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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    October 20, 2014

    Photos: The Dark Matter stages

    Okay. I may not love where I’m presently living and I may hate the weather and the Toronto traffic but, boy, am I looking forward to production on Dark Matter‘s first season. Yes, of course I’m thrilled that I’m about to start prep on my very own show, but experience has taught me that, at the end of the day, it all comes down to the people you work with. And I’ve got a very good feeling about the people I’ll be working with in the months ahead. They’re relaxed, friendly, supportive, upbeat, and incredibly talented. It’s a great vibe and highly reminiscent of the positive tone I experienced on Stargate. Can’t wait to introduce you to the gang in the coming weeks.

    This morning, I settled into my new office, had my green smoothie, and talked t.v. and books with Alison and Caitlin (who promised to recommend me some Scandinavian reads) before getting on the phone with our Casting Director, Lisa Parasyn, who has done a phenomenal job of bringing in an incredible array of acting talent for these auditions. To be honest, with seven varied roles to cast, I was a little nervous going in but about a week into the process, I’m positively excited by some of the talent. We have 2-3 solid candidates for each part – and still have more people to see! With Vancouver and L.A. sessions upcoming, Lisa and I reviewed exactly what we need from each of these characters. One of the key aspects I emphasized was humor. I’ve always felt that a sense of humor goes a long way toward humanizing a character and facilitating a viewer connection. I’m not necessarily talking about laugh-out-loud funny but even a subtle humor is great. When I think back to Stargate, characters like McKay and O’Neill are the obvious examples, but I’d argue that Daniel, Teal’c, Woolsey, Ronon (and many more) were also funny in their own way. And the viewers loved them for it. Well, that’s what I’m looking for in these auditions. Humor – in addition to depth, range, and an utterly brilliant performance. And, so far, a surprising number have delivered.

    This afternoon, I walked the stages that will soon hold our sets…

    This is where we’ll be building the ship’s infirmary and isolation chamber.

    Future home of The Raza’s bridge.

    Potential home of our shuttle, the Phantom Class Marauder.

    I know it doesn’t look like much now but just you wait.
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      October 21, 2014

      Photos: Jay Firestone, Alison Hepburn, Joe Mallozzi

      As we head into prep on the first season of Dark Matter, I thought it might be nice to introduce you to some of the people who work behind the scenes to bring you (what will no doubt become) your new favorite new scifi series. Now people have often asked me: “Joe, what does a producer do?”. My answer: “It depends.” Nothing and everything, and a whole lot in between. At the worst of times, a “producer” is someone who receives a vanity credit by virtue of being at the right at place at the right time (ie. He lent someone a pen that allowed them to sign the contract that closed the deal). At the best of times, it’s someone who plays a crucial role in bringing the production to life, either by assembling the elusive pieces of the financial puzzle or coordinating the technical aspects of a production or helping to shape the creative. In Jay’s case, it’s all three. The only reason we’re moving forward on Dark Matter is because he was able to hustle his ass off and close the deals that got us the money we needed to make the show. We’re moving smoothly into prep because of the infrastructure he’s already put in place (talented personnel and valuable resources), the result of the many years of television he’s produced here in Toronto – most recently the series Lost Girl whose stages we’ll be moving into in the coming weeks. And, finally, Jay is involved in the creative, from scripts through prep to editing. Now, normally, this would be a cause for concern for me. While I’m not precious with my ideas and am open to ideas that will make a script better, experience has taught me that, a lot of the time, notes can actually make a script worse.

      Actual notes/suggestions/requests we received on Stargate:

      “Can we do a final shot where he wiggles his ears so that we know he’s an alien?” (On the character of Martin Lloyd in Stargate: SG-1‘s Point of No Return).

      “Don’t know if he’s right for the show.” (On making the character of Dr. Rodney McKay a member of the Atlantis expedition, Stargate: Atlantis).

      “I’d love for them to have a mascot. Maybe a golden retriever!” (On Stargate: Atlantis‘s second season).

      I’m a “worst case” scenario type of guy, so when someone tells me they have notes on my script, my response is akin to cresting the top of a roller coaster and starting the plummeting descent. In a nutshell: “Nononono! Aaaaaaah, SHIIIIIIIIIIIT!”. Sure, it might be considered an overreaction. Much of the time, the notes aren’t THAT bad. But they can be. I always go in, prepared for the worst, and spend much of these sessions thinking “I can’t address these notes. I’m dooooomed!” This in contrast to my writing partner, Paul, who is super positive and accommodating during notes sessions (“You want to make his love interest a platypus. Sure, we can do that.”) only to discover, when he sits down to incorporate the changes, that he’s dooooooomed!

      Anyway, we started working with Jay about a year and a half ago when he hired us to develop one of his ideas for television. We wrote a pilot script and, when we sat down with him for that first note session, I was, of course, expecting the worst. And ended up shocked. For a number of reasons. First of all, his approach was collaborative rather than confrontational. Secondly, he was perfectly reasonable, happy to discuss his notes and, on occasion, willing to reconsider. Thirdly, and most importantly, his notes were actually good. Smart and well thought-out. Paul and I may have disagreed with some, but there was never a moment when I wondered: “What was this guy smoking?!”. And, believe it or not, that happens a lot more than you’d think.

      Anyway, Jay dropped by my office today to offer his thoughts on the first six scripts. He had a couple of suggestions regarding the character voices (We agreed that we would make adjustments once we had our cast and the first 12 scripts) and a couple of bumps (that, after some thought, I realized could be addressed easily enough). All good.

      Speaking of casting, I just got off the phone with Paul who is finally making his way through all the Toronto auditions. About two hours in, he’s sounding a little punch drunk. I’ll check in with him in an hour.

      Meanwhile, our casting director, Lisa Parasyn, has her work cut out for her this week as she heads west to take in some more auditions. Her Vancouver schedule has her starting at 9:00 a.m. and, with five minutes allotted to each audition, and an hour off for lunch, she’ll be done a little after 4:00 p.m. Her second Vancouver session is, thankfully, only half as long. And then she’s off to L.A. to do it all over again.

      Anyway, I’m hoping we’ll have our decisions for round #2 by early next week. This weekend, I’ll choose another set of sides (scenes they’ll use in their auditions) for each of the seven characters. And, hopefully by the week after, we’ll be down to our round #3 finalists. It’s sort of like American Idol, but with less singing and more Androids.

      After another D.O.P. interview, I moved on to the most important part of my day – picking out some dog carpets for the new place:

      With Lost Girl wrapped, their inventory awaits a discerning purveyor of fine carpets – such as myself. With the help of Exec Producer’s Assistant Alison Hepburn (who, in addition to picking out carpets, making sure I don’t get lost, and chewing my food like a mother bird for me because I’m now a busy Show Runner and doesn’t have time to do it myself), I picked up a wonderful selection that will ensure the hardwood floors remain scratch-free, and Jelly upright and mobile.

      It was an awesome day. Until Jay informed me that, because of snafu in my writer’s contract, I would actually be getting paid in carpets.
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        October 22, 2014

        Photos: Vanessa Piazza

        Production on Dark Matter will be uniquely challenging for a number of reasons, not the least of which being the fact that my long-time writing and producing partner, Paul, won’t be making the move to Toronto to show run the series with me. Instead, he’ll come down for a week of meetings in November, return for prep and shooting of the opening two-parter, then come back to prep and produce episodes #5, #10 and #11. Otherwise, I’ll be flying solo – insofar as that’s possible considering I have an entire crew of talented individuals to backstop me. It’ll certainly be a different working model for me as I’ll no longer have Paul to split duties with. In the past, when I was in prep, he was on set – and vice versa. Now, if I’m on prep making sure the Android hits the “stealth parameters” line in episode 2, who’ll be signing off on the belt buckle being designed for episode 3? And if I’m editing episode 8, who’ll be tracking sweat beads in episode 7?

        At first, I thought I would need to hire someone – someone experienced, smart, and pleasant to work with who I could depend on to be on top of things. And then, as things moved further along on putting the pieces of this show together, I realized that “someone” was already on the production.

        Vanessa Piazza worked on two previous Prodigy Pictures productions (Lost Girl and XIII) as a producer involved in all aspects of prep, production, and post. Hell, she was also heavily involved in PRE-prep for Dark Matter, hustling to help close the deals that finally made our show a reality. In the few short months I’ve worked with her, she has been nothing short of awesome – and I couldn’t imagine anyone better suited to help oversee set, work on cuts, and, of course, sign off on that belt buckle being designed for episode 3.

        First day of Vancouver auditions will be uploaded tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces.

        I’m calling it a night as my power cord has died and I’m dwindling past 32% battery life. Added to tomorrow’s to-do list between 1) Identify a new set of sides for the second round of auditions and, 2) Have barbecue for lunch, is 3) Get new power cord.

        Hey, here’s something interesting. #10 on the list of Unsolved Mysteries: 15 TV Cliffhangers:
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          October 23, 2014

          Photos: Alison Hepburn, the office gang

          Now when most people hear we have an Executive Producers’ Assistant on a production, they’ll invariably ask: “What the hell do you need an assistant for?”. Well, the obvious answer is: “Everything.” Once we roll into prep, production, and post, Executive Producers like me are far too busy to deal with certain aspects of life others take for granted. Things like grabbing lunch, sending out emails, and combing my hair become tasks that no longer find room on my suddenly busy schedule. Here a good EPA can be counted upon to pick up the slack. But there’s a difference between a good assistant and a great assistant. A good assistant solves problems. A great assistant anticipates and addresses issues BEFORE they can become problems. A great assistant excels in other areas as well, demonstrating a unique skill set that might go unnoticed – until the situation demands it. Alison, for instance, in addition to her various inter-office talents, is blessed with an uncanny sense of direction, terrific sunglasses, and has trained as a security professional. For the duration of this production, she will be my bodyguard, accompanying me to and from set and to various high-profile functions. You may not notice her because she’ll blend into the shadows (she spent a summer in Kyoto interning as a ninja) but, should you attempt any sudden moves in my direction, she WILL TAKE YOU DOWN!

          Fortunately today, I didn’t need her to kick anyone’s ass for me. Instead, I required her driving skills, uncanny sense of direction, and knowledge of the local retailers in order to secure a new power cord for my laptop. We took a ride to Staples where the weary saleswoman walked us over to the appropriate section and offered up a wholly inappropriate device. Of course, I didn’t know it was inappropriate. But you know who did? That’s right. Alison! Despite the saleswoman’s insistence that it WAS the correct power cord, Alison would not be deterred, quietly insisting the saleswoman was mistaken. And, sure enough, she was! IF I’d bought the recommend power cord, my laptop would have died and I would have had to make a return visit. But, fortunately, Alison was with me. She anticipated and addressed the issue before it became a problem. Amazing.

          In addition, she’s also a budding you writer. I intend to take her under my wing and mentor her to the point where, eventually, she will be able to step in and assume all of my writing duties on the show, leaving me even more time for my intensive weekly fantasy football research.

          Upon our return to the office, Alison coordinated lunch as well (seeing as I’d complicated matters by insisting we order barbecue), then assumed navigation duties as I drove us to Barque ( to pick up our order.

          Lunch was my treat today as a thank you to the office gang (and to make them all hugely indebted to me) – but it almost wasn’t as the machine wouldn’t accept my credit card. Usually, in situations like these, an assistant is relied upon to create a diversion while a producer makes good his escape with the take-out order – but, on this occasion, I had enough cash to cover it it so that proved unnecessary.

          We all sat down together in the conference room and enjoyed some great brisket, ribs, wings, chicken. And spinach salads because we belied they were good for us.

          I spent the entire afternoon searching my laptop for my rewrite of the pilot. The ENTIRE afternoon! And I still couldn’t find it. In retrospect, I could have saved time by just rewriting the script again.

          More auditions headed our way tonight!
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            October 24, 2014

            Video: Natalie Cooper

            Photos: Natalie Cooper, Jelly

            Anyone will tell you that the toughest thing about starting a new productions isn’t the casting or the scriptwriting or ensuring that it all falls within the allotted budget. No, the toughest thing about starting a new production is remembering everyone’s name. It’s a problem that plagued me my many years on Stargate. My writing partner and I, Paul, joined the show in its fourth season. In the first two weeks we were there, we were introduced to roughly, oh, one hundred people – and then spent the greater part of the season sequestered in our respective offices, cranking out scripts. By the time we came up for air and were finally able to visit set – about three years later – we couldn’t remember anyone’s name. And, because so much time had passed, it would have been way too awkward to ask – so we improvised” “Hey, you guy. What’s up?” or “How was your weekend, TooMuchLipstick?” or “Yo, Beardo, what did you do on your hiatus?”

            Fortunately, I’m getting in on the ground floor with Dark Matter and have been introduced to the production personnel in small doses, partly because we’re still a week away from actual prep and much of the crew hasn’t started yet, but mostly because, I suspect, they’re afraid of overwhelming me and scaring me off. Despite my general inability to remember names (Twelve years after moving into my neighborhood, I avoided running into the family next door for fear they would test me), I’ve been doing pretty good so far. Sure, I don’t remember everyone’s names but I do remember the names of the more colorful characters.

            Take Natalie Cooper for one. She wears two hats [note the photo above], fulfilling the functions of both Development and Social Media Coordinator. In addition her aforementioned duties, she is also the resident foodie and a font of invaluable restaurant and ice cream sandwich shop information. In addition, she’s an avid comic book reader, although she has thus far resisted my attempts to engage her on the topic. Apparently, the task of reading (and passing judgement on) the Dark Matter graphic novel fell to her a couple of years ago. She was the gatekeeper, Prodigy Pictures‘ own Cerberus, charged with the task of ensuring only the awesomest of properties gain admission to its hallowed halls. Abandon all hype, ye who enter here. If it wasn’t for her giving the comic book the thumbs up, I’d probably now be volunteering for clinical trials of the new Arby’s menu items.

            Anyway, in addition to development, social media, and food and comic punditry, she is also making a foray into the acting realm as evidenced by this tremendous audition that found its way into my inbox the other day. Reading for the part of Seven (a character who doesn’t actually exist in the show, but this audition may change my mind): Natalie Cooper…

            I’m afraid that if I don’t snap her up now, I may lose her to Downton Abbey.

            Hey, remember yesterday when I was talking about how great Executive Producer’s Assistants are proactive (a term rarely used outside the suites of network executives)? Well, Alison (aka The Driver, aka The Fixer, aka Audrey) informed me this morning that she had tracked down a stroller for my elderly pug Jelly. And not only did she locate one at the nearest Pet Smart, but she reserved it, accompanied me to pick it up so that I wouldn’t meander off, then assembled it for me back at the office (for fear I might hurt myself). And voila -

            Pretty terrific. I informed Alison that she just bought herself another week!

            Starting tomorrow(wish), what say we get into the casting process. I’ll offer you all a peek at the breakdowns that went out for our seven-member crew and update you all on the casting process.

            Sounds fun, no?
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              October 25, 2014

              Photos: Dark Matter, Stargate characters

              The six-person crew of a derelict spaceship awakens from stasis in the farthest reaches of space. Their memories wiped clean, they have no recollection of who they are or how they go on board. The only clue to their identities is a cargo bay full of weaponry and a destination: a remote mining colony that is about to become a war zone. With no idea whose side they are on, they face a deadly decision. Will these amnesiacs turn their backs on history, or will their pasts catch up with them?

              My twelve years on Stargate served to confirm something I already knew, and a fact that most fans have known for quite some time: A clever hook may lead viewers to check out a new show, but it’s the characters that will keep them coming back. I know, I know. It seems pretty obvious, but to most buyers, it’s all about the sizzle. “Hey, there’s never been a show about a unicorn detective! Let’s do that!” Or – “Hey, there are a dozen hits shows about a lawyers. Let’s do that!” Sure, they’ll SAY they’re interested in the characters and will emphasize their desire to see them shine in a pilot but – Come on! It’s the pilot! Characters develop over time through their respective journeys and their interrelations with others. How much can you really tell from a single script?

              Yes, it’s all about the characters. And those onscreen personalities we come to grow and love are a magical mix of words on a page and performances onscreen. Your terrific script is doomed without a solid actor while, conversely, horrendous writing can sink even the most talented of thespians.

              All this to say: casting is crucial. And it can be very tricky. Most of the time, it’s not a simple matter of being able to distinguish a good performance from a bad one, but being able to identify the right actor for the right role.

              Which is the challenge that has presented itself on Dark Matter – x 7.

              We’ve cast a fairly wide net in our search to find the perfect actors for each our seven very varied crew members, using the graphic novel as more of a guide than a template. The whirlwind process started a couple of weeks ago when the materials (breakdowns, sides, the first two episodes) went out to casting agents. Since then, we’ve watched A LOT of auditions. And we’ll no doubt see a lot more before we’re done. Once the L.A. auditions come in mid next week, we’ll make our selects and narrow the field down considerably. Our prospective candidates will read two more scenes and, based on those auditions, we’ll narrow the field down to a handful and have them read together to test their chemistry. Based on the results, we’ll pick our favorites and then it’ll be smooooooth sailing!


              AKA Hero, AKA Jace Corso. HANDSOME, BOYISH, GOOD-LOOKING. CHARMING BUT A BIT OF A GOOF, HE IS THE CREW’S MORAL CENTER, A GUY WHO ALWAYS TRIES TO DO THE RIGHT THING, despite the odds being stacked against him and no matter how unpopular the course of action. HE IS A SPACE COWBOY, THE CLOSEST THING TO A HERO ONBOARD THE SHIP. Sure, he screws up – but he means well. He’s the fish-out-water with whom our viewers will hopefully identify.

              Stargate equivalent -

              Surprisingly (or maybe not) proving to be one of the most challenging roles to cast. But two candidates are at the top of my list…



              AKA Boss Lady, AKA Portia Lin. THE GROUP’S DE FACTO LEADER, SHE IS A MASTER FIGHTER and an unbelievably quick learner when it comes to any type of weaponry. DETERMINED, TOUGH, AND MORE THAN A LITTLE HEADSTRONG, SHE IS NOT THE TYPE YOU WANT TO MESS WITH- OR DISAPPOINT. She can be cool and inscrutable and yet, at the same time, demonstrates a curious sympathy for her fellow crew members.

              Stargate equivalent -

              This was the one I was most worried about going in as she has to strike that fine balance between forceful and likeable- but we actually have some terrific candidates.



              AKA Sunshine, AKA Marcus Boone. A TRUE BADASS, he is the flipside to One’s principled coin – which is why the two are often at odds, developing a (grudging) like-hate relationship over the course of their journey. HE IS A MERCENARY THROUGH AND THROUGH, ALWAYS LOOKING OUT FOR HIMSELF. But he must come to accept the fact that, if he’s going to survive, he’s going to have to learn to get along.

              Stargate equivalent -

              A few very interesting casting possibilities here. I think of all the roles this one would probably be the most fun.



              AKA Ryo Tetsuda. CALCULATED, INTROSPECTIVE, EVER-STOIC AND A MASTER OF THE BLADE. His composed exterior belies a ruthlessness that can manifest itself in extreme circumstances.

              Stargate equivalent -

              This one has been tough. Poised and menacing is very hard to pull off. But there are a few candidates I am very excited about.



              AKA Kid. THE SHIP’S PIXIE-ISH MASCOT WITH MYSTERIOUS ABILITIES – SHE’S THE KID WITH ALL THE SECRETS. And a propensity for getting into trouble. EASILY BORED, QUICK TO MOUTH OFF, she is nevertheless one of the more empathetic members of our colorful crew.

              Stargate equivalent -

              Another one I thought would prove a challenge to cast but, so far, things are looking very good in that regard. The issue is age. In the show, this character may be a little older as we’ll need to cast someone 18+ to play younger. Or cast someone younger and work around their school schedule. Or follow my suggestion (that didn’t go over too well) and cast a high school dropout.



              AKA Tiny, AKA Griffin Jones. ON THE SURFACE, HE’S A LOW-KEY BRUISER, AN IMPOSING FIGURE among a group of intimidating individuals. HE’S A MAN OF FEW WORDS, A TOUGH AS HELL GOON WITH LITTLE PATIENCE FOR BULL****. Cross him at your own risk. Beneath the rough and tumble exterior, however, is a heart of gold- 14k, the softest! A SURPRISINGLY SIMPLE GUY, HIS QUIET CONFIDENCE BELIES A FIERCE INTELLIGENCE AND PHILOSOPHICAL NATURE.

              Stargate equivalent -

              There are two candidates who positively nailed it. This is going to be a very difficult decision.


              THE ANDROID

              Aka Android. CONCISE, IMPASSIVE, YET SURPRISINGLY POSSESSED OF A SUBTLY WRY SENSE OF HUMOUR, he is an indispensable member of the crew since he can exercise control over all the ship’s systems. Imagine him as less a robot and more a surly butler.

              Stargate equivalent -

              This one’s been very tough. He’s possessed of a subtle humor that many are having a hard time capturing in their reads.

              So, let’s put you in charge. Who would you cast in each of the roles?
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                October 26, 2014

                Photos: Bubba, Lulu, the St. Lawrence Market, Akemi, football, snow monkeys

                Thanks to all of you inquiring about Bubba and his separation anxiety issues. He’s actually doing much better now as I suspect he’s grown a little more comfortable in the new place. Unfortunately, we move to the even newer place tomorrow – so let’s hope it’s an easier adjustment. I have noticed, however, an increasing dependency on Akemi. When he’s out for a walk with her, he stubbornly refuses to head back home – but when he’s with me, he can’t wait to return to the condo and, presumably, be reunited with his one true love.

                No sooner is one doggy issue addressed than another crops up. Before leaving for Toronto, I had a bump on Lulu’s hind paw tested. The results came back “I got no idea” and it was suggested the growth be excised and tested. The vet we saw here suggested that, before going that route, we try soaking Lulu’s paw in warm water and epson salts to see if that shrunk the growth. Well, not only did it NOT shrink it but now, there’s another lump on her paw beside the first one! Guess I’ll be bringing her in this week for another consult.

                This weekend, we finally hit the St. Lawrence Market where, in addition to picking up some local produce at the Saturday farmer’s market, I sampled some of the local culinary eats. Like the bacon sandwich – you have a choice between sweet and savory – which was actually ham…but delicious nevertheless.

                And one of my very favorite sandwiches – veal and eggplant park with jalapeño and sautéed onions.

                And, oooh, custard tarts.

                We visited Silver Snail Comics at their new – father – location where I perused the books, and tried their nutella latte. Check out some of the hero and villain-theme concoctions.

                Among the many things we miss about Vancouver is the workout room in our basement. Back home, we could head down at any time of night and get in a workout. Here in Toronto, if we want to use the hotel gym, we need to get there before 8:00 p.m. on weekends. Otherwise, we’re out of luck. Pictured above: a devastated Akemi.

                Did anyone watch football this weekend? Did you see the Indianapolis Colts get trounced by that team made up of convicts on day release from the federal pen.

                Celebratory hug! My Snow Monkeys are on their way to another impressive win in fantasy football league play, improving their record to 5-3 (following an 0-2 start; all three losses coming by 3 points or less). I smell playoffs! And wet fur!
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  October 27, 2014

                  Photos: Elliot Sokolsky, Cheque Requisitions

                  Remember the character of Radar O’Reilly in M*A*S*H*? Not the later naive Iowa farm boy he turned into, but the astute and wily operator we’re initially introduced to – the clever contriver who could always manage to get his hands on the most elusive of items: chocolates, meds, a jeep. If you needed something, Radar was the guy to call on. Well, I’ve got a feeling that Elliot Sokolsky is our Radar O’Reilly. Sure, his official title is Development and Business Affairs Coordinator, but I suspect that’s just a cover designation. “When you want to know the secret way home, come see me,”he told me on my first day in the office, dangling that speedy backstreet shortcut like a black market ham. Whenever I walk by his office, he’s either on the phone or deeply engrossed in some unseen online task (ie. ensuring that shipment of llamas gets through customs). And, curiously, no matter where he’s looking, or how far outside his office I may be loitering, he always seems to sense my presence, like a clairvoyant detecting the energy of dawdling spirits. I suspect I may have cause to call on his unique skill set at several points during my stay here. Especially come episode 9 when I’ll need to get my hands on those rare albino meerkats.

                  Our two-day L.A. auditions kicked off today while, back here on the home front, construction commenced on our ship, The Raza. Super secret behind the scenes sneak peeks to come!
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    October 28, 2014

                    Photos: Caitlin Brown, To Do list

                    “So what does Caitlin do?”I asked as part of my first day bid to know absolutely everything about absolutely everyone.

                    “She’s Head of Business Affairs,”I was told.

                    “No, really.”


                    Really? Caitlin Brown was one of the very first people I’d met. She’d come into my office and chatted about film, television, and books (she’s going to recommend some of her Scandinavian favorites). I’d found her super pleasant, incredibly engaging, instantly likeable – and. thus, thoroughly atypical of most of the Business Affairs Execs I’d dealt with over the years. I almost didn’t believe it at first but, upon closer scrutiny, the tell-tale signs were there: the closed office door, the authoritative phone voice, the occasional no nonsense attitude. She meant business. Business Affairs business! And further internal research revealed that she, in fact, holds sway over two departments as Executive in Charge of Business Affairs AND Development. A most unlikely combination. But then, Caitlin is full of surprises.

                    Yes, she’s a delightfully grounded, perfectly sociable Executive in Charge of Business Affairs.

                    Who also DJ’s under the name DJ Mizz Brown.

                    Plays competitive basketball in two leagues.

                    And, by all accounts, is a bit of a music aficionado with one hell of an impressive collection of Jazz records.

                    These head-spinning revelations were almost too incredible to process when they were delivered this morning – but Caitlin kindly brought me back down to Earth by delivering yet another surprise -

                    In the form of a stack of contracts that required my signature. Can’t get more Business Affairs than that!

                    I spent much of the day working my way through all of the L.A. auditions. A LOT of familiar faces. Also got in touch with some old online friends about promoting the show as we gear up prep. Discussed some tweaks to the first four scripts. Oh, and Nat Cooper stopped by the office to discuss Harry Potter and helpfully put together a To Do list on my whiteboard. I’ve got my work cut out for me in the next few days:

                    Which reminds me – the Dark Matter Facebook page is up: Spread the word!
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      October 29, 2014

                      Photos: Dark Matter set construction, Craig, wardrobe assistants

                      After a seemingly endless wait for the show to get green the light, we’re now charging full speed ahead toward our January production dates. This week, construction began on our standing sets. First up, our ship, The Raza, which will include the bridge, corridors, an infirmary, mess hall, training room, various corridors and airlocks. The design work looks pretty awesome, and I fully intend to share the specs and pics with you in the coming days and weeks. Also, our Set Designer Doug Slater has put together a terrific 3D walk-thru of our soon-to-bridge – which you’ll also get a chance to check out very soon.

                      Meanwhile, our first round of auditions is finally complete and, all told, we’ll have seen A LOT of very talented people. Still a few redirects to come in (“re-do’s” that incorporate suggested adjustments) and then, by Friday, we’ll finally have our short list. Well, shortER list. The sides (scenes) for the second round have been chosen and are ready to go.

                      So last week, I helped myself to some carpets from the recently wrapped Lost Girl set (I had my heart set on a staff of righteousness or a twig of Zamora, but somebody – I suspect Nat Cooper – beat me to ‘em). This week, I came to work to discover four shirts hanging in my office. Apparently, Jay and Vanessa picked them out for me. It was avery nice gesture and, when you think about it, unbelievably kind of them to take the time to go to wardrobe, peruse the selection, and pick out some shirts they thought would suit me.

                      Last night, had drinks with the Exec Producers of SyFy’s other new production, The Expanse. Very nice group and their show sounds like it’s going to be awesome.

                      Lots of terrific SF to look forward to in 2015!
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        October 30, 2014

                        Video: Dark Matter set construction

                        Photos: Kim Morrison, Dark Matter set, Alison Hepburn

                        She’s like a shadow in the night – dark, mysterious, silent and stealthy. One second she’s there, the next she’s gone. Then, she’s sitting behind you, sipping her coffee! I’ve never seen her come or go and yet, somehow, whenever I turn a corner, she’a there – appearing as if by magic. Her name is Kim Morrison and her title is Executive Producer’s Assistant, that much I know – but little more. She remains enticingly enigmatic, her past and predilections as elusive as a ninja panther in ballet slippers.

                        After almost two weeks, let’s review what I know about Kim: 1. She enjoys flavored coffees. 2. Her eyes are like two Infinity Mind Gems set in Silmarils. 3. She’s a writer!

                        Intriguing, no?

                        This begs further research.

                        Meanwhile, construction continues on our standing sets and I’m pleased to report that the bridge of our ship, The Raza, is taking shape. Work has also started on the lower decks and the main section of our recurring space station set. The latter will serve as a port of call for wary travellers, offering food, comfort, and occasional trouble.

                        They’re moving quickly. And noisily!

                        A final batch of auditions to review. Tomorrow, we make our second round selects!

                        Oh, and I’ve got to finish up my pass on episodes #1 and #2. I’ll be sitting down with the Art Department to discuss our two-part opener next week.

                        Check out and share our twitter:

                        And Facebook page:
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          October 31, 2014

                          Photo: Wray Douglas

                          I received word today of the passing of longtime Stargate Special Effects Supervisor Wray Douglas. It’s shocking and sad when someone so young leaves us, but doubly so when it’s someone as gentle and even-keeled as Wray. Despite the occasional onset chaos or the rigorous demands of his job, he was always the calm in the eye of the storm – precise, professional, and infallibly pleasant. I remember finding it ironic that, even though he specialized in pyrotechnic displays and visual spectacle, Wray was actually a very calm, quiet and fairly shy guy. Whenever I’d see him on set, I’d have to engage him in conversation first but, once we started talking about what he had planned for a certain scene or shot, his eyes would positively light up, that big smile of his would appear, and he’d happily chat until he was called away – usually to blow something up. He loved what he did and it showed in his work and his attitude. If you needed something from him, he would deliver in a big, big way, consistently surpassing expectations. He was, without a doubt, the very best at what he did.

                          One of my favorite Wray stories came via former Stargate Co-Executive Producer Damian Kindler who was on set one day to oversee production on one of his episodes. That particular afternoon called for a fairly intricate series of explosions – again, Wray’s specialty. The director yelled “Action!”, the scene played out, and the SPFX team triggered the charges. The series of explosions were nothing short of astounding and left everyone in attendance absolutely stunned. And, as cast and crew stared, dumbfounded, Damian glanced over and spotted Wray and his long-time partner in onscreen mayhem, SPFX Master Scott Stofer, standing off by themselves, giggling in delight.

                          And that’s what I’ll always remember most about Wray Douglas: that almost childlike delight and palpable love he had for his craft.

                          The last time I saw Wray was back in September of 2010. He was as relaxed and happy as ever, looking forward to a new, more relaxed, less explosive charge-laden chapter in his life. And in that day’s blog entry, I’d written:

                          “Today, we said goodbye to Special Efffects Wiz Wray Douglas who rides off into the sunset after a dozen+ years spent sparking, flaming, dropping, ratcheting, and generally blowing all manner of **** up here on Stargate. You’ll be missed, buddy.”

                          And he will. Big time.
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            November 1, 2014

                            Photos: Jelly, Lulu, Bakka-Phoenix Books, books, food

                            Well, it’s been about two weeks since the move to Toronto and I’m pleased to report we have more or less settled in. We’ve met quite a few very nice people in that short time – also, a number of weirdoes. But I suppose that’s to be expected. Toronto is a bigger city. Also, unlike Vancouver, Akemi and I can’t simply live as recluses. Necessity forces us to go out, encounter others and, in some instances, interact with them. The fact that I’ll strike up a conversation with just about anybody helps (or hurts depending on the relative sanity of my impromptu conversation partner).

                            The dogs have also settled into a nice little routine that includes four daily visits to the local dog park where Jelly leaves her stroller to get in her short walks, Bubba does his best to avoid contact with other dogs, and Lulu stubbornly refuses to return home until she has visited the dog run where she too ignores the other pooches in favor of begging their owners for attention.

                            I do miss Darlene and the gang at The Book Warehouse in Toronto. I’ve checked out a couple of the local book stores and have left underwhelmed. The sole exception is Bakka-Phoenix Books (84 Harbord Street), a terrific shop specializing in genre fiction. I spent a good half hour chatting with the staff while Akemi sat patiently by, endlessly perusing an illustrated Miyazaki book.

                            Even though I vowed to stick to digital versions while here in Toronto, I couldn’t help myself and picked up a selection made up of staff member Leah’s recommendations and some titles that caught my eye:

                            Presently reading Norman Lear’s Even This I Get to Experience. Just finished – and loved – the first volume of Brian K. Vaughn’s Saga, recommended to me by Prodigy Pictures Development Wunderkind Nat Cooper. I swung by The Silver Snail and picked up volumes 2 and 3 yesterday. And also brought home a bunch of other comic books and graphic novels Natalie sent me home with on Friday, among them Buzzkill by Donny Cates that I thought was pretty darn terrific as well. Speaking of comic book, it looks like it’ll be trade paperbacks only moving forward as Marvel has apparently wrapped up (canceled?) the only two single issue series I was collecting: The Thunderbolts and the awesome Superior Foes of Spiderman.

                            The eating, meanwhile, has been good. WAY to good. Some of the highlights -

                            The crispy prawn rice rolls at Luckee in the Soho Met. I don’t even like rice rolls but thought these were great. I’m not a huge fan of some of the entrees, but their dim sum menu items are uniformly great.

                            The sautéed sweetbreads at Le Neuf Cafe (9 Clarence Square) which, by the way, makes the best desserts in town – everything from salted caramel eclairs to their tiny chouquettes that Akemi has become addicted to and now picks up on almost a daily basis.

                            Wahlburgers (A Mark Wahlberg burger joint, 46 Blue Jays Way) opened her recently and I checked out their promising-sounding Thanksgiving Burger. The patty was flavorful but the stuffing and roasted butternut squash were decidedly not. The side of sweet potato tots (Actually made from yams. For some reason, people in Toronto don’t know the difference between a yam and a sweet potato) was disquietingly sweet. Everyone else in line ordered the signature Our Burger. Maybe I’ll order that next time. Or just go Burger’s Priest which I’ve been meaning to do.

                            After stocking up at the St. Lawrence Market this morning, we returned home where I made myself a bacon sandwich using two types of bacon (back bacon and peameal), Bourgogne cheese, and micro greens.

                            Tonight, we head out to a special event dinner at a local Italian eatery that is hosting a special guest chef from Vancouver: none other than our buddy Chef Robert Belcham (Fuel, Refuel, Fat Dragon, Camapagnolo, Campagnolo Roma). I will, of course, report back.
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              November 2, 2014

                              Photos: Dinner at Porzia Restaurant, Chef Rob Belcham

                              A couple of days before my departure for Toronto, I received an email from Chef Rob Belcham (formerly of Fuel and Refuel and Fat Dragon, presently of Campagnolo and Campagnolo Roma – all in Vancouver) informing me that he would be in town for a special one-night only dinner at Porzia Restaurant ( 1314 Queen St W.). I immediately booked a table for two and last night was the night.

                              Chef Belcham was joined by three other chefs (his former cooks) to create the special six course menu…

                              Snacks: live scallop caviar & cream, soft egg and white soy, horse mortadella, and herring on toast. The clear winner here was the scallop – and fresh and flavorful bite. I’m not a fan of herring but Akemi is, and that particular entry was right up her alley.

                              Schmaltz Candle: Schmaltz (chicken fat) shaped into a candle and allowed to melt down and mix with what I believe was crisp, seasoned chicken skin (I’m guessing here because our waitress plunked the plates down in front of us without offering an explanation), served with dipping bread. Damn tasty. Akemi and I waited patiently for the candle to render down completely before really digging in – only to have our waitress whisk the plate away, leaving me clutching my unanointed bread.

                              Squash carpaccio with from age fraiche and smoked chestnut. When I saw this on the menu, I was instantly dubious – but I was pleasantly surprised. Very pleasantly surprised. Believe it or not, this sweet and savory, multi-textured vegetarian entry was my favorite dish of the night.

                              Chef Rob’s albacore tuna with veal bone marrow, capers & parsley. The tuna melted in our mouths. Akemi’s sole quibble was the lack of rice which, she felt, would have made the dish perfect!

                              Dandelion agnolotti with ricotta & parmesan brodo. Delicious, but quite over seasoned.

                              Veal sweetbreads with shaved shank, walnut tarator, spiced jus. Akemi wasn’t a fan of the walnut mousse and I wasn’t sold on the shank, but the sweetbreads were perfectly prepared.

                              Brown butter crepe with pumping maple & mascarpone. To be honest, this one felt like two different desserts – the crepe and the interior cream-stuffed tuile. Both very tasty but a texturally bizarre combo.

                              A fun outing – and it was great to see Rob. Now, if we can only convince him to open a Campagnolo outpost here in Toronto…
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                November 3, 2014

                                Photos: Trevor Finn, cufflinks, chocolate, Akemi

                                Well look who started work at the Dark Matter production offices today. It’s none other than Trevor Finn! Blog regulars know that my working relationship with Trevor goes way back. From his humble beginnings as Associate in Charge of Draining My Pet Baboon’s Anal Glands to Story Editor/Script Coordinator – he’s come a long way, baby.

                                Trevor also wrote what will be episode #8 of Dark Matter’s first season. I’ll be sure to subject him to fan Q&A (aka “a good ole fashioned coal-raking”) after it airs.

                                Oooh, check out the new cufflinks I picked up at TIFF Lightbox shop. They had tie-fighters as well but they were just painted faces rather than actual sculpts. This time next year, I’ll get a custom pair of our ship, The Raza.

                                SOMA Chocolate (443 King St W and 32 Tank House Ln) is offering this roasted white chocolate bar – something that is, apparently, all the rage in Japan. Tastes like creme brûlée!

                                While out and about, Akemi encountered these adorable little girls who wanted to play with her for a REALLY long time.
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

