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Was God an Ascended Anceint?

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    Was God an Ascended Anceint?

    Ok so for many years now we have had the Was jesus an ancient debate, now while god and Jesus in the twisted way religion spews out are the same being was GOD as in the all knowing spagetii monster of light an ancient who was in a way merlins predecessor.
    In the early days it seems intervention in the lives of mortals and the lower planes seemed to be less clear cut than in later years. Perhaps the Ori are responsible but for a small time Merlin was able to live on Earth with the some of the powers and knowledge of the ascended being he once was. Now what if god was an ancient, who returned from Atlantis and ascended. Some time later, he decides to meddle in the affairs of the lower plane.
    The bible has various bits and bobs of what he did and i niether care nor want to go in to all of stories of the bible. What i am interested in is what if at some point, the ancients caught him out, in an effort to escape punishment he descends, taking possession of a baby inside mary he is born an oricii, much like Adria, who grows up to at a normal rate to become Jesus.
    Once he does his stint on earth he uses his knowledge and power which was legally attained much like adria can walk around our galaxy with an ori bonded to her DNA without incurring the wraith of the ancients. When he is sentaced to death, he uses his time on the cross to prepare himself for ascension, he ascends while in the rock and returns in the ghost like form we have seen ascended beings take 3 days later.

    Stories written about Jesus and other figures in the bible are essentially a book about the story of ancients that returned to Earth and meddled in our development, maybe in an attempt to steer our race against believing and being corrupted by the Ori. It was said that maybe the ancients had something to do with fire, the symbol of the ori being represented as evil and demonic, biblical authority had alot to do with that one. Hell could be seen as the flames of enlightenment, a place where those who believe in those unworthy of reference and are not truely enlightened are destined to end up.

    Moses has all the traits of an ancient although he has been identified as Imhotep, copied in to another mythology by several scholars he has actually alot of the traits for an early, perhaps anceint prior. we know very little information about the earliest period of ascended history but i think the jesus is an ancient debate should be settled by a better question, that i have attempted to delve in too.

    Was God an ancient? Discuss.

    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
    Stargate : Genesis |
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    11000! green me

    That would be cool if he was but i always imangend Jesus as a system lord like Jezu or something
    This isn't Atlantis?
    I don't think so.
    If this is not the Lost City…then where is it?

    SGU= Awesome Eli is so me =P




        I always wanted to see the Bible brought into the stargate mythology maybe will see it in Stargate Universe. And I don't think that God was an ascended ancient because he would have been stop by the other ancients. I think it's more plausible if the entity posing as God was the collective of the ascended anicents. As for the role that Jesus takes place in all of this i haven't a clue. Ideas anybody?


          I guess it depends on how one looks at it. If I remember my classes from school, God, Jesus and the holy spirit are all the same being. If you look at it like this, then the being that we consider God could have taken human form as fetus then was reborn into Jesus, thus ascending again to become varition of the holy spirit. In that way of thinking (if my memory is right) then God would be an ascended Ancient.

          We know that unascended Ancients are our gods, they used the Dakara device to create human life so God by default is an Ancient. We've also seen how an immaculate conception can happen and that if Jesus was biologically part Ancient and how on the evolution scale then he could have been able to do some of the miracles but God as an ascended Ancient is hard to tell.

          A lot of stuff that has happened in the bible wasn't exactly done in public with a live audience watching, so things are up to interpretation as what happened gets passed over and over until the final version, but then with translations and changes in language, it changes again and again.

          Everything in the bible that involves God, God talking to people and giving instructions could have easily been stories that were picked up from the Ancients, so nothing ascended would be connected to them. The story of Atlantis is proof that no matter what we believed happened, it doesn't mean it happened here.

          Noah's Ark could have been a big ass spaceship yet stories were passed on and on so it became a wooden boat. The message from God could have been a sensor relay giving a warning about a possible attack (which in the story could have been a fleet of Wraith ships and the birds that found land were probes) so tha doesn't necessarily mean an ascended ancient was involved at all.

          So it all depends on the story, because it could have involved God/ascended Ancient or it could have involved just a normal Ancient following orders, so Merlin could have in fact been God at some point depending on the situation (as he was the leader of the Lanteans and could have been in charge while ascended and the others were his messengers who became Angels).



            oh this thing is gonna blow up.
            Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


              Give me a break. There is a reason that the stargate writers haven't touched this subject. I personally think that this is a very disrespectful question to ask. It's a TV show. Last week it was "Is Santa an ancient?", What's next the Easter Bunny?
              Sheppard's team runs into Kolya on a planet:

              Koyla:"That's right Sheppard, I've got you right where I want you. And there's nothing you can do about it. Your plan was flawed, mine is perfect.This time I have a new gotee, and a black cloak. And I know for a fact that anyone would be scared of that. Now give me the ZPM or I'll kill the guy with the dreadlocks."

              5 seconds later....

              Kolya is hanging from a tree by his underwear.

              Wa Wa Waaaaa.....


                Originally posted by runnerX View Post
                I always wanted to see the Bible brought into the stargate mythology maybe will see it in Stargate Universe. And I don't think that God was an ascended ancient because he would have been stop by the other ancients. I think it's more plausible if the entity posing as God was the collective of the ascended anicents. As for the role that Jesus takes place in all of this i haven't a clue. Ideas anybody?
                I thinks the Ori metaphorically symbolises modern religions... especially with how heretics used to be burned at the stake (witches ect), and the whole crusading to convert everyone to their religion...

                IMO, book of origins is like the bible, origin (as a religion) is like early christianity/catholisism...

                Ancients/Alterans vs Ori = Science vs Religion


                  Originally posted by 2ndgenerationalteran View Post
                  oh this thing is gonna blow up.
                  No kidding. Why does someone always bring up this subject? Someone always does.
                  Wraith, the OTHER white meat.
                  Loyalty above all else, except Honor.


                    It's for the LOL factor.


                      Originally posted by immhotep
                      Was God an ancient? Discuss.
                      infidel !!


                        I think he was an ancient, we should tell to everybody
                        Knowledge is power, but how do you use that power defines whether you are good or evil


                          Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
                          infidel !!

                          YES!!! He's an Ori
                          Stolen Kosovo


                            Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                            YES!!! He's an Ori
                            He's not an Ori, he's an Ancient
                            Knowledge is power, but how do you use that power defines whether you are good or evil


                              Worship me or burn forever? He's definitely an Ori!

