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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    January 2, 2009 - Part 4

    Aurora Novum writes: “1. Actually, the saddest part of the movie (outside of Mitchell’s…er ending) was that the team accepted being separated from each other for a year. I wondered why you chose that long a time period before Ba’al’s “arrival”, and why the team, in your view, appeared to actually abide by the terms of the agreement.”

    BW: Because it would have been too much of a coincidence for Baal to show up right away. And Landry had a damn good point.

    “2. In a similar vein, how much do you find your story is dictated by the production environment, and how much is it your initial brainstorming/vision? For example, I understand Daniel’s injury in the Continuum movie was added because of Michael Shanks filming unavailability, but I wondered why the injury wasn’t dealt with much overtly (i.e. therapy, limitations in walking) outside of CGI shots or an occasional limp. Could you discuss the reasoning for those decisions?”

    BW: We see him without his leg three times. As for his limping, we realized that in a year, he would become quite proficient with his artificial leg.

    “3. What was your reaction/thoughts about the jets made available to you by the USAF? Can you share anything about that experience?”

    BW: Cool. I’m the escort pilot in the movie. You can see it’s me pretty clearly, and it’s my voice too. That’s how much I like jets.

    “4. How do you tend to write? Brainstorm, Outline, then right from first page/scene to last, a la Mr. Mallozzi? Do you skip around? Listen to music as you write?”

    BW: I start at the beginning of the script almost every time. I can sometimes spend much too much time on the first half of a script this way, but I’ve written a long time. It’s become my process. I sometimes write outlines, (had to in the days I worked for other people) but I almost always change everything anyway. I like discovering the story as it unfolds. It’s arguably the least efficient way to write and I wouldn’t recommend it to any writer, especially a new one.

    “5. What was your favorite episode as a writer or producer of “Outer Limits”, “SG-1?, and SGA, and why?”

    BW: Quality of Mercy, Light Brigade and Trial by Fire for Outer limits, although I am also quite proud of Becka Paulson. (I’m the only one) As for SG-1, I like 2010, Pegasus Project, and a couple I completely rewrote but don’t have my name on them. For Atlantis, after Rising I have to go with “The Shrine”.

    “6. A lot of talk has been made of the spaceship “Destiny” for Stargate Universe–is there plans for the “Stargate” itself to be used quite a bit in the course of the series, or with filming locations becoming more sparse, will it be a more ship/space-oriented series?”

    BW: We’ll still be using the Stargate.

    “7. Finally, what’s been the biggest surprise for you over the course of producing Stargate?”

    BW: That I’m still here.

    Lynn writes: “My question is although I have no particular knowledge or understanding of science especially the advanced kind shown in the show, but although a fiction show, there always seemed to be a scientific logic and reality to the ideas presented which always impressed me. I have heard you were the “go to” guy for science questions. Did you have any special education in the sciences or was it mainly research through the internet or contacts you could call when questions arose.”

    BW: Actually, my understanding of science is very limited. I do read a lot, but when I’m in a conversation with real scientists, I feel stupid. Having said that, sometimes real science is incredibly limiting.

    Lcshepp writes: “I and many others are more than concerned the way that SGA was cancelled. Why you couldn’t have waited until the season was over to annouce this is beyond many of us. Nothing like putting a damper on the rest of the season. Many of us also fell slighted over the desire for a younger viewing audience. We all feel very slighted that we have supported you and your franchise for many years and this is how it ends for many of us.”

    BW: We need both of you.

    ChevronSeven writes: “How much feedback (good, bad or indifferent) have you received with the reaction to the actual screen time of RDA (about 2 minutes in the beginning, 2 minutes in the middle & 1 minute at the end) in Continuum? It appeared via promos and interviews that “Jack is back!” only to be disappointed with the actual screen time upon viewing.”

    BW: That’s all I could get him for. He’ll be much more involved in the next one.

    Narelle from Aus writes: “Where are you/what are you doing when you get most of your ideas? Is there a pattern to when these ideas come to you such as you are in a quite room like “the throne”, chatting with other like-minded people or find yourself in the middle of a backswing when a great idea comes?“

    BW: I can’t think of my work when I golf at all. That’s why I golf. I think of my work at all other times.

    “What was your take on the most recent Indiana Jones movie?”

    BW: Never saw it. I hear it’s an expensive episode of Stargate.

    “My Husband asks if you could to stop making Stargate please. He would like his wife back.”

    BW: It’s only an hour a week, man.

    Rose writes: “There was only one small part of The Shrine that left me cold and that was Rodney’s confession of love for Jennifer. I found it jarring and out of place. I realize that it’s not possible to show every single encounter between every character but there was zero build up to this. If Rodney had told Jennifer he cared for her or even that he really liked her, I would have bought it. Could you please explain your reasoning behind this decision?”

    BW: He thought he was dying. Obviously.

    Cheeky Lil Devil writes: “From business woman to business man, I wondered what your thinking process was to bring in a show that has technically not been tried and tested and replaced a product that from all accounts seems to be doing well in the key demographics, ratings. Etc.”

    BW: From all accounts? No.

    “…what i’m trying to say in a nutshell (and failing miserably) is that if I were to invest in a new product, from a business perspective i’d test the market first to see if there was an ‘audience’ for that particular ‘age range’ and genre, rather than simply scrapped in a sense a product that there was still an audience for. Lastly while I am here, I wonder if you could let the fans know the reasons for wanting a younger audience, particular as the ‘older’ audience are the ones that have kept the franchise going for this long.”

    BW: I thought you said you were a business person.

    T_Lily writes: “…are you disappointed by the short life of SGA? Even though it’s running in film form, it won’t be the same, so once again I’m a little bit worried about the content as it won’t be as elaborate as a season running story arc. Thanks in advance!”

    BW: Short life?! FIVE YEARS!

    YouTuber writes: “I understand that you’re a fairly avid golfer. What’s your handicap? And have you ever been to the Canadian Open?”

    BW: At the moment, I’m an 8.7 index. Never been to the open.

    Shai writes: “In hindsight, do you regret how the Dreaded Announcement of Doom was handled?”

    BW: No.

    Kelly writes: “I was totally shocked to hear of the cancellation of SGA. You have issued all sorts of platitudes and various reasons for the cancellation that didnt really make any sense.“

    BW: Platitudes?

    “You mention about the franchise having to move forward. How will SGU achieve this. My interpretation of moving forward is continually bringing new ideas to the franchise and contuning to appeal to ALL ages of the fandom. How can the franchise move forward if you dismiss most of the fandom, and only cater towards a certain age group. Why put all your eggs in one basket so to speak. You certaintly may appeal to some of the younger audience, but you are also alienating a huge portion of the existing audience.”

    BW: We’re not trying to make the new show for kids.

    Ytimyona writes: “When collaborating with other writers on a script (like how you and Rob Cooper are writing the pilot of SGU together), how exactly does that work? Do you spin the story together and then one of you writes the script? Do you pass a draft back and forth between each other, revising it each time?”

    BW: Its a knife fight.

    “3) When you said you intended to make SGU more “mainstream,” I interpreted that to mean that the average viewer (who’s never seen an episode of SG-1 or SGA in his life) could turn on the SGU pilot and understand what was going on… am I right? (I feel like people are unfairly putting words in your mouth with regards to this statement.)”

    BW: Close. Mainstream means a lot of people are watching.

    STellaByStargate writes: “Word is that a stuffed penguin made its way into your possession a month or two ago. Just wondered if it was sitting on the shelf, had taken up residence on your desk or had somehow migrated, with the others, to Carl Binder’s office? Loved Continuum btw. Send more please.”

    BW: It’s in Carl’s office. Joe, how many more freakin’ questions are there?

    Alan writes: “Have you given any thoughts on a subtitle for the “SG-1? movie?”

    BW: We won’t be using subtitles.

    Susnn writes: “Because of vision difficulties I have cut way back on my television watching these days. SGA has been the only series that I watch every week and in rerun. Thanks for the memories.”

    BW: And thanks for watching.

    Libkat writes: “Rumors persist that you aren’t a big fan of Vala as a character. Will Claudia Black continue to have a place in the SG1 movie universe? I adore the way Vala kept the snarky side of Daniel Jackson alive after RDA left the show and CB and MS have terrific chemistry.”

    BW: I thought Claudia was terrific in Continuum, but Vala won’t be returning in the third movie.

    Haberdashery writes: “Brad, first thanks for many great years of Stargate. I have enjoyed the series and the great characters you and Rob have created over the years. In light of that, I wanted to ask you if you knew how much people miss seeing Jonas Quinn in the Stargate world? It’s like a gaping wound in our hearts.”

    BW: A gaping wound in your hearts? Really? The guy was in one season almost six years ago.

    Wraithcake writes: “I have two questions for Mr. Wright: Sorry, I’m a little long winded.
    I imagine it is quite challenging as a science fiction writer to reinvent the wheel, especially when it comes to the more innovative aspects of the genre.
    Also, it seems that more writers, and more recent writers are moving away from terse social criticism to rather banal story lines. Science Fiction has almost become a quick overlay to simplified plots.
    Although I find the show quite entertaining, and am invested in the characters, I’m not oblivious to the criticism. So when I read reviews such as Maureen Ryan’s analysis, a reporter with the Chicago Tribune, who is equally a hard core science fiction fan and enjoys the show, but criticised it for the very reasons I mentioned above, I want to know how you approach this type of critique?
    She says:
    “Please don’t recycle the same tired plots over and over again….Sure, it’s hard to avoid the sci-fi standbys (body switching, parallel universe, alien virus, crew member kidnapped by aliens, etc.), but increasingly those go-to stories on the show were executed in a uninspired fashion.” Maureen Ryan “The Watcher” Chicago Tribune”

    BW: I actually like Maureen. She’s given us quite a bit of ink.
    Last edited by Jumper_One; 04 January 2009, 03:35 AM.
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      January 2, 2009 - Part 5

      Barbara writes: “I was watching SG-1 tonight “the shroud” and later i watched SGA “Volcano” and i was laughing my butt off!!!!! Will SGU have that same humor that we all have come to love ??? I know not everyone is happy about losing SGA for SGU. I cant help be remember how some were not happy that we were getting SGA (me for one) but you won me over and im looking forward to SGU just to give it a try.”

      BW: There will be humor in SGU. Rob and I can’t actually help ourselves.

      Heartsmeneko writes: “Question for Brad (the almighty one):
      Thanks for giving us two brilliant shows over the years mate (thankyou to you Joe btw) ^^
      1. Why are you so awesome?”

      BW: Is that you, Martin Gero?

      Lt.Col.ErrandBoy writes: “I’m sure many Stargate fans are hoping to get some kind of reassurance that Universe will NOT be “90210 in Space”…can you tell us why you think that the audience demographic needs to be ‘lowered’, when the majority of sci-fi fans are in fact in the upper percentile of intelligence, including the younger ones who are already fans? By limiting the cast to under-25s (and believe me, reading those quicky synopses of their characters, they sound like a right bunch of snotnosed twats) do you really think that they will have the depth and experience, let alone the security clearances, to participate in the Stargate program?”

      BW: You really think we haven’t thought of that?

      Inpa writes: “- A few questions for Brad Wright, concerning Universe there are a lot of reports that have been released which seem to give different impressions on what the show is going to be like, in terms of characters. A Sci-Fi press release seemed to indicate that the characters and character drama would be like BSG, while the light hearted/humour aspects you’ve said you want to keep in the show as well as the younger characters point me a bit more towards Farscape. If you had to pick a show, any show that the direction and development concerning the cast could compare to what would it be?“

      BW: Stargate Universe.

      Enzo Aquarius writes: “A totally out-of-the-blue question, has there been thoughts of including SG-1 characters in the pilot for Continuum? Such as how Richard Dean Anderson and Michael Shanks were in Atlantis’ pilot?”

      BW: Mmmmaybe.

      Shepaholic writes: “Are we simply getting one SGA movie because actors such as Joe Flanigan were actually signed onto MGM for six years - hence you have broken the contract?”

      BW: Ah, no.

      Penjab writes: “Question for Mr. Wright: Will your new version Children of the Gods be available on regular DVD or will it only be Blu-Ray? All of the comments I have read have mentioned Blu-Ray. Since so many don’t yet own one of those players, myself included, I am hoping it will be released for the regular DVD player also.”

      BW: I think the release is intended for both formats.

      Paul William Tenny writes: “In Beachhead, objects forming the Ori supergate come out of a normal sized stargate making them roughly the size of Puddle Jumpers. A few shots later you see they are perhaps 1.5 times as long as Vala’s cargo ship and definitely wider meaning they’d have never fit through the gate unless those elements were actually made up of even smaller parts, but that was never shown and isn’t consistent visually with what came later.”

      BW: Actually, the scale works in Beach Head. The pieces just telescoped a bit larger after they emerged from the gate.

      Digitalred93 writes:”If the third SG-1 movie will be Jack-centric, will you be looking backwards or forwards for a character storyline? Any chance you’ll delve more into his ‘Ancient’ genetics?”

      BW: Forwards. The end.
      Last edited by Jumper_One; 04 January 2009, 03:35 AM.
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        Thanks for posting those, Jumper!

        And I do not believe it! I sent several questions in and one gets answered:

        Alan writes: “Have you given any thoughts on a subtitle for the “SG-1? movie?”

        BW: We won’t be using subtitles.
        But...that isn't...that wasn't how I wrote...that isn't what I meant...

        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
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          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
          Hmmm... Color me unimpressed with most of those un-answers.

          I did like the note on McKay's memories of what happened in The Shrine.
          Keep reading. There are places where part of a question seems unanswered at first, but it is addressed later.

          Yes, some things do go unanswered, but I'm assuming there are whole questions that didn't get into the Q&A at all so answering part of a question is still something from that perspective.

          "I have darkness inside of me!" - SpongeBob Squarepants


            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
            Hmmm... Color me unimpressed with most of those un-answers.

            I did like the note on McKay's memories of what happened in The Shrine.
            Hmm, would have to say the same. I like Q&As that actually have answers


              Originally posted by Alan View Post
              Thanks for posting those, Jumper!

              And I do not believe it! I sent several questions in and one gets answered:

              But...that isn't...that wasn't how I wrote...that isn't what I meant...
              Okay...looking back that is what I wrote that was the question I asked...BUT he has misinterpreted my question. I meant a subtitle like the second Stargate movie has the subtitle of Continuum. I wanted to know if he had a subtitle for the third Stargate SG-1 movie.

              There is, of course, the possibility that he hasn't misinterpreted the question and the third movie won't have a subtitle and will only be known as Stargate III...but I doubt it.

              Here's a list of all the questions I sent in:

              1) Will you be giving firm confirmation of the relationship between Sam and Jack in the third “SG-1? movie? (I had to get that one out the way first. It’s the most important to me.)

              2) Have you given any thoughts on a subtitle for the “SG-1? movie?

              3) With the previous two movies they were just known as “Stargate: The Ark of Truth” and “Stargate: Continuum”, but now that “Atlantis” is having a movie, will you start to differentiate the “SG-1? movies from the “Atlantis” movies i.e. “Stargate SG-1: The Search for ‘Ship”, “Stargate: Atlantis - The Wraith of Michael”, etc.?

              4) When “Atlantis” started, Jack and Daniel featured in the opening episode to set the series on its way. Do you plan to have any “SG-1? or “Atlantis” characters feature in the opening episode of “Universe”?
              And now looking back again...several of my questions have been answered but in a roundabout way by people who have asked questions of the same nature. So...not too upset.

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                I'm a bit irked that he ignored the many ship-related qs!


                  Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                  I'm a bit irked that he ignored the many ship-related qs!
                  Gives you something to look forward to.

                  "Five Rounds Rapid"



                    Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                    I'm a bit irked that he ignored the many ship-related qs!
                    This question caught my attention...

                    Ccdsah writes: “ Great work with Continuum, my only complaint would be it was very Jack-light (blink and you miss him kinda thing), and it needed more Sam/Jack ship…”

                    BW: The next movie will be much more Jack centric.
                    He could have cut that question off before Ccdsah asked him about Sam/Jack ship...but he didn't. I think, in a roundabout sort of way, he has answered the question. The movie will be Jack centric. Sam is centric to Jack and vice versa. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic there but...maybe there's hope...

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      Originally posted by GateFanSamJack View Post
                      Keep reading. There are places where part of a question seems unanswered at first, but it is addressed later.

                      Yes, some things do go unanswered, but I'm assuming there are whole questions that didn't get into the Q&A at all so answering part of a question is still something from that perspective.
                      I did read the whole thing. I found his lack of answers (specifically regarding the cancellation) unimpressive.
                      Sig by Luciana
                      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                        I did read the whole thing. I found his lack of answers (specifically regarding the cancellation) unimpressive.
                        So did I. In fact, Mr. Wright just turned me off to SGU, which I was starting to get pumped since they announced Robert Carlyle to the show. As a person who understands the numbers like myself, it is a real lash at the fans. I posted a whole post in the Compliments thread if you want to read.


                          Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                          So did I. In fact, Mr. Wright just turned me off to SGU, which I was starting to get pumped since they announced Robert Carlyle to the show. As a person who understands the numbers like myself, it is a real lash at the fans. I posted a whole post in the Compliments thread if you want to read.
                          I'm still willing to give SGU a chance. There's more to it than BW. I can appreciate that he is ready to move on, and I'm sure he's tired of being asked about the cancellation. I wish he'd chosen a more tactful way of addressing the questions.
                          Sig by Luciana
                          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                            I did read the whole thing. I found his lack of answers (specifically regarding the cancellation) unimpressive.
                            So did I. It just goes to show you that they definitely don't look at their product the same way the fans do.

                            Originally posted by Ruffles
                            I'm still willing to give SGU a chance. There's more to it than BW. I can appreciate that he is ready to move on, and I'm sure he's tired of being asked about the cancellation. I wish he'd chosen a more tactful way of addressing the questions.
                            I really wanted him to elaborate more on how he really felt about how the announcement about SGU came out and the focus was on a younger audience. Instead, all we get is we need all of them (meaning fans of all ages).

                            It's okay to be moving on and people need to, however he had a wonderful opportunity here to do some damage control with perceptions that have been generated and I think he blew it.



                              Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                              So did I. It just goes to show you that they definitely don't look at their product the same way the fans do.

                              I really wanted him to elaborate more on how he really felt about how the announcement about SGU came out and the focus was on a younger audience. Instead, all we get is we need all of them (meaning fans of all ages).

                              It's okay to be moving on and people need to, however he had a wonderful opportunity here to do some damage control with perceptions that have been generated and I think he blew it.
                              ITA with the above. He doesn't seem to have or want a connection with the fans, and in fact separates the fans from the rest of viewership which he feels is more significant. Who are these people (if they're not the fans) and how are they communicating with him is what I'd like to know.

                              Also, I thought it was strange that he said Atlantis would still be around for another season if it'd had better ratings. That's the first time I've heard that- I thought the ratings weren't the reason it was canceled; that it had sufficiently good ratings and they wanted to end it before it started not doing well, or some such thing. Someone please correct me if I had that wrong.


                                Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                                So did I. It just goes to show you that they definitely don't look at their product the same way the fans do.

                                I really wanted him to elaborate more on how he really felt about how the announcement about SGU came out and the focus was on a younger audience. Instead, all we get is we need all of them (meaning fans of all ages).

                                It's okay to be moving on and people need to, however he had a wonderful opportunity here to do some damage control with perceptions that have been generated and I think he blew it.
                                I think you make an extremely important point here. BW had the chance to answer his critics in a logical, calm and informed way. Instead he chose to be a tad snarky and not give enlightening answers on the whole. So much damage has been done PR wise as far as SGA's cancellation and SGU's pick-up were handled , IMO, and it's a shame he didn't feel inclined to show a little more PR savvy-ness (is that a word?) in his answers. His choice, of course.

