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General Ship ( Relationship) Discussion

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    But really - by the time they get around to addressing that particular ship in a direct, non-ambiguous manner, how many fans who were interested in the question will be watching the show? Season 50 when Jack and Sam are admitted to a nursing home?

    And as far as different fans asking the quesion... IMOHO it seems no different than various individual members asking the *same* tech, alien, villan, story arc, etc. questions over and over trying to get a direct answer... Just seems that relationship posts of any type (Sam/Jack, Dan/Vala, and any other permutation that floats one's boat... er ship ) gets more member's attention.

    Ahhhhhh.... but it seems to be about the challenging quest to play the semantics game with Joe to get the elusive direct answer.

    As far as my thoughts... *sighs* IMO they are keeping their options open. Ambiguous storylines allow writers to be able to go back and rewrite history to allow them to play with their new characters and their story arcs... Doesn't mean I like it. I'm with Shipperahoy about wanting a clear answer (in the show, not in one writer's blog or Q&A thread). Tell me *clearly* that the two characters tried the ship and they decided it wasn't for them - end of arc. Tell me that it *is* working, which doesn't even require Jack's character be present - hey good for S/J - after saving the world so many times let them have a bit of fun - Lord knows before Jack's brain goes on the fritz from so many Ancient downloads let them savor some sweetness.... (And no... Sam's S9 comment to Barrett was not clear.... for all we know she could have hooked up with another "normal" non-military man or who knows.... maybe she's dating Thor....)

    But after an 8-year tease and one-half of the couple not likely to ever come back as a regular and TPTB moving quickly on to other ships and stories.... it wouldn't have hurt to give a nod to it...

    Oh well!
    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
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      Originally posted by Dani347
      Maybe I'm just viewing this from my own ornery way of thinking, but if I wanted shippy scenes in the show, I would be very wary of asking about it over and over. If I was in charge of the show, it would be the very frequency of the questions that would set my mind to never have ship. In fact, if I was teetering on the brink of ship or no ship, that would set me firmly in the no ship line. But, maybe tptb aren't as obstinate as I am. One can only hope. Or, not hope, in my case.
      Oh I agree. I'm sure that Joe gets annoyed by the frequency and quantity of ship related questions. I think that a large part of why people keep asking them is because they want Joe to know that people are still interested in that aspect of the story. Some people feel that if the questions stop coming that TPTB will figure it's no longer of interest. I myself have long since stopped asking Joe about ship. I think I asked in his blog about why they couldn't just resolve it but that's about it. Perhaps you're right and the barrage of questions is part of what is making Joe, IMO, a bit short in his answering posts. It's kind of a Catch 22. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

      It was, is, and always will be GREEN


        Originally posted by Shep'sSocks
        Actually, it's not so much ship that I hate, it's the querilous tones that it be addressed, that Joe give a definitive answer of whether Sam and Jack are together. It's called leaving a storyline open yet some can't leave it alone. It's like a two-year-old picking at a sore.
        But honestly, why does it bug some people so much that people keep asking about ship? What does it hurt? It's a storyline that some people are very interested in and want a resolution to. Why do people care that people are still invested in it and want a conclusion. It doesn't bug me that there are people who don't want any more ship. I respect that they feel that way even though I don't feel the same.
        Last edited by Shipperahoy; 30 December 2005, 09:58 PM.

        It was, is, and always will be GREEN


          I can't speak for anyone else but it bugs me because it's obvious that Joe does not want to give a yes or no response to the question because he wants TPTB to keep their options open, yet people keep asking anyway.


            I think it only seems whiney and querelous because of the frequency of the questions.

            "Hey Joe, are we EVER going to see a talking dog on the show?" might sound fine the first time, but after the hundredth iteration it begins to sound obnoxious. But then, there are a LOT of questions I'm tired of seeing people ask and if folks are free to ask all of them, they're free to ask about ship, too. *shrug*


              You don't think it sounds whiny and querelous because it is whiny and querelous?


                What with episode 200 coming up I felt that it was time to dust off the ol' Ship Discussion thread. The reason being that I've read that there was something said by Amanda Tapping to the effect of "both sides will be happy" in regards to the Sam/Jack situation. My question that even possible? I don't think so. I think at this point that most shippers won't be happy with anything less than an outright resolution and from my discussion with my anti-shipper friends it sounds as though they'll be cringing at even the slightest hint of ship. I would love to hear what others think.

                It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                  It's pretty hard to imagine an episode that will please both sides of the divide! Seriously, how can two such diametrically opposed viewpoints be happy in one resolution?


                    Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                    What with episode 200 coming up I felt that it was time to dust off the ol' Ship Discussion thread. The reason being that I've read that there was something said by Amanda Tapping to the effect of "both sides will be happy" in regards to the Sam/Jack situation. My question that even possible? I don't think so. I think at this point that most shippers won't be happy with anything less than an outright resolution and from my discussion with my anti-shipper friends it sounds as though they'll be cringing at even the slightest hint of ship. I would love to hear what others think.
                    I don't normally participate in ship discussions, as I really am a non shipper, certainly on SGA. However, I've always liked S/J on SG1. But, I cannot, for the life of me, see how both sides of the ship argument, that is to say, shippers and anti/non-shippers can possibly be simultaneously satisfied! It is impossible to do so, surely?
                    On the one hand, one has those who truly believe Sam and Jack belong together. To satisfy such shippers, Jack and Sam, after, er 10 years FGS!, would need them to get together in a commited relationship. Anything less would not be satisfying, IMO.
                    On the other, an anti or non shipper would probably throw up, or at least throw something at the t.v. if that happened! For that group of fans to be happy, surely the potential relationship would have to be severed - laid to rest. That is to say, Sam and Jack have moved on, bye bye to any romantic entanglements!
                    So, I'm totally confused as to how both sides could possibly be happy!
                    Last edited by Linzi; 11 August 2006, 11:36 AM.


                      Exactly? How in the heck can you please two diamtetrically opposed sides? To my mind this insinuates that there will probably be yet more AU/dream sequences and innuendo which makes pretty much everybody insane. If the quote from AT had said that it was going to make both sides irritated than that would have perhaps made a bit more sense.

                      It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                        Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                        Exactly? How in the heck can you please two diamtetrically opposed sides? To my mind this insinuates that there will probably be yet more AU/dream sequences and innuendo which makes pretty much everybody insane. If the quote from AT had said that it was going to make both sides irritated than that would have perhaps made a bit more sense.
                        God, I HATE au shippy scenes with a passion! They are such a total cop out! Do it, or don't do it, I say! You can't please everybody, all the time, so commit and go with it! Funnily enough, even as a non-shipper, I'd be happy for Sam and Jack to get together.
                        Okay, maybe, secretly, I'm a romantic at heart, but only when I see true chemistry. I'll deny it if anybody quotes me though...


                          Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                          Exactly? How in the heck can you please two diamtetrically opposed sides? To my mind this insinuates that there will probably be yet more AU/dream sequences and innuendo which makes pretty much everybody insane. If the quote from AT had said that it was going to make both sides irritated than that would have perhaps made a bit more sense.
                          My take on episode 200:
                          From what I understand, the whole episode is our group sitting around discussing what the plot should be for the "Wormhole Extreme" film, and then goes on to show what would happen if each person (O'neil, Sam, etc.) wrote it. Therefore, someone will come up with a Sam/Jack wedding. It makes the shippers happy because someone in the cast comes up with it, but it makes the noromos happy because it doesn't really happen. The usual baloney that makes no one happy in the long run.

                          But I'm gonna watch anyway.

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Oh yeah, I'll definately be watching. It's all about RDA for me baby!

                            It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                              Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                              Oh yeah, I'll definately be watching. It's all about RDA for me baby!
                              He does have that certain 'something', doesn't he?


                                But that's the thing! It will NOT make shippers happy, at least not anymore! 3-4 seasons ago, maybe. But it's time to commit to A or B, people. I will be very disappointed if this AU-scene will not be significantly different from the ones before. There should at least be some influence on our reality this time!

                                the idea for the wedding, if it doesn't come from Sam or Jack, ain't worth a thing.

                                But yeah, RDA. The whole reason I tuned into Stargate. 'Course I'll be here.

                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                My take on episode 200:
                                From what I understand, the whole episode is our group sitting around discussing what the plot should be for the "Wormhole Extreme" film, and then goes on to show what would happen if each person (O'neil, Sam, etc.) wrote it. Therefore, someone will come up with a Sam/Jack wedding. It makes the shippers happy because someone in the cast comes up with it, but it makes the noromos happy because it doesn't really happen. The usual baloney that makes no one happy in the long run.

                                But I'm gonna watch anyway.

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