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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    i never really knew the actors follwed this stuff so much.

    i too am disgusted at the amount of negative comments flowing around, there is so many, they drown out the positive ones.

    Might i suggest to everyone to COMPLETELY boycott any negative threads and tell everyone else to do so!

    if this continues, actor may decide to leave the show and suddenly stargate is dead....why would MGM continue making the franchise if it appears to be dying? Support to show and we will get as much Stargate as is possible.


      Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
      fair enough.
      I certainly think he seems to be addicted to physical pleasures but I am not willing to cross the line and even think of him as such...yet.
      And yes, we have seen enough of those lately................
      Well at some point we as fans are going to have decide just when enough is enough before we realise that it's a bit more than the usually Kirking about we've seen in the past. I did expect a relationship between him and Lt. James and yet with little onscreen interaction, he's doing Chloe first chance he gets and later starts acting stupidly (with his radio being turned off when he never did that on Icarus). I think the biggest fan issue was that he was jumped from Lt. James in a closet to Chloe within the space of two or three days.

      If the writers are willing to keep with that relationship then it will die down but if they end up moving Scott onto another female character (my money is on Tamara), it's going to make things worse, even more so because they seem to making Chloe emotionally involved here when for all we know, Scott is in it for the action.



        Originally posted by joeynox View Post
        This was posted on Twitter by David blue( Eli )

        It's not often that I post a link to Joe's blog, for a variety of reasons. But this entry is a MUST-READ. #SGU --

        I read joes rant and he's 100% right
        I'd give you some big-time greenage for posting this but I've given out way too much in the past 24 hours and I'm not allowed to give out anymore for a little bit.

        But thank you for posting this. I had no idea that fans were posting inflammatory comments on the blog. TPTB don't have to go through the trouble of posting that information for the sake of the fans. They do it purely as a courtesy and aren't obligated to post something that could obviously take effort to regularly maintain. I think it's a great privilege that TPTB are willing to have such ties with their fanbase. To think at how badly certain fools have abused that privilege is really appalling.


          {mod snip}. I have my on personal gripes about the characters which I routinely CONSTRUCTIVELY express on the comments in Joe's blog, but I never attack the actors or say that the writers are stupid or whatever. I was quite surprised to hear that Brian J. Smith actually stepped away from Twitter because of the hate tweets. That's pathetic on the part of the fans that caused that. Fans should know better than to take things out on the actors--all of the actors are doing a PHENOMENAL job with this show. They don't come up with the stories, that's on the writers. Then again, I do think the point needs to be made that the actors should look at this and see that their fans are passionate about the show--and they should see that as a positive in an otherwise completely negative situation.

          I think that the controversy and the debate that exists within and around SGU and its fandom (fan-dumb?) is a good thing. Never has a stargate show generated so much good discussion each week. Constructive discussion in fan communities shows that the show is making people think about what they're watching and that's almost always a good thing.

          I think what's causing the most controversy is how the characters are dealing with the situation they have been put in. Some people feel that certain characters should respond differently than how they have in the show or that they shouldn't be doing something that they're doing or that they should be doing something that they're not. Nobody really knows how a group of 80 humans stranded billions of light years from home on a space ship they cant control would react and respond. But the writers are the ones designing the characters, so they ultimately can tell you how the characters are and how they'll react. People are welcome to disagree and create discussion and I think that the discussion that comes up about the characters is a good thing, but I do think it got out of hand. Especially on Joe's blog.

          People as sensitive as to call Chloe a whore (or that she "played" Eli) {mod snip} No part of any episode in this series would honestly imply that. It was sad to see people saying that.

          On the other hand, it's good to see people questioning Scott's moral beliefs and decisions--but that has NOTHING to do with Brian J. Smith. And it's sad to see him attacked for it.
          Last edited by KatG; 01 November 2009, 02:27 AM. Reason: we do not call fellow posters morons or tell them to shut up and go away


            I don't always agree with Mallozzi, but I respect his right to express opinions. And in this case, he's absolutely correct.

            There are days when I'm ashamed of fandom. And hearing that Brian J. Smith is avoiding his own twitter account because of nasty comments from the fans... well, all I can say is that today I'm disgusted by fandom. If viewers don't like the direction that the show is going, that's fine. They are well within their rights to dislike it. But when they start harassing the hard-working people who make the show, that's crossing the line of acceptable and polite behavior.

            Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
            That said, I am half tempted to start Lt. James "Lt. Rack" or "McBoobs" because I just found that funny.
            Sorry, it's not funny. It's immature and offensive. Simple as that.

            Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
            Strictly speaking yes it does mean that, but these days is more whore modern slang. It doesn't have to involve payment or gaining something in return, with modern slang it can be used for a person who just sleeps around a lot, plus it can also also mean simple things that aren't as offensive, like a person who enjoys or does something too much (without being rude of sexually explicit).

            Like Reality TV Stars who just never go away are attention whores, plus they can also be cam whores because they may enjoy being on camera too much. I play one specific online game so friends who care too much about certain aspects of the game can be called stat whores, RP whores, boost whores and so on. So being called a whore doesn't instantly mean someone is banging someone on the side for money.
            The only way that the word "whore" can be used in an "inoffensive way" is if there is a modifier on it... as in your example of an "attention whore." Even then, it's still rude. Calling any character a whore is, IMO, baiting and should be against the rules on this and any other forum. Anyone who descends to that level is purposefully using offensive and inflammatory language. That's not appropriate or mature. If you want to criticize the sex scenes, I don't have a problem with that. But Mallozzi's right. This kind of language and general rudeness is inappropriate.

            And to be clear, my mini-rant isn't directed at anyone in particular, because I haven't seen anyone make such statements here (largely because I've been avoiding the SGU folder). But it is a long-standing peeve of mine that fans seem to have no problem with this level of rudeness.
            Chief of the GGP (Gateworld Grammar Police). Punctuation is your friend. Use it!

            Great happy armies shall be gathered and trained to oppose all who embrace doubt. In the name of Hope, ships shall be built to carry our disciples out amongst the stars, and we will spread Optimism to all the doubters. The power of the Optimi will be felt far and wide, and the pessimists shall become positive-thinkers.
            Hallowed are the Optimi.


              Originally posted by AutumnDream View Post
              Let me just say I have never been so embarrassed by Stargate fans since the cancellation of Atlantis. It is astonishing how profoundly immature many of the comments toward SGU have been. We get it - you want five more years of the "fantastic four" narrowly escaping hive ships, blowing up absurdly advanced civilizations, and solving the crises of various medieval villages. Unfortunately for you, that's done, please stop being children and get over it.

              I was never really a "sci-fi fan" and just got into this sort of show because I liked watching SG1 back in the 90s and more recently Battlestar. When I started experiencing the fandom for myself I wondered why they were considered so repulsive by the general public, why the stereotypes of the raging nerd existed, because most people seemed pretty chill to me. Now that all the the hysterical children have come out of the woodwork my opinion regarding science fiction fans has grown more in line with that of the general public.
              This post really summed up exactly how I feel. I too am extremely disturbed, embarrassed, and displeased by Stargate fandom as of late. In the past years I dealt with the Stargate hatred from Farscape fans who blamed SG1 for it's cancelation. I then saw the fighting amongst those that believed SG1 needed to end at S8, and those that wanted it to continue. I watch the wars between SG1 purists and SGA fans, and finally those SG1 fans who blamed SGA after that show was canceled after "200" when Syfy wanted only one Stargate show at a time. But the level of hatred towards SGU has certainly shocked me a LOT. Sending hate mail to an actor? That is someone that needs a restraining order, a life, and their TV and internet revoked.

              It really does paint a picture of people with no lives, or severe psychological problems. The most important fact that everyone should easily know is that we are NOT forced in any way to watch these shows. We have all the right to change the channel if a show displeases us. I for one find a few shows quite moronic, yet I would find it even more idiotic to actually register and post flames about something I do not watch. It just boggles my mind why anyone would hang around crying over something they do not use.


                Negative comments used to be largely confined to the "con" thread. Now they are pervasive with new indivitual "-" threads every day. I liked the old system better.

                And I'm shocked the actors and family thought for a split second fans were a sane always-happy bunch.
                Last edited by Franklyn Blaze; 01 November 2009, 09:13 AM.


                  I'm not alarmed or afraid.....

                  Sadly I'm not in the least bit surprised.....

                  There aren't even smilies for this either...

                  Deeds xx
                  Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                  MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                    Negative comments on the internet? My God, I never would have thought it.

                    Seriously though, what did they expect?

                    I have nothing against the actors, so I never insult them.

                    I do happen to insult the writing for their characters (Scott and Chloe). It's the writers job to make us care about those two. So far they haven't been doing that. Maybe if we actually cared about their characters we wouldn't want them killed off.

                    That rant of his was pretty childish. Entertaining, yes, but childish.

                    Reminder: My problem is with the characters and the writers, not the actors.
                    "God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work." - Dean Winchester


                      I don't know why you have to insult anything...


                        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                        I don't know why you have to insult anything...

                        I meant to say I criticize the writing. I won't insult the guys who gave me SG-1.

                        Thanks for catching that.
                        "God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work." - Dean Winchester




                            Calling a character a whore is tame criticism in the extreme. There's really no justification for this sort of whining. If you read stuff on the Internet, you should have a certain amount of thick skin, certainly enough for minor things like that to slide off your back like water off a duck.

                            I've read far more extreme criticism of work I've personally done, on the Internet, and it didn't cause me to sob into a blog or even stop reading the forum in question.


                              The actors are not at fault here, they do their job and fans going after them for portraying the characters are just idots. Normally i would say its not the writers fault either cause ultimately, the producers decide what makes it and what doesnt. But Wright and Cooper not only write this soap, they also produce the thing, which means, theyre the ones to blame for the new direction.

                              I think Mallozi cant deal with the fact that so much Stargate fans dislike the new show.

                              SGU is like watching an Indiana Jones movie, in which all we see is what happens in that plane traveling over the old map in between action scenes. Indy is probably choosing new drapes with Marianne, fixing his wounds, getting some sleep or taking a dump. The only action is when theres turbulence. Theres a reason we dont see those moments in action /adventure movies, THEYRE BORING.

                              Fans complained about alot of thing over the years but its like Wright/Cooper caught only two of those complaints; the lack of Jack and Sam screwing around and boring little moments that dont further the plot at all but let us know more about the characters. They put those two ideas in overdrive, mixed them with crazyass SFX and redesigned props from before and voila, we have SGU.

                              They get called for writing a poor show and they dont like it, boohoo. Another thing, Ive watched the entire series many times, way too much some might say, i love Stargate, but now, i dont like this series and all of a sudden im a pariah, an outcast for expressing how i feel? Many are in the same predicament as me, and like me are continuing to watch SGU, not because we like it, but because its part of the lore and we need it.

                              You {mod snip} fans need to give it a rest and stop ostracizing those with different opinions. Like our new characters, the writers are humans, theyre flawed and make mistakes, theyre not Gods. If anything, fans of the Stargate franchise should know that individuals with a lot of power aren't necessarily godlike, and power doesnt equal blind worship.

                              Like Vala said:" Im starting to think that irony is very overrated"

                              Yeah right....
                              Last edited by KatG; 01 November 2009, 02:31 AM. Reason: insulting other fan groups


                                People loudly voicing their negative opinions about specific things in the show only shows that they are already very invested (emotionally or otherwise) in the show.
                                I wasn't around these blogs/forums when SG-1 or SGA aired, and I don't know how 'loud' these comments were during those periods of time - but I wouldn't be surprised if it's much more extreme in SGU (only after 6 episodes) - since this show dares to go places where no previous incarnation of SG did.

                                Overall, I think it it's a good sign.
                                Sure, some things might need to be moderated, but it's better then having a show that nobody really cares about.

