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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by ses110 View Post
    If we go by those comments it does not matter what TPTB do in terms of cast decisions or writing it's all up to DVR's or rival network Shows.
    Well, yeah. That's what I've been trying to say every time I pointed out SciFi have lost 50% of their audience over the past three years.
    Second part of the post has been beautifully answered to by PG15
    (and for the record, this comes from a person who hated Adrift and Lifeline...)
    Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
    Yes, I am!
    Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
    Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
    Peter Pan R.I.P


      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
      Sooo...I heard that Joe actually censors a lot of the comments, anybody got proof of this?
      Joe has stated on his blog that the only instance in which he does not approve comments is if he finds they are personally offensive to the cast/crew etc.


        Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
        he only censors the noob comments. something he's said on his blog before.
        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Joe has stated on his blog that the only instance in which he does not approve comments is if he finds they are personally offensive to the cast/crew etc.
        Yes, nasty personal attacks and obscenities etc. aren't going to get the oxygen of publicity from anyone with any sense.

        My guess is that he trashes any libellous crap immediately. There are scum out there who write libellous slurs on various sites while hiding behind their psuedonyms (and you'd be surprised to learn which people on GW think that's acceptable, even if they don't do it themselves ), but I'm pretty sure Joe has more sense than to even mention them.


          With only two days to go in the shooting schedule, we’re in wind-down mode. Last night, we regulars got together for Carl’s send-off schnitzel dinner as Mr. Binder heads back to L.A. tomorrow, hopefully not for the last time. In attendance: Robert Cooper, Lawren Bancroft-Wilson, Carl Binder, Alex Levine, Alan McCullough, Martin Gero, and myself. Carl as so touched by the turn-out that he celebrated by polishing off not only his schnitzel, but Lawren and Rob’s schnitzels as well. He will be missed by all, but mostly by Lulu who has developed a bit of a crush on the guy.

          A quiet day today highlighted by a Day 1 Mix of Spoils of War, an early cut of Outcast (both great episodes), and the nifty Atlantis jackets the set dec department had made (cool, no?). Looks like tomorrow will be a doozy that will see The Last Man wrapping late, late, late - or early, early, early depending on how you look at it. On tap: triage, battle action, on the bridge of the Phoenix.

          As the other producers head off for their annual golf trip next week, Martin, Alan, and I will be holding the fort until reinforcements arrive.
          Today’s pics: The artwork of VFX artist James Raiz adorns the production offices, Carl’s schnitzel send-off feast includes a demonic Robert Cooper, Carl and I model our fab new Atlantis jackets.

          Today’s video: Click on the date for glimpse at some typical Vancouver Fall weather. It's no wonder Duchovny complained so much. - -

          Today’s mailbag: Lots!

          Anonymous #1 writes: “if SG1s cancellation was due to money and ratings, do you ever blame MGM for not ferrying more of the production costs to keep the show alive?”

          Answer: Quite the opposite in fact. From day one, MGM and Charlie Cohen have gone above and beyond the call of duty to what is to them a very important franchise.

          Promogirl writes: “So who is the Steadicam operator in the second shot?”
          Answer: That’s the talented Greg Fox on steadicam.

          Anna writes: “Will Carter get angry and yell at anyone this season?”

          Answer: Yes. There’s one little exchange in particular that stands out - in Be All My Sins Remember’d where she dresses a certain character down for disrespecting one of her people.

          Rhonda writes: “I have been wondering if season endings and season openers are filmed at the same time or is the season openers not yet written until the writers come off hiatus?”

          Answer: No movement will be made on scripts for season five until we have a confirmed pick-up. If (hopefully when) we do, we’ll start spinning and breaking stories, then all head off to write in the month of December.

          Chevron 7 writes: “That mound of sand in the Atlantis corridor is very interesting. Care to speculate?”

          Answer: I already know why it’s there. Why would I speculate? I leave that to you…

          Zabadoo writes: “1.)Will we see effects as good as in Adrift more often this season? 2.)Will there be a lot more deaths this season? 3.)Can you give us any hint on what the season finale will be about?”

          Answer: 1) Yes, definitely. 2) It depends what you mean by a lot. 3) Check out today’s video.

          Jen Kirk writes: “At the SCB Rally in March Ivon and Martin were out there in full force filming and interviewing. Is any of that gonna be used for anything?”

          Answer: It may find its way into a special feature.

          Thors a ecrit: “Beaucoup de fan pense qu'Atlantis n'est qu'un "Copier-Coller" (ex : Doppelganger) de SG1 aux niveau Scénario. Un commentaire ?”

          [Uh, Babelfish translation! "Much fan thinks that Atlantis is only one "Copy-To stick" (ex: Doppelganger) of SG1 on the level Scenario. A comment?" so.... anybody who can actually translate should step in]

          Answer: I’ll respond to this one in English. Thors writes “A lot of fans think that Atlantis is nothing but a carbon-copy of SG-1” and uses Doppleganger as an example. Well, for starters, there are going to be plenty of similarities between SG-1 and Atlantis because both shows are part of the same Stargate franchise, and both series follow the same template: team explores other worlds via the gate. As for similarities between scripts - again, given that we are working within the same (Stargate) universe, there will be similarities between certain story elements. Take Doppleganger, for instance, which has been compared to Cold Lazarus. The parallels being drawn are to the crystal entity that (in a nutshell) causes the targeted individual to hallucinate. Again, given that we are operating within the same story-telling framework, we it is not outside the realm of possibility (in fact, it’s even probable) that our heroes will encounter similar species or off-shoots of certain species - in this case, the crystal entity. Complaining about this aspect of the script is like complaining about using the goa’uld or the wraith on more than one occasion. The crystal entity may not be as prevalent as the aforementioned races, but we have already established them as part of the same Stargate universe.

          Atlantisfannew1 a ecrit: “ 1)Si il y'a une saison 5, quand commencerez vous l'ecriture des épisodes? 2)Avez vous reçu mes cartes?

          [Babelfish translation: will 1)Si it y' has one season 5, when begin you to it writing of the episodes? ]

          Reponses: 1) Ca depend.

          Anonymous #2 writes: “How long do you think that the shippers will hang around for confirmation that Sam and Jack are together, before they give up and find another show to watch?”

          Answer: So, just to confirm, the only reason you’re watching is because you’re waiting for confirmation of Sam and Jack?

          Jay writes: “Hey Joe, did you catch Carmen Argenziano on House last night?”

          Answer: Yes! It was great to see Carmen again and he was terrific. Hell, the episode was terrific.

          Nivea Soft a ecrit: “1)Vous sentez vous concernez sur d'éventuelle critique de stargate ?
          2) Dans les livres on voit que les bouldogues, ronflent, rotent et pêtent ! en faites vous les frais avec Lulu ? 3) Pince mi et pince moi sont sur un bâteau ! pince mi tombe ?* l'eau il reste qui ? 4) vous allez répondre ?* mes questions ?”

          Reponses: 1) N’importe quoi, il y’aura toujours les gens qui critiqueront. 2) Lulu est un bouldogue typique. 3) Pince vous? 4) Non.

          [Babelfish translation: You feel concern yourselves on possible criticism of stargate? 2) In the books one sees that the bouldogues, whirr, rotent and pêtent! in made you them fresh with Excentric? 3) semi Grip and grip me are on a bâteau! does semi grip fall? * does water it remain which? 4) you will answer? * y questions.

          Reply: Anything, it y' will always have people who will criticize. 2) Excentric is a typical bouldogue. 3) Grip you? 4) Not]

          Anonymous #3 writes: “How about you post that deleted scene on your blog instead of including it on the DVD?”

          Answer: It may well end up on the SciFi website first.

          Alipeeps writes: “Yikes! What happened to BamBam's hair?”

          Answer: He’s wigged (or wigged out in this case).

          SMB_Books writes: “Indicating that a group of fans (“former” or not) are demonstrating an “inhuman amount of ignorance” is an interesting tactic to take…”

          Answer: Specifically, I said that those fans who consider the obvious effects the internet, and the proliferation of channels have had on television ratings (and not just ours) as nothing more than excuses demonstrate an inhuman amount of ignorance - and I’ll stand by that statement. To completely dismiss the influence of all of the aforementioned is just downright silly. And to be perfectly honest, given your intelligent and well-argued past comments, I’m surprised you vehemently disagree.

          SMB Books also writes: “ I have posted in the anti-season 4 thread on GW. From my observation, I can tell you there appear to be different kinds of fans who post in that thread.”

          Answer: And there are fans who have posted their criticisms here as well. But there’s a big difference between someone criticizing changes in the show and someone claiming they have abandoned the show (the “former” fans) who nevertheless take the time to remain active criticizing a show they no longer watch AND enthusiastically root for its cancellation. In the case of the first group of critics - hey, so long as their posts are respectful, they’ll always have a forum here. In the case of the latter, I’d say their pointless behavior is fair game.

          Camy writes: “Btw, didn't you mention that Scifi would broadcast in HD this season or did I dream that?”

          Answer: No, you didn’t dream it. SciFi will be broadcasting season four in HD - eventually.

          Anonymous #4 writes: “Are you still optimistic for a 5th season pick-up, now that Adrift has aired? Is it possible that the fact that Adrift leaked before it aired hate an affect on the ratings?”

          Answer: Given that the episodes were only available for a limited amount of time before the airing of the actual finished version, I don’t think the leak influenced the ratings. As for season 5, I remain optimistic.

          Fran writes: “What are your plans now when there is the 4 month break? What is the most challenging thing you've faced producing SGA? What is a good day for you?”

          Answer: Write, read, and hopefully work on some scripts for Atlantis’s fifth season.

          Louise writes: “Whilst the changes made to casting will obviously not be the only factor in affecting the show’s viewing figures, to say they have no effect is equally ridiculous.”

          Answer: Where did I say, or even infer, that creative decisions have no effect on a show’s viewing figures?

          Mrs.B108 writes: “Will the Seer reveal any prophecies or portents of things to come?”

          Answer: Un huh.
          Last edited by prion; 04 October 2007, 03:27 PM.


            Jen Kirk writes: “At the SCB Rally in March Ivon and Martin were out there in full force filming and interviewing. Is any of that gonna be used for anything?”

            Answer: It may find its way into a special feature.
            Who knows if it'll happen but its kinda funny to know its possible!!!

            (As long as I'm not in it........yikes!)

            Visit My Flickr!!


              One has to have a good look at that first photo: Link!.

              See what and who you can find.

              EDIT: And that Rob Cooper photo is beyond traumatizing.


                lol wow, they all look so badass in that drawing.
                Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

                Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
                Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
                Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
                --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"


                  Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                  One has to have a good look at that first photo: Link!.

                  See what and who you can find.

                  EDIT: And that Rob Cooper photo is beyond traumatizing.
                  WHOA! Talk about red eye!!!


                    The French bits:

                    Atlantisfannew1 wrote: “ 1) If there will be a Season 5, when will you begin writing episodes? 2) Did you get my cards? 3) Have you ever thought of opening your own restaurant?”

                    Answers: 1) It depends. 2) Yes, thank you. 3) Sometimes, yes.

                    Nivea Soft wrote: “1) Do you worry about possible criticism of Stargate? 2) In books, it says that bulldogs snore, burp and fart! Do you have these problems with Lulu? 3) Pinch Mi and Pinch Me are on a boat! Pinch Mi falls in the water, who is left? (Umm... this is kind of a joke that doesn't really translate! Well, it kinda does... but really only if said in person.. see below) 4) Are you going to reply to my questions?”

                    Answers: 1) No matter what, there will always be people who criticise. 2) Lulu is a typical bulldog. 3) Pinch you? (Sneaky Joe doesn't fall for it... if you are asked this riddle in person and you answer Pinch Me then I guess you would get pinched.. right?) 4) No.


                      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                      One has to have a good look at that first photo: Link!.

                      See what and who you can find.

                      EDIT: And that Rob Cooper photo is beyond traumatizing.
                      It's an awesome pic isn't it? I clicked on it straight away to get a closer look..


                        Originally posted by prion View Post

                        SMB_Books writes: “Indicating that a group of fans (“former” or not) are demonstrating an “inhuman amount of ignorance” is an interesting tactic to take…”

                        Answer: Specifically, I said that those fans who consider the obvious effects the internet, and the proliferation of channels have had on television ratings (and not just ours) as nothing more than excuses demonstrate an inhuman amount of ignorance - and I’ll stand by that statement. To completely dismiss the influence of all of the aforementioned is just downright silly. And to be perfectly honest, given your intelligent and well-argued past comments, I’m surprised you vehemently disagree.

                        SMB Books also writes: “ I have posted in the anti-season 4 thread on GW. From my observation, I can tell you there appear to be different kinds of fans who post in that thread.”

                        Answer: And there are fans who have posted their criticisms here as well. But there’s a big difference between someone criticizing changes in the show and someone claiming they have abandoned the show (the “former” fans) who nevertheless take the time to remain active criticizing a show they no longer watch AND enthusiastically root for its cancellation. In the case of the first group of critics - hey, so long as their posts are respectful, they’ll always have a forum here. In the case of the latter, I’d say their pointless behavior is fair game.

                        Louise writes: “Whilst the changes made to casting will obviously not be the only factor in affecting the show’s viewing figures, to say they have no effect is equally ridiculous.”

                        Answer: Where did I say, or even infer, that creative decisions have no effect on a show’s viewing figures?
                        I wonder how these statements will be twisted now...

                        Oh, it'll be so entertaining!


                          I find it very hard to believe that loss in ratings has to do with creativity or the character changes. Most of the viewers don't even know about Weir. Only the ones that read spoilers. DVR and major competition is the reason for the loss. Which I believe Numb3rs and Las Vegas pulled in really good ratings.

                          Also every review I have read on-line has been postive, I am sure there are negative ones, but when you have to search for negative reviews that has to mean something.

                          By Eureka falling to a 1.2, opens a whole new ballgame. SGA will most likely get a 5th season. Sci-fi will not give up those 1.7 to 2.0 million viewers. Especially since they are hitting their key demographics.


                            Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                            I find it very hard to believe that loss in ratings has to do with creativity or the character changes. Most of the viewers don't even know about Weir. Only the ones that read spoilers. DVR and major competition is the reason for the loss. Which I believe Numb3rs and Las Vegas pulled in really good ratings.

                            Also every review I have read on-line has been postive, I am sure there are negative ones, but when you have to search for negative reviews that has to mean something.

                            By Eureka falling to a 1.2, opens a whole new ballgame. SGA will most likely get a 5th season. Sci-fi will not give up those 1.7 to 2.0 million viewers. Especially since they are hitting their key demographics.
                            Unfortunately the nielsen numbers don't take into account WHY people stop watching shows. Bad time slot, don't like the writing, they messed with someone's hair... the list is endless. some folks just lose interest over the hiatus, happens all the time.


                              I think it's fair to say nothing can be taken off the table. DVR's Schedule cast changes and writing. It's opinion as to what has the most effect.


                                What is Phoenix? A new Earth ship?
                                "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

                                "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

                                "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."

