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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    August 8, 2015

    Video: GeekonReview - 250 Subscriber Celebration Giveaway Announcement

    Photo: Dark Matter

    It is with great pleasure that I announce our very first Dark Matter fan Q&A! Those of you who followed this blog back in the Stargate days know how it works. But for you late-arrivals…

    You have the better part of a week to submit your questions for our special guest. Just post them right in this blog’s comment section. Once we’re done, I’ll forward them to our guest who will turn around answers at their earliest convenience after which I’ll post the whole as a dedicated blog entry.

    So, who’s up first? Well, I can think of no better candidate than one of the show’s most divisive characters – love him or hate him or love-hate him – THREE!

    Yes, Anthony Lemke wants to hear from YOU!

    Got something to ask him? Well then start posting those questions!

    So, what’d everyone think of Dark Matter Episode 109? What was your favorite moment? FIVE/SIX at the vent? THREE/Android infirmary? The Akita turn? Or Charlotte’s Web?

    Others weigh in:

    “Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the action on the show, but I appreciate that it’s balanced with the scenes showcasing the crew’s different relationships. With an ensemble cast such as this one, it’s easy to highlight one or two crewmembers and push the rest to the side, but Dark Matter shines light all of the members of the Raza and that makes it a better show.”

    ” He’s putting together pieces of an unfinished puzzle and one thing I’ve learned about Dark Matter is that clues usually come with a healthy dose of misdirection. Nothing’s ever quite as it seems.”


    “I liked the brief take on Two and Three’s deduction with who realistically could have been the “bad guy” and wiped their memories, but the more they pinpoint it absolutely having to be one of the crew members I find it’s painfully obvious it was either the android (since she was purposefully not mentioned) or someone we haven’t met yet that’s either still on the ship or got off to avoid suspicion.”

    And, while we’re on the subject of reviewers I share and retweet…

    I won! I won!
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      August 9, 2015

      Photos: Joe Mallozzi

      Akemi is in Osaka, visiting family, until Wednesday which has given me the opportunity to do things I wouldn’t normally do when she’s around. Clubbing? Boozing? Gambling? More like watching four movies in a single day, reading five books simultaneously, and doing a 1-day juice cleanse. Life on the edge, right?

      And, yes, you read that correctly: a 1-day juice cleanse. What, pray tell, would lead me to do this? Well, chalk it up to curiosity, a desire to test the purported health benefits, and a masochistic streak that had me testing the limits of my endurance. Others might climb a mountain or run a marathon. I chose to go without solid food for a day.

      I went to my local juicery (and there are A LOT of them in Vancouver) and picked up a handy 1-day cleanse: 6 bottles of liquid nutrients to be imbibed over the course of the day – in my case, starting at 10 a.m., progressing at two hour intervals, and concluding with an 8 p.m. night cap. I was good to go!

      10 a.m.: Bottle #1 was a “green juice” containing apple, cucumber, celery, parsley, ginger and lemon. Oh, and black kale. You could really taste the kale! I was actually starting to get hungry just reading the ingredients – and imagining how wonderful they would be as accompaniments to actual dishes: apple pie a la mode, a nice chicken salad, a parsley-rich chimmichurri topping a grilled ribeye.

      Notes: Still feeling pretty good – despite the taste in my mouth.

      12 p.m..: Bottle #2 was a fruitier selection. I was heartened by its bright orange coloring. And disheartened by the inclusion of turmeric as an ingredient alongside orange, carrot, cantaloupe, and ginger. I made sure to shake this one up good before opening. After all, there’s nothing worse than knocking back a nice cold summer beverage only to discover all of the turmeric has settled on the bottom. Overall, however, this one was preferable to the initial green juice. It was almost like being served an amateur mimosa – by a waiter who had inadvertently dipped his fingers into your drink after dropping off the next table’s aloo gobi.

      Notes: While not hungry, I was beginning to feel a little peckish. I could have eaten. Specifically, I could have eaten a crispy pork belly sandwich.

      2 p.m.: Bottle #3 and we doubled down on the black kale, this time serving it up with collards, watercress, cucumber, celery, cilantro, apple, dandelion green, lemon and ginger. This one, not surprisingly, tasted like the first green juice. But worse.

      Notes: This one killed my appetite. And not in a delightfully sated kind of way. I was also starting to feel a little dizzy. And tired.

      4 p.m. Bottle #4 – carrot, apple, lemon, red and golden beets – was actually pretty good. Normally, probably not, but that afternoon, in comparison to the others, not bad at all. I think I preferred it because it came closest to reminding me of real honest-to-goodness food. Such happy memories!

      Notes: My hunger abated but I was downright exhausted. Also, my stomach was feeling a tad…gurglesome.

      6 p.m. Bottle #5 was dinner and comprised of brazil nuts, sea salt, vanilla beans, romaine, and spinach – a combination unseen since that time Popeye got food poisoning. It actually wasn’t bad – relatively speaking – although the pudding-like lumps of coagulated nut milk were a bit of a turn-off.

      Notes: I actually felt more energetic and mentally alert after finishing this one, perhaps because it was the only bottle to contain actual protein. My stomach too was on high alert.

      8 p.m. Bottle #6 was an acidic one-two punch of lemon, cayenne, ginger, alkaline water, and apple. It was like sipping sweetened battery acid.

      Notes: I was tired yet feeling satisfied, not with the juices but the sense of accomplishment that I’d survived the single day ordeal that had stripped me of all physical energy, my mental faculties, and all common sense. Also, it turned out, some of the enamel on my teeth. Apparently, some people even do 3-day juice cleanses – however I’ve heard these handy packs are usually reserved for cults looking to indoctrinate new recruits.

      Overall: I’m not sure about the science behind these cleanses. I’ve read about the health benefits, heard from friends who found the experience revitalizing. I felt no difference. No, scratch that. I felt slightly worse. My stomach was in knots. Also, my teeth and gums were alarmingly sensitive when it came time to brush my teeth, the citric acid from those juices no doubt doing a number on them.

      One day later, and I feel much better. Is it the detoxifying effects of the cleanse? Or the pork belly on rice topped with a soft boiled egg, crispy kimchee rice squares, fried veggie salad, and dark chocolate I had for lunch? Who knows? My energy’s back, my teeth are slightly less sensitive, and my stomach has settled. Although, after a day of nothing but liquid, I’m wondering if I may have overdone it with my first meal.

      On a completely unrelated note:
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        August 10, 2015

        Photos: Anthony Lemke, Dark Matter US ratings

        If you have questions for the handsome, wistful-looking fellow pictured above, then post them in this blog’s comment section by Wednesday night because that’s when I’ll be forwarding your queries to Dark Matter’s resident rogue, Anthony Lemke. I know he’d love to hear from you (especially YOU), so don’t be shy. Ask away!

        To those of you asking – Yes, we’re currently working on scripts for season 2, but – No, we have yet to receive a second season pick-up. The show has been going gangbusters internationally and in Canada –

        And the show has been steady in the U.S. –

        I am cautiously optimistic. But I promise – you’ll know as soon as I know!

        While we’re waiting, let’s check out the feedback on Episode 109:

        “As always we took all of our questions from this week’s episode to series’ co-creator Joseph Mallozzi in our weekly chat. Mallozzi shares some insights about these recent revelations and takes a look ahead as Dark Matter’s first season heads into its final arc.”

        “Get ready. For the second week in a row on Dark Matter, it felt a lot like we were getting prepped for something forthcoming. The question is, what? Four’s plans to meet up with his half brother were thwarted, Five and Six had a minor sibling-like spat, and Ferrous Corp returned on “Episode 9” of Dark Matter.”

        “It is entirely possible for the characters to try and become better people. Each character will have to determine if they will allow themselves to be dictated by who they were or fight to forge new lives for themselves. Hit the comments and tell me which characters you think will be able to break the cycle and create a better future for themselves.”

        “Ah Dark Matter…How do I love thee? Let me count the ways, while there may not be nine, as in episode nine, events in this week’s installment, there are a few that stand out and make this show worthy of the deepest devotion. These moments are what make this series special, network deities take note, and combined with the plot, they scream out for a second season.”

        Hey, if we get a second season pick-up, I’m thinking of doing something super special for a lucky contest winner. But more on that when we hear definite word…
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          August 11, 2015

          Photo: A morning miracle

          This morning started like any other day. I woke up, brushed my teeth, headed downstairs and fed the dogs. After checking my emails, I decided to make myself my usual post-workout hardboiled eggs. I walked over to the stove, picked up the pot and noticed something – a distinctive figure on the element created by the residual water from said pot. A face was staring back at me!

          It was a miracle! A morning miracle! Perhaps a sign of good things to come? My immediate thought was that this was proof of the harmony at the very core of our existence, incontrovertible evidence of the designed order underlying the universe: peace, love, charity. Then, I wondered how I could make a quick buck off it.

          At first I considered charging people to drop by the house to witness the miracle firsthand. Upon further consideration, however, I realized that would present a host of logistical issues. I’d have to hire security, possibly a publicist to get the word out, maybe incorporate Stove Miracle Inc. and hire an accountant. The upfront costs, time, and effort seemed daunting. Then, I thought maybe selling the miracle stove would be the way to go. Someone else could coordinate the business side and I would happily walk away with a one time lump payment (and maybe a 5% royalty). But then I would have to go through the hassle of buying a new stove – and I hate shopping for appliances. I ultimately decided that the smartest thing to do would be to sell the stove top, pass the cost of the replacement onto the purchaser, and just eat out for a week until my new stove top arrived. That and a 5% royalty.

          So decided, I finished my workout, then went to check on my eggs – only to discover that the water face had evaporated over the course of those thirty minutes, leaving me with naught but anguish, broken dreams, and, quite frankly, a serious reconsideration of that whole harmony and designed order thing.

          My day was otherwise uneventful.
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            August 12, 2015

            Video: Dark Matter 1x10 promo

            Photos: Dark Matter

            Woohoo! Only two days away from my second favorite episode of the season (second only to the BIG season finale). Directed by Dark Matter stunt coordinator John Stead, this outing sees our crew teaming up with a group of even more mercenary criminals!

            Every one of the guest stars in Episode 110 hits a home run performance. Torri Higginson is Commander Truffault, our unlikely ally. Ennis Esmer is the other team’s villainous boss, Wexler. Jessica Sipos and Jon Cor are Tash and Vons, the unnervingly inseparable duo. Conrad Pla is Cain, the looming heavy.

            This is an episode I’ve watched at least a dozen times – and I love it just as much the twelfth time as I did the first!

            You are in for treat!


            “FAIR WARNING: This sneak peek is pretty spoilery because it basically explains how our gang manages to survive being surrounded by three Ferrous Corp destroyers.”


            “The team must work with a group of psychotic outlaws. Trouble doesn’t even begin to describe what happens next.”


            “Remember, folks, it’s a two parter. Breathe. While you can.”

            Check out a good dog-related cause:


            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              August 13, 2015

              Photos: Books, Dark Matter

              After last year’s impressive reading tally, I set the bar a lot lower this year but, even so, it looked like I was going to come up short of the 100 book mark. Over this past month, however, I’ve done some major catching up. Here are a few of the titles I enjoyed…

              Half A War by Joe Abercrombie

              The third and final instalment in Joe Abercrombie’s Shattered Sea trilogy is epic fantasy at its high flying, action-packed finest. This one has all of the elements one would expect from Abercrombie – colorful characters, heart-stopping twists and, best of all, that wicked sense of humor I’ve come to know and love.

              Heaven’s Queen by Rachel Bach

              The second book in Rachel Bach’s (Aaron’s) Paradox Trilogy continues an SF series that stands out well above the rest. These books are smart, fast-paced, engrossing and, without a doubt, flat-out the most FUN you’ll have reading in recent memory.

              Get Carter by Ted Lewis

              I’m not a huge fan of noir-themed titles but this British classic, adapted into a movie starring Michael Caine back in the early 70’s, hooked me early and held my rapt attention through the entirety of my cover to cover single seating read. A brilliant and brutal crime novel that has restored my appreciation for the genre.

              Sharpe’s Tiger by Bernard Cornwell

              Having worked my way through most of George MacDonald Fraser’s similarly-themed Flashman series, I decided to give Cornwell’s historical anti-hero a shot – and came away mightily impressed. I loved this book and hope the rest of Sharpe’s adventures are as masterfully detailed.

              Arcadia #4 by Alex Paknadel and Eric Scott Pfeiffer

              This mind-bending SF series continues to, well, bend minds. Paknadel juggles intellectually intoxicating narrative elements to magnificent effect while Pfeiffer’s art dazzles in perfect compliment.

              Descender by Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen

              From The Underwater Welder to Sweet Tooth to Trillium, Lemire’s work is distinguished by its grounded, at times painfully real characters struggling in fantastic and surreal environments. In Descender, it’s Tim-21, a child robot who may be the key to averting a looming invasion. A delightfully sweet and compelling series.

              And a couple of screenshots from Friday night’s all-new episode of Dark Matter:

              FOUR against seven. They’re gonna need more guys!

              Seeing double?

              What do we have here?!

              Well, look who’s coming back to stir things up!

              The boys convene in one of my favorite scenes in this episode.

              Don’t forget to join me for a live post-episode Periscope after both airings tomorrow night.

              Watch the show…

              10 pm EST

              7/10 pm PST

              Then join me for a Periscope chat…

              11 pm EST

              8/11 pm PST
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                August 14, 2015

                Photos: Behind the scenes on Dark Matter Episode 10

                I love a good heist episode. And Dark Matter Episode 110 is a great one!

                A great mix of action, humor, character moments – with the added bonus of some of the most enjoyably colorful guest characters this side of Arcturus-4!

                Torri Higginson (Stargate: Atlantis), Ennis Esmer (Red Oaks, The Listener), Jessica Sipos (Ascension), Jon Cor (Shadowhunters), Conrad Pla (19-2) – all deliver brilliant performances.

                In addition to being a truly great episode, this one was a hell of a lot of fun behind the scenes.

                This was my first time working with Conrad, Jessica and Jon, but I did work with Ennis several years back. He did a guest spot and I remember the series lead walking up to me and saying: “That guy’s great. We’ve got to get him back!”. He is. Will Esmer’s nefarious Wexler – or any of his teammates – make a return appearance in Dark Matter‘s not too distant future? Oh, it’s possible.

                Another reason this episode stands out for me is because it’s Dark Matter stunt coordinator John Stead’s first big t.v. gig. And the job he did wasn’t just good. It was unbelievably great. Dynamic, fast-paced, and great character moments in addition to some truly terrific beats he added to the episode…which I’ll point out during tomorrow night’s telecast. Catch me on twitter!

                Episode 110 previews…


                “After watching this episode I required a whole half hour to process what I had just witnessed before I could even sit down to write this preview. The ending is breathtaking and without question the biggest cliffhanger the show has delivered yet.”


                “O’Neil really commands the screen this week and there’s more than a few moments that will have you giving Two a fist pump in solidarity.”


                “This is actually the first episode of the 2-parter I mentioned in my Preview last week, and given the fact that it spans 2 weeks, you can safely bet this is going to be a big one.”

                Series review…


                “There’s a balance between the ongoing narrative and fun, one-and-done adventures, as well as a balance between fun sci-fi storytelling and quieter moments of character development. Oftentimes, shows will favor story over character, or vice versa, but Dark Matter has successfully found a way to marry the two like some of the best genre shows out there.”

                Don’t forget to join me for a post-episode Periscope chat tonight following both east and west coast airings of Dark Matter!
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  August 15, 2015

                  Video: Taco Bell Japan

                  Photos: Japan’s culinary marvels

                  Well, this marks the first year in over a decade that I won’t be visiting Japan.

                  Here are some of the new or limited-time-only culinary marvels I’ll be missing…

                  The Aka Samurai Burger! You have a choice of fried chicken or a beef patty served with lettuce, tomato and “red” cheese served in a “red” bun – the red hue courtesy of tomato powder. It’s served with a red hot sauce.

                  Ben & Jerry’s Strawbearry! Strawberry ice cream with white chocolate polar bears and marshmallow sauce.

                  The insanity of Taco Bell Japan!

                  Lotteria’s potato chip burgers! You have choice between the Zeppin Cheese Potato Chip Burger and the Salad Chicken Potato Chip Burger. Top with you favorite shaker flavors: Wasabi Beef, Consommé with Punch, Rich Salt, or Dark Nori Seaweed Salt.

                  Ramen ice cream topped with freeze-dried beef!

                  Ice cream cigares! These pricey ice cream-stuffed cookies come in a box of twenty and will set you back about $50!

                  Unagi (grilled eel) soda!

                  Salmon-flavored soft candy! With real salmon flakes!

                  Tom Yum Pizza! Apparently, it tastes just like the Thai soup!

                  Burger King fondue burgers! Choose between the chicken or beef. Both come with a side of melted cheese.

                  Momotan Aged Meat-Flavored Snacks! A manju cake that tastes like old meat!

                  Kimchi-flavored Ramune soda! Apparently, it’s great!

                  Super Sour Lemon Potato Chips!

                  The Mos Burger/Mr. Donut collaborative French Cruller Burger with Chorizo! The chorizo spiral sausage is topped with hot sauce!

                  Pizza Hut’s cheddar cheese crusted dessert pizza topped with mini marshmallows and milk caramel sauce!

                  Waffnuts & Chounuts! The former is a waffle/donut hybrid that comes in three flavors: strawberry, chocolate-frosted almond, and cereal-coated Uji Matcha green tea. The latter is a cream puff-donut hybrid comes stuffed in double caramel or lemon (cream) cheese.
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    August 16, 2015

                    Video: GeekonReview - SYFY Friday Review


                    “While all the mysteries presented in Dark Matter have me clawing for an answer, this “sub-atomic, sub-dimentional” mystery is the one I’m currently most interested in because it has the potential to take us in directions we don’t yet know exist.”


                    “Episode 10 was an action-packed, drama-filled season high for the series, bringing us the high-octane and emotional moments we’ve come to expect from Dark Matter. We hit the ground running, to put it lightly, with the surprise attack from Ferrous, followed by an exciting heist sequence and ending with a dramatic double cross. We were also introduced to another group of criminally-inclined misfits, including The Listener‘s Ennis Esmer as the group’s despicable leader, Wexler.”


                    “There are so many things that I loved about this episode. It moved at breakneck speed from minute one and it left me screaming at the screen with its cliffhanger. That’s one thing Dark Matter has always been good at: making 45 minutes feel a whole lot shorter.”


                    “The stakes are high, the cliffhangers are satisfying, and the characters have well-established arcs at this point. Occurrences from earlier episodes have had their payoffs, and any loose ends that remain appear to have the promise of being tied up neatly. As the summer season comes to a close for many science fiction offerings, I hope I’m not proven wrong in having high hopes for Dark Matter.”


                    “Dark Matter is part of SyFy Friday and ranks as one of the best shows on television do not miss this show.”


                    “Esmer’s Wexler is arrogant, opinionated and devious, the perfect formula for scene-stealing and out-loud laughs.”


                    “This show is getting tighter, and is at it’s best when the crew is working together and getting each other’s backs, and the addition of these obviously bad thieves and criminals has given them the contrast they didn’t have on their own to basically prove that whatever they all were before?”

                    GeekonReivew weighs in:

                    And check out this exclusive interview with Dark Matter’s FOUR, Alex Mallari Jr.:


                    “The legend of the weapons training continues to shock and awe, I see. I have an extensive background in martial arts and am an expert at hand-to-hand combat but weaponry was a whole new beast for me. That said, for some reason, the weapons that were placed in front of me, I always understood very quickly. The blind dual-katana scene was the scene that took the longest to learn. One reason was because I’ve never held weapons prior this show, another reason was because I was to do the scene with my eyes shut, and the last reason was because the aerial kick was new to me and required me to gain some extra athleticism. That scene I had a couple of weeks or so to have camera ready.”

                    Today’s entry is dedicated to blog regular Elminster. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery! (P.S. I dropped you an email!)
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      August 16, 2015 - Part 1

                      Photos: Anthony Lemke

                      Hoowee! You had A LOT of questions for Anthony Lemke, Dark Matter’s THREE. And he, in turn, had A LOT of answers for you. So let’s do to this:

                      The Greatest Anthony Lemke Q&A Ever!

                      ceresis64 writes: “What was your favourite ad-libbed line?”

                      AL: A line that was cut from ep 107. When Three is about to be killed by Wendy the Android, she says something to the effect of “I find your view on female androids both antiquated and offensive”. Three retorts, “yeah… well I can see up your skirt”. Which, because of the framing and where the Director had positioned me, I could. I thought it was a fitting Three retort, given that he was facing death and being blamed for something that he had basically no involvement with because Three did not have any relationship with Wendy at all prior to being her punching bag during the fight.

                      “What do you feel was the scene that best portrayed Three as who he really is?”

                      AL: The flashback scene with Sarah in bed, when Three decides to leave her… then can’t when she collapses on the floor. Three says: “I’m not the guy who stays”… then stays. That pretty much sums up Three.

                      Tim Hendrix: “Before your audition, how was the character of THREE laid out for you? What was it about the character that eventually led to your accepting the role? You’ve done a splendid job with the emotional complexities of THREE. And you’re pretty good and twirling that there sidearm. “

                      AL: Thanks, Tim. I felt like I had a pretty good handle on who Three prior to the audition. I easily identify with characters that could have been leaders but for a fatal flaw. That is Three to a tee. Also, I got the humour that Joe was trying to inject into the character. That kind of humour seems to come naturally to me.

                      And what led to me accepting the role was… Joe offering it to me! It’s about that simple. I was sold on the role prior to the first audition.

                      screwball writes: “Question for Anthony (who may remember me as the geek with the glowing Terrasphere at the Friday cast signing at Comic-Con): What led you to change careers from law to acting, and what’s been the best thing so far about making the switch?”

                      AL: Of course I remember the Terrasphere!! Thanks for coming out. Actually I had been acting prior to going to law school. So when I decided not to article at the firm where I worked for the last two years of my degree, it was a pretty easy decision because I had been acting my way through law school to pay the bills. The best thing about making the switch is the amount of family time I get. Actors get paid well when they work and we don’t work all the time, so that leaves lots of time to spend with my kids. Also, I get to play for a living. I love acting. I love storytelling. It’s an honour and privilege to be able to do it for a living.

                      Jen Draves writes: “So Anthony, if you could be any other character who would you be?”

                      AL: Five.

                      “What is your favorite scifi movie from childhood? Mine was Star Wars Empire Strikes Back!”

                      AL: Movie: Star Wars. TV: Space 1999

                      “What profession would you have chosen if you weren’t an actor?”

                      AL: Lawyer.

                      “I’m a teacher (just got my first full year gig teaching 6th grade science/social studies).”

                      AL: Congrats! That’s a big deal. Both my parents were teachers and I have immense respect for those who do it well.

                      “If I could, I would bring dogs into schools to help children read out loud. Thanks for taking the time to read my questions.”

                      AL: Interesting. I’m curious how dogs help children to read?

                      Ponytail writes: “Wooo whoa! I love THREE! Some questions for Anthony:
                      – Where would you like to see THREE’s character go/do in season 2?”

                      AL: Three wants to be captain of the ship… of course!! And I would love to explore what it was in Three’s past that made him who he is today. Who abandoned him on the planet where he met Sarah? What became of his family??

                      “– Who do you personally think wiped the crews memories?”

                      AL: I know because we shot it!! I can tell you that it’s not who we all th

                      “– Who is your favorite co-star and why?”

                      AL: Pleading the Fifth on this one. As with my children… they’re all my favourite!!

                      “– Have you played any practical jokes on set yet?”

                      AL: I am not a practical joke guy. Boring but true. And truth be told… it seems that none of us really are. Perhaps in season 2, when we all know each other better??

                      “– What would be your dream role?”

                      AL: Three… for 7 seasons.

                      “– Do you handle your own legal matters?”

                      AL: I have an agent. But, yes, I feel very comfortable reading my own contracts.

                      Me writes: “Q for Anthony Lemke… Will you still have time for the series The Good Witch or is there a scheduling conflict that will prevent you from working on The Good Witch?”

                      AL: Stay tuned on that front.

                      Jay writes: “My question for Anthony is…How much of the character 3 is brought to life by your actual personality?….you play 3 to perfection! Always keeping it comical. Keep it up!”

                      AL:Thanks, Jay. There are parts of Three that are bang who I am… and others less so – or at least they are less prominent than they are in Three. Most actors use parts of who they are to portray their roles, even if the way the pieces are put together in a specific role are different than who the actors are in real life.

                      Fecrabond writes: “Do you think your character is relatable to Han Solo or perhaps another person in sci-fi?
                      As a child did you ever dream you would be in television, and if you did was this the genre you imagined, if not how does the show gauge to your aspirations?”

                      AL:Yep. Han Solo is a great touchstone for this role.

                      Can’t say that I ever dreamed of being an actor when I was young. I didn’t really know you could do it for a living as a kid. I grew up in Ottawa, where you didn’t really run into people who did it for a living. That said, my parents took me to Stratford Shakespeare Festival every year and I did a ton of plays at school and church… so even though I may not have thought about it as a career, I did a lot of acting as kid.

                      arcticgoddess writes: “Questions for Anthony Lemke:
                      – Are you a cat person or a dog person?”

                      AL: Dog.

                      ?– Born and raised in Ottawa, huh? Nepean, I bet. I lived in Barrhaven for 5 years. I loved it there, except the hot and humid summers.”

                      AL: I went to SRB. Not far at all from Barrhaven.

                      “Have you and your family ever been west of Ontario? Alberta bound, perhaps?”

                      AL: Yep. We just got back from Calgary this summer with my fam. Love it out there. We love the cattle and mountains…

                      “I’ve asked Joe Mallozzi to do a road trip across Canada, but he prefers to fly. If you, or Joe ever get out to Alberta, I’d love to show you around. We are more than just Cattle and Oil.”

                      AL: I know! We’ve been many times. Mostly we hang with family, but there is no shortage of other cool things to do. This past trip was all about horses : Calgary Polo Club, Spruce Meadows, Calgary Stampede.

                      “– What would we be surprised to learn about you?”

                      AL: I think you’d have to know me better to be surprised by something about my past, no?

                      Lulu S. writes: “Questions for Mr. Anthony Lemke:
                      First thing first: Spoilers! Can I get some spoilers? Of course not. Ok next.”

                      AL: Hey… this is Joe’s blog. He can give you all the spoilers he wants!

                      “One & Three: Love their hate/love relationship and back-and-forth banter! It’s the most interesting relationship in the show IMHO. Not a direct question but what can you tell me about this relationship and where it is headed. Any big reveals coming up that will impact this relationship further? Any insight into how Three really views/feels about One? Will Three find out the truth about One anytime soon?”

                      AL: Many answers will come by the end of s.1. So, stay tuned. I love playing the banter with Mark. He’s great to play off in those scenes and we’ve been able to develop a fun snarky, hatred/respect for each other in our characters.

                      “I love Three! He’s so much fun to watch. Is he as much fun to play as he is to watch?”

                      AL: More fun!! And thanks. It’s one of the reasons we do what we do… so that people appreciate it.

                      “Your favorite episode so far?”

                      AL: 107

                      “Your favorite scene so far?”

                      AL: The Five and Six scene in the barn during the episode where Five goes into her memories and Six goes in to try and get her out. Love that scene.

                      “In your opinion, the biggest reveal this season is in which episode?”

                      AL: You just watched it. Ep 10 is the beginning of answer to the “who the heck is Two” question. That is huge. Monster huge.

                      “What would you like to see Three do in Season 2? Anything you would particularly like him to do, say or experience?”

                      AL: See above!

                      “Thank you very much for your time!”

                      AL: Thanks for taking the time to write.

                      2cats writes: “Anthony questions ahead!
                      1. What specific event or thought made you turn from being an attorney to being an actor?”

                      AL: The birth of my first child happened in the final year of law school. I had been working in a firm as a student and saw what awaited me during those first years after articles. I realized that I would miss too much of my child’s first years. Also, she would never know me as an actor. Both of those realizations made me go back to acting (I was acting before I went to law school)

                      2. Joe tells us you often ad-lib. Why? Do you think a scene or the dialog is somehow lacking? Or that your additions help the scene or story?”

                      AL: Are you trying to get me in trouble??!!

                      First, I feel that television is a highly collaborative medium. If I can bring something that the writer didn’t think of, then great! Second, I think my job is to provide the director, editor and producers with tools with which they can tell their story. Of course, those tools include doing what was written, but if you provide alternates, they may choose to use those also if they think it makes the story better.

                      “3. Do you have any pets? If yes, please elaborate in detail. If not – why not?”

                      AL: Yep. A dog. A mutt from the pound. He’s great family dog.

                      “4. Do you like the character of Three? Were he a real person, could he be a friend?”

                      AL: Yes I like him. I think it would be pretty easy to be a friend with a guy like that. You’d always know exactly where you stand. He’s got no filter, so you’ll never get BS. And, it turns out that when push comes to shove, he’s fiercely loyal.

                      “5. How did your auditions for Three go? Were they taped, if yes, can we view them?”

                      AL: Yes my auditions were taped. From my audition studio in my house actually. I never met Joe until I was hired! Strange, but it seemed to work out. Joe is welcome to show them if he would like… because he’s got them. How’s this? If we get a season 2, Joe will show audition tapes to celebrate! Joe what do you think?

                      “6. Is this the first role you’ve had that enjoys such madcap, enthusiastic and loyal fans? What do you think about us fans?”

                      AL: Yes. And I love you guys! I was psyched to do a Sci-Fi show for exactly this reason – the fans are really into what it is that we make. I enjoy the interaction with you guys – even with those who aren’t Three fans.

                      “Just know, I pegged you and your Three from the start as my favorite of the crew and you have not disappointed. I’m lov’in the complexity and depth of Three which you bring to life. Huzzah!”

                      AL: Huzzah! to you for being with us from the begining. Hopefully this is just the beginning of a long road we all walk together.
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        August 16, 2015 - Part 2

                        Peggy writes: “Question for Anthony:
                        Joe posted before about the amount of food Three seems to always have in his hand. Was that idea as a running joke yours and if it was, did you have to lobby the writers for its inclusion or just start throwing it in on your own?”

                        AL: It was an actor decision. Often actors are hesitant to eat in scenes – and directors and editors hate it too – because it makes continuity very difficult, plus you can get stuck with a mouthful of food at the wrong time and have to look like a fool as you mumble your way through a line with a mouth full. I just made the decision early on that if we were in a scene with food, Three would be stuffing himself all the time. It’s very Three. He devours life in a lot of ways. Jumps in without thinking. Approaches most situations with abandon… just like he does at the dinner table.

                        “And as a side note, Three can raid my food storage any time. (But he’d have to get past my foodie Chihuahua first)”

                        AL: Nothing a little side of steak won’t solve…

                        Kiddle writes: ” I want to know if Anthony Lemke thinks Three now sort of views his shipmates as family. Dysfunctional, but a family? And if he thinks Three’s a clone?”

                        AL: Clone?? Three hasn’t given that a thought. Family?? Three doesn’t take time to think of those things… unless he’s reading a dang kids book about a dying spider…. in those moments, maybe, yes Three thinks about life and realizes that he’d go to the wall for these people… which is pretty much the definition of family. And who the heck is fully functional anyway??

                        To living, loving and lying writes: “Question for Anthony:
                        1) Back in episode 5, your character Three turn down Two after she came to him for ‘fun’. I was wondering what you thought three’s motive was? Did Three turn her down because he was scared of the virus or did Three figure out what Two’s motives were when she was having ‘fun’, (motives being control).

                        AL: Three is down with “fun”. And he’s a big boy and can handle himself with Two and her control games. He was scared about the virus. But also felt like a total jerk for turning her down because, despite all odds, Three is actually highly aware of how his actions land on other people… how they can alienate or hurt.

                        2) Six perviously stated to Five in her dream state in the barn that (in summary) everyone has a past, some are good and some are bad, but something happen in there past to make them come onboard the Raza. My question is what do you think that something was for Three?”

                        AL: No idea. That is an awesome question for s.2… or s.3 or 4 maybe. I want to find out… but I also don’t because it’s fun to keep the mystery going.

                        Giules writes: “Hi Anthony, I’ve loved Three from the start and it’s just getting better! So thanks to you and Joseph for creating this amazing character that is such a joy to watch.”

                        AL: Thank you. I agree that Joe has nailed it with Three. There’s a saying in the acting community: “If it ain’t on the page, it ain’t on the stage”. That is certainly true for Three.

                        “As an actor, when you come across something you really don’t want to play, either because you feel it’s out of character or for other reasons, how do you deal with it? Do you try to make it work no matter what or go and speak to the writers /producers?”

                        AL: I fight for my character. It is my job to protect the vision I have for the character and if there is something in the script that I feel runs counter to that vision, then I will speak to Joe and Paul about it. It’s their job to tell me I am full of it and that I should stick to the script! But seriously, Joe and Paul have done a great job in fostering open lines of communication about pretty much anything. I imagine that I am not the only one challenging them on character choices. As long as it’s done with respect, that kind of dialogue is part of a healthy set.

                        “Also, who do you think Three would be most likely be friends with from the crew? I feel with One it’s so one-sided (pun not intended but welcome)”

                        AL: Five. Cause Three’s a bit of an outcast too. And he’s not paternal, the way Two or Six are. Protective, yes, but not paternal.

                        Lewis Colbert writes: “Three is my favorite character! I like the badass he tosses off, and his rough attitude adds to the crew dynamic.”

                        AL: Thanks, Lewis.

                        “As for a question? My question(s) is:
                        1. What would be your dire strait for Three (and maybe a crew-member) to get out of?”

                        AL: If our memories came back after we had developed a conscience and debilitated us all because of the acute awareness we would all have of the wrongs we have committed.

                        “2. What is Threes favorite gun? He has so many…”

                        AL: Lulu and Pip my trusty sidearms that are a blast to twirl.

                        bambamfans writes: “Questions for Anthony – Hi I’m webgurl
                        1. Joe says you were a lawyer. What kind of law did you practice? Does it help with acting?”

                        AL: Law school grad. Not lawyer. Wrote my bar, but didn’t article (see above). And yes it helps with acting, and with life. It’s an amazing degree and well worth anyone’s time – even if you never practice.

                        “2. What’s your favourite emoji?”

                        AL: Don’t use them. I am a bahumbug!

                        “3. When you were crying reading charlotte’s web, how did you get to that point emotionally. can you cry on cue?”

                        AL: I cannot cry on cue. It’s hard for me. Though since having kids, the number of hypothetical situations that one can conjure to stir the emotions has increased plentifully!

                        “4. What’s your best advice to someone at a crossroads in their career?”

                        AL: Take the first step. You don’t know where it will lead, but take the first step. I have a quote framed on my desk: “Si l’on sait exactement ce que l’on va faire, à quoi bon le faire”. Google it. Words to live by.

                        “5. Does THREE still have more secrets to reveal?”

                        AL: Yep. Many. Joe?

                        “6. Did the initial fan reaction to THREE surprise you or were you more excited knowing the emotional scenes in upcoming episodes that might change people’s minds?”

                        AL: Many fans hated Three right off the bat. I loved it! It’s what we were hoping they’d feel. That creates a cognitive dissonance when they learn other parts of Three’s past. Makes for a relatable character.

                        “7. Have you ever visited Australia? We have sharks and fan conventions.”

                        AL: Nope. Love to. For both the sharks and the conventions!

                        “8. What’s your favourite prop on Dark Matter?”

                        AL: Lulu and pip – see above!

                        “I hope to see you in Dark Matter for many seasons to come… Love THREE.”

                        AL: Thanks webgurl!!

                        “Ps . What’s your nickname?”

                        AL: I will keep the nicknames private, but lots of people call me Roger… which is my first name.

                        Fecrabond writes: “On set, how do you prepare for the different types of scenes?

                        AL: Do your homework… then forget it an play the scene. If it’s well written, it plays itself.

                        “Do you ever get nervous about being on camera?”

                        AL: Yep. All these years in, I still get nervous. I have become better at just living beside nerves as opposed to trying to get rid of them.

                        “Do you goof off with the other cast members off set?””

                        AL: Yes. There can frequently be a high goof-off quotient on set. Particularly if Six and Four and Three are in one scene.

                        Brian Laufman writes: “I understand that you had a desire to be cast on a sci-if show. What is it about sci-if that attracted you & what’s you’re favourite part about playing THREE? If not THREE, what role would you want?”

                        AL: I love the interaction with fans. I love how much the fans participate in the shows. That is unlike any other genre. Also, sci-fi often explores really interesting themes in ways that are a heck of a lot of fun… and inspired by our collective dreams about the future could be like. All-in-all a pretty good motivation to get up in the morning and go to work.

                        Bella&Kasper writes: “What (who) would you prefer to back you up: canine Lulu and Bubba or weapon Lulu and Bubba?”

                        AL:The dogs!! Who wouldn’t want to go into battle with a couple fiercely loyal canines at your side!

                        “Were there any scheduling conflicts between Dark Matter and Good Witch? If so, how was it handled? Is it fun to play such different characters?”

                        AL: Yes. Fortunately both sides were able to work it out. I am grateful for that. I loved playing such different characters at the same time. One of the best experiences of my professional career actually.
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          August 16, 2015 - Part 3

                          elijah2frodo writes: “You appear to me to be a very nice guy (in real life) so how do you manage to play someone as slimey, single-minded, and self-centred as Three? (if you’ve redeemed yourself in the last episode, forget the question — I haven’t had time yet to watch the ep on my dvr…) By the way, I love that a really good actor can portray a character that consistently irritates me every time!)”

                          AL: Well… maybe I am actually an irritating prick in real life! Or perhaps it’s that I really wish I could be, so playing Three is almost cathartic for me.

                          no1zoiepalmerfan writes: “First off I just want to say you’re doing a great job as Three! My question is this: How many call backs did you get and where were you when you found out you had gotten the role?”

                          AL: One callback. I was in a rental apartment in Toronto shooting Good Witch. And my first reaction Great! My second reaction was How the heck are we going to make this work with Good Witch????

                          maggiemayday writes: “Every time a Q&A comes up, I go completely blank. So. Tacos, calamari, or a nice salad?”

                          AL: …um. Baguette, cheese, fresh veggies and a good cider. How’s that sound?

                          Cielo writes: “I saw from a previous behind the scenes clip of Dark Matter that you and the guys love to sing in between takes. Do you have a favorite song at the moment? Or what would be your go-to karaoke song?”

                          AL: Papaoutai by Stromae.

                          “If you can play another character on Dark Matter besides Three, who would it be and why?”

                          AL: Two. Cause I’d like to win a fight now and then.

                          “I loved the scene between Three and Android in episode 9 where he basically tells her to not reboot. Will there be anymore Three and Android interactions?”

                          AL: Keep watching. I love working with Zoe, so here’s to many more to come!

                          livingforcreativity writes: “Questions: Do you prefer acting in films or tv series?”

                          AL: Don’t have a preference. Love them both. Though I have done far more run and gun TV shooting. It is a style with which I am very comfortable.

                          “Was it a difficult decision to commit to the time needed for a 13 episode series?”

                          AL: Nope. Easy as pie. Love the show. Love the character. Bring it on.

                          “How do you stay motivated during long days on set?”

                          AL: We are lucky to do what we do. Reminding myself of that when things drag on either on set or other times in my professional life is a pretty good way of keeping it real.

                          “What do you do when you’re not acting?”

                          AL: Too much. Usually it involves setting up what will come after acting – when acting can no longer be counted on to provide a healthy income for my family. We are a lot like athletes. We have a prime after which most actors will no longer earn peak money. Planning for that eventually (boring as it seems) actually takes up a fair amount of my time.

                          “Kudos on crafting such a memorable character! Keep up the good work!”

                          AL: It’s been my pleasure to play this wonderful character.

                          Maggy Kelly writes: “Question for Anthony: what was your first paying job as an actor and what did you have to do for it?”

                          AL: On a show called La Femme Nikita in the late 90s. I played a guard who spoke Czech. I got the role because at the time, I spoke some Czech which I learned from living in the Czech Republic for a year.

                          dasndanger writes: “Questions: 1. Dogs or cats?”

                          AL: Pooches!

                          “2. TV or books?”

                          AL: Both.

                          “3. Spring, summer, autumn, or winter?”

                          AL: Autumn

                          “4. Cake or pie?”

                          AL: Pie

                          “5. Snow and fireplaces, or beach sand and fire pits?”

                          AL: Snow and fireplaces any day… and backyard rinks. (I am Canadian afterall!)

                          “6. Iron Man or Superman?”

                          AL: Iron Man

                          “7. Boxers or briefs?”

                          AL: Comando

                          stitchsloft writes: “Hello Anthony!
                          So Joe now owns your soul… Worse could happen I guess! Must say been enjoying the depth of your character now… by the third episode I hated you and was ready to see you go out an airlock! Bravo… a testament to your acting!”

                          AL: I say the words on the page, truly. It is a testament to Joe and Paul for having revealed Three like that.

                          “Hope can shake your hand at con someday!”

                          AL: Hope so too!

                          “Q: When you did stage work did you think you ever get into Sci-fi? and… if you could been on ANY Sci-fi show what is your favorite or one you would loved to been included in past or present?”

                          AL: Nope. No clue. And Space 1999 or the reboot!

                          “PS… what was Prague like? Always wanted to visit there!”

                          AL: Beautiful. From the day I arrived until the day I left, the town never ceased to amaze me. Go there. Spend a lot of time there. Get to know the people. You won’t regret it.

                          Randomness writes: “Some questions for this Q&A thing from me.
                          1) When Three found out about Ones secret with regards to him not being the real Jace Corso, do you think the old Three would have reacted differently, and possibly attacked him?

                          AL: No. Three is a live and let live kind of guy. Everyone has got BS in their past. We move on.

                          “2) Do you think Three wants to put a bullet in the head of that Cyrus guy (Who altered Wendys programming) who indirectly caused the death of that woman who loves him? Even if Three doesn’t remember her, you could tell he feels she’s important to him.”

                          AL: Yes. Whether he does or not is up for debate. I am still not convinced that Three is the type of guy for a simple revenge plot. There seems to be something deeper to Three… more contemplative. Though it is hidden deep beneath layers and layers of pain. Revenge is Three on the outside. Mercy might be Three on the inside.

                          “3) If, someday Three recovers his memories, do you think he’ll choose to stay along the same path he’s heading down and be a better person, or do you think the old Three will take precedence over the new Three?”

                          AL: Not convinced he was such a bad ass in the past, actually. Don’t forget that a mercenary with state sanction is frequently a hero.

                          “4) Do you think Three is capable of doing something truly bad to a bad person for the greater good?”

                          AL: Yes. Ends justifies the means for Three. Though we aren’t certain yet which “ends” matter most to three…

                          “5) Now that you’ve played Three for 13 episodes, what do you think of your character, and where could you see him heading in future seasons?”

                          AL: Love the Character. Loved him from day one. Love him more now. I hope Three remains the character you love to hate. One that struggles between his past demons and his better self for the rest of the series.

                          “John writes: “Which cast member would most likely win an arm wrestling contest?”

                          AL: Five… because seriously who would slam her arm down and pump his fists in a victory salute???

                          gforce writes: “Questions for Anthony: It seems that THREE gets into more than his fair share of getting beaten up, beating up or other injury promoting activities. Do you do many of your own stunts? If so, does it help to add to your appreciation and interpretation of the character?”

                          AL: Yes I do my own fights. But I also have a stunt double. All of the actors do all their fights – usually fighting against a stunt performer. Then we switch up so that actors are never fighting actors.

                          “Also, I think I remember that you’re a “Space: 1999” fan. Did you know that a group is trying to get a reboot going (for years now), “Space: 2099”? Man, I would love to see those Eagle shuttles flying once again!”

                          AL: You bet!!! Who plays Maya – cause she’s an alien… she could still be alive and awesome, right?

                          Tam Dixon writes: “Questions for Anthony Lemke: Has there ever been a part that you turned down and later regretted?”

                          AL: Many auditions, and a number of parts for various reasons – usually scheduling or because I am not comfortable with the role or show.

                          “How is being an actor similar to being a lawyer?”

                          AL: A lawyer’s job is to express clearly a point of view and convince others of the veracity of that point of view – not all that different than what I do as an actor, really.

                          “Any hobbies?”

                          AL: Hockey. I also love horses.

                          PBMom writes: “Ask Anthony whatever? That is something I *can* do. I’ll just ask him things I sometimes ask people when I meet them. It’s more of a fill-in-the-blank type questions (of course I don’t ask them this way when I meet someone). .
                          I’m most creative….?”

                          AL: When I am on a walk

                          “I often imagine myself….?”

                          AL: As a grandfather… looking back on my life.

                          “I really wish I knew how to….?”

                          AL: Don’t believe in that question. If I really wished I knew how to do something, I would do it. The fact that I haven’t obviously means that I don’t really wish to do it. Though there may be a number of things that would be cool to be able to do without having to spend the time to learn how to do them… which is a different question!

                          “I’d love to spend a lazy Sunday…?”

                          AL: … skating on the perfect outdoor rink.

                          “My secret talent is…?”

                          AL: Avoiding questions to which I don’t know the answers.

                          “Best spontaneous decision was…?”

                          AL: It’s a long list… I am a fairly spontaneous guy… and I don’t like to rank things.

                          “Best way to express myself is….?”

                          AL: Words.

                          “Best thrill was…?”

                          AL: Being present at my kids births.

                          “The best advice someone gave me was….?”

                          AL: You can do anything… of course it’s BS, but the principal remains. Don’t limit yourself… others will be plenty happy to do that for you.

                          “Greatest life experience that has made me into who I am today…?”

                          AL: Being a husband and father. Being responsible for 4 other lives is life altering.

                          “Greatest kindness someone did for me was….?”

                          AL: Raising me. And doing their thoughtful, loving best at it. Thanks, Mom and Dad.

                          “If I were not an actor, I would be….?”

                          AL: A lawyer? Politician perhaps? Maybe real estate developer? Heck… life is long.

                          “The craziest job I had outside of acting was…?

                          AL: Nothing crazy. Just a lot of them. Some cool, others less so. All paid the bills and allowed me to live while I pursued my dream. I am thankful for that.

                          “The person who influenced my life the most was…?”

                          AL: Mom and Dad. Let’s be serious here. We may not admit it, but that role is monumental in shaping who we are – for better or for worse.

                          “Top three things on my bucket list are….?”

                          AL: Don’t have one.

                          “My favorite teacher from childhood was _____ because…..?

                          AL: My geography teacher. He opened the world for me.

                          “The first 5 songs in my most frequently listened to songs in ITunes, etc. are…?”

                          AL: Whatever my kids are listening to.

                          “The last book I read was….?”

                          AL: Elon Musk

                          “My favorite sport to watch is….?”

                          AL: Hockey

                          “My first pet was a ____ and their name was ____ ?”

                          AL: Dog.

                          “Sunrises or sunsets?”

                          AL: Rise.

                          “Singing or dancing?”

                          AL: Sing.
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            August 16, 2015 - Part 4

                            Sparrow_hawk writes: “HI Anthony! We (my daughter and I) are loving your portrayal of Three.”

                            AL: Thanks to you both!!

                            “Lots of interesting questions have already been posed, so I’ll just add these:
                            1a. Did Three enjoy Charlotte’s Web?”

                            AL: Yes. It’s a touching story. Though the book on set was actually a different novel with a CW cover glued onto it!

                            “1b. Would he ever admit to it?”

                            AL: Nope. Not to anyone.

                            “1c. Did bring back any memories for him?”

                            AL: Sort of. Mists of memories. The way the green chips did.

                            “2. So what was going on with Three when he threatened to send Five out the airlock in that flashback (when he discovers her as a stowaway)?”

                            AL: Ever get caught drinking behind the tennis clubhouse as a teenager and the cop threw you into the back seat of the cop car to give you a good scare?

                            “Can’t tell us, right?”

                            AL: Yeah, well…

                            “Let’s try these: 3a. Have you ever read Charlotte’s Web?”

                            AL: Beautiful book.

                            “3b. What’s on your current reading list?”

                            AL: Currently reading Lives of Saints.

                            “3c. ebooks or paper?”

                            AL: What’s an ebook?

                            DP writes: “If you lost the memories for every fourth year of your life, would you be a different person today?”

                            AL: Absolutely. Memories shape who we are and how we react to things in the present.

                            Betty Manders writes: “I was just wondering if you visit the Netherlands now and than? Any favourite places to go besides Hengelo?”

                            AL: Yes! Amsterdam is such a wonderful city for a guy from North America. Also I would love to visit Terschelling.

                            JimfromJersey writes: “Three quickly became my favorite character on the show. I dig his snark. His overall assholiness, if you will. And I know this is always a loaded question for an actor, but how much of that is on the page, and how much of it do you bring to the screen?”

                            AL: It’s a collaborative effort. But the foundation of it all is the page. I am also lucky enough to have been given leeway to snark it up on set.

                            glowyzoey writes: “@Anthony
                            1 — Does anyone call you Tony?”

                            AL: Few. It’s just a name to me.

                            “2 — Do you have pets?”

                            AL: A pooch.

                            “3 — What’s the most exotic place you’ve visited or worked in as an actor?”

                            AL: The desert in Spain for a year.

                            “4 — What’s your favourite place on the planet?”

                            AL: Home. Seriously. There are lots of amazing places I have visited. But coming home always feels right.

                            “5 — What’s your favourite episode of Dark Matter?”

                            AL: 107

                            “6 — Is Joe hard to work with?”

                            AL: Impossible. A real jerk of a guy. My bet is he was modelling Three pre-episode 107 exclusively off his own character.

                            Mike A. writes: “Questions for Lemke: What was your favorite thing from craft services? Did you ever order something “custom” just for you that they made really well?”

                            AL: Crafty was great on our show. Dedicated and talented. Much of what they made was tasty. But my favourite thing from Craft was the Craft people themselves.”

                            “Do you have a new or specific kind of gun or weapon tech that you’d really like to have THREE use in season 2? Something super sci-fi or futuristic(or is “Bubba” cool enough already)?”

                            AL: I would absolutely love to see some tricked out gun – like if Bubba got an upgrade and could do crazy things like vapourize people… or freeze them like in Despicable Me!

                            “Did you take anything home from your wardrobe or props from season 1? (You don’t have to be specific, I don’t want you to get in trouble )”

                            AL: Nope. Aren’t we getting a season 2???

                            “Keep up the great work! You’re doing a great job with THREE. If people can hate you, then love you, then not know what they truly think of you, all over the span of a couple episodes, you’re definitely doing it right. True, some of that is attributed to the great writing, but when it’s also acted so well, it becomes a real home run.”

                            AL: Thank you for the kind words.

                            MssStargate writes: “MY Favorite character!!!! Thanks for Live Tweeting during the show. I love the interaction and I love how Three is a tough guy but has a soft heart. Have you given any thought to what you would like your fans to be known as?”

                            AL: There are a number of great suggestions out there. If we get a season 2, ask me again and I will weigh in with my opinion.

                            Tom Gardiner writes: “Have you ever actually read “Charlotte’s Web”? (I must admit I haven’t.) If yes, did you cry?”

                            AL: Too long ago! Can’t remember if I cried when I read the book. But the movie… seriously. Who can have dry eyes at the end of that!!

                            “What is the most embarrassing moment in your life that you’re willing to share with us?”

                            AL: I don’t embarrass easily. Could be a highly developed lack of perception…

                            “Did you or do you have a nickname or do you go by Anthony?”

                            AL: Yep. But nicknames are for my peeps! You gotta be on the inside for that kind of info

                            “Do you still do any lawyering on the side?”

                            AL: No lawyering on the side.

                            “Do you like scotch? If so, what’s your favorite? If not, what’s your poison? Can I have some?”

                            AL: More of a bourbon guy, and there’s a great Prince Edward County bourbon style whisky out of 66 Gilead Distillery. You’ll have to visit the County to taste it because it’s only available there.

                            Brandy writes: “Do you think Three really loved Sarah, or was he mourning the loss of the only connection he had to his past?”

                            AL: Hard to say isn’t it… I played that he was mourning the loss of the woman because that is a clearer, stronger emotion. Also, I tried to layer in the confusion of not remembering this woman, so there would be something pulling in the opposite direction at the same time.

                            “You enter a poker tournament and your opponents are Four, Android and Meg Tilly. What’s your strategy? What strengths does each player bring to the table?”

                            AL: Strategy. Fold. Right away. Walk away from the table and watch The Big Chill. I’ll let Meg Tilly get eaten for breakfast by Four and the Android.

                            “If a ship leaves Jupiter at 10 am. and travels FTL 100 Light Years toward Earth and at the same time a space station leaves FTL halfway between Mars and Saturn, at what time will the ship dock?”

                            AL: Ask the Android. She’ll probably tell you that it only takes less than an hour travelling at FTL 1 to reach the earth from Jupiter (a distance of roughly 968 000 000 kms at its farther point) so at FTL 100 we are talking about approximately 32 seconds for the whole trip. Then she will tell you that the halfway point of Mars and Saturn is, approximately, Jupiterès orbit. She will then conclude that it is a trick question because the moment the ship leaves Jupiter is it moving away from the Space Station. Thus it will never dock.
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              August 18, 2015

                              Photos: Dark Matter

                              The thing I love most about doing interviews is coming back to them, days later, and being genuinely surprised by what I said…


                              In which I talk corporate conflicts, TWO’s secret, and coming revelations!


                              In which I offer insight on our Android’s issues, FIVE’s place, and our crew’s options down to (slim and none).

                              Is it Friday night yet? No?! Okay, here are some Episode 11 teasers to tide you over…


                              Check out the promo: “With the team trapped and Two dead, Five must save the day. But all actions have consequences.”


                              Check out a sneak peek scene: “After Two is seemingly shot into space, Wexler and Cain rough up One … whom they believe is Jace Corso.”
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                August 19, 2015

                                Video: Dark Matter 1x11 promo

                                Photos: Alex Mallari Jr.

                                I’m pleased to announce our second Dark Matter cast Q&A. On the hot seat next is actor Alex Mallari Jr., Dark Matter’s FOUR.

                                If you’ve got a question for Alex, post it in the comments section of this blog. In the interest of preserving my own sanity (since I’m the one who has cut and paste all the text to upload), I’m limiting questions to a very reasonable 5 per person.

                                So…have at it!

                                Hey, you know what’s on this Friday? That’s right! Dark Matter Episode 11! Check out the promo:

                                And speaking of Alex, here a little appetizer for our upcoming Q&A: “10 Questions for FOUR”:

                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

