people on her planet wanted to destroy her and the Replicators and that's why she gave Replicators the ability to replicate and defend themselves. Apophis wouldn't be foolish enough to share his tech with others, especially slaves.

          The metal plates on Apophis's face are there because of Sokar tortured him. When was was Netu, half of his face was covered by a metal plate and he was missing an eye. Apophis still had those two small plates probably because he couldn't fully repair the damage.


            Remember though, I'm not saying that Apophis built the replicators (I know thats the title of the post but it means he was indirectly responsible). Its already been established that Reese created the replicators. I'm saying Apophis built Reese. He may have stumbled upon some ancient blueprints or something, but its definitely possible. If the goa'uld can construct Hattaks, I think an android wouldn't be a problem.


              Originally posted by The6thRace View Post
              Remember though, I'm not saying that Apophis built the replicators (I know thats the title of the post but it means he was indirectly responsible). Its already been established that Reese created the replicators. I'm saying Apophis built Reese. He may have stumbled upon some ancient blueprints or something, but its definitely possible. If the goa'uld can construct Hattaks, I think an android wouldn't be a problem.
              There is light years difference in technology between building a Hattak, and something as complicated as Reese. It's like cavemen hunting with sticks versus somebody flying an F18.


                To the OP... Sure it could happen. In an alternate reality very far from our own. Re-watch the episode, read the Omnipedia, heck watch the rest of the series if you haven't done so already. You'll see that it isn't Apophis. If he had access to that kind of technology, why didn't he use it to advance his standing within the System Lords or expand his territory? Why didn't he use a of that technology to bolster his troops after his costly attempt at invading Earth.

                It wasn't even a full year (season) from the time he failed to invade Earth to the time we handed him over to Sokar. He probably spent most of his time defending what he had left from Heru'ar and Sokar. Even if he had miniscule understanding if that technology he wouldn't be dead right now.


                  Just when I thought you'd gotten bored of making silly theories.... Do you seriously believe in them or are you just having fun?

                  Bra'tac hates the Asgard
                  They fitted the SGC bus with Asgard wind shields and Jaffa tires
                  Sokar was a prior
                  General Bauer wiped out the Nox by accident
                  Landry hates the Asgard
                  Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!


                    Trolling comes to mind.... or he/she is smoking some really potent Mary Jane while watching Stargate.


                      I didn't mean that at all. That was just a joke to enhance a post I created asking if anyone thought the SGC might enhance their vehicles with alien technology. Obviously, Jaffa tires don't exist.

                      I admit my theories may be a bit eccentric and perhaps even far fetched. But if there is even the tiniest shred of evidence to support them I will post to see if anyone else sees it as a possibility. This is a very complicated television show with a rich universe, so it can be easy to miss a lot of things that aren't too obvious.


                        I just don't think it's within the Goauld's nature to make a contraption like Reese.
                        I doubt Apophis even had the time to research and develop the technology behind Reese with him having to defend his territories and oversee the construction of his fleet for the episode The6thRace's picture's are from

                        Aside from Anubis I think only Goauld to possibly have the technical know how to build an android could be Naruce, I'm just guessing this coz I know that it's not been mentioned in any episodes that he was able to build advanced androids but wasn't he the one responsible for a lot of Ba'al's technology?
                        If anyone could build an intelligent android capable of making nanites couldn't he?

                        In case anyone's wondering I'm still of the mind that Reese was made by an advanced race of Humans and not the Alterans or Goauld but I just wondered what everyone thought of the idea.


                          Well, after thinking about it for a few months, I'm fairly satisfied that Apophis may have had a hand in building the replicators. Although not flaunted much, he did display an ability to build advanced goa'uld ship, like the one that was destroyed in the episode 'Upgrades'. Unfortunately he just never got a chance to get his plans off the ground due to the constant betrayals he had to deal with.

