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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    Hockeytown is in Detroit and so will be the Stanley Cup after this year's playoffs!!


      The ship in Tabula Rasa has an orange screen. The Odyssey?


        Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
        It's perfectly fine, considering the comments that get aimed at him. If people want to flame someone, they have no right to cry when they get counter-flamed. Not that I'm saying anyone has been crying over his latest comment. At least that I've seen.

        I agree with you, Agent Dark, about the counter-flaming.

        It's been going on for at least five years, if not longer, and it's been OLD since Day 2.

        Joe, bless your heart!



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          And Joe's been joining in since day 1 - although 'naming and shaming' is a new low.

          It's hard for me to have respect for counterflamers: by definition they're flamers.

          It saddens me. I've stuck up for TPTB over and again, here on GW and elsewhere; I've modded where necessary and I've posted where appropriate, and I've never let anyone call Joe or any other PTB an 'oxygen waster' even by implication. I know Joe gets a lot of Anonymouses going psycho on his blog, but somehow I had expected - and certainly hoped - that he'd stay above it all, or at least pretend to.

          I gave up reading the comments on the blog because of the freaky sniping. Looks like I might have to give up on reading the blog itself for the same reason, since my long held 'benefit of the doubt' policy can no longer hold up there.

          Oh well, nothing lasts for ever.



            Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
            The ship in Tabula Rasa has an orange screen. The Odyssey?
            Seriously, is that the not the odyssey on Atlantis?


              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
              WOOOO!!!! CANUCKS WON!!!

              Ahem, ok...

              April 23

              Photos: Food, the aforementioned Zach Selwyn, the ship set (for the Daedalus), and a golf arcade game.

              Anonymous #2 writes: “You do realize that they complain about the show because they care about it, right?”

              Answer: Most people who criticize the show do so because, at the end of the day when all is said and done, they do love it. However, people who complain constantly about every aspect, demonstrating a complete and utter disdain for the series, do so because they apparently have nothing better to do with their time.

              Alyssa writes: “Torri, if you happen to read this, thank you for three wonderful years. You've helped to create a beautiful, realistic character with strenghts, weaknesses and something that so many of us can related to, despite some dubious writing at times.”

              Answer: Holy crap, yes. Thank God for the actors and their ability to improvise their own dialogue and storylines. Why bother with writers at all?
              Ah, the Zach youtube video has been known for since early March, but it's nice to see that someone actually acknowledged it (I was shameless and posted the link on an actor's blog). It'll be interesting to see what his role ends up being (yes, we know, but just want to see if he gets a line or just a background spot). Actually, I'd say his video did more to promote the show than Skiffy (who can't even spell the names of the characters correctly) have done. Perhaps Skiffy should put Zach on tour....

              Snort, well, yes, sometimes the writing can be 'dubious,' although I'm sorta surpised that the post went through. I don't think it's a secret that many fans have wanted more out of Torri's character than were given, and that mostly falls down to lack of dialogue/things to do, which I think yes, does fall to the writers.... oh well, I don't think the tone of questions or the answers will change on Joe's blog as it's been that way for years....

              I probably miss a lot as I don't bother reading the comments much, just the replies on the page, as how many times can you read the same 'are sam and jack going to get together?' questions and others asked over and over, although it is sorta interesting when he does reply, to see how his reply can change over time.


                Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
                It probably didn't help with the last part of the question saying "despite some dubious writing at times" to make Joe feel good! I would think that was the thing that stuck in his mind.
                This Friday everyone can watch one of Mr. M's masterpieces, "Irresistible". Then everyone can decided for themselves on the quality of writing.
                Last edited by FoolishPleasure; 24 April 2007, 05:04 AM.

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
                  This Friday everyone can watch one of Mr. M's mastserpieces, "Irresistible". Then everyone can decided for themselves on the quality of writing.
                  Yeah and Torri had a huge part in that one (as if!) so people will be able to observe how he writes Elizabeth too.
                  Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                  at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                  R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                    I stopped reading his blog for the very same reason. Actually, never started with the newest incarnation.

                    IIRC, this new blog is fully moderated, so he either controls or someone else controls what comments get through (going by word of mouth here...if it's not modded, i'm sure folks will let me know)

                    this means - presuming that it is modded, it's as wank filled as someone lets it be and the ability is there to keep the snark under control. I would think that the snark would die down if it's never responded to and ignored. But instead it's nurtured and encouraged.

                    What a shame.

                    But, at the end of the day, it's his rep, not mine. All i ask - and this is as a mod - let's not have monkey see, monkey do' over here.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      It's Joe's blog, he can say and do what he likes there. Personal insults aren't allowed on GW though, and to my recollection neither Shadow nor Prion have made personal insults about Joe.

                      Anyway, kudos to Shadow and Prion. You've made it into the fan hall of fame


                        Originally posted by prion View Post
                        Heh heh, hey, he did mention us in the same paragraph, plus others were saying 'why single out'... and his style of writing and inference is pretty easy to figure out. However, I'm waiting for mention #3, as this is the second time he's mentioned me on his blog
                        He might be a fan, y'know. After all, it's him who int he same breath said that the biggest fans are the harshest critics or something to that spirit...

                        We should start a fan campaign to get you a third mention. And a higher paycheck, I'd say. If our strike continues tomorrow I might just end up doign that!
                        Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                        Yes, I am!
                        Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                        Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                        Peter Pan R.I.P


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          IIRC, this new blog is fully moderated, so he either controls or someone else controls what comments get through (going by word of mouth here...if it's not modded, i'm sure folks will let me know)
                          No post shows up immediately. All comments are reviewed by the owner for approval. So, seeing how all the shipper fighting, character spats, etc., get posted, we know he is ENCOURAGING it. If he didn't want a shipper war on his blog, then he didn't have to approve the various posts, but he did, knowing full well others would be infuriated and attack back.

                          The man loves a good flame war, until someone criticizes him, then he gets his feelings hurt. Then its okay to lash out. Yeah, right.

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
                            No post shows up immediately. All comments are reviewed by the owner for approval. So, seeing how all the shipper fighting, character spats, etc., get posted, we know he is ENCOURAGING it. If he didn't want a shipper war on his blog, then he didn't have to approve the various posts, but he did, knowing full well others would be infuriated and attack back.

                            The man loves a good flame war, until someone criticizes him, then he gets his feelings hurt. Then its okay to lash out. Yeah, right.
                            If that were the case and he didn't authorise all the flaming, ship wars, lack of character development, moaning etc then there'd be no posts at all


                              Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
                              Seriously, is that the not the odyssey on Atlantis?
                              If it's the Odyssey they've changed that set slightly, the position of that orange thing is different...


                                Huh. Especially poor ratings on Friday, nice long rant targeting fans on Saturday. Should be a great old time post-Irresponsible.

