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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    June 25, 2015

    Photos: Dark Matter, Stargate SG-1

    Yes, it’s official! Dark Matter will be at San Diego Comic Con!

    Our panel is scheduled for the night of Thursday, July 9th from 7:15 pm – 8:15 pm in Room 6BCF!

    Those in attendance will include cast members Melissa O’Neil (TWO), Jodelle Ferland (FIVE), Roger Cross (SIX), and Anthony Lemke (THREE), Executive Producers Jay Firestone and Vanessa Piazza, and yours truly (provided they can tear me away from the dealer alley).

    So, who’s coming?

    Continuing our discussion of Dark Matter’s second episode…

    1) She’s gone!

    The boys bid the miners a fond farewell, then hightail it back to marauder where they discover…The Raza is no longer in orbit. TWO abandoned them! In the script, this revelation was the act out and, after the commercial break, we would come back to a second marauder scene in which the guys debate their very bad situation. One by one, they leave until on THREE remains. It takes him a few seconds to realize the futility of his position and he heads off to catch up with them.

    The episode was 4 minutes long, we needed to lose something and, in the end, this extra scene struck us, ultimately, superfluous. No doubt it will show up as a deleted scene somewhere down the line.

    2) Could you be more specific?

    The miners are hopelessly outmatched, outgunned, outnumbered – and have no idea what Ferrous Corp. has planned. FOUR takes it upon himself to find out by “questioning” the prisoner. This was Alex Mallari Jr.’s audition scene and it was his cool, calculated and controlled performance that won hi the role. He and actor Kerr Hewitt (who plays the part of Sgt. Voss) are terrific in this scene.

    It was smooth sailing – once we eventually got started, but there was a delay shooting this scene (first one up on the day) because it was decided the set’s windows were wrong. More to the point, they weren’t a visually match for all of the warehouse interiors we’d already shot. These were the windows when I first visited the set…

    Pictured above where the windows we shot. Same windows, but rotated. Well, not just the window but the entire back wall of the set…which took 90 minutes to fix.

    Ah, the attention to detail!

    3) We’ll never be able to hold this position.

    Thanks to FOUR’s no fuss no muss interrogation technique, we discover that Ferrous Corp. plans to target their antiquated reactor; trigger a blast that will level the entire facility. In other words, make it look like an accident.

    The reactor was actually part of a water filtration plant that offered us a bunch of great looks. Prior to even setting foot in the place, however, we were given a run-through of the various procedures to follow in the event of an emergency covering everything from ammonia leaks to marauding dingos. The scariest for me, however, were the big honking red buttons that studded the walls of the entire facility. We were informed that pushing these buttons would shut down the show plant – and result in the production having to pack up and leave. So it was imperative we NOT press these big red attractive-looking buttons!

    To dissuade cast or crew members from pushing the buttons, or accidentally leaning up against them, Production Designer Ian Brock caged them in these imposing-looking (but ultimately easy pull-away) structures.

    4) I bet you regret not teaching me how to fly that shuttle now! Do I ever!

    As the guys prep the miners for their last stand, SIX comes to the logical conclusion that they are doomed – BUT there may be a way to win the day by making the battle too costly for Ferrous Corp. to pursue. He suggests going up in their shuttle and taking out the corporate destroyer. On the surface, it seems like a foolhardy act and yet, upon closer scrutiny, one realizes that SIX has carefully thought things through. He can die on the surface with all of them in a losing cause OR he can die up in orbit, possibly saving everyone else’s lives in the process. Again, SIX demonstrates a cool reasoning and selflessness that certainly suggests leadership material…

    The scene ends with ONE watching SIX walk off O.S. BUT the actual scene doesn’t end there. There is a long shot in the director’s cut in which SIX climbs up this seemingly endless stairwell. Actor Roger Cross must have done it a half dozen times on the day, no doubt working up a great leg burn and good sweat in that big leather coat. Unfortunately, the episode was running long so we had to cut it. Another deleted scene to look forward to when the time comes: SIX’s endless stair climb!

    5) I’m the only one who can save you now.

    Alas, SIX gets as far as the Marauder before he is surprised by a miner in the company of the now freed Sgt. Voss. The turncoat is played by Canadian t.v. legend Pat Mastroianni who started off in the biz starring as Jerry Jeremiah (or, as my writing partner likes to say, “The original Joey Jeremiah” although I’m not sure why because there was only one). Pat is in great company in an episode full of great local talent which includes the likes of Amanda Brugel, Rob Stewart, Chloe Rose, David Richmond-Peck, Sean Arbuckle, Kerr Hewitt, Alex Courey…and a familiar face from my Stargate days who I’ll be discussing in my next blog entry!

    In the meantime, here are some Dark Matter news items to tide you over…

    TheTVJunkies preview episode #103:

    “Zoie Palmer fans rejoice! The Android plays a major part in Episode 3 after a technical error with the ship sets the Raza off-course. But it’s not just her tech abilities that come in handy–One convinces the Android to help out the crew in a pretty ingenious way after the crew start to become suspicious of one another. Really, what can’t she do?”

    “These two shows, Killjoys and Dark Matter, air on Friday nights after Defiance, and in my opinion, they are definitely worth checking out.”

    Melissa O’Neil chats with the gang at The Mind Reels and talks about how I kept the cast guessing until the very last shot of the series:
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      June 26, 2015

      Photos: Dark Matter, Lulu, Bubba

      Video: Behind the scenes of Dark Matter #102

      Who is ready for an all new episode of Dark Matter?!

      Tonight at 10 p.m. EST/PST and 7 p.m. on SYFY and SPACE CHANNEL!

      What’s in store for our mercs? Well…

      “Sabotage is suspected and the onboard paranoia surges when the ship mysteriously veers off course. To bring the systems back online, a perilous spacewalk is required; at the same time, Five makes a shocking discovery.”

      And there’s this –

      And this –

      And this –

      And this –

      And this –

      The episode was written by the lovely Martin Gero (Stargate, The L.A. Complex, Bored to Death, Blindspot – premiering Monday September 21st after The Voice on NBC!) so you DO NOT want to miss it!

      Join us online at 10 pm EST and PST as the cast and I live tweet the episode!

      Finishing up our discussion of Dark Matter Episode #102…

      1) It’s Bubba Time!

      The boys prep for battle – and THREE introduces his guns…which, regular readers of this blog already know, were named after my dogs…

      2) Game on!

      This big’s action piece kicks off with an amazing oner compliments of fab director T.J. Scott. The long take STARTS ON the Ferrous Corps guards taking fire, then SWINGS OVER to catch them rappelling, FOLLOWS them down and up the stairs where on gets blasted by BUBBA, HANGS ON ONE and THREE as they exchange fire with the enemy, PAN OVER to THREE leaping over a railing (one of my favorite beats!), then PAN BACK to ONE drawing the assist from Mireille and OVER TO more mayhem.

      There’s a great FOUR sequence in which he jumps down to save a miner, snagging one of the corporate guards, then takes out a second guard. The final version sees this scene cut out here but, in the director’s cut, it actually continues with –

      FOUR hoisting himself up and running the length of the overhead pipe, jumping the railing, and taking out another two guards on the raised platform. No stunt person required. It was all Alex Mallari Jr. and I wish I could have kept these beats in the final cut.

      All of our main players get their opportunity to shine: ONE gunning down the oncoming guards, FOUR proving why he’s a master of the blade, THREE blasting with Bubba and then two-fisting it.

      It all culminates in a Butch & Sundance moment with our heroes, hunkered down and SIX facing certain death at the hands of Sgt. Voss.

      3) Shields!

      One of my favorite moments in this episode is TWO’s authoritative command: “Shields!” and the cut to the Ferrous Corp. destroyer opening fire on The Raza. Then, the two Mikkei Cruisers arrive, flanking our hero ship. Love it!

      4) Blaze of glory?

      Facing seemingly insurmountable odds, the boys decide to go out in a blaze of glory. They jump up, guns at the ready only to realize – the enemy has left.

      5) I got a better offer.

      A vexed Commander Nieman pays TWO a visit and discovers her in the company of her new allies: Commanders Sakey and Truffault of the MCS Sujin and Murukami. Commander Truffault, played by the marvelous Torri Higginson (Stargate: Atlantis’s Elizabeth Weir), informs Nieman that the planet is now under the protectorate of The Mikkei Combine. I love Torri’s performance here, parts Weir, May West, and all sorts of kickass.

      Who knows if or when we’ll ever see her character again (Episode #110).

      6) For me, right now, I think that place is up on that ship.

      ONE bids Mireille a fond farewell. They just went through hell, faced certain death, saved each other’s lives, and he risked all to help her and her people. A goodbye kiss is perfectly acceptable.

      P.S. Love that beautiful shot of ONE standing in the rain. Thank you, director T.J. Scott.

      7) We can spend some quality time getting to know each other.

      TWO brings the rest of the crew up to speed on how it all went down. It was brains over brawn as one of the women of The Raza saved the day. Again (If you’re counting, TWO restores life support in the opener, turns off the security protocol that shuts down the android before she can kill the boys, the Android initiates the evasive maneuvers that allow them to dodge the missiles). With some time to kill before the next space station stopover, they can spend some quality time getting to know each. Which they will. In a big way next episode!

      8) Because we’re dangerous!

      The episode is capped off with one of my very favorite sequences – directed by T.J. Scott, edited by Wendy Hallam, with music by Ben Pinkerton. It’s a beautiful and haunting montage that touches on each of our crew members revealing, in the final beat, that all are, in fact, a list of suspects in the mystery surrounding their stolen identities.

      I leave you with a few Dark Matter-related links:

      Syfy recently premiered its new space drama, Dark Matter, and it’s a lot of fun. Featuring a group of talented actors bringing to life a rich plot with many possible routes, the show should have a long, healthy run on the network.”

      “I love the mystery, the characters are intriguing (and hilarious!), and there’s plenty of room for other interesting, secondary storylines to run on top of the main arc.”

      “We here at WormholeRiders strongly suggest all science fiction fans make sure to tune in each week for thirteen exciting episodes on Syfy in the USA, the Space Channel in Canada, and Syfy affiliated stations all over the world! Your support, by watching and tweeting live, is critical and will most likely help ensure that Dark Matter has many more seasons in the future!”
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        June 27, 2015

        Photos: Akemi, Bubba, Roomba-chan, books

        So, Dark Matter’s third episode aired last night in the U.S., Australia, and Canada. If you watched it, what did you think? Since the episode will be airing in different parts of the world over the next few days, I’m going to hold off on weighing in with my insights – but plenty of behind-the-scenes pics and vids coming your way! Hmmm. It would appear I’ve been demoted. When Akemi first moved to Canada, I was her #1 guy. Then, as she settled in, I dropped to #2 behind this guy –

        And I could live with that. Bubba does have his charms. But with a recent addition to the household, I’ve dropped in the ranking yet again, losing my spot to THIS guy –

        Roomba-chan, as Akemi refers to him, has pretty much had the run of the place since moving in last week. He putters around, keeps to himself, but isn’t above nudging the house’s other inhabitants if they get in the way. I dare say he has a bit of an attitude. But, I suppose, sometimes women like the bad boys.

        Trying to take some time off to catch up on my reading. For you comic book fans, here are my recommended reads – some titles with an SF bent:


        Warren Ellis is at his cutting edge best in this strange and wickedly humorous series, a mix of SF and the supernatural.

        Broken World:

        With Earth facing an extinction level event, those connected enough to book safe passage flee the doomed planet, leaving behind the mad, the downtrodden and the very, very unlucky.

        Roche Limit:

        A scientific and military expedition runs into trouble during a mysterious mission to an off-world colony. Suggestions of conspiracies and time paradoxes abound!

        Squadron Sinister:

        I don’t read a lot of superhero titles (Nick Spencer’s hilarious Ant-Man being an exception) but I positively love Marc Guggenheim’s exploration of this mercenary, duplicitous, wholly unpredictable team. Sound familiar, Dark Matter fans?

        Dark Matter-related links for you to check out… Taking Charge interview with Melissa O’Neil (TWO): “It amazes me that they took a chance on someone who never worked in television before to take on a role like Two, but I am truly humbled by it. I’m having such a good time coming to set every day and figuring out who this woman is and how to help tell her story as best I can.” Tabula Rasa: SyFy’s Dark Matter: “Patient storytelling and a talented cast of Canadian actors makes Dark Matter a welcome addition to the television field, and right now the series tops my list of new summer shows. And, I should hasten to add, it also honest-to-goodness fun.” SyFy Embraces the Dark on Friday Nights: “As the characters are told more and more about their pasts – information that may or may not be true – will they become the people they are purported to be? Or are their futures black slates, unencumbered by their pasts?” Review: Wait…What? On Dark Matter: “Dark Matter just messed with my brain. After making a bunch of notes during Friday’s third episode, I basically had to throw everything I thought I knew out the window thanks to that final scene aboard the space station.” Dark Matter: Mutineers, Saboteurs and Trust Issues: “Episode three was a surprisingly solid instalment to the series, considering the entire episode was set solely on the ship. I think it says a lot about the actors and the writing to be able to make a compelling hour of television within a confined space. In a relatively short amount of time, we’ve come to care about these people and the relationships they’re forming with each other.” Dark Matter Episode 3 review: https://bladeofthesashurai.wordpress...ream-in-space/ “It may be nothing, but the subtext is there that eventually Three will eventually care about Five like a big bro cares for a little sis. It’s entirely too early to call this but the thing with anti-heroes is they end up doing the right thing because of someone else and not necessarily because they believe in that right thing. By establishing this nuisance-style relationship between the two, they are in fact setting up scenarios that should pay off with three finding a way to redeem his attitude by saving her life and or something similar.” Dark Matter Episode 3 review: “All in all, this was a great episode. The best element of it is the deeper group dynamics being explored, and how these dynamics will ultimately determine the course of these characters fates in the episodes to come.” Thoughts on the show and Episode 3: “Even though this show is a little on the side of slow-burn, it looks like episode four will really be adding to the story, and that’s a good thing!”
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          June 28, 2015

          It’s a relaxing Sunday, so why don’t we open up the mailbag and see if we can find some answers to your burning questions…

          Cathy L. writes: “Question will you continue to film in Toronto or will you try and change your base to Vancouver?”

          Answer: That all depends on whether or not the show gets picked up for a second season. If it does, then I have some decisions to make regarding my house, the show, and my career in general. As much as I love my home in Vancouver, it does feel a lot emptier with fewer dogs – and I honestly don’t need this much space. All options are on the table, including a move east – or even further west!

          ivonbartokfans writes: “I’m sure that somewhere I’ve seen an image of the completed Bridge of Raza but I can’t find it. Not the one with production staff, but with the actors. Am I imagining this? Can anyone point me in the direction please?”

          Answer: Although there are plenty of designs of the bridge and some pics of the crew, there are no official photos of the cast on the bridge. In the coming weeks, I will be releasing some behind the scenes photos and videos of our cast on the set – along with a terrific video walk-thru of the bridge created by Set Designer Doug Slater.

          Ponytail writes: “Are you going to wait for feedback before writing season 2?”

          Answer: I already have the major arcs for season 2 including our various character through-lines. Paul and I have outlines for the first two episodes and stories – in varying details – for all 13 episodes. It’s all subject to change or adjustment of course.

          SGW1 writes: “For Dark Matter, what reasons made you guys get rid of the titles?”

          Answer: The simple, numbered episode titles reflect the numerical designations adopted by our crew.

          SGW1 also writes: “After those years now and with the reboot to come, it’s pretty sure we won’t get any official ending to SGU. So could you finally reveal the planned SGU ending? Or at least give some hints to what was planned? You once said it was up to Brad, hoping that you guys got a chance to tell the full story at some time, but that those chances are around zero right now. So, if it’s still up to Brad, how can we ask him?”

          Answer: SGU was Brad and Robert’s baby so, really, they should be the one to answer this questions – and any other the fans may have about any of the three Stargate shows. My best advice would be to see that he gets invited to a con – and then ask him when he’s fielding questions. I’m sure he’s got a lot of interesting insights and surprising tidbits for you all.

          gforce writes: “Have you noticed any increase in blog visits since the start of Dark Matter?”

          Answer: Yes, I’ve noticed an increase in blog traffic since the show premiered, but nothing crazy. That distinction goes to the last few days of SGU.

          Steve writes: “Just out of curiosity, how much of the obliteration did Zoie Palmer do for the fight scene between Zobot and the guys?”

          Answer: Zoie did quite a bit, but her stunt double did all the heavy lifting.

          Airelle writes: “Who is the voice of the computer?”

          Answer: If you re-listen closely, you’ll recognize the voice of the Android (Zoie’s Palmer) alerting the crew to the diminishing life support.

          arcticgoddess writes: “Joe, what did you learn on the Stargate Series(s) that you have used in Dark Matter?”

          Answer: Audiences like team scenes.

          ShadowGlass writes: “Hi, are you hoping for a back 9 episode order for a 20-22 ep season, or 13 episodes per season was what you had planned?”

          Answer: Creatively, we approached the season as a 13 part arc.

          CathyL writes: “. I just rewatched episode 1 for the umpteenth time, and I just realized when they Zero-g everyone floated with the exception of The Android why?”

          Answer: She was seated, was expecting the loss of gravity and, essentially, “locked in”.

          John M. writes: “I’ve noticed that Dark Horse Comics (Entertainment?) is listed in the end credits as (?). What is their relationship with the show? Yes I know they published the comic book series, but do they have a continued interest in the show?”

          Answer: Dark Horse Comics have been a supportive force throughout production. We’ve been coordinating with them with regard to Dark Matter’s presence at San Diego Comic Con that will include a panel, press roundtable, and a signing!

          dasndanger writes: Anyway, what I’d like to know is how it made you feel to see your creation come to life on the screen? And has Paul shared any thoughts on the matter?”

          Answer: Paul and I are both very proud of the show. Proud and relieved. I’m incredibly appreciative of everyone who helped bring it to the small screen, from the gang at Dark Horse Comics and SyFy to the cast and crew to Executive Producers Jay Firestone and Vanessa Piazza.

          2cats writes: “I’m surprised that no one has mentioned the “save” Three did when they were sitting with the miners, and One started to spill that they don’t know who they are. My question is: did Three do this to deflect suspicion away from themselves so the miners would be more forthcoming or to garner sympathy from the miners?”

          Answer: The former. It was a cover story THREE created on the spur of the moment.

          Winst writes: “Whatever happened to that post show “show” idea that was discussed? To much work?..too much bother?…not worth the efforts involved?”

          Answer: I’m not sure. Ultimately, this would be up to the networks. Space Channel here in Canada has Interspace – hosted by Ajay Fry, Morgan Hoffman, and Teddy Wilson – which covers Dark Matter in addition to a whole slew of SF-related t.v. and film.

          Candice writes: “As someone who has so much experience working with SyFy, what would you say is the best way to pitch ideas to SyFy? Is it even possible to pitch ideas to them if you’re not in the industry?”

          Answer: Even if you’re in the industry, it’s a tough go – which is why we went the comic book route first, teaming up with Dark Horse to create the comic first and then use that as a launch pad and visual pitch for the show.

          JW Smythe writes: “Am I wrong to think I’m seeing a resemblance to the Firefly’s crew in the Raza’s crew?”

          Answer: As the series develops, our crew’s varied personalities will evolve and stand out, each in their own unique way.

          Shana writes: “Any chance you guys will be coming to the Salt Lake City Comic-Con?”

          Answer: That’s all dependent on timing. And whether or not we receive an invite!

          Tam Dixon writes: “Loved the picture of Bubba and Lulu! Sweet and a little confused look on their faces. Still thinking of taking in another senior?”

          Answer: I check out the senior pug rescues every day.

          Sylvia writes: “Does Zoie have to wear special contact lenses for when you guys “blank” her out? Or, is it special effects?”

          Answer: The eye blacking is all Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson and his amazing VFX team.

          glenda writes: “Will get to see the Android’s room or does she just stay on the bridge?”

          Answer: The Android doesn’t have a room like the rest of the crew and, generally, prefers to spend her downtime on the bridge.

          dasndager writes: “Question Joe – what book is ONE reading? I can’t make it out.”

          Answer: No way to tell from watching, you’ll just have to guess. Guess correctly and I’ll send you a copy. The title will be revealed in an upcoming episode.

          dasndanger also writes: “It’s been five days – has anyone taken a shower yet? Do they have deodorant? Soap? Clean underpants? These are very important things to know.”

          Answer: Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Underpants in their quarters and toiletries through that opaque door in the back of the room.

          2cats writes: “Okay, what is a fish tank doing in the background when the Android is performing the lie detector bit? Is it meant to be a playback, a rather large one?”

          Answer: It’s a triptych that offers rotating Earth-based video displays, a little touch of nature and home in the dark, cramped confines of the ship.

          2cats also writes: “Who is giving the “scientific” advice on the show? ”

          Answer: That would be series co-creator and Exec Producer Paul Mullie.

          Ponytail writes: “Is Akemi happy to be back in Vancouver? Are the dogs? Are you?”

          Answer: Akemi was loving Toronto and was sad to come back – until we actually came back at which point she said she greatly missed Vancouver and was happy to be home. The dogs have settled back in nicely but Lulu still seems a little despondent.

          Sparrow_hawk writes: “Goblin Emperor has been on you “currently readling” list for a very long time. Did you ever finish it? What did you think of it?”

          Answer: I really have to update that sidebar. Yes, finished it. It was fine fantasy – but, in all fairness, fantasy is a very hard sell for me. I hear others loved it.
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            June 29, 2015

            Video: Dark Matter episode #103 - Training room scene

            Photos: Dark Matter episode #103

            So, what did everyone think of Dark Matter’s third episode? Questions? Concerns? Theories? Got it all figured out? Who wiped their memories? Why? What’s behind the big metal door? What’s the significance of FOUR’s ring? Who killed the boy?

            Check out my weekly episode debrief with TheTVJunkies’ Bridget Liszewski for some additional hints:


            This episode was written by former Stargate Executive Producer Martin Gero who has been busy of late, working on his new show, Blindspot, which premieres September 21st on NBC. While our first episode focused on the mystery surrounding our crew and the second episode was more an action-driven entry, episode 3 delves into our characters, shifting alliances, burgeoning shipboard paranoia.

            1) I hope you’re all enjoying a hearty breakfast.

            There’s nothing I like more than a good bookend and the scene of our Android, standing on the bridge playing the role of cruise director, offers just that. It does a nice job of visually conveying a pervasive sense of loneliness – her, standing alone, then cutting to our crew who, though enjoying a communal meal, are seemingly equally alone with their own thoughts.

            Until THREE breaks the silence – allowing them all a much-needed cathartic release. Ultimately, THREE is odd man out, left alone with his thoughts – and everyone else’s leftovers.

            2) You wanna play a game or something?

            Perhaps no one is feeling more lonely than FIVE who, already feeling like an outsider, can’t convince anyone to spend some time with her. SIX is exhausted, ONE is busy reading and FOUR – well, he’s got other things on his mind. By the way, ONE references the book he is reading as “a classic”, but we never get a good look at the cover. Like most everything else in this show, this seemingly innocuous element will come back later in the season – but for now, I’d like you all to guess at the title. Guess correctly and I’ll send you a copy of the book!

            FIVE finds herself back in the ship’s vents, exploring its maze-like labyrinth. Her search strangely, inexplicably (?) takes her to a small utility room in the ship’s underbelly where she makes a horrifying discovery: a dead body! Dum dum DAAA!

            3) Did you want to organize a funeral; prepare parting remarks?

            A scan of the body reveals he was a young boy, coincidentally (?) around FIVE’s age, who died of a single gunshot wound. ONE immediately jumps to the conclusion that one of them may have been responsible. TWO dismisses not so much the notion but the very prospect of considering the possibility. She sees the futility in and suggests they move on. This, of course, does not sit well with ONE who finds her decision, and seeming lack of compassion, objectionable.

            The dead boy is played by a terrific young actor named Gage Munroe. Wait! How do I know he’s terrific? Because I watched him deliver a great performance – beyond just playing dead on an infirmary table and gurney. When? Well, suffice it to say we’ll be exploring this particular mystery in an upcoming episode.

            4) Have fun playing with your stick.

            Not to be so easily dissuaded, THREE drops in on FOUR, seeing in him a like-minded soul guided by self-interest. And he’s correct. Up to a certain point. FOUR may be as mercenary as THREE, but he’s much more even-keeled, logic-driven over emotionally motivated. THREE makes his pitch and FOUR politely hears him out, before turning him down – with the understanding that HE feels the time isn’t right. He’s not saying no, just no for now.

            I can’t move on from this scene without mentioning two things. The first is Anthony Lemke’s ad-lib “Okay, have fun playing with your stick!” that almost had me burst out laughing at the monitors the second is Alex Mallari Jr.’s incredible dedication to his role, specifically his mastery of the various weapons in that training room. Over the course of the season, you’ll note, he uses them all – with seeming deadly precision. Chalk it up to Alex’s hard work, dexterity, and skill.

            5) What if some of our memories were…what if they weren’t all gone?

            A nice bonding moment between FIVE and SIX (did I mention how much I love these two together) in which she gives voice to what we already kind of suspect. Something lead her to that room; that body. The kid was her age. She probably knew him. She feels bad because she DOESN’T feel bad – or, maybe, should feel worse. SIX attempts to console her and talks about fresh starts (a recurring theme throughout this episode and the series as a whole). In the comfort and connection of the moment, FIVE suggests that, maybe, all of their memories aren’t exactly gone. Damn, it’s so hard to keep secrets on a spaceship!

            6) She has all our memories in her head and you knew it!

            As I was saying: secrets. The worst part about them is when they get out. And such is the case here when an angry SIX barges onto the bridge and accuses TWO of keeping the truth from them: that FIVE has everyone’s memories hidden away in her subconscious. TWO calmly informs him that she wanted to confirm it as fact first before sharing the information. SIX is far from convinced however…

            Let’s check out some Dark Matter reviews:


            “This is a promising new show and one that already keeps the interest level high and has the viewer trying to guess where the series will go from this excellent beginning.”


            “The Understatement of the Year award, from last night’s episode of Dark Matter, goes to One – “We may have lost our memories, but I think it’s pretty safe to say we didn’t lose our personalities.” And as we get to know them, seven distinct, conflicting, mistrusting, potentially deceitful personalities are emerging. Isn’t it great?”


            “This show has proven that it has a strong grasp of who these characters are and this episode does an outstanding job of further developing them. Already we’re beginning to see character growth as their shared experiences are having an effect on all of them.”

            And these Dark Matter interviews:

            Actor Anthony Lemke, Dark Matter’s THREE, chats with The Action Elite:


            “I believe really strongly in folks with creative minds and active imaginations and I think science fiction or fantasy speaks to those people. I think it’s a positive thing to be an adult and maintain a youthful imagination and creativity moving forward. Plus, I think we are actively engaged in shaping the future. People who make sci-fi and people who read sci-fi and are part of that community and directly involved in shaping what our future looks like.”

            Actress Melissa O’Neil, Dark Matter’s TWO, chats with the Calgary Herald:


            “He saw the breakdown for this character and said, ‘You have to audition,’” says O’Neil, in an interview from her home in Toronto. “I was in the middle of callbacks and had the chance to take over a leading part on a Broadway show for a few months or keep auditioning for a TV show. (My agent) really encouraged me to take a chance. He said, ‘You’ve already played that part in Toronto. Do something new.’ And I’m so glad I did. Because it’s been such a ride.”
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              June 30, 2015

              Photos: Dark Matter episode #103

              Picking up where we left off yesterday – let’s continue our rundown of Dark Matter‘s third episode..

              1) So somebody in this room wiped our memories and probably killed that kid.

              TWO comes clean about what she’s learned – the fact that someone did, in fact, upload a program into the stasis pods that targeted their memories. This not only suggests someone among them was responsible for their collective amnesia, but also strongly suggests that many of their memories may now reside in FIVE’s subconscious. Then, they suddenly drop out of FTL and the Android announces there is something wrong with the ship.

              Some pretty major revelations! Sure, but the aspect of this scene that has garnered a surprising amount of attention is the fish tank in the background. Gorgeous but, alas, not an actual fish tank. You’ll notice in this episode, and moving forward, that the screen at the back of the mess changes, cycling through a variety of different Earth-based nature videos – a little touch of home for our distant crew.

              2) Dead bodies, hacked stasis pods, now this? There’s a whole lot of things going wrong on this ship.

              The Android informs them there’s a problem with the ship. THREE suspects sabotage or, at least, a sabotage of the ship’s diagnostics – and he wastes no time pointing the finger of blame at our resident tech monkey, FIVE. Big brother SIX predictably rises to her defense and, again, we get a taste of how the various shipboard alliances and relationships are shaping up (something we explore over the course of this episode, this entire first season, and beyond).

              I love these types of scenes that include the entire crew but, truth be told, they are incredibly challenging to shoot. Not only does the director have to cover seven different characters, but he/she also has to keep the scene dynamic. No easy task, particularly given the fact that exposition drives a huge chunk of this scene.

              3) No, not the door. What’s behind the door.

              Thought we’d forgotten all about the mystery door, huh?

              In an obvious attempt to win himself an ally – and possibly get himself inside – THREE shows FOUR the big metal door. Anthony Lemke and Alex Mallari Jr. are great together here and I especially love this scene because it offers up a rare glimpse of FOUR’s dryer than dry sense of humor.

              4) We’re bad company.

              SIX is really the only other crew member capable of going toe to toe with TWO, and he does so here – a follow-up to their initial clash on the bridge. Only three episodes in and fractures are beginning to show. And, by the way, he’s not wrong about the dangers present on the ship – and the fact that it’s no place for a “kid”. As for his stab at TWO’s reasons for keeping FIVE around…well, we’ll have to wait and see.

              5) It’s chocolate protein pudding day!

              The crew sits down to a new-fashioned lie detector test compliments of the ship’s Android who monitors their physiological responses for tells. I noticed a few people who watched this sequence commented along the lines of: “Why are they taking turns answering each question?! It doesn’t make sense!” Dudes, seriously? The jumping between the various crew members answering the same question is a visual conceit, a fun shorthand that touches on everyone’s responses without having to cycle through each individual session. The sequence, edited by the marvelous Teresa Hannigan, is accompanied by a terrific score compliments of Brad Pinkerton.

              Coincidentally (or not!) the episode aired on Friday, June 26th which, it turns out, WAS Chocolate Pudding Day!

              Maybe the kid IS psychic!

              6) We’re not asking.

              2, 4, and 6 pay 3 a visit so they can ask him to take the lie detector test. He refuses because, as he puts it, he doesn’t “trust that robot”. If you devised a drinking game in which you’d have to do a shot every time THREE uses the term “Android”, you’d go very thirsty. What’s of particular interest in this scene is the fact that FOUR is among the trio who strong-arms THREE, reinforcing the point he made earlier during the training room sequence: He wants answers, dammit! 7) If you shoot him, you may skew the results.

              Hey, you know who I love? The Android. She’s a blast to write for because she’s a delightfully humorous character – played by a delightfully humorous actress (Zoie Palmer). After informing the crew of the potential pitfalls of shooting THREE, she proceeds to grill him…

              And, just when we start getting some answers, the proceedings are interrupted by another shipboard emergency. This one worse. MUCH worse!

              Some Dark Matter-related links to check out: Ratings – Whoa! An incisive analysis of the show and its characters. The author picked up on certain story elements others have missed. A very interesting read: Another very interesting read: “In the show, the memory loss serves as a plot device to allow formerly evil characters to explore a newfound goodness. But, more than making for an interesting show, if my intuition that this is a plausible response in this situation, I think this suggests something deeper about us.” Melissa O’Neil (TWO) interviews Anthony Lemke (THREE): Anthony Lemke (THREE) interviews Melissa O’Neil (TWO):
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                July 1, 2015

                Videos: Dark Matter

                Photos: Dark Matter

                1) Yes, I am an excellent information source. Thank you.

                And the hits just keep on coming. More bad news in the form of gamma radiation being emitted from the remains of a Type 1a supernova.

                The revised reveal of our ship from the gang at VFX:

                Again, the challenge in scenes like these is to keep the pace up and all of our characters alive (in other words, involved either directly through dialogue or indirectly through cutaways). There’s a lot of ground to cover here but flashes of humor go a long way toward breaking up the exposition, something I learned from my occasional technobabble-filled days on Stargate. These beats, mainly involving our Android, go a long way toward humanizing her character, making her more sympathetic, and adding dimension to her seemingly straight-forward personality. I’ve noticed some people bumping on these seemingly emotional responses. At times, she is almost childlike in her reactions. “But she an Android! It doesn’t make sense!”. It doesn’t? Sort of like…

                2) On the other hand, sometimes she makes a lot of sense. Good luck.

                Why is she wearing a spacesuit? “But she an Android! It doesn’t make sense!”. Until, of course, it does. The Android volunteers to effects repairs by executing a perilous EVA. And THREE is only to happy/relieved to let her go. As far as he’s concerned, it’s nothing personal – because he doesn’t really see our Android as a sentient entity imbued with a personality. At best, a machine with a personality template, but certainly not some”thing” to worry about. On the surface, his attitude may seem cold but an argument can be made that he does have a point. But let’s table that debate for later…

                3) That’s why I like her. She’s just like the rest of us.

                Amid all the suspicion, the shipboard paranoia, and the overwhelming feeling of isolation, personal connections are made and it’s interesting to see who gravitates towards who and how these relationships evolve over time. One of my favorites – and one of my favorites to write – is the friendship between these two very different crew mates: the imposing, grounded, wizened SIX and the diminutive, impulsive, young FIVE. He plays the role of the protector, offering words of comfort here but, in the situations, it’s often FIVE who offers up the words of wisdom, in this instance when she says: “She’s just like us.”, which echoes her “Well, same with them maybe, right?” in episode 102 in which she drew a parallel between the Android’s “killbot” programming and the crew’s apparent past disposition toward violence. When you think about it, the Android IS just like them in many ways (the fact that they’re all starting over after having their memories wiped being the most obvious), but she’s ESPECIALLy like FIVE: well-intentioned and a key member of the crew, but immature in many ways and incredibly lonely. And, speaking of connections, the relationship between FIVE and the Android is another one of my favorites that develops over the course of this first season.

                4) I sincerely hope you’re right. But if anything goes wrong out there, it will be your only chance.

                The Android suits up and, despite the obvious dangers, elects to forge ahead and complete the crucial repairs – while FIVE and SIX look on back on the bridge. I really want to say more about this scene but, for time being, I’ll hold off. Just make a mental note – and then let’s come back it later in the season. Plink! That’s the sound of the penny dropping.

                5) Too late.

                The Android is successful – but ends up disabled by the electro-static charges. A little about this sequence, in pictures…

                In order to reach the trench, the Android must walk down an extreme-angled wall, something easy enough to do in zero-g, but a little trickier to demonstrate in our Earth-based production environment. So this is what we did…

                With 1st AD Grant Boyle supporting her, our stand-in walks down one angle section and up the next. The shot is a close-up of her booted feet:

                I trimmed the head off the second shot and we were good to go!

                P.S. The coupling housed within the section of the retractable section of the trench is a visual effects, compliments of our VFX team lead by Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson.

                6) Whoa, whoa, whoa. We’re on the clock here, remember?

                THREE makes FOUR another pitch and, this time, he’s a little more successful in having his would-be ally hear him out. Why? Because, from a purely logical standpoint, he makes sense. As TWO will later tell ONE: “We felt it was worth the risk to save the Android; they didn’t.”

                7) Or now. We can talk about this now.

                There’s nothing I like more than a good stand-off – and this is a great one. After THREE and FOUR seal themselves in the bridge with the intention of jumping to FTL, FIVE shorts the door console, allowing the rest of the crew access to the ship’s nerve center. The shots of ONE, TWO, and SIX walking in guns raised – and the complimentary shot of THREE and FOUR drawing on them – never fails spike the adrenaline every time I watch this act-ending sequence.

                Hey! Check out these behind-the-scenes vids at featuring Marc Bendavid (ONE), stunt coordinator John Stead, VFX supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson, and production designer Ian Brock:



                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  July 2, 2015

                  Photos: Dark Matter

                  1) I went through the vent.

                  This is my favorite scene in this episode. A lot of nice little beats here, from FIVE’s slow bullet spill to THREE’s uncertain weighing of his guns.

                  2) You might want to hurry.

                  This scene in the final cut is a shortened version of what was originally envisioned. From the script:

                  ONE, SIX and FIVE head out. TWO trains her weapons on THREE and FOUR.

                  THREE: Is that really necessary?

                  By way of an answer, she motions for them to raise their hands – a little higher. They do.

                  —After a cutaway to the rescue, we cut back to the bridge where:

                  TWO still has her guns on THREE and FOUR. Beat.

                  THREE: Look, they’re back on the ship, we’re safely in FTL. We done here?

                  She doesn’t move.

                  THREE: It wasn’t personal. We were –

                  TWO: Just looking out for yourselves.

                  THREE: Looking out for all of us.

                  Off TWO –

                  THREE: If the shields had failed while we were waiting for them to haul him in, we’d be singing a different tune now. We were lucky.

                  He has a point. She lowers her guns. THREE and FOUR lower their hands.

                  THREE: Alright. I’ll be in my quarters. Let me know when we get to the station.

                  He starts off. She stops him with –

                  TWO: Not so fast. We’ve got to finish something first.

                  Off a confused…

                  — We SEGUE TO THREE in the hot seat, finishing up his lie detector test.

                  3) You would’ve done the same for us.

                  In the original script, this scene played out much differently. ONE gets an injured but still conscious SIX to the infirmary – where they are later joined by FIVE and the Android. Executive Producer Jay Firestone felt that the episode needed more jeopardy in order to a build to its satisfying conclusion, and so the original scene was rewritten and replaced by this much more dynamic sequence.

                  4) We move on.

                  Well, whaddya know? THREE was telling the truth after all!

                  We come away with three conclusions from this scene:

                  1. Even if one of the crew members was responsible for their communal mindwipe, he/she doesn’t remember.

                  2. The communal mind wipe may have been an accident, the result of a crude program designed to target someone else’s memories.

                  3. In TWO’s words: “Finding out whoever did this is going to be next to impossible.”

                  Ah, well. Two out of three anyway.

                  5) Looking out for number one.

                  This was another scene that played out a little differently from the way it was originally scripted.

                  In the script, he leans in and kisses her. She pulls back. He immediately backs off and apologizes. There is an awkward exchange and then, he leaves.

                  I actually preferred this original version which made TWO more emphatic and clear but, in this instant, production concerns necessitated a tighter version.

                  6) One final round of discovery!

                  Just as we draw closer to some answers, a few more questions are thrown our way. How did FIVE know where to look? Does this suggest some sort of past connection to the mysterious key card and the gun? Will we be learning more about the key card as the season progresses? Will that gun pay off in some way further on down the line? Do the writers actually have a game plan? Tune in to find out!

                  7) Goodnight!

                  Ah, the bookend. We conclude our opposite in much the same we started – with our Android on the bridge, giving the crew the 411. THREE seals up his vent, SIX touches up that nasty burn on his arm, while FOUR considers – oh, yeah! – that ring he discovered in the puzzle box. Yet another loose end we’ll presumably be getting around to sooner than later.

                  Much sooner.

                  8) Jace. Jace Corso.

                  So, after everything our crew went through, the burgeoning suspicion and shifting alliances, the suspected sabotage and lie detector test, we must finally come to terms with the fact that we’ll probably never know who was lying.

                  Until about five (show) minutes later with the final reveal of an all too familiar face sitting at a bar on some space station. The guy, a dead ringer for one, says he’s been after The Raza for a while now, looking to catch up with someone.

                  Wonder who?

                  P.S. This concluding WTF?!! scene was shot by Episode 4 director Amanda Tapping since this Cygni 4 bar set up was shot concurrently with the upcoming bar, lounge, casino, and back room scenes in #104.

                  PPS. Isn’t that space station establisher amazing? Kudos to Lawren Bancroft-Wilson and our VFX team on the gorgeous visuals.
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    July 3, 2015

                    Video: Dark Matter #104 promo

                    Photos: Dogs, Amanda Tapping, Dark Matter

                    I was in the costume department, talking to Dark Matter costume designer Noreen Landry when I noticed the pictures of the dogs lining the back wall. How cute, I thought. A different dedicated dog for each episode. And then, on closer scrutiny, I realized that it was much more than that. Yes, a different dog for each episode. And, yes, each dog with a different look. But each different look was on theme, a little teaser of every one of our episodes…

                    Appropriately enough, in our first episode, the crew awakens on a spaceship.

                    In our second episode, the crew assists a mining colony in fending off an attack by a powerful multi-planetary corporation.

                    In our third episode, the Android (and later ONE and SIX) undertake a perilous EVA.

                    In our fourth episode…well, I’ll let the above dog pic offer a hint.

                    Yes, tonight’s the night. Dark Matter is BACK with an all-new episode, this one directed by amazing Amanda Tapping (Stargate’s Samantha Carter). She did a brilliant job on this episode and, in the time she spent with us, garnered a whole new fan contingent amongst our cast and crew.

                    If you weren’t around reading this blog back in February, here are my behind-the-scenes write-ups on “The Amanda Tapping Experience”:






                    A few episode #104 previews:




                    The past comes back to haunt members of the crew during a stopover at a space station, during which Four makes a stunning discovery, while Two and Five learn that some games of chance come with surprising risks. Elsewhere, Six receives some unwanted attention at a local clinic; and One and Three’s attempts to sell the weapons in their cargo hold lands them at a dangerous disadvantage.

                    I’ll be live tweeting both the east cost and west coast broadcasts! Hope to see you all online tonight!
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      July 4, 2015

                      Videos: Akemi

                      Photo: Marc Bendavid

                      So, tomorrow Japan plays the U.S. in the finals of the Women’s World Cup. Despite the fact that they’re playing the match here in Vancouver, Akemi refuses to go watch it live – not because she doesn’t care but because she cares too damn much! I fear that, if we do go and Japan loses, she’ll be depressed for weeks (as opposed to the mere days brought on by a t.v. loss).

                      She is clearly emotionally invested in her national team as evidenced by her reactions to Wednesday’s semi-final game…

                      England scores on Japan:

                      Japan misses a scoring opportunity:

                      Speaking of emotional investment and passionate responses – what did you all think of Dark Matter’s fourth episode?

                      I’ll hold off on my detailed discussion for now but will say all of these early episodes continue hints to future revelations and payoffs. Watch again and pay close attention!

                      Meanwhile, others have weighed in with their thoughts on Episode 4:


                      “The latest Dark Matter episode gave the crew a serious reality check after a disastrous stop over at the space station. Not only did they get a sense of how much danger they’re in, some of them got a taste of just how dangerous they really are.”


                      “We’ve been insanely spoiled this summer with extraordinary programming, but even in such a crowded landscape Dark Matter shines like a super nova.”


                      ” In less than an hour, the writers managed to shine more light on our beloved characters and their pasts than we have seen in the first 3 episodes combined.”


                      “Two creates one of the best comedy teams since Abbott and Costello when she pairs up One and Three. They both object to the decision, but she shuts them up by giving them each the same “I don’t trust him, I want you to keep an eye on him” excuse. The look on her face after they both take the bait so easily is that of an exasperated mother dealing with two unruly boys.”

                      And here is an interview with actor Marc Bendavid (ONE) who pulled double duty in last night’s episode:

                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                        Been on vacation fr several weeks, finally caught up with Dark Matter. Good job Joe!!



                          July 5, 2015

                          Photo: Comic Con

                          Going to San Diego Comic Con? So is Dark Matter! In addition to our Thursday night (7:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m., Room 6BCF) panel in which Melissa O’Neil (TWO), Anthony Lemke (THREE), Jodelle Ferland (FIVE), Roger Cross (SIX), and Exec Producers Jay Firestone, Vanessa Piazza and I spill on the show’s first season, we’ll also be doing an autograph signing at the Dark Horse Comics booth (2615) on Thursday at 5 p.m. and again on Friday at 3 p.m. If you’re in the neighborhood, drop by and say hi.

                          I look forward to catching up with all our new friends:


                          Some great Dark Matter-related links for you to check out…


                          “Bravo! The fourth episode of Dark Matter was the total package. It had humor, drama, action, and suspense. The Raza crew finally made it to the space station for much needed refueling and repairs, but their efforts to remain under the radar were an epic fail on “Episode 4” of Dark Matter. Spoiler alert!”


                          “Dark Matter continues to move smoothly forward working as a mystery/thriller/science fiction series with an infinite path of possibilities. All the actors are hitting their stride and Zoie Palmer is a joy to watch as The Android. Her almost childlike approach to the crew and their issues is a delight. ”


                          “After a somewhat claustrophobic episode that focused on the Android and the Raza ship, ‘Episode Four’ takes us to a place that had been mentioned for a while now: the Space Station. In this episode, our characters learn that they might not be as free to walk around as normal citizens as they thought.”


                          “We’re back at Square One.” Indeed you are, Two, but viewers—and every member of the Raza—have some important pieces to the puzzle. If only they’d trust each other enough to share what they’ve learned.”


                          “Episode 4 breaks with the first three episodes by introducing the larger world I which the show is set. All six human characters as well as The Android (Zoie Palmer) developed a lot more colour this week by having fun and acting mischievous as the ship they travel docks at a space station.”


                          “All in all another successful episode, the character interaction was superb, particularly between One and Three, the writing was sharp and the mysteries continue to deepen and intrigue. I normally give a show four episodes to convince me to stick around, well we’re that far in now and I’m going nowhere.”

                          Loving these viewer video reviews:

                          GeekonReview review last Friday’s Defiance, Killjoys, and Dark Matter:


                          QuickTV’s Best & Worst TV Shows of 2015 (so far!):



                          daithi82 writes: “Since the show started off as a graphic novel are there any plans for any tie ins through other media such as webcomics, mini episodes or anything like that? Assuming the show gets picked up for a second series obviously.”

                          Answer: I’d love to see alt .media tie-ins although, if the show does get picked up for a second season, I’dbe too busy writing/producing to be involved.

                          Sylvia writes: “My memory is fading…but – did not 5 have a brother? And they lived in a palace… Perhaps the kid on the table is her brother?”

                          Answer: In episode #101, FIVE recalled a brother – but told TWO the recollection wasn’t hers. In episode #103, TWO posits the theory that FIVE has all of their memories downloaded into her subconscious. A recent episode strongly hints at the owner of said memory. As for the dead kid…we’ll find out his connection to FIVE sooner than later.

                          no1zoiepalmerfan writes: ” In the credits it has the actors who play ONE thru FIVE listed first then it says “with Roger Cross and Zoie Palmer”. Does that mean Roger and Zoie are considered recurring?”

                          Answer: Despite the credit placements, it’s a true ensemble show.

                          Ponytail writes: “I can’t remember what they did with his body. Is he still on board?”

                          Answer: TWO said they needed to jettison the body before they got to the next space station. Since last episode (#104) took place on a space station, it’s safe to assume the body was long gone by the time they docked.

                          Belouchi writes: “Aussi qu est ce qu’il se passe avec la serie transporteur, c etait pas mal???”

                          Answer: Je ne said rien au sujet de transporteur.

                          antisocialbutterflie: “My understanding of the underlying science behind mag boots is that the magnets need to be able to disengage and reengage, i.e., electromagnets. If this were the case, shouldn’t the pulse that knocked out the Android have also disengaged the mag boots and sent her floating into space?”

                          Answer: Yes, if they’re electromagnets that would be correct.

                          Furioso writes: “I ask because I’ve noticed a big push for Killjoys on both networks and on social media (even billboards) but practically nothing for Dark Matter. […] What I want to know is why no love for Dark Matter? Is this something that bugs you? Or are you used to it from all those years on Stargate?”

                          Answer: I’ve already talked about the great job the gang at SyFy PR and Marketing have done supporting the show, from their first kick-ass trailer to a continued online push. At the end of the day, you can’t worry about what’s going on with other shows, you just need to focus on making the best show possible and doing your best to get the word out. So help us get the word out!

                          Scott writes: “Also, random off-topic question, but does Space have access to the previews of the next episode of DM, or is that Syfy-exclusive? Because Space keeps showing previews of the next episode of Killjoys, but there’s never any previews for the next episode of DM.”

                          Answer: No, they should be able to air previews. Not sure why they aren’t.

                          Tam Dixon writes: “What kind of place would you look for in Toronto?”

                          Answer: Ideally, somewhere downtown within walking distance of a grocery store (for Akemi) and park (for the dogs).

                          JeffW writes: “And how are Bubba and Lulu doing? Have they re-adjusted to life in Vancouver?”

                          Answer: They’re doing well. Lulu is enjoying the sun – but has seemed down. Bubba, meanwhile, is plain slowing down. Old age.

                          Ponytail writes: “How come ONE and THREE don’t just tell what really happened?”

                          Answer: THREE doesn’t tell because he sees an opportunity in keeping ONE’s secret and ONE isn’t telling perhaps because he fears the reaction he’d get from the rest of the crew. As THREE points out, it does make him the lead suspect in their communal memory wipe.

                          2cats writes: “1) Why did Six go to the clinic when the Raza has a med-bay? Couldn’t the Android run the table diagnostic and treat him?”

                          Answer: The ship’s med-bay isn’t equipped with what is needed to generate a skin graft.

                          “2) How did One and Three escape the chairs if only the chest wires were loosened? Their hands and feet were tied separately.”

                          Answer: Presumably, with a little more maneuvering room, the same way they loosened the chest constraints.

                          “3) Was it difficult filming the face-to-face between One and Jace?”

                          Answer: Difficult, no. A little complicated and time consuming? Yes.

                          “4) Was that a mini-electric car motoring by in the background?”

                          Answer: Why, yes, it was. Station security.

                          “5 Was that Akemi playing the coughing lady in the clinic, wearing the brown boots?”

                          Answer: Nope. She’s holding out for a larger role. Season 2 maybe?

                          Mike A. writes: “In the tease at the end of episode three, Jayce was on Cygni-4, and in this episode, they were all on Shaofu-2, correct? ”

                          Answer: Correct.

                          2cats writes: “I assume, now that the crew is broke, the David Hewlett character will soon make an appearance. He’s their agent – right?”

                          Answer: It seems like a good bet we will be seeing Tabor Calchek very soon…

                          DP writes: “Would someone who was a sociopath because of childhood experiences still be so if he/she had amnesia? Would a born psychopath still have the skills to manipulate people and pretend to be normal if he/she had amnesia?”

                          Answer: Very interesting that you would ask those particular questions. Maybe we’ll find out.
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            July 6, 2015

                            Photos: Anthony Lemke, Bubba, Lulu, Dark Matter costume department episode photo

                            Things are going to be a little crazy over the next couple of days as we prepare for San Diego Comic Con so this blog is going to get a little…erratic. In addition to prep, Akemi and I are entertaining a guest for the next couple of days…a lodger if you will…

                            Anthony Lemke, Dark Matter’s THREE, is in town to take some meetings, reconnect with old friends – but mainly to meet the inspiration for a couple of his character’s guns: Bubba and Lulu.

                            A couple of days back, I mentioned how the ladies in Costumes had put up special dog-themed episode-specific photos in the Dark Matter wardrobe department. We saw a space dog for episode 1, a miner dog for episode 2, a spacesuit dog for episode 3, a gambling dog for episode 4 and for episode 5 we have…

                            A couple of Dark Matter-related links for you to check out:

                            Marc Bendavid (ONE) talks about the big revelations in episode #104:



                            “Q:Who would win in an arm wrestling contest between you and Jay Firestone?

                            A: Jay obviously. The guy is so determined. When he sets his mind to something, he’s unstoppable.”


                            “It’s the idea that secrets are kept, but eventually when they come out there’s hell to pay,” Mallozzi previews. He also has some information on how Four will deal with his newfound knowledge of his past, what Two’s actions say about her as well as the ongoing theme of isolation that the show will continue to explore as the season progresses. ”

                            I did a fun little fan/viewer Q&A here:

                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              July 7, 2015

                              Video: An Unfortunate Teaser

                              Photos: Books, Ruby Rose

                              One more day to San Diego Comic Con! I’m packing light so I can come back heavy.

                              If you’re in the SDCC neighborhood, come see us: Jodelle Ferland, Melissa O’Neil, Roger Cross, Anthony Lemke, and Executive Producer’s Jay Firestone and Vanessa Piazza for autograph signings at the Dark Horse Comics booth (2615) on Thursday at 5 p.m. and again on Friday at 3 p.m., and our Dark Matter panel on Thursday night (7:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m., Room 6BCF. Secret will be spilled; no prisoners will be taken!

                              If you’re a fan of science fiction and aren’t reading Alastair Reynolds – WHY THE HECK NOT?!! He is one of a handful of contemporary SF authors who should be required reading. His books are narratively rich, wondrously engaging hard scifi epics possessed of astounding scope and creative depth. Sound familiar? Yes, if you love the works of Iain M. Banks (his Culture books in particular), then you’ll love Alastair Reyolds – and vice versa.

                              Slow Bullets, his latest release, tells the tale of Scur, a conscripted soldier who, left for dead following a vicious post-armistice ambush, awakens on a prisoner transport vessel. Something has happened to ship, an accident that has claimed the lives of many in their stasis chambers, but released many more, allies and enemies, who must broker an uneasy truce if they are to survive and find out exactly what happened to them.

                              At a modest 192 pages, Slow Bullets is a great introduction to Reynolds’ masterful storytelling, and the perfect gateway book for those looking to discover their new favorite SF author.

                              Speaking of gateway books, I described Frostborn, the first instalment in author Lou Anders’ Throne & Bones series, as a terrific introduction to the fantasy genre for young readers – or older readers looking to raise future Tokien enthusiasts. The second book, Nightborn, does a great job of building on what has come before, expanding the world and its characters in a bold, dynamic adventure. Familiar faces, Karn the gamer and Thianna the giantess, are joined by (or “run afoul of” to be more precise) two new additions to the series, dark elves Tanthal and Deestra (aspiring elite agent of the Underhand!). A deeper world, increasingly more complex characters, and a twisty-turny quest for the Horn of Osius make for a highly enjoyable, fast-paced read.

                              Speaking of books, my very favorite children’s book series is about to be getting the small screen treatment compliments of Netflix. A Series of Unfortunate Events is a devilishly dark and wickedly humorous series focusing on the treks and travails of the Baudelaire children, three hard-luck but incredibly resourceful orphans.

                              Here’s hoping this version will allow us to forget the hugely disappointing big screen adaptation hated by fans of the book series and considered non-objectionable by those who didn’t know any better.

                              No word on a release date.

                              While you’re here, may I direct your attention to a few Dark Matter-related links:

                              A first look at Ruby Rose as the android, Wendy, in Dark Matter Episode 7:

                              Pretty badass looking, no?


                              U.K. scifi fans love us!


                              “Pulling off a rare feat, the space opera series actually grew its audience in its second week, drawing a consolidated audience of 393K viewers. All told, Dark Matter posted gains of around 17K viewers or just under 5% on the series premiere’s 376K viewers.

                              The (albeit marginal) ratings growth is significant, as it makes Dark Matter the first new series launch on Syfy UK in the past year to actually grow its audience from the premiere.”

                              Big things happening on the Dark Horse Comics front, publishers of the Dark Matter comic:


                              “In a deal a year in the making, comic book powerhouse Dark Horse (The Mask, Hellboy) is getting into the television business with Universal Cable Productions.”

                              Today’s entry is dedicated to blog regular Das. Happy Birthday, Birthday Gal!
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                July 8, 2015

                                Video: Dark Matter #105 promo

                                Photos: Akemi, ear plugs, Dark Matter

                                If this is a taste of what San Diego Comic Con has in store for me, I’d best head back home right now.

                                Akemi and I were up at 6:00 a.m. this morning so that we could get to the airport well in advance of our fight’s departure.

                                As it turned, out well WELL in advance as our flight – like most flights today- was delayed. In our case, by an hour and a half.

                                Finally, at 11:00 a.m., we were finally able to board..

                                And then told it would be another hour and ten minutes before we could leave…

                                Since there are, amazingly, no direct flights from Vancouver to San Diego, I estimated that we would be arriving in San Francisco just in time to see our connecting flight leave. But, as it turned out, this mass United Airlines inconvenience worked in our favor here as our connecting flight was ALSO delayed by 90 minutes.

                                We eventually made it to San Diego and, after checking in, we headed out to dinner – my knee still aching from the painful position I’d fallen asleep in enroute from SF, my left ear still throbbing from the pressure change. And that’s when I received an email from ADT Security informing me that my house alarm had been tripped and would I like the police to investigate?

                                By the time the police, my dog sitter who’d been out for dinner, and Ivon (who kindly offered to swing by my place and investigate) had checked it out, it was thirty minutes later and I was nursing a full-blown headache. As it turns out, it was a false alarm – but my headache was past caring.

                                Following a throughly mediocre meal, we returned to the hotel – where I discovered these in my nightstand…

                                Not a good sign.

                                Also, the in-room air conditioning starts up with a sound akin to a rusty hamster wheel. Or a robot hyena.

                                Still, I should consider myself fortune. Because of the flight delays, poor Jodelle isn’t get in until after midnight while Anthony will, no doubt tonight, be enjoying the amenities of San Francisco’s finest airport hotel.

                                BIG DAY tomorrow! Press! That autograph session! And our panel!

                                Autograph sessions at the Dark Horse Comics booth (2615):

                                Thursday at 5 p.m.

                                Friday at 3 p.m.

                                Dark Matter panel, Thursday night from 7:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. in Room 6BCF

                                with Melissa O’Neil, Jodelle Ferland, Roger Cross, Anthony Lemke, Executive Producers Jay Firestone and Vanessa Piazza, and yours truly.

                                Finally, here are a few teasers ahead of Friday night’s all-new episode of Dark Matter:




                                And previewing Episode #107’s clash of the androids:


                                Today’s entry is dedicated to blog regular paloosa!
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

