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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    hahaha furlings!/Solar_wind84


      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
      there's copying and there's inspiration. SGA was copying SG1. SGU is more like inspired by SG1.
      I'm not sure if it was copying. SGA was simply an extension of SG-1. They made no attempt to disguise the link between the two, one lead directly to another but they cancelled SGA before a similar link could be drawn to SGA to SGA

      They didn't have big three like SG-1
      It was an expedition
      They weren't fighting false gods
      Instead of simply searching for tech they were immersed in an entire city of tech.
      As a result they had the advantage in battle instead of SG-1 always being at a tech disadvantage.

      Where I do see the copying is in some of the characters like Jack/John, Teal'c/Ronnon. But that's about it. From the start I found SGA distinctive from SG-1.

      SGU is similar in concept to BSG and inspired by SG-1


        Where I do see the copying is in some of the characters like Jack/John, Teal'c/Ronnon. But that's about it. From the start I found SGA distinctive from SG-1.
        i'm not talking blunt copying. but it was more of the same, essentially.

        i don't blame them for it, but IMO, many fans want SGU to be a copy of SG1/SGA. but it's not. and it shouldn't be.


          November 21, 2010

          Photos: Lawren Bancroft-Wilson, dinner, Mike Dopud and wife, Peter Kelamis and waitress, David Blue, Louis Ferreira, Joe Mallozzi, Carl Binder, Jamil Walker-Smith, Master Chef Steve, Karen, Kelly, Alan, Troy and better half, Ken, Ivon and Sara, Ashleigh, Patrick Gilmore, Jen Spence, Julia and Peter, Dave, Amanda, Nancy, Will and Kathy, Brian J. Smith, James "Bam Bam" Bamford, James, Elyse and Devon, Lisa and Akemi, Tio

          Last night, we celebrated the end of another production year with a wrap party at Vancouver’s Gotham Steakhouse. But before we hit Gotham, a bunch of us met for dinner at Market in the Shangri-la Hotel...

          A quickie mailbag:

          Judy in SATX writes: “I’ve always wondered, is ‘Furling’ the real spelling? When I first saw the episode I thought it was ‘Ferling’, maybe because it’s not so Ewok-evocative.”

          Answer: Nope. The far more Ewok evocative “Furling” is, in fact, the correct spelling.

          Randomness writes: “Speaking of the Gate network the seederships are laying. It’s reasonable to think that any alien species with enough knowledge could use the gates even without a remote right? Kinda like how Earth used the gate without a DHD by making a dialing program.”

          Answer: Yes, that is another reasonable assumption.

          Ponytail writes: “What is that building in the first picture? Garage, guest house, pool house, dog house, maid’s quarters, playhouse, neighbor’s house, detached office?”

          Answer: Garage/guest room for visiting in-laws.

          Freeman writes: “Also i have one last quick question for you Joe, I’m not sure if you read all of these or not but I was wondering if you get requests for people wanting to send you a “new idea” or a “partial script” that they have made up as something to spark a new path in the stargate story.”

          Answer: I don’t receive as many as I used to. I suppose most know by now that I can’t read or accept unsolicited scripts or story ideas.

          JJA writes: “Have you read the Lost Fleet series of Jack Campbell??”

          Answer: Nope. You can check my (approximate) read list here:

          JJA also writes: “Also about Destiny: Does it have its own manufacturing section of the ship?”

          Answer: No, it doesn’t. Only the seed ships have been outfitted with that capability.

          BTW writes: “…who’s job is it to choose the typeface used in the opening/closing credits?”

          Answer: SGU co-creators Brad Wright and Robert Cooper had the final say on everything from the Destiny design to the typeface used in the opening/closing credits. THAT is hands-on producing.

          Mika writes: “As your resident scientist who has worked for a few years in a research laboratory focused on the cosmic microwave background radiation, I’m obliged to point out that seeing circles is like finding patterns in the static of old sk00l tvs. (Literally, just like it — a percentage of that static IS the Cosmic Microwave Background!)”

          Answer: Hey, Mika! I think I saw you at the bar last night, then when I turned around you had disappeared like two protons colliding at high energy.

          Lloyd67 writes: “A new Stargate spin-off ? by Robert C. Cooper? Seriously?”

          Answer: No. Not seriously.

          Major D. Davis writes: “Given recent developments, are you still confident about a renewal. I know theres a lot more to it then numbers, so fingers crossed!”

          Answer: Neither confident nor pessimistic. We produced a terrific second season and, at the end of the day, that’s all we can do. Things like what night we air, what segment of our audience records or downloads, are elements beyond our control.
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            November 22, 2010

            In approximately two weeks, Ivon and I will be Tokyo-bound. Since I’ll be in company this time rather flying solo, I’ve decided to mix things up a bit. Instead of the strictly Michelin star blowouts of past years, I’ve elected to broaden my horizons by incorporating a little high and a low-end dining into the culinary itinerary: teppanyaki, yakitori, izakayas, tempura, tonkatsu sushi, unagi, and, yes, a handful of Michelin stars. Even though we’ll be playing things more by ear on this trip, I’m a firm believer in the more structured approach to travel, thus I’ve gone ahead and established some touchstones for us to look forward to/schedule around. These touchstones will (surprise surprise) take the form of restaurants located throughout Tokyo. So, for instance, if we know we’ll be having dinner at Sawada in Ginza, we may elect to spend the day in the nearby area – breakfast at Tsukiji, lunch at Mos Burger, browsing at Misukoshi and Ito-ya, taking in a Noh performance, then after-dinner drinks at the Desert Rose.

            Anyway, this is how it’s looking so far…

            Day #1: Dinner at Kamon. We get in late, so what better way to introduce Ivon to the marvels of kobe beef than a teppanyaki meal at the hotel restaurant.

            Day #2: Dinner at Birdland. Heard a lot of very good things about this upscale yakitori joint that serves up everything from chicken breast with basil sauce to “chicken oysters” (whatever they are).

            Day #3: Lunch at Butagumi. If you’re in the mood for tonkatsu (deep-fried pork cutlet), looking no further than this restaurant in Nishi-Azabu that offers up some 57 different varieties of pork from Spanish Iberico and Chinese Meishanton.

            Day #4: Dinner at Sawada. We’ll be doing plenty of casual breakfast sushi at Tsukiji, but for blow-your-mind high-end sushi, I can’t think of better than Sawada. Last year, I went for lunch and enjoyed a three hour feast.

            Day #5: Dinner at Pachon. This restaurant comes recommended to me from my buddy Stefan who I met on my last trip to Tokyo. He’s a bigger foodie than I am (I mean, the guy carries around his own salt pouch!) and spend the better part of his year in France – so he should know what he’s talking about.

            Day #6: Diner at the Molecular Tapas Bar. Beef cooked in nitrous oxide. Liquid nitrogen Blue Hawaiian. Just a couple of the inspired two dozen or so dishes served up at THE place to sample the wonders of molecular gastronomy in Tokyo. Ivon had only one restaurant request, and this was it.

            Day #7: Dinner at Kondo. If you’re going to do one tempura meal in Tokyo, you can’t do much better than this restaurant in Ginza.

            Day #8: Dinner at Hirosaku. One of my best meals on my last trip to Tokyo was lunch at the family-owned and operated Hirosaku. According to the concierge who made the reservation, Mrs. Watanabe remembers me. I’m guessing she remembers the ever-gregarious Stefan and just happens to recall the guy he was dining with. Anyway, eager to try the charcoal-grilled Japanese black cattle this time.

            Day #9: Lunch at Nodaiwa. This fifth generation restaurants is one of the few places to serve natural eel – steamed and served with wasabi and rock salt or lovingly broiled.

            Day #10: Dinner at Muroi. I missed Muroi on my last trip, an oversight I intend to rectify this time. Apparently, the chef specializes in wild mushrooms (with over 70 varieties!).

            Day #11: Ristorante Honda. I have to include at least one Italian restaurant and Ristorante Honda comes highly recommended. Apparently, they do a winter flan with foie gras and truffles as well as a sea urchin tagliolini.

            Day #12: Tateru Yoshino Ginza. Organic vegetables from Chiba, seafood from Yamaguchi and Wakayama, and lamb from Hokkaido. Another restaurant that made my short list last time I visited.

            Day #13-15: Open.

            So, I figure somewhere in there, we’ll work in a bunch of izakayas, ramenyas, at least one soba kaiseki, and maybe a lunch at that place in Omotesando that serves up burgers in those whiter than white buns – not to mention all the desserts! I swear, this trip, if the sake doesn’t kill us the pistachio macarons will!

            If you’ve got a dish you’d like to enter in the “I Make the Best Whatever” contest, post a description and link to a pic by tomorrow night at the latest. I’ve got more than enough to choose from and would like to announce the elite eight contenders for the recipe showdown.

            Today’s blog entry is dedicated to PBMom. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


              GuyNoir - whoever s/he is - left one awesome comment.


                Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                GuyNoir - whoever s/he is - left one awesome comment.
                Thanks for pointing it out, can you believe it, I read over it.

                here's the comment, for all the others:
                Mr Mallozzi.

                This new incarnation of restaurants is a deliberate kick in the fork to the loyal followers of the Tokyo-trip franchise. As an avid watcher of last year’s Tokyo trip I am 100% entitled to take deep personal offence at the decision to move to a more realistic and gritty style of eatery.

                Your assurances that there will still be the familiar Michelin-star appearances are obviously false, and in any case I won’t be following any of the blog entries except to bestow harsh and unconstructive criticism.

                I will take any slide in the ratings as personal vindication of my views, and have created a website dedicated to the cancellation of the trip. After all, if this trip is cancelled it will automatically bring back last year’s trip, right?


                I bet it's someone of the other TPTB.
                A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                  Originally posted by Jper View Post
                  I bet it's someone of the other TPTB.
                  Think so? My bet would be on Carl, then.


                    Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                    Think so? My bet would be on Carl, then.
                    I think I'd put my money on Coopie


                      Originally posted by Jper View Post
                      I bet it's someone of the other TPTB.
                      It actually sounds like Joe to me...seems to have a bit of his snarky style
                      ~the guitarists~


                        Originally posted by Teal'c_PI View Post
                        It actually sounds like Joe to me...seems to have a bit of his snarky style
                        Somehow I don't see that happening. He did leave a comment saying 'Awesome post, GuyNoir.'


                          Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                          Somehow I don't see that happening. He did leave a comment saying 'Awesome post, GuyNoir.'
                          Maybe you're right...but Joe always seemed to like teasing the fans who left comments saying how they were giving up on the franchise thanks to SGU...

                          So maybe he put Carl up to it. It has to be something he knows about, because otherwise he wouldn't have answered
                          ~the guitarists~



                            November 23, 2010

                            Photos: Flori, Ashleigh, Carl Binder, production pics, Will Waring, Brian J. Smith, Jamil Walker-Smith

                            Hey! Look at what I found at work today!

                            Ashleigh brought her parents’ dog, Flori, in for the day to help with the paperwork...

                            Anyway, she did very good work, organizing Ashleigh’s desk, sending out some documents on my behalf, even making an awesome cappuccino with a intricate leaf design on its surface.

                            She proved an instant hit with everyone, especially one Carl Binder...

                            Note – Flori doesn’t know quite what to make of the guy.

                            Needless to say, Flori and I got along famously and I ended up suggesting she interview for the Executive Producers’ Assistant position.

                            I’ve got my fingers crossed for her!

                            Thanks to everyone who has made the enormous effort to get the word out about Stargate: Universe’s second season. I see you all on twitter and your hard work is much appreciated. With two more episodes before the mid-season break, let’s finish STRONG! Tonight’s episode, Visitation, finds some old friends (see episode #213, Faith) paying Destiny a mysterious and unexpected visit…

                            Pop Culture Zoo’s Joseph Dilworth Jr. weighs in with his thoughts on tonight’s episode here:

                            Show Patrol’s Curt Wagner gives us a sneak peek and preview of tonight’s episode here:

                            Meanwhile, WormholeRiders recently interviewed one of Visitation’s very special guest stars:

                            Steve Eramo has an interview with Elyse Levesque (SGU’s Chloe Armstrong) here:

                            And an interview with Erick Avari (SG-1′s Kasuf) here:

                            AND an interview with multi-Stargate series co-creator Brad Wright here:

                            On the non-SGU front, check out this fun site – Tales from Beyond the Pale – that offers radio plays for the digital age ( Among the creepy entries is an offering from one of our former Book of the Month Club guests, author Sarah Langan. In Is This Seat Taken? a “young man meets an alluring woman on the long Island Railroad and slowly comes to realize they have a common past… but maybe not the one she is recollecting.”

                            Let’s conclude today’s entry with a few production pics...
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                              Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                              GuyNoir - whoever s/he is - left one awesome comment.
                              I LOL'd at that, great comment

                              SGU-RELATED FANART | IN YOUNG WE TRUST | FANDUMB


                                Originally posted by Teal'c_PI View Post
                                Maybe you're right...but Joe always seemed to like teasing the fans who left comments saying how they were giving up on the franchise thanks to SGU...

                                So maybe he put Carl up to it. It has to be something he knows about, because otherwise he wouldn't have answered
                                Either that or there's nothing nefarious going on at all, and it's just a fan having a laugh...

