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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    April 26, 2010 - Part 2

    Deni writes: “Finally watching Avatar at home. Am I the last to watch? Nobody wanted to go with me to see it in the theater because they’d either already seen it (Sheryl) or weren’t interested (daughter and Mr. Deni). Did you see it? If so, did you like it?”

    Answer: Haven’t seen it. I did have the opportunity to watch it as part of the in-light entertainment on my last trip to Montreal, but figured it probably wouldn’t be as spectacular as it would in a 3D theater.

    Hyperion writes: “How come that SciFi shows and actors never get that kind of recognition (Emmy´s, Golden Globes)? Any Idea?”

    Answer: Sure. Because sci fi shows aren’t respected by the industry.

    Hyperion also writes: “Will we see a bit of a change in Dr. Rush behaviour towards the rest of the crew and towards Eli?”

    Answer: I think these two have a very interesting dynamic. Stay tuned.

    Hyperion also writes: “Up to date, which Season one episode stands out for you and why?”

    Answer: Time and Divided were my favorites.

    Matthew RD writes: “1) Is your episode still called Awakenings, or is it just Awakening without the “s” now?”

    Answer: Awakening.

    “2) I notice the jump countdown bears some similarities with that Lost hatch clock, any comment as to whether or not this was intended in anyway?”

    Answer: Unintentional.

    “3) Off topic, but when I read a script from some DVD special feature recently, I noticed “o.s” being used, example;

    JAMES (O.S)
    Hello, Dave

    Do you know what this means?”

    Answer: As a matter of fact, I do: O.S. = Off Screen.

    Airelle writes: “OK, Joe, ?..any more words on your comic book?”

    Answer: Very close to finalizing the deal. Will hopefully be able to make an announcement by summer.

    Lisa R. writes: “So, will more people find out about TJ’s pregnancy soon?”

    Answer: Yep. Shipboard baby shower scene upcoming. Riley’s present is the highlight.

    Terry writes: “What happened to the body in the second shuttle.”

    Answer: Space burial.

    Ishak writes: “But I was hoping you could say something to Jamil Walker Smith for me. does he have a blog, or facebook page, or twitter or anything?”

    Answer: Not that I know of, but I’ll tell him you said hi!

    susiekew writes: “I remember you picked up the book for your recent trip. What did you think of it?”

    Answer: It was fine.

    Amy writes: “…remember a while ago how I asked you if you knew any ways for me to look for production assistant work in Vancouver and you said you’d look into it? Any news?”

    Answer: Producer John G. Lenic, who happened to be sitting beside me as I was answering this question, advises interested parties to join the appropriate union.

    Terry writes: “so we now know that the little ship breaking off at the end of air part 3 was the big bad aliens of the first season, is it safe to assume that they had already boarded the ship before the humans arrived and do we know if they are still on board?”

    Answer: While the surveillance pod was attached to the ship, it didn’t penetrate the hull, so the aliens never actually accessed Destiny. As far as we know.

    dasdanger writes: “

    1. When watching a movie/show or reading a book, have you ever found yourself rooting for the ‘villain’, like I did with the Wraith or Prince Nuada in Hellboy II?

    2. Since you’ve read Elric stories and know the character well and know how much I love his type, are there any books or graphic novels you can suggest where I might find someone similar, albeit probably not nearly as pale?

    3. When you were little, what was the worst thing you did and got in trouble for?

    4. When you were little, what was the worst thing you did and got away with?

    5. Are you planning to watch ABC’s new show, Happy Town?

    6. Will you ever entertain a male houseguest? Stefan, perhaps?

    7. If you were stranded on an island with Carl, Ashleigh, and Lulu, who do you think would kill and eat you first? Hypothetically, of course.”

    Answers: 1. I always root for the villain. Hell, I dress like a James Bond villain.

    2. Have your read George R. R. Martin’s Ice and Fire series? Jamie Lancaster might be right up your alley.

    3. Don’t remember every getting in trouble.

    4. Drawing stick figures on the wall. Oh no. Wait. My sister got in trouble for that.

    5. Might check it out.

    6. Stefan and his girlfriend my be visiting in July.

    7. Ashleigh’s pretty resourceful and used to subsisting on shrubs and dirt. I’d just follow her lead until help arrived.

    vvv0472 writes: “Can you please clarify the name of the actor who is BAG. I do not believe he is credited. Do you know if he knows about our campaign? Most importantly, will he return?”

    Answer: This topic is presently under discussion in the writers’ room.

    Jason1983 writes: “Looking at the titles for season 2…is it fair to say that there will be an up tit in the action?”

    Answer: You don’t have to wait for season 2. Check out the last three episodes of this season.

    Squall78 writes: “Any concerns about the ratings? 5 eps now in a row have fallen below what SGA was pulling last season as a whole.

    Kinda stinks, some of the best eps have been in the 2nd half.

    Do you think the move to Tuesday will be good?”

    Answer: Since the fate of a third season will rest on the ratings of those first ten episodes of season two, I’ll save my worrying for the fall. As for the move to Tuesday night – looking forward to it..
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      April 27, 2010

      Photos: Swordspoint, by Ellen Kushner, dinner, Lola, Stewie, Brie

      I’d like to start off today’s entry by announcing June’s Book of the Month Club -

      Swordspoint, by Ellen Kushner

      From the publisher: “On the treacherous streets of Riverside, a man lives and dies by the sword. Even the nobles on the Hill turn to duels to settle their disputes. Within this elite, dangerous world, Richard St. Vier is the undisputed master, as skilled as he is ruthless–until a death by the sword is met with outrage instead of awe, and the city discovers that the line between hero and villain can be altered in the blink of an eye.”

      “Hailed by critics as “a bravura performance” (Locus) and “witty, sharp-eyed, [and] full of interesting people” (Newsday), this classic melodrama of manners, filled with remarkable plot twists and unexpected humor, takes fantasy to an unprecedented level of elegant writing and scintillating wit. Award-winning author Ellen Kushner has created a world of unforgettable characters whose political ambitions, passionate love affairs, and age-old rivalries collide with deadly results.”

      Discussion the week of June 14th with author Ellen Kushner – who, by the way, sounds like a real sweetheart in the emails we’ve exchanged. She also forwarded me a heads-up which will undoubtedly prove of interest for readers already familiar with her work:

      “I am thrilled to announce the publication of my new story, “The ManWith the Knives,” in a limited edition chapbook from Temporary Culture.

      The book is 32 pages, exquisitely bound & designed, with an original frontispiece & interior decorations by Thomas Canty. Canty’s work has long been associated with mine, beginning with the amazing cover he painted for my first novel, Swordspoint. The new story concludes the events begun in Swordspoint, but can be read on its own.

      The official pub date is Monday, May 3rd. All are invited to the party in Manhattan, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at James Cummins Bookseller, 699 Madison Avenue, 7th floor (between 62nd & 63rd), NYC.

      Temporary Culture is printing 420 books only. When they’re gone, they’re gone, so it is recommended that you order yours now. 400 books will be bound in handsome paper covers, at a price of $15.00 each (+ postage). 21 copies will be hand bound, offered by subscription at $250.00 (+postage). A few copies will be offered with an inserted original pencil drawing by Thomas Canty for the book (price upon request).

      For details, including ordering information, please go to:

      With good wishes,


      If you’re in the neighborhood, be sure to drop by.

      Also, a reminder that you have approximately two weeks to finish up May’s Book of the Month Club: The Prisoner, by Carlos J. Cortes. Discussion on the Philip K. Dick Award-nominated novel the week of May 8th.

      Hey – Cynthia, my house guest visiting from London, cooked for me last night, serving up a splendid four course black truffle dinner which saw her use every pot, pan, plate, and utensil in my kitchen. The blow by blow -

      While the execution of some of the dishes were wonting, all of the flavors were there and the meal ultimately proved both memorable and satisfying. Service throughout was professional and friendly. Recommended.

      Let’s cap today’s entry with puppy pics -

      Some mailbag:

      Trae writes: “Who wrote the violin music? It didn’t sound like Joel, but he has done some surprising things before. Who played the violin? Whose idea was it?”

      Answer: It’s actually a classical piece, one so challenging that the production had to hire a virtuoso to play it (source: Lawren Bancroft-Wilson. I need to get him to do a Q&A).

      Eric.Stewart writes: “so she tried the plant in a tea and realized it made her headache go away so she decided to give it to Wray! didn’t she get the warning not to ingest “crap” :? in the first trimester of a pregnancy!!”

      Answer: There are many potential test subjects aboard Destiny. Also, for a time there, Tamara didn’t realize she was pregnant.

      Eric.Stewart also writes: “Beside where did Young found the thread and the needle to sew socks. I don’t recall seing him jump throw the gate with his sewing kit !!”

      Answer: Needle and thread would have no doubt been included in any survival kit they had the foresight to take with them when they evacuated Icarus Base.

      Sean D. writes: “Who are your top 5 favorite authors (who are currently alive)?”

      Answer: Hmmm. Off the top of my head: Joe Abercrombie, John Scalzi, Jeffrey Ford, George R. R. Martin, and Iain M. Banks.

      fsmn36 writes: “I realize you aren’t involved in the business aspect of Syfy as a network, but have they ever given you a reason for the long hiatuses for shows?”

      Answer: I believe it’s a way for them to offer their viewers year-round original programming.

      John writes: “In relation to a question answered today about how Stargate Universe is in no danger of being delayed or shelved, then why have Stargate Revolution and Stargate Extinction been put on hold indefinitely?”

      Answer: The industry-wide slump in DVD sales definitely figures into this particular equation given that the success of both Ark of Truth and Continuum were built on direct-t0-video models.

      Hugh writes: “If either of the films are rejected by the studio and are not made, can you release the scripts for them?”

      Answer: That’s not up to me. MGM owns the script.

      Snakey writes: “What is the difference, if any, of posted credits saying; Story by… or Teleplay by… or Written by… ???”

      Answer: Someone receives a Story by credit for coming up with the idea for an episode but not writing the script. Someone receiving a Teleplay by credit wrote the script based on someone else’s idea. Someone receiving a Written by credit came up with the story idea AND wrote the script.

      Shawn Cassidy writes: “I notice watching old episodes that in the end credits there is a name for “Casting” the next screen shows “Canadian Casting”. Since the show in made in Canada, why are there two casting people and does the first guy get paid for doing nothing (Sweet job! must be a Union thing)?”

      Answer: Since we shoot in Vancouver, Canada, we try to cast locally whenever possible – thus the need for a Canadian casting director. Occasionally, however, we may not find what we’re looking for in Canada or wish to cast a particular established actor (like, say, a Robert Knepper) – in which case we’ll use our American casting director.

      Kymm writes: “Due to online viewership, we, Science Fiction fans, are our own worst enemy.”

      Answer: Something we are all painfully aware of. SF fans tend to be more tech savvy consumers, and tech savvy consumers are more likely to download or DVR their shows.

      Shannon writes: “Maybe you (or someone in the comments section) can point me to this if you’ve already mentioned it – which eps did you write this season?”

      Answer: Space and the two-parter season-ender – Incursion I and II.
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        April 28, 2010

        Photos: Stewie, Brie

        I’m pleased to report significant progress on the script front! After countless weeks of frustration, desperation, and sleep deprivation, I’m finally in the stretch run and that oh-so-elusive Fade Out is well within striking distance. I spent the day rewriting what I had (something I do while pacing which, I’m told, makes me look like an actor anxiously running lines before an audition), then forged ahead and finished up Act IV. I pitched out the possibility of shooting a four act script instead of the usual five (“Think of how much time and money we’ll save!”) but others were reluctant to embrace my brilliant suggestion. So I headed back into my office and, after much consideration applied myself and made some inroads – two whole pages! – into that fifth and final act. Granted, I did it by moving my Act IV break up “two whole pages!” but still, it was progress and I was happy (and, I’m sure, you’re all happy for me). Tomorrow, I aim to close the deal and leave the office with a rough first draft I can agonize over tomorrow night. Wish me luck!

        Cloverdale (episode #5) was shooting on location today in – where else? – Cloverdale, but keeping us company at The Bridge today was Director Andy Mikita who was shooting second unit for what seemed like EVERY OTHER EPISODE over on Stages 5 and 6.

        Fondy sent me more pics of the pooches in T.O. -

        My friend Cynthia was out for the night with another friend so I ended up having dinner with Ashleigh tonight. And it turned out to be a huge disappointment. Not the company, mind you. Ashleigh was at her charming best, cheerfully declaring me the weirdest person in the writers’ room as she helped herself to my hazelnuts. Rather, it was a hitherto dependable restaurant that had a horrifically off night. More details in tomorrow’s blog. With pictures!
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          April 29, 2010

          Photos: Brie and Stewie, someone "nice"

          Well this is friggin’ annoying. I’m suddenly unable to upload photos to my Mac – which means no pictures of the sub par pasta I was served last night for you guys. Instead, you’ll have to trust me when I tell you the ravioli in brodo were limp and underwhelming and the evening’s special long gnocchi bland and inedible. The pizzas were good (although Ashleigh took issue with the caramelized onions – which is just plain crazy) and the nutella tart great as always. The service was good – with the exception of a minor hiccup that had me requesting the waitress switch out our plates so I wouldn’t have to eat my pizza in a pool of broth – and they even comped us the gnocchi. I’m willing to chalk this up to an off-night at the usually dependable Campagnolo and look forward to a more memorable return visit.

          Ah, damnit! In an effort to rectify my photo-uploading issues I inadvertently erased the photos on my camera’s memory card. So if you were hoping to eventually see snaps of a savorless dish or Ashleigh on her third drink of the night, you’re out of luck. Instead, here’s yet another puppy pic Fondy sent my way of the kids in T.O. -

          Alas, no progress on the script front today. In fact, just the opposite. Remi handed in his first draft of episode 9, Visitation, and some of the character developments in that episode impact several scenes in Resurgence – meaning I’m going to have to reconsider my attack on the scenes in question. Also, I suddenly realized that the information I was hoping to keep secret from character X would have been all too obviously to him the second the agreement is made – and that necessitated my going back and re-attacking that scene as well. LOTS going on in a fairly complex story and the challenge has been to clarify without complicating, inform yet entertain, deliver one of the most mind-blowing Visual Effects extravaganzas to date and NOT blow our budget.

          My houseguest, Cynthia, heads home tomorrow morning, back to London with its tea and crumpets and zombie hordes and wrong way driving. Tonight, I send her off in fine fashion: with some Tête de Porc at Refuel. So fancy!

          Today, we were in Ashleigh’s office chatting when somebody mentioned a friend who happened to be single. ”Hey, maybe I can set him up with one of my single friends!”offered Ashleigh in a very clear dig at me who she clearly considers not good enough for her friends (perhaps “too weird” judging from last night’s dinner conversation). Well, that’s fine because you, my faithful blog readers, are going to set me up (How’s that coming along by the way?). However, in the unlikely event you guys are unable to make that racy-Japanese-actress-Maria-Ozawa thing happen, I’ll happily settle for someone nice. And dark-haired. A tad bookish, maybe even a tad geeky, with an affinity for comic books and anime. Stylish and possessed of a unique fashion sense. Who looks great in black. Dangerous. With a villainous streak. Who looks good wielding a variety of weapons. Sort of like….hmmmm...

          Yeah. Exactly.
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            April 30, 2010

            Photos: Dinner at Refuel, Hals Asleep in Frog Pajamas by Tom Robbins, Backyard Poultry, dessert

            Success! I finally completed a first draft of episode 10, Resurgence. It’s a little rough, granted – but it’ll do. I’ll spend the weekend revising it and deliver it on Monday. Normally, it takes me about an hour to write the fifth act (usually in a white heat, coming off the momentum of the fourth act break), but this script was anything but normal. It never got any easier and I ended up spending the afternoon writing and re-writing those last five pages. But the important thing is that I’m finally done and pleased with most of the results. And as for those aspects of the script I’m still a little iffy about – well, I’m sure I’ll grow to love ‘em.

            Hey, thanks to author Ellen Kushner for dropping by and introducing herself in advance of the June Book of the Month Club discussion on her novel, Swordspoint. Those of you who missed Ellen can check out what she has to say in the comments section of my April 27th blog entry ( She even shows off her French for Anais and Jordan.

            Well, I saw Cynthia off this morning, but not before she showered me with goodbye presents: chocolates, macarons, and cookbooks. Since last night was her final evening in The Land That Sun Forgot, I saved the best for last and took her to Refuel for the “above the shoulder” pork dinner. It was very different from the last time I went ( where the meat was carved table-side and enjoyed medieval style: copious amounts of meat served alongside a dozen sauces and spices. This time, following a brief presentation, the head was whisked away and we were served several chef’s courses highlighting the various cuts.

            A big thank you to Tom and Chef Rob for organizing the meal, Chef Ted for designing the various courses (hope you guys are enjoying Tokyo!), and Chef Jane for the flawless preparation.

            After dinner, we stopped by Chapters where I picked up a couple of books (recommendations from one of my very favorite authors, Jeffrey Ford, who is, by the way, the most whimsical and outrageously inventive writer publishing today –

            Anyway, you’re all busy watching/commenting on tonight’s episode, Lost, so allow me to get out of your way. But first -


            Debra writes: “What happened to your dining partner who didn’t want to be photographed?”

            Answer: Denise is presently reading and eating her way through New York as part of an 11-day research trip.

            Thornyrose writes: “Now,will you please manage to push through the script so I can quit trying to come up with these ridiculous comparisons?”

            Answer: Done. Ish.

            PG15 writes: “1. So, which episode in the 1st half of the 2nd season was once the elusive 17th episode of the 1st season?”

            Answer: Episode 7, The Greater Good.

            PG15 also writes: “2. This is a downer but…given how the ratings are going, IF Season 2 gets to be SGU’s last, will you guys have time to put in your planned series finale at the end of the season?”

            Answer: By the time we find out whether or not we’re picked up – probably no until late 2010 – we will have already wrapped production on the show’s second season.

            PG15 also writes: “3. How do you think SGU will deal with the heavier competition and higher expectations of a Tuesday timeslot?”

            Answer: I think the move to Tuesday nights will be a good for the show and look forward to our new night.

            Ishak writes: “also did i just read you like animes??? my favorite is Evangelion (if I had to pick one), what’s yours?”

            Answer: Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Berserk, Now and Then Here and There, GTO, Kino’s Journey, Death Note, Last Exile – to name a few.

            PJR writes: “A writing question, for what happens In The Room. Specifically, when you plan series arcs and character arcs and episodes, and get to pitching broad story possibilities to fit, and divvy them out, how detailed do you go?”

            Answer: We have a general sense of the various story and character arcs with enough wiggle room to shift gears if something isn’t working, if someone comes up with a different take, or if real life intrudes on the production and necessitates a change. Sometimes, the challenge with these arcs comes in getting from point A to point Z, especially if you assume you’ll be hitting point P in your script – only to have it happen an episode earlier, forcing you to revise the scene to hit point Q instead. Simple, no?

            PJR writes: “Hope the camera upload behaves. Wire transfer (old mac) or card slot (new mac)?”

            Answer: Card slot?! My problem is fixed!

            Teal’c_PI writes: “Well, this is a totally random question, Mr. M. (and I’m sure you won’t be doing a mailbag tonight ) but do you know the Japanese band Kalafina?”

            Answer: Sorry. I’m not familiar with their work.

            dasNdanger writes: “Joe – the spiders were your idea, weren’t they?”

            Answer: I was thinking of you.
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              May 1, 2010

              Photos: Spoiler, episode 10 - Resurgence, Maximus and Lulu, Jelly, Bubba

              Boy, I’m going to get in trouble for this – but against my better judgment, I am uploading a pic of one of the placeholder titles up on the white board in the writers’ room. Like Teal’c Interrupted, Fool’s Goa’uld, and The Red Shirt Diaries, this temporary title may end up as nothing more than a happy memory, but at the very least it may offer some insight into the actual episode.

              You ready?

              Avert your eyes if you don’t want to be spoiled!

              Okay, here it is -

              As I reported yesterday, I finally have a (rough) first draft of my script, Resurgence, episode #10. Le voila -

              I’m going to go over it a few more times, tighten up the dialogue, and try to strip away some of the visual effects. As it stands, I count thirty-five visual effect shots – which would be fine in the old days of SG-1 when two-thirds of them would end up being simple zat blasts, but in this case, there aint nothing simple about some of these sequences. If ever there was a candidate for an episode to receive to the 3D treatment, Resurgence would be it.

              Meanwhile, those side projects are shaping up nicely. My short story, “Downfall”, will finally see the light of day as part of the forthcoming superhero (and, in my case, villain-themed) anthology from editor Lou Anders ( Meanwhile, Paul and I are about to close the deal on that secret comic book project I’ve been referring to over the past year. There’s talking of kicking things off with a four-issue arc and then moving forward (on all fronts) from there.

              I spent the day running around, attending to countless chores and outstanding issues that needed attending to only to discover, once six p.m. rolled around, that I’d only accomplished about half of what I’d set out to do. Still need to pick up that lock for the garage door. Still need to get my car detailed. Still need to change those light bulbs, clean out the refrigerator, clear out my closet, sort, file, shop, and email. And yet, amid the mayhem of the day, I did take the opportunity to spend some quality time with the dogs -

              By the way, I read the first fifty pages of May’s book of the month club, Carlos J. Cortes’s The Prisoner, and all I’ve got to say is “Wow!”. If you’re an SF fan, do yourself a favor and pick it up – hopefully in time to take part in next week’s discussion.
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                May 2, 2010

                Photos: Comic books

                My interest in comic books has waxed and waned since I was a kid and yet, after all these years, a good graphic novel or engaging multi-issue arc never fails to delight. An engaging, well-written story will always bring back fond memories of visiting the Nova Bookshop in my never-ending quest for missing back issues, discussing the finer points of my favorite titles with like-minded aficionados, and the exquisite thrill of tearing through the Christmas wrap to find the much sought-after Avengers Annual #6 – the one with Nuklo on the cover! Comic books were as much a part of my childhood as nutella, D&D with Cas and the gang, and the smoked meat sandwiches dad would prepare for us when we came home for lunch and, to this day, I still indulge my inner geek with the occasional stop by The Comic Shoppe to check in on some old friends. Specifically THESE guys. Screw pro athletes and rock stars. Growing up, these were my heroes -

                The Beast: I’ll save you the trouble and start with my favorite. The Beast went from an unduly prolix member of the original X-Men to a bombastic, blue-furred member of The Avengers back to – regrettably – a more erudite (but still blue-furred) version. Not sure what happened to the lovable, wisecracking bounder who graced the pages of my then favorite title, The Avengers, from issues #136 to somewhere around #210, but I sure do miss him.

                Wolverine: Yeah, I know. It’s a popular choice. But way back when, I was a trailblazer, rooting for the killer Canuck in the yellow spandex while everyone else was feeling sorry for Scott “cry me a river” Summers. The first in what would be a long, long line of anti-heroes.

                Batman: Even though most of my youth was spent in the Marvel camp, I couldn’t help but love Batman, a superhero with no actual superpowers. He was an anomaly in a world of aliens, mutants, and radioactive-infused saviors. A brilliant, cool as hell anomaly.

                The Thing: Another lovable hero with a gift for the gab, the Thing was more like the big, rocky uncle you wished you had. And yet, beneath that impenetrable orange devil-may-care facade beat the heart of a lonely, self-loathing man. The first superhero to really elicit my sympathy.

                Deathlock the Demolisher: Oh, yeah. Half man, half machine, and thoroughly awesome, Deathlock was another in a long line of reluctant bad-ass heroes who, sadly, never got the respect (or audience) he deserved. An under-appreciated marvel.

                Spiderman: I always liked my superheroes with a sense of humor, and they don’t come much quippier than the webhead, a guy who’d sooner talk a villain’s ear off than punch his lights out, and usually doing both simultaneously. The Amazing Spiderman was the first title that, for me, grounded the fantasy of the comic book world in the reality of teenage life. In time, I became as much invested in Peter Parker as I was in his alter ego.

                Green Lantern: Strangely enough, I never read the comic book with any consistency and actually found his superpower a tad too powerful (and bizarre), but there was something about him…

                The Flash: On the other hand, this title (and, by extension, its titular hero) was one I know exactly why I got into: the writing of Mark Waid. I picked up an issue and loved his story-telling, so I picked up every back issue from the beginning of his run – and promptly dropped the book when he left.

                Deadpool: Not technically a superhero, but he walks that fine line between good and mayhem, so I’m including Deadpool in this list. If Mark Waid is to thank for making me fall in love with The Flash, then writer Joe Kelly deserves a shout-out for doing much the same for the merc with the mouth. Pictured above – Deadpool #11 – is one of my very favorite single issues of any comic book.

                Pip the Troll: Okay, while not exactly a “superhero”, Adam Warlock’s cigar-smoking sidekick was a cantankerous character I grew to love – and then mourn in the brilliant Marvel Two-In One Annual #2.

                And now, some news of note…

                What do your sleep position reveal about you? My side-sprawled-head-sandwiched-between-two-pillows style suggests I’m someone of creativity, and outgoing spirit, and an affinity for smoked salmon.

                Another sign that we may be using up the planet’s non-renewable resources – in this case, rocks:,17341/

                Also along the same lines – Are the once plentiful haggis herds being hunted to extinction?

       offers up their list of The 5 Most Unintentionally Offensive Comic Book Characters: Hey, where’s Matter Eater Lad? Oh, I guess there’s a fine line between offensive and silly.

                Planning to entertain, host a dinner party perhaps? Consider one of these Top 10 Gadgets to Freak Out Your Guests:
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  May 3, 2010

                  Photos: Ashleigh, SGU set pics, food, dinner

                  I walked into the office this morning and, as I do every day, popped my head into Ashleigh’s office to say hi, inquire about her weekend, and ask her if she missed me (her mouth says no but her eyes say “Hell, yeah!”). Anyway, she was wearing her new jacket -

                  When my writing partner, Paul, laid eyes on it for the first time last week, he quipped: “Couldn’t you find one with bigger buttons?” Then, today, Lawren took advantage of a photo op to offer a not-so-subtle critique on the size of that collar -

                  Whaddya mean “Poor Ashleigh?”! Puleeeze. The day after I complain about my inability to pick up the sheets in my office mailbox (they lie so perfectly flat I’m unable to slip my short-nailed fingers beneath them), I discover “someone” has gone through the trouble of actually taping them down. Well today, I got my revenge. I challenged her to six rounds of food trivia and, despite going into overtime and having Paul walk in halfway through to lend her support, I came away with the victory. Besides bragging rights, I won another batch of her homemade cookies. Special request: chocolate with peanut butter chips. Will post pics. If they’re any good.

                  I was able to put out a first draft of Resurgence late this afternoon. After many agonizing weeks, I finally feel good about it – which is pretty much the kiss of death. I’m expecting plenty of constructive criticism. Meanwhile, Brad is on location in Cloverdale where the production is shooting…wait for it…Cloverdale, Paul is prepping Trial and Error, Remi is working on his rewrite of Visitation, Linda is working on a first draft of her script (what was that title again?), while Carl is working on an outline for episode #14.

                  Here are a few out-of-context set pics for you to enjoy…

                  And, some recent food pics -

                  And some pics I thought I’d deleted from dinner at Campagnolo Restaurant with Ashleigh -


                  Otros Ojos writes: “I learned more about literary appreciation from some comic books than I did from a few of the more lame required reads we had at school.”

                  Answer: So true. In retrospect, I’m sure my parents were glad they didn’t deter my comic book-reading. If they had, I’d probably have grown up to work in a paper clip factory.

                  Otros Ojos also writes: “I would totally buy those skull wine-goblets if they weren’t 70 bucks a pop.”

                  Answer: I was at the liquor store the other day, looking for weird additions to my liquor cabinet, when I happened across a vodka bottle in the shape of a skull. I seriously thought about it.

                  Michael A. Burstein writes: “I’ve been reading comic books, mostly DC and Spider-Man, since about 1974. I took a hiatus from about 1987-1992 and then started collecting again, and I haven’t looked back since.”

                  Answer: Like I said in yesterday’s entry, my interest in comics waxes and wanes. I’ll pick up almost every title out there, read ‘em, and drop the ones that fail to grab me. Eventually, I’ll drop the last one and go months without picking up a title – before starting the process all over again. Still following a few graphic novels: The Walking Dead, Scalped, and DMZ.

                  Ishak writes: “btw my first language is french, are you like learning it or something?”

                  Answer: I grew up in Montreal so I’m bilingual. I also speak Italian and am somewhat conversational in Japanese.

                  Craig writes: “Have you read any of Grant Morrison’s Batman run?”

                  Answer: Yes. Love his collaborations with Frank Quitely.

                  Arctic Goddess writes: “Do you still have all your comic books from when you were a kid?”

                  Answer: Yep, plus an outrageous amount of action figures and statues.

                  Prior_of_the_Ori writes: “1) Will we ever see one of the Gate Seeding Ships?
                  2) After seeing Destiny’s weapon system in operation, will we see any drones like those used by Atlantis?
                  3) If Destiny is exploring galaxies, does that mean that once the ship leaves a galaxy – we won’t see the aliens from that galaxy again? So say if Destiny left the Blue alien galaxy, we won’t see them again?”

                  Answers: 1) Wouldn’t that be cool?

                  2) Nope.

                  3) Unless the aliens can follow us through the void between galaxies. Wouldn’t that be cool?

                  Joe writes: “RIP, Pip the Troll… I loved those old comics with Warlock and Thanos… and Drax the Destroyer and Gamorra. Adam Warlock was always a “thinky” character, wasn’t he?”

                  Answer: Boy, just talking about ‘em makes me want to head into the crawlspace and track down some of my old faves.

                  Escyos writes: “Do you think that the Atlantis expedition would still be able to give people the gene therapy once they came back in to contact with Earth after the Siege Part 3.”

                  Answer: I do.
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    May 4, 2010

                    Photos: Ashleigh, SGU pics, Andy Mikita

                    Well, she may be sneaky and cruel, conniving and occasionally vengeful, but I’ll say one thing for Ashleigh – she’s also prompt. Only one day after losing to me in a food trivia showdown, she paid up on the bet by bringing in the batch of cookies I requested: chocolate with peanut butter chips. Before presenting them, she informed me that she didn’t think they were very good, that the chocolate-peanut butter combo didn’t work, and that she was honestly disappointed with the results. And, before I could open my mouth to say anything, she was quick to add: “And, no, I’m not making you another batch tonight.”

                    Rather than immediately trash the cookies (my first instinct), I decided to throw caution to the wind and sample one. Taaaaas-tyyyyy! I don’t know what the hell she was going on about. They were great. And I told her as much. ”You’re just being nice,”she countered. Nice? Me? When the hell am I ever nice? I’ve had people prepare meals for me out of the goodness of their hearts and thanked them by writing pointed reviews of their efforts. ”No, I suppose you’re right,”she realized.

                    Still, I suggested that I should eat the cookies and spare her the potential embarrassment of my fellow writer-producers being hugely disappointed in the results. I warned off Lawren whose response was something along the lines of: “Wait a minute. If something is bad, you usually tell me it’s good so you can watch me eat it.” I insisted I was being genuine as a thank-you for his proof-reading Resurgence and making sure it was mistake-free before putting it out last night. ”But, I did put it out with a mistake,”he reminded me, pointing out the oversight I had just mentioned to him moments earlier. I assured him he was overthinking it.

                    For his part, my writing partner, Paul, demonstrated absolutely no confidence in me by immediately marching over to Ashleigh’s office and trying a cookie. His response… “Great”? ”Thank you”? ”How thoughtful of you to bake these cookies for us”? Try – “Too many peanut butter chips.” Interestingly enough, that didn’t stop him from having another one at lunch.

                    As I was about to head back to my office, I noticed the first draft of my new script, Resurgence, sitting on Ashleigh’s desk. ”Have you read it yet?”I asked.

                    “No,”she said. ”I was already gone by the time it came out last night. Lawren was working on it late. I could hear him commenting on it in his office. Stuff like “this is terrible” and “what an awful script”.”

                    “Lawren said that?”I asked.

                    “Ohhhhh,”she said, her eyes alighting on the script’s cover page as if for the first time. ”Is this YOUR script?”

                    See?! This is what I have to put up with every day (except weekends when she refuses to see me)!

                    Some Space-related pics I came across this morning...

                    Don’t forget to catch Ming-Na on the Today Show, tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m.!

                    Today’s entry is dedicated to birthday boy Craig.
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      May 5, 2010

                      Videos: Atlantis s4's The Last Man

                      Photos: "Cookie", Atlantis s4's The Last Man pics

                      Ashleigh was at it again today. I’m sure that once you hear the details, many of you will be horrified and will seriously reconsider your misguided support for my arch-nemesis.

                      So, yesterday, Ashleigh mentioned that those chocolate peanut butter chip cookies she brought in were actually her second batch. The first attempt was so soft that the cookies ended up collapsing through the grill. Despite the disastrous results, she hadn’t tossed the tasty remnants – which led me to suggest she bring ‘em in. No sense in letting them go to waste, after all.

                      She brought them in this morning. I sampled one delicious – albeit malformed – lump and found it to be as good as yesterday’s offering. Still, it was a mighty ugly selection and so, in a desire to spare her the inevitable social embarrassment that comes from serving misshapen cookies, I suggested she set them aside and allow me to attend to their disposal. Three hours later, we’re sitting it the writers’ room, when Ashleigh suddenly sits up and loudly announces: “Hey, Joe, aren’t you going to share those cookies I brought in?”

                      Under everyone’s accusatory glares, I was forced to scramble, proclaiming my innocence and insisting I would love nothing better than to share Ashleigh’s failed baking experiment with everyone. Honest. ”You look them in the eye and say that!”Ashleigh challenged. So I did. And I was pretty damn convincing if I do say so myself, probably delivering my best performance since that one week portrayal of Marcellus, Officer of Denmark in my high school production of Hamlet.

                      Ashleigh trotted off to her office and returned seconds later with the cookie bits, setting them down on the table and causing an enormously disappointed Carl to stare down at them and wail: ”I thought you said cookies! These aren’t cookies!”

                      Dear readers, you be the judge. Exhibit A -

                      I mean, come on! That isn’t a cookie. It’s Newfoundland!

                      Her failed attempt to throw me under the bus on this whole cookie-gate debacle is part of an alarming pattern of behavior. Earlier today, while we were chatting in her office, I unconsciously rubbed the serrated edge of my plastic knife against the plastic fork I was holding. Apparently, Ashleigh found the sound a tad unsettling. How do I know? Because she told me. More or less. What she actually said was: “Make that sound again and I’ll claw your eyes out!”. When I informed her that quote would be making the blog, she insisted I tell my readers the whole story – namely how deeply unpleasant she found the noise of a serrated plastic knife rubbing against the inner groove of a plastic fork. How unpleasant? Unpleasant enough to CLAW MY EYES OUT if I ever did it again!

                      Hey, good news! The early reviews of my first draft are in and I’m pleased to report I haven’t been asked to pack up my office (always a good sign). Received some great early input and look forward to sitting down to the official notes session tomorrow.

                      Today and tomorrow are flamethrower days, the term “flamethrower”, in this case, being code for “flamethrower”.

                      A few goodies from the Atlantis vault…
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        May 6, 2010

                        Photos: Hats, Carl Binder

                        When Paul and I became show runners on Atlantis’s fourth season, one of my first executive decisions was to place a moratorium on hats. I vowed that, under my watch, neither series lead nor supporting player nor lowly extra would be made to parade around in one of those silly, scene-stealing, scalp-warmers. Back in the day, Director Peter DeLuise was particularly vociferous about the offending headpieces. ”Now it’s a scene about a hat!”he’d cry out in outrage while watching the dailies. And he was right. I mean, how can you take someone seriously when they’re delivering dialogue looking like -

                        I have to admit, my hatred of headwear extends far beyond the show. I am of the firm opinion that, with few exceptions, people look like complete dorks when they’re wearing hats. Baseball caps are inoffensive insofar as I don’t really classify them as hats, while cowboy hats are perfectly acceptable – so long as you’re an actual cowboy (ie. have ridden a horse and wear chaps for non-recreational purposes). Of course, there are rare exceptions such as -

                        People in uniform or who are required to wear regulation headgear as part of their profession – like policemen, firemen, the gals at my local doughnut shop, or individuals who pilot dust croppers – are exempt, unless said headgear is part of some stage performance. Otherwise, please refrain from wearing any of the following:

                        1) Ascot caps, boaters, bowlers, deerstalkers – unless you’re sixty-five or older and/or motor about in a vintage convertible you’ve christened with a female named and make use of words like “toodles” or “corking” as part of daily conversation.

                        2) Bucket hats – unless you’re six or younger, either physically or mentally. OR, you’re the first mate on the S.S. Minnow.

                        3) Chullo and various other wool hats – unless you’re Chilean or braving a a blustery winter and desperately need to keep your ears warm.

                        4) Fedora – unless you honestly believe it’s sixty years ago. Trust me, it doesn’t make you look cool. It just makes you look like someone who thinks they look cool.

                        5) Pork pie – unless…no. No unless. Just don’t.

                        As for those hats I’ve failed to mention – don’t wear them either.

                        Now, I know that many of you think I’m being inordinately harsh here, but anyone with an ounce of sense would agree. You can take your average good looking fellow, slap a hat on him, and he’ll end up looking like a total dork.

                        Don’t believe me?

                        Yeah, I think I’ve made my point.

                        Got my script notes on Resurgence today. Some great input. Sadly, I had to lose the Megatron gag.


                        Bryan M. White writes: “By the way, any news on the movie?”

                        Answer: Nope.

                        crayonbaby writes: “Are they going to make you bake some cookies too?”

                        Answer: I lost a bet and will have to make ice cream. Ashleigh requested something simple, like vanilla, so I’ll probably make a batch over the weekend.

                        belouchi writes: “1. Will it be revealed how fast Destiny travels ?
               many galaxies its traveled prior to the arrival of the icarus team?”

                        Answers: 1. No plans to do so. 2. We haven’t said and will remain vague on this.

                        Chevron 7 writes: “Now it may be a stupid question but how did they get the sand in the corridor..some sort of blower? Was wondering how they got no footprints on it…it looks undisturbed.”

                        Answer: They trucked it in, shoveled it over, then touched it up between takes to ensure it look undisturbed.

                        Chevron7 writes: “Congrats on the early reviews of your first draft…were you worried?”

                        Answer: I don’t know if I’d go so far as to call it worry, but I certainly want to do a good job and thereby make everyone else’s life a whole lot easier.

                        dasNdanger writes: “I’ve come to the conclusion that you suffer from a persecution complex, influenced by a negative anima complex, with overtones of a martyr complex verging on masochism.”

                        Answer: Is there a pill I can take?

                        Shirt ‘n Tie writes: “Updates on your Mother? How is she?

                        Also any news on *cough cough* DVD commentaries?

                        Oh, and girls here asked…Did Felix win that photo competition we all voted for, some months back?”

                        Answers: Mom is doing much better and has her last physio session this week. What news on the DVD commentaries? And, sadly, Felix didn’t win. He’s presently in search of a new dog-in-funny-outfit contest.

                        paceofnature writes: “Do you guys still feel like you’re getting a lot of criticism for the different feel of SGU compared to SG1/SGA or has all that bile kind of simmered down?”

                        Answer: Fans are passionate, SF fans even more so, so it’s not at all surprising to have certain factions raise the hue and cry whenever a change is made or a creative decision taken that they don’t agree with. Fan criticism, infighting, and occasional belligerency have been a part of this franchise as long as I can remember.

                        Deni writes: “How did the laxative taste with the peanut butter and chocolate?”

                        Answer: Don’t think I didn’t consider the possibility.

                        JulieAloha writes: “We never get Ashleigh’s side of things – does she read your blog or are you counting on the fact that she doesn’t?”

                        Answer: Oh, she reads it alright.

                        Chevron7 writes: “…that Stargate plate – where is it now?”

                        Answer: It was carved ice so I imagine it’s long-since dissipated.
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          May 7, 2010

                          Photos: Dinner

                          For the past five years, I’ve hosted an annual chocolate party, a theobroma extravaganza in which I attempt to stuff about forty guests with enough cacao to kill them ten times over (Don’t believe me? Check out the spread: And, for the past five years, Carl has thanked me by taking me out to dinner. Wholly unnecessary, but appreciated nevertheless. So, last night, on his suggestion, we decided to try somewhere new: Coast Restaurant on Alberni Street.

                          When I made the reservations, I was informed they could squeeze me in, but that they would need the table back an hour and a half after my 6:15 p.m. reservation. So popular! It must be good, right? Right?! I’m a fairly fast-eater and told them it wouldn’t be a problem. Of course, that “not a problem” was assuming service would be prompt which…well, let’s just say it’s a good thing they didn’t hold us to that 90 minute seating.

                          The place was packed and noisy as hell, a cacophonous duel of lively conversation fighting to be heard over the annoyingly loud music being piped over the speakers. We were seated in a prime spot, the high-traffic table by the second floor staircase which afforded us a view of all the other diners being served before us. Next to being seated right beside the bathroom, it don’t get much better than that.

                          We started by sharing three signature sashimi plates -

                          All good but nothing particularly memorable. In the interim between appies and our mains, we chatted. And chatted some more. If I’d known we’d be waiting that long, I’d have taken the time to watch The Office. Eventually, Carl caught our waiter’s eye. A dawning realization seemed to settle upon him. I almost expected him to say: “****, you guys still here?” before he scurried off. Moments later, he was back with our mains. I suspect they’d been awaiting pick-up for a while. Let’s just say we were in no danger of burning our tongues. Or warming our hands.

                          The main dishes were fine, unremarkable yet inoffensive, a tepid one-two punch.

                          In my desire to end the night on a high note, I ordered three desserts -

                          All in all, a pretty forgettable meal. That’s what I get for trying somewhere new.


                          Bryan M. White writes: “Speaking of fan questions, any word on when Elise will be covering the mailbag?”

                          Answer: She and Jamil are working on their Q&A’s – but season 2 has been keeping them busy. Still, while we’re waiting, I’ll be announcing a few more guest Q&A’s in the coming days.

                          GrmnRF writes: “We will meet with Franklin in the future? Or, we can never know where and how he disappeared …?”

                          Answer: Great question. What’s up with that?

                          Kymm writes: “Ashleigh – vanilla? really? Oh please ask for another flavour, as well.”

                          Answer: I’ll make her vanilla (with shaved milk chocolate and white chocolate chunks, as per her request), but I think I’ll try something new as well. I’m thinking of incorporating that big of cheddar chips I picked up today.

                          crayonbaby writes: “Do you use one of those machines or make it manually (I’m thinking the crank handle kind)?”

                          Answer: I have two machines, but their output is still too modest for my needs. I really should invest in the Gelato 3000.

                          Crashbarrier writes: “You published previously some of therather fantastic production designs for sets, costumes and the like for the different SG series. Given that these are things that fans fall on as treasures from the Ark of the Covenant itself why are these not collated and published?”

                          Answer: Don’t know. Not my call. You might want to throw the suggestion MGM’s way.

                          Tepring writes: “If you’re making ice cream to satisfy a lost bet, seriously consider liquid nitrogen ice cream.”

                          Answer: I think I’d rather keep my fingers, thanks.

                          avabird writes: “Canadian beavers are apparently the hardest working. The biggest beaver dam in the world is at Wood Buffalo Park in Alberta. It’s larger than Hoover Dam. Scientists discovered this by seeing it on Google Earth. (Didn’t put a link, cause don’t think I have linking privileges yet.)”

                          Answer: They only discovered it because of Google Earth? And it’s larger than the Hoover Dam?!! P.S. Everyone has linking privileges. Post away.

                          dasNdanger writes: “why do Wraith hibernate fully clothed?”

                          Answer: Why not? That way, they’re up and about and ready to go. P.S. Perv.

                          BJ writes: “If you have the time, there’s one proposal for a 4th series that I think you should check out.”

                          Answer: Sorry. We don’t accept unsolicited submissions, especially pitches for new shows.

                          Tim Lade writes: “On an unrelated note you always say that Paul is your writing partner and yet you wrote…Resurgance on your own it seems…do you divide the work or how does your partnership work exactly?”

                          Answer: Even though we’re co-credited on our scripts, we’ve been writing separately for many years now.

                          Time Lade also writes: “Oh p.s. Russel Hanz is a fool.”

                          Answer: Couldn’t agree more. I’m rooting for Parvati (followed closely by Susan).

                          Zoomeister writes: “Do we just post them in comments section?”

                          Answer: Yep.

                          Deni writes: “Hey Joe? If Mandy had died while Camille was in her body, who would have died? Mandy, right?”

                          Answer: Past experience suggests they would both die.
                          Last edited by Jumper_One; 09 May 2010, 02:01 AM.
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            May 8, 2010

                            Photos: SGU and SGA concept art

                            I feel as though the past couple of weeks have finally caught up with me and I could sleep for a week. Or, at the very least, the weekend. Might as well make the most of it because next week, I’ll be launching into my rewrite of episode #10, Resurgence, AND spending a couple of days in editing working on my producer’s cut of episode #3.

                            Hey, if you watched Stargate: Universe last night, you may have noticed THIS little guy -

                            I’m pitching him as the sassy sixth member of the science team.

                            More goodies from the Atlantis vault...

                            Today’s entry is dedicated to Spankys. Condolences on your loss.
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              May 9, 2010

                              Photos: Alaina Huffman, SGU concept art, Brody's Bar

                              I begin today’s entry with another BIG guest blogger announcement. As you all know, Jamil Walker Smith and Elyse Levesque have your questions and are furiously working away on them, also managing to squeeze in time for their full-time jobs on Stargate: Universe. So to those of you asking – yes, they’re working on ‘em and should have their answers back our way…soon-ish. In the meantime, while we’re waiting, let’s put another Q&A into play...

                              Actress Alaina Huffman (SGU’s Tamara “TJ” Johansen) wants to hear from YOU. Yes, YOU. NOT that other guy or gal, but YOU. So if you have a question for Alain, post away. I’ll be gathering them up over the course of the next few days and will be sending them her way by week’s end – after which I’ll start collecting questions for yet another guest blogger!

                              Today was Ice Cream Day. I made two batches. The first, Vanilla with Shaved White Chocolate and Milk Chocolate Flakes, is for Ashleigh. The second, Sweet Corn with Cheddar Chips is for whoever is brave enough to sample it tomorrow. I’m sure the first will be very good, but I have high hopes for the latter. Now, all I have to do is remember to bring them to work tomorrow.

                              Sure, last Friday’s episode of SGU was chock full of cool elements: alien ships, robots, body switching, and, best of all, Mr. Brody’s contribution to future parties, hilarity, and interminable stories...

                              Today’s entry is dedicated to blog regular Paloosa.

                              Let’s field some questions -

                              Bryan M. White writes: “Seriously though, I was watching the SGA episode Adrift tonight on DVD and was wondering if the background plate of the two galaxies was taken from the shot of Midway, replacing the station w/ Destiny?”

                              Answer: Can’t recall for certain, but it sure sounds like something we would do. If we didn’t – you’re hired!

                              Craig writes: “1) Does the robot have a name?

                              2) How are the show’s ratings? I don’t think I’ve heard anything since Justice about how well the show is performing. Has it been doing better since season 1.5 started? Or about the same?”

                              Answers: 1) Ludwig Honenberger the Third.

                              2) The show came back with a 1.18 , maintained, dipped a little, then came back last week to match the 1.18. Internally, we’re referring to it as the “Knepper Bounce” because, last week, Carl found himself on a return flight to L.A. with guest star Robert Knepper. As they were disembarking, a passenger recognized Robert and called out to him: “Loved you in Prison Break!” Robert responded: “Then you should check out Stargate: Universe!”

                              dasNdanger writes: “Joe – just wondering (since you mentioned things catching up with you) if your aches and pains have gone away, or are you still having troubles? If they’ve gone away, just curious as to what you did to feel better (as long as it’s clean and legal, that is ).”

                              Answer: I did what any grown man would do when faced with a mysterious ache and/or pain. I ignored it until it went away.

                              Scott writes: “is the robot going to be doing like fixing up the broken parts of the ship now? so that like the crew can start exploring more of the ship?”

                              Answer: That’s the idea.

                              PG15 writes: “1. Since you’re back to being an Executive Producer for Season 2, does that mean that you can give us episode rundowns for Awakening and Resurgence, like you did with those SGA episodes you wrote?

                              2. Is there any significance to the fact that the only 2 non-one-word SGU episode titles so far are right next to each other? Are they a 2-parter perhaps?

                              3. Now that Young and TJ are kinda joined at the chromosomes, how will Emily feel about this? Are you guys going to touch on Young’s wife again soon?

                              4. How far are you guys along on coming up with stories for the 2nd season? Got an idea for the season finale yet?

                              5. Has anyone in the production seen Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos” series?

                              6. Did you actually read this entire, extremely long comment?”

                              Answers: 1. Possibly, if I find the time.

                              2. Nope, no significance. They were simply more suitable titles.

                              3. Yes, we will be touching on his relationship with Emily some time in the near future.

                              4. We still have a few open slots, but we do know where we’re headed for our second season finale.

                              5. Of course.

                              6. Of course.

                              duneknight writes: “did you guys chicken out? because of the contriversy regarding the sex scene or did you plan it like that all along?”

                              Answer: There were some minor changes, but no more than would be made on any script as it advances from outline to and through its various drafts. The one change that stood out for me was a little character backstory we had planned for the Lieutenant James character. Initially, she volunteers, makes the switch, panics, and backs out. Rather than being a simple freak out, we learn that her reason for backing out stems from a personal issue – specifically, the circumstances surrounding her younger brother’s paralysis. Even though it was a positive depiction of the bond between siblings, Standards and Practices felt that it cast a physical disability in a negative light because James displays grief for her brother’s condition. As a result, we had to lose it.

                              imadaman writes: “No hints about when the premiere took place? Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years after EatG?”

                              Answer: It would have to have taken place not too long after the events of EatG (days, maybe weeks perhaps) since the events of the Atlantis movie, Stargate: Extinction, follow very son after EatG as well (and helps explain why Dr. McKay wasn’t drafted to body switch during the show’s first season).

                              E writes: “I thought that’s going to happen in “Sabotage”, but it didn’t… Can we still expect clawing-eyes-out-worthy sex scenes in 1.5?”

                              Answer: Enjoy the teaser of Pain.

                              RedFlames writes: “If each dive into a star isn’t fully recharging the zpms/batteries/hamsters-on-wheels or whatever powers Destiny why doesn’t destiny stay inside the star until it is fully charged?”

                              Answer: Damage to the ship’s systems make it incapable of fully recharging. Presently, Destiny’s capacitors are only able to charge to about 40% capacity.

                              Curiositykitty writes: “Theres also a bunch of gripes online about the music montages in episodes lately. Ive been beginning to think its just one of those sgu things now thats a stylistic thing for the series.”

                              Answer: Bingo.
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                May 10, 2010

                                Photos: The Prisoner by Carlos J. Cortes, Perfect Circle by Carlos J. Cortes, Masked edited by Lou Anders, Swords & Dark Magic edited by Lou Anders and Jonathan Strahan

                                It’s 2049 and the antiquated penal system is a thing of the past. The incarceration of prisoners has been outsourced to Hypnos, a corporation charged with the task of placing and maintaining inmates in a hibernative slumber for the duration of their respective sentences. Washington D.C.’s maximum security lock-up, a.k.a. the sugar cube, houses some of the most world’s most dangerous – and inconvenient, because it turns out that a number of those in deep sleep stasis are actually political prisoners or individuals whose only crime was to piss off the wrong people. Among those special cases is the enigmatic Eliot Russo, a man who has spent some fifteen years in the sugar cube and may hold the key to upending the corrupt system.

                                Three lawyers – Laurel Cole, Bastien Compton and Raul Osborne – are engaged by a mysterious benefactor and charged with the task of springing Russo. In order to gain entrance to the high security complex, however, they must enter it as prisoners. Stripped, sedated, and placed in stasis, they become inmates of the sugar cube – until eventually released by a mole working on the inside. Two survive the shock to their systems. One does not. With time ticking down, the survivors must locate Russo and effect a hair-raising escape that sees them effectively flushed and deposited into the city’s meandering sewer systems. From there, they must struggle to stay alive, protect their charge, and remain one step ahead of their enemies: Hypnos, Homeland Security, and a cool and calculating mercenary named Nicola Masek.

                                One of the things I dislike about cyber-thrillers are their emphasis on overly complicated technology. More often than not, the plot and characters take a back seat to painstakingly detailed accounts of the futuristic gadgets and gizmos at the heart of the stories. What you end up with is a narrative that is all surface, technically engaging, but ultimately unsatisfying and, dare I say it, pretty damn boring. The Prisoner, however, succeeds in creating an intricate yet fascinating world of technological marvels. Author Carlos J. Cortes does an admirable job of walking that fine line between techy and true, crafting a world that is at turns innovative, intricate, and utterly enthralling. The futuristic elements that run through the novel are impressive in their scope and specifications, spectacular inventions just one or two steps removed from our present reality, and while intrinsic to the plot, they never overshadow the true driving force of the narrative: its well-defined characters.

                                While I’ll admit to occasionally becoming lost in some of the peripheral players, the main characters commanded my attention throughout. I was invested in not only our heroine, but even a couple of the villains as well. The opportunistic Nicola Masek, in particular, stood out as one of those immensely appealing personalities you would happily follow into his own series. Much of the appeal of these characters stems from Cortes’ knack for turning presumptions and initial expectations on their head, adding layers through backstory, twists, and turns that will have the reader constantly questioning motives, allegiances, even their own perceptions. There were a number of times throughout that I actually understood, even sympathized with the bad guys – and that’s a rarity in fiction.

                                Tautly plotted and quickly paced, it’s one of those books you have a hard time putting down once you get going. Cortes’s prose style is delightful in its ability to wholly subsume the reader. My favorite sequence involves the escape through the Washington sewer system, an account so harrowing in its rich and disturbingly comprehensive that I will no doubt remember it years from now – and wince. It elicited a visceral reaction similar to what I experienced reading Stephen King’s awesomely disturbing A Very Tight Place, a story about a guy trapped in a toppled outhouse. !!!

                                Top marks for this cyber-thriller. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I already went out and picked up Cortes’s first book, Perfect Circle.

                                What did everyone else think?

                                And, while you’re thinking, start posting your questions for author Carlos J. Cortes!

                                Still on the fiction front, editor Lou Anders has forwarded me the final cover for that superhero anthology I’ve been talking about forever (mainly because I have a short story in the line-up). Here it is -

                                Those of you paying attention may have noticed a difference between the previous version and the final pictured above. Yep, the anthology has been retitled, from With Great Responsibility to Masked. We’ve got a release date of July 20, 2010. Available for pre-order here:

                                Lou’s been a busy boy. He’s also got another anthology (this one co-edited with Jonathan Strahan) coming out in July as well -

                                And, no, your eyes do not deceive you. The collection includes an original story from, among others, one of my top five favorite authors (and Baron Destructo passing acquaintance) Joe Abercrombie! You can get your copy here:

                                I remembered to bring in the ice cream I made yesterday. Sort of. I only brought one flavor – and, if you talk to Carl, he’ll tell you it was the wrong one. I forgot the Vanilla with Shaved White Chocolate and Milk Chocolate Flakes. However, I DID remember the Sweet Corn with Cheddar Chips. Those brave enough to sample it ended up in two camps: the “This is delicious camp!” (led by Ashleigh who had seconds) and the “I can’t get the taste out of my mouth!” camp (led by Carl). I liked it, but I enjoy the unusual – and this was mighty unusual: creamy, crispy, sweet, and salty!
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

