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Things they should NOT do in SGU...

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    Things not to do;

    - boring cardboard characters
    - have everything revolve around the ancients and their tech
    - re-cycle any of the previous stories of SG-1 or SGA
    - re-cycle old baddies previously featured in SG-1 or SGA
    - pointless stand-alone episodes which bring nothing to the series apart from things to fill in the 'gaps' of a 21 episode season
    - re-cycle themes from SG-1 and SGA (having a four man team which consists of one 'hero', 'lady figure', 'geek' and 'tough alien guy')
    - boring, predictable storylines where the good guys always or nearly always win

    Thats just for me anyway. I want SGU, even it is in a very supernatural OTT realm, to be as a real as it can with its characters, aliens and locations.
    I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

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      they should not - have a replicator in it
      find a dekara type device

      they should - have the furlings
      start it next week

      Fav Stargate Quotes

      Thanks! It'll be a walk in the park ... a very scary park, filled with monsters who are trying to kill me.

      I like the yellow ones.

      Operation "This Will Most Likely End Badly" is a go.

      OH CRAP!!!

      You need someone dumber than you are.... You may have come to the right place.


        They should NOT try to re-invent the wheel.
        I don't want to see just a movie where people go through watery rings, I want some sort of connection with the SG-1/SGA universe (unless there's a good reason for breaking continuity).
        Don't forget to vote up if you like my ideas. (me <-- attention whore )

