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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    June 16, 2009

    Photos: Carl Binder, Ivon Bartok, Paul Mullie, Mark Savela, Alex Pappas, Patrick Gilmore, Jennifer Spence, Joe Mallozzi, Andy Mikita, Ashleigh

    Today’s lunch room conversation centered on the frustrating, lonely, arduous, dispiriting, painful, occasionally lucrative job of the professional scriptwriter. How to best describe the scripting process? Well, have you ever spent a night in a feverish haze, tossing and turning, falling in and out of sleep, endlessly repeating variations of the same weird, maddening dream? It’s like that except that you’re not confined to your bedroom. No, so long as that script sits unfinished, it’ll weigh on your 24/7 – at the office, in the shower, while you’re having that long distance conversation with your mother about that celebrity dance show. We compared and contrasted our various writing processes. My writing partner Paul, for instance, has to work an entire scene out in his head before sitting down to write it. Brad and Robert, on the other hand, write at their laptops. I’m a pacer, generally running dialogue anywhere but in my office, nailing down a run before getting it down. And, like Carl, when I sit down at the my laptop, I review and rewrite what I’ve got before moving on, advancing a few pages and retiring for the day, then repeating the process the following day. By the time the script is complete, I can recite that first scene line for line. Yes, it can be extremely demanding and incredibly taxing but, at the end of the day, it’s the constructive fan criticism that make it all worthwhile.

    I headed down to Stage 4 today where Director Andy Mikita was overseeing one of the big green screen sequences in Space, episode #11. On the observation deck this afternoon: Patrick Gilmore (Volker), Julia Anderson (James), Jennifer Spence (Park), and various others taking in the pyrotechnic display. During a break in the action, Patrick regaled us with the tale of his first memorable Chris Judge experience way back on a little SG-1 episode called Morpheus in which he played the role of the sleepily ill-fated Bernie Ackerman. In addition to being a terrific actor (yet another instant of someone whose small initial role continues to grow as a result of some impressive performances), he’s a really good guy. And funny. You can check out his twitter here:

    Today’s blog entry is dedicated to Das and her hubby who are mourning the loss of Cowboy. Also, belated condolences to Maggiemayday on the loss of her buddy Cricket.
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      June 17, 2009

      Nothing to read here. Move along. Thank you.

      This blog entry isn’t for Stargate fans or foodies or dog lovers or anyone who was directed here following an internet search for “vampire prop” (three of you), “big ass xex” (two of you), or “eating champagne truffles when pregnant” (one of you). No, this blog entry is for all those casting directors, producers, studio people, and network execs looking to cast their next big project. How about a few recommendations…

      Over the course of my ten years with the Stargate franchise, I’ve had the pleasure to work with numerous talented individuals, many of them guest stars who impressed with their performance, professionalism, and gracious off-camera attitude. And so, today, I’d like to make mention of a few of them here (and I stress “a few of them” because there are certainly more than many I could add to the list. But, for the purposes of today’s entry, let’s go with these ten individuals who a) left a lasting impression and b) I feel are really deserving of more recognition). All are gifted actors who would make a terrific addition to any cast. But be warned! Snap ’em up now because I have a feeling they’ll only be available for so long.

      In no particular order…

      Michael Welch – Young Jack (Fragile Balance, SG-1 season 7).

      Welch, perhaps better known for his role as Luke Girardi in Joan of Arcadia, out-Ricked Rick himself when he took on the role of Young Jack, raising eyebrows by nailing everything from O’Neill’s cadence to his unique mannerisms.

      Neil Jackson – Khalek, Wraith (Prototype SG-1 season 9, Vegas Atlantis season 5)

      He’s a brilliant actor and works a lot, but given his immense talent he should work even more. He delivered one of Stargate’s most deliciously evil performances as Khalek, the Anubis offspring in SG-1‘s ninth season, then delivered an equally nefarious turn as the poker-playing wraith in Vegas.

      Jodelle Ferland – Young Adria, Harmony (Flesh and Blood, SG-1 season 10, Harmony, Atlantis season 4)

      Whenever I used to watch Dakota Fanning, I never saw her a “child star“. She was simply a great actress. And I feel much the same way about Jodelle who blew us away as the Young Adria in SG-1’s Flesh and Blood. So much so that when we were looking to cast a precocious young princess, we immediately thought of her and offered her the role – before the script was even finished! She’s incredibly accomplished for someone so young. When she was shooting Harmony, she not only had all of her own lines down pat, but would even prompt her fellow actors when they forget theirs.

      Brendan Beiser – Tavius, Weaver (The Tower, Atlantis season 2, Memento Mori, SG-1 season 9).

      A couple of wonderfully calculated and controlled performances had me standing up and taking notice. His dinner scene in The Tower was my personal highlight of the episode while his wordless reaction to Teal’c’s whispered suggestion in Memento Mori still makes me chuckle.

      Reed Diamond – Bryce Ferguson (Stronghold, SG-1 season 9)

      The Homicide: Life on the Street vet delivers big time in his role as Cam Mitchell’s dying buddy in SG-1’s ninth season episode Stronghold. Over the course of the single episode, he brings to life a character so genuine and likable that his end touched even the most stoic of stone-hearted producers. That would be me. Hey, I hear he’s on Dollhouse!

      Ryan Robbins – Ladon Radim (Various episodes, Atlantis)

      Atlantis had it’s fair share of recurring villains, but none quite had the depth and daring of Genii Ladon Radim. Here was a sometime adversary and occasional ally who both charmed and schemed with equal aplomb and, at the end of the day, always seemed to find a way to come out on top. Ryan’s nuanced performance always kept the audience guessing.

      Kari Wuhrer – Nancy (Outcast, Atlantis season 4)

      When I think back to Kari’s guest spot on Atlantis, I remember her as much for what a sweetheart she was off-camera as I do her terrific performance as Sheppard’s ex-wife. She was perfect as the captivating, whip-smart Nancy.

      Malcolm Scott – Caius (The Ties That Bind, SG-1 season 9)

      Malcolm delivers one of my favorite comic performances as the colorful intergalactic swindler Caius in The Ties That Bind. Hilarious.

      Mike Dopud – Bounty Hunter, Kiryk (Bounty, SG-1 season 10, Tracker, Atlantis season 5)

      Former stuntman Mike Dopud excels where so many others crash and burn, pulling off characters both tough and ultimately sympathetic. It’s a tricky balance but Mike makes it seem effortless.

      Reiko Aylesworth – Sharon (Life, Universe season 1)

      Alas, I never had the opportunity to meet her but going from Carl’s on-set reports, Reiko is a delight to work with. On the other hand, I did see her dailies and watched her performance in the subsequent cuts of Life and can report, this time firsthand, that she was unbelievably good.

      Hey, guess who was back at the Bridge Studios today? That’s right. Martin Gero! And guess who wasn’t? That’s right. Me! I was home waiting for the guys to complete work on the new home security modifications. They’re done with the moat but some of the alligators got loose from the truck. By day’s end, we’d managed to corral most of them. That said, if you’re in the neighborhood and happen to come across an enormous reptile that answers to Monty, please contact this blog.
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        June 18, 2009

        Photos: Martin Gero, Stage 5, Stage 2, Stage 4, The Special Effects golf cart, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith

        Well, former Stargate: Atlantis Executive Producer Martin Gero finally made his triumphant return to The Bridge Studios. Yesterday. Unfortunately, I wasn’t around so I missed the parade and pizza lunch in his honor. I was, however, back in the office today and on hand to welcome him in proper fashion: with a thrilling tour of the standing sets. And so, after getting the update on his adventures in New York (in addition to working on the new HBO series Bored To Death, he also apparently won a spot on the Mets’ pitching rotation), we all (Marty G., Carl, Paul, Lawren, and I) headed downstairs to check out Stage 5 where the thrilling off-Destiny sequences for Space were being shot.

        After that, we popped into Stage 6 to say hello to the Atlantis set, then strolled across the lot to Stage 2 for a walk-thru the hydroponics lab and shuttle (Martin took it for a spin).

        We capped off our tour with a visit to the Destiny on Stage 4 – corridors, kino room, apple core, observation deck, control interface room, quarters, and, of course, the gate room.

        Mission accomplished, we swung by the catering, and caught a ride back to the Production Offices on the Special Effects golf cart courtesy of Special Effects Supervisor Wray Douglas (next time, I‘m borrowing his jet pack).

        Alas, we didn’t get around to discussing any stories today but Martin did manage to knock off three of the comedy routines on our request list including perennial crowd-pleaser “Lip-Smacking Landry”. Sadly, no Topango as of yet but I have my fingers crossed for tomorrow. When I left him (Martin not Topango), he was in his office (actually, not really HIS office anymore. Since he left, we’ve been renting it out as a timeshare to vacationing Swedes), sprawled out on his couch, catching up on his script-reading (Space, Divided, and Lucid). Tonight, we’re be heading out for dinner with Carl. Ah, just like old times.

        Hey, check out the latest addition to my ever-growing library – a book that has found its way to the top of my to-read pile on the basis of its title alone: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.


        Finally, to all you Ashleigh fans (both of you) who asked how her Q&A is coming along – it’s done! She sent it to me about an hour ago, but I was unable to open the attached file. I asked her to re-send it which she did but, again, I was still unable to open it. I emailed her back: “For some reason I’m unable to open docx documents. Is this some sort of cheap Lithuanian software program? Could you re-send as a more suitably Western Word document or PDF file?”. Moments later, I received her response: “Sheesh you are high maintenance. Copy and pasted for your enjoyment.” Well, ”enjoyment” is a bit of a stretch, but I’ll let you all decide when I post it as tomorrow’s entry.
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          Some great photo's along that blog yesterday!!!

          CON*CEPT MONTREAL 2006
          MARCON COLUMBUS 2007
          POLARIS TORONTO 2007
          CREATION STARGATE VANCOUVER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012
          GATECON VANCOUVER 2008 & 2010
          VCON VANCOUVER 2010
          FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013



            June 19, 2009 - Part 1

            Photos: Ashleigh, Oakley

            “When’s Ashleigh’s Q&A?”aske Carl.

            “Today,”I informed him. And then, after some consideration: “Tonight. I need time to reformat her answers and insert my own running commentary.”

            “Can you do that?”asked Ashleigh.

            “I’m not sure,”I said. “I don’t think that there’s anything in the wordpress blogger regulation book that prevents me.”

            But I checked, just in case. As it turns out – No, I’m good.

            Over to Ashleigh

            Trish writes: “Questions for Ashleigh: “What *exactly* do you do at the Bridge Studios?”

            Ashleigh: I attempt to help in making the guys’ days run smoothly – and of course I provide a relief for Lawren; when they get tired of making fun of him, they switch the jokes to me.

            {Editor’s note: In all fairness, it goes Carl first, then Lawren, THEN Ashleigh.}

            Shawna writes: “For Ashleigh: How do you ultimately plan to murder Joe and usurp his position without anyone being the wiser?”

            Ashleigh: Why have all the fun in one day when you can drag it out over many months, years, decades….

            David writes: “Question for Ashleigh: Have you got anything mean and life threatening plan for Joe for April fools day next year.

            Ashleigh: Both Joe and I know it won’t be on April Fools Day – I prefer the unexpected.

            “What is the most boring thing about working with Joe.”

            Ashleigh: Joe has great style, but I’d like to see him wear a bit of colour..especially since it is summer.

            “The most fun thing about working for Joe.”

            Ashleigh: I have to be on my toes all the time as you never know what he is going to do next…I can be a bit gullible at times so I need to watch out for that.

            “Do you ever read the scripts and give comments on them.”

            Ashleigh: I definitely read them – its good to keep up on what the upcoming episodes are about.

            “Do you ever take a look around the sets or watch them filming scenes for episodes. What is the most impressive thing you have seen so far.”

            Ashleigh: I love heading down to the sets to see the hustle and bustle. Watching it rain in a tropical jungle was pretty cool.

            “Have you work as a PA for anyone else who is a tiny bit famous as joe is or more famous than Joe.”

            Ashleigh: This is my first gig in film…if you are a gamer, maybe.

            Pete writes: “Questions for Ashleigh: How long have you been a vegetarian and why? Are you just a regular old fashioned veggie or a vegan?”

            Ashleigh: I have been a vegetarian for 5 looooooong years. I love most meat but choose not to eat it for the sake of the animals. I do eat a bit of seafood if it is sustainably caught. Dairy and eggs are too good to give up – so am not a vegan.

            PG15 writes: “So, my questions for dear Ashleigh: 1 .What do you truly, really, and truly think of Joe Mallozzi? Please, do not spare any gruesome and/or slanderous detail.”

            Ashleigh: Joe is….wait, he is going to read this right???

            {Editor’s note: No, no, I won’t. Feel free to speak your mind.}

            “2. What drove you to Vegetarianism?”

            Ashleigh: Watching videos of how farm animals are killed and processed into meat. I still do this when I crave meat to remind myself.

            “3. What qualifications do you need to be an Executive Producer’s Assistant?”

            Ashleigh: Patience, quick thinking, a thick skin and above all, humour.

            {Editor’s note: I would add “fast lunch pick-up” abilities.}

            Montrealer writes: “ Questions for Ashleigh: Did you have any idea you would be drag off to places like the Fuel restaurant and the events like the Chocolate orgy (AKA tasting) when you got hired?”

            Ashleigh: Speaking of the Chocolate event, how long it took you to recovered from it? Unfortunately when Joe found out I was able to make the original date, he decided to change it for the weekend I was away in Mexico, so I was unable to attend….he didn’t even save me a blue cheese chocolate.

            {Editor’s note: In truth, I invited her and she came up with some excuse about it being a friend’s birthday the following day. As a result, she would be booked all weekend. So I phoned Fuel, changed the date, informed the other guests, and when I told her she came up with that lame Mexican vacation excuse.}

            “Wonder what veggie dishes have you recommended to Mr M?”

            Ashleigh: He has gone vegetarian a few times at lunch and even tried the veggie burger from Cactus Club twice now. My Fav!

            “Did the Mexican vacation (AKA inconvenient Flu Outbreak) meet your expectations?”

            Ashleigh: 10 days with my 2 best girlfriends, tequila, fresh cut salsa, guacamole and 30 degree weather – Can’t beat it.

            “Also any amusing incidents while traveling to and back from Mexico?”

            Ashleigh: There was a mouse in our villa which my friend Liz termed “SpideyMouse” as it was able to go straight up a wall…we never did manage to catch it…

            “Would you be interested in a walk on role in SGU? Mr M may be you should make wager outcomes with the hired help to either do blog Q&A or be immortalized in SGU walk on roles. LOL”

            Ashleigh: Despite all of Joe’s pics….I am actually quite camera shy, so I don’t think a walk on role is in my future.

            PoorOldEdgarDerby writes: “Questions for Ashleigh (and thanks for taking the time!): How soon after meeting Joe did you set out to destroy him?”

            Ashleigh: It wasn’t till after I figured out that I was being made a fool on April 1 – so that would be two weeks after I met him…I wonder how long he has this affect on others..

            “Are you now or have you ever been a sci-fi fan?”

            Ashleigh: I used to watch “Next Generation” with my brother….but I like mostly anything with action in it, so if a sci fi film has action, sure..but I wouldn’t say specifically that I am a fan.

            “What about a syfy fan?”

            Ashleigh: Uhhhh……Carl, do you want to answer this one?

            Michael A. Burstein writes: “Questions for Ashleigh (and if I missed any of this info on the blog previously, my apologies): What are your hobbies or other interests? Do they dovetail at all with your job?”

            Ashleigh: I have always loved the world of TV and am grateful I get to experience it from behind the scenes. Few of my favourite shows: Friends and Arrested Development. I also love going to the movies. I love being outside and playing sports. I play on a soccer team with my sister, ski, swim, volleyball and reading on a patch of grass in Vancouver is always nice.

            {Editor’s note: For the past three weekends, said “patch of grass” was my front lawn. I finally got fed up and had to call the cops to escort her off the property.}

            Tammy Dixon writes: “Questions for Asheligh: pg15 and Pete asked the one I wanted to ask: What drove you to Vegetarianism? So I’ll just ask a part two/three or so. Are your family Vegetarians, also? If not, how hard is it to maintain that lifestyle with meatatarians all around you?”

            Ashleigh: We grew up eating meat – I hid my vegetarianism from my family for about 3 months. It was actually a good transition as I ate meat only when I was around them so I slowly weaned myself off. My oldest sister is a bit of a natural vegetarian so she is always willing to make something different for me. People eating meat in front of me doesn’t bug me – but the animal sounds can get annoying.

            Otros Ojos writes: “My question for you: Do you have any pet theories related to Stargate: Atlantis? Me, I’m suspicious of how the writers and directors always had McKay talking really fast when explaining scientific stuff, but when it came time to deliver a snarky line, he was perfectly understandable. This makes me wonder if 1) McKay got his doctorate while living in a padded cell (hmm. . .) or 2) as usual, Bridge Studios is conspiring with the FBI, CIA, NORAD, and *NSYNC to keep the population at large ignorant about what’s really going on out in the cosmos.”

            Ashleigh: I read this question too fast to understand it.

            Shirt ‘n Tie writes: “Questions for the BRAVE soul that is : Ashleigh. Welcome to the mayhem. Thank you for agreeing to talk to us here at the JM Blog.
            Firstly is this you?“

            Ashleigh: No that isn’t me; I don’t twitter.

            “Do you have Irish ancestors/cousins??”

            Ashleigh: I am not Irish. I’m Mennonite German/Russian for the most part.

            “If you won the lottery, what would you do?”

            Ashleigh: Travel travel travel.

            “Favourite current TV series?”

            Ashleigh: Since it is summer – So You Think You Can Dance!

            “Favourite Holiday destination (after mexico)?”

            Ashleigh: Pender Harbour on the Sunshine Coast.
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              June 19, 2009 - Part 2

              Mazkenzie’s Momma writes: “Okay questions for Ashleigh….hmmm. What is your favorite genre of book? And who would be your favorite author within that genre?

              Ashleigh: I like to read Fiction, Oprah’s book club type books. I don’t actually have a favourite author.

              “Would you ever twitter? (or are you anti-twitter?)”

              Ashleigh: Never say never, but as of now, I am not going to join twitter.

              Karen a.k.a. kabra writes: “ My questions for Ashleigh: Where did you learn to be so devious and crafty? Do you have older sibling that you have learned from for survial? Can you teach me? My office could use a little spark.”

              Ashleigh: I have 3 older siblings but besides the usual manipulation they weren’t too bad. I always wanted to be devious like Sammy Brady from Days of Our Lives. Maybe I ended up picking up a few tricks.

              {Editor’s note: Sammy Brady of Days of Our Lives?! Okay, now I’m scared!}

              Mishmee writes: “Oh, don’t want to forget questions for Ashleigh. What are your pet peeves and who is the worst offender?”

              Ashleigh: My friends say I have a lot, but here are a few: Dogs with human names, people brushing their teeth near me…

              {Editor’s note: Photocopies, mailing stuff for me…}

              “3. Where are you going on your next vacation?”

              Ashleigh: Europe for 3 weeks in July.

              “4. What is your dream vacation, where and what would you love to do on a 2 week vacation?”

              Ashleigh: 2 weeks? My dream vacation would be another 6 month travel around the world trip.

              “5. What did you do before landing this dream job?”

              Ashleigh: I worked for Relic Entertainment as the Operations Assistant. The gaming world is also a very cool place to work.

              Miz writes: “Ashleigh – Speaking of men in spandex *inspired by Joe’s revelation of his fave Altar Boy*…are you excited for the Winter Olympics in your beautiful city? Men (and women) in crazy, tight costumes dancing and leaping on ice? Or dangerously speeding down narrow shutes (I speak of luge, of course). Or navigating treacherous mountain slopes on skis. All in spandex. Tight fitting spandex. (Yes, my mind is in the gutter today)”

              Ashleigh: I am super duper excited. I don’t have tix yet to any of the events, but the buzz in the city will be amazing.

              {Editor’s note: Actually, the “buzz” you’re referring to will be the sound of level-headed Vancouverites driving out of town before that sidehow hits town.}

              Major D. Davis writes: “Questions for Ashleigh: What episode of SGU( Filmed or yet to be filmed) are you most excited about?”

              Ashleigh: Once I read the script for “Time” and saw the jungle come to life, it was pretty amazing seeing the process happen.

              LibKat writes: “Questions for Ashleigh:Of the folks you assist, who is the highest maintenance? And who is the lowest?”

              Ashleigh: All of the guys are pretty low key- Joe won’t even let me clean off his disaster of a desk.

              {Editor’s note: In all fairness, she was going to do it with one of those high-powered leaf-blowers.}

              “Are you responsible for ordering in lunch? If so, how elaborate are Joe’s orders compared to the others? Has he ever beaten you about the head and ears for getting an order wrong?”

              Ashleigh: As you are all aware, Joe has quite an obsession with food…if he is against the place we order for the day, he won’t eat anything at all…sometimes I pick those places for fun.

              DeeinSouthAfrica writes: “Questions for Ashleigh: Can you cook?”

              Ashleigh: I can cook, but am a better baker.

              {Editor’s note: Yeah, yeah. She claims she makes incredible chocolate chip cookies and even promised to bring some in one day. Still waiting.}

              “Are you a 9 – 5 Monday – Friday person? Or do you just dream about it?”

              Ashleigh: I like my social time – so weekends it is.

              “If you had one super power, what would it be?”

              Ashleigh: To fly.

              {Editor’s note: Again I’d like to add “fast lunch pick-up” ability.}

              Val writes: “Questions for Ashleigh: How did you get into your line of work? Did you waste 5-7 years at University for a degree you never used and somehow got lucky at Stargate or is there a long and arduous tale behind your position at Bridge Studios?”

              Ashleigh: Education is never a waste. I have a BA..but started in the video gaming industry at Relic Entertainment.

              “Who was the best James Bond, in your opinion?”

              Ashleigh: Connery

              Craig MD writes: “Question for Ashleigh: Don’t you get annoyed at Mallozzi for taking all those pictures of you? Wouldn’t you like a better job where your not always getting “caught on film”?”

              Ashleigh: I am a shy person, so getting my pic taken was a little off putting at first…but you soon learn that he is going to take a pic of you whether you are just sitting there doing nothing or not…so you better just smile.

              Jinx writes: “Q for Ashleigh: If you were to maroon Joe on a desert isle, what 5 things would you leave him with?”

              Ashleigh: 1. Protesters 2. Complete Series of Gossip Girl 3. Healthy Sustainable Local Foods 4. 1 Sci Fi book 5. 3 oz of dark chocolate”

              {Editor’s note: 3 oz?!! What?! So I can know what I’m missing? Did I not say she’s cruel? No? Well I’m saying it now.}

              Chevron7 writes: “Anyhoo questions for Ashleigh: Are you a cat person or dog person, both, neither?”

              Ashleigh: I am an animal person in general – have grown up with dogs, cats, hamsters, animals I saved etc. But my Pugs are my loves. I have grown up with pugs my whole life. This is a pic of my pug, Oakley, who passed away in December:

              {Editor’s note: Adorable!}

              And that’s it. Thanks everyone for all the great questions, sorry I couldn’t get to all of them.
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                Pete writes: “Questions for Ashleigh: How long have you been a vegetarian and why? Are you just a regular old fashioned veggie or a vegan?”

                Ashleigh: I have been a vegetarian for 5 looooooong years. I love most meat but choose not to eat it for the sake of the animals. I do eat a bit of seafood if it is sustainably caught. Dairy and eggs are too good to give up – so am not a vegan.

                Okay, a bit of a pet peeve of mine but if a person eats fish/seafood they are not a vegetarian.

                Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.



                  June 20, 2009

                  Photos: Martin Gero, Dinner, Tom, Joe Mallozzi

                  Sure, plenty of people missed Martin Gero when he left Vancouver for the Big Apple, but I’m willing to bet that none missed him as passionately as the gang at Fuel. When he was in town, we used to frequent the place at least once a week, dropping in and leaving ourselves to the mercies of Chef’s Rob and Ted and whatever incredible culinary creations they‘d come up with. Alas, since he left, my Fuel visits have been infrequent – to the point where owner Tom asked whether they’d done something to offend me. No, nothing quite so dramatic. The truth is, after some 9+ years of dining out almost every night, I’ve taken to cooking at home. Roasted pork belly, pan-seared salmon, broiled kurobata chops – nothing outrageously imaginative, but tasty nevertheless. And there’s the sense of accomplishment that goes with not cooking the crap out of that sea bass.

                  Well, with my culinary wingman back in town, I alerted the gang at Fuel. They had days to prepare and, suffice it to say, they didn’t let us down, preparing a special six course dinner for the occasion and even going so far as to give the menu a special name: “Joe and Marty: Reunited And It Feels So Good”. Following the customary “locking us out” gag, we were greeted by owner Tom, Chef Ted, and the rest of the kitchen crew. Chef Rob wasn’t in as he was overseeing the action at sister restaurant Campagnolo, but we promised to go pay him a visit before Martin ships out to L.A. on Wednesday. Despite Rob’s absence, Tom assured us that both he and Ted had collaborated on the evening’s menu. And, boy, were they excited.

                  As we settled in at our table, we were served an amuse bouche – a crisp, translucent chicken skin stuffed with line caught ling cod, soy, and charred leek. It was a tiny bite that packed some BIG flavor in addition to offering a delightful textural composition, simultaneously crunchy and creamy.

                  Martin, as usual, went with the wine accompaniment while I limited myself to two glasses. The first was a Riesling (Hey, what can I say. I like my wine like Das likes her fictional characters: sweet and pale.); the last was a red from Tom’s own vineyard, Montagu Cellars.

                  When the first course arrived, my first thought was “Damn! Is Fondy going to be sorry she missed this!” – Fried spot prawn heads with crackling and tomato spice served with a dipping sauce comprised of olive oil, red wine vinegar, and jalapeno peppers. As much as I enjoyed the dipping sauce, the prawn heads were just as good on their own – savory and surprisingly delicate. Fantastic.

                  Our second course was an English cucumber soup with frozen yogurt and poivron rouge. It was a gorgeous bright green and bursting with intense cucumber flavor. Very refreshing, a terrific follow-up to the prawn dish.

                  Next up, Tom presented us with a mason jar contaiing a whole, brodo-cooked foie-gras stuffed deboned squab.

                  After a quick presentation informing us what we were in for, he whisked the jar away and moments later, returned with our third course: the same brodo-cooked foie-grass stuffed deboned squab sliced and served with Bing cherries, brioche, exotic salt, and a tiny dollop of what I believe was a vividly sweet cherry balsamic. The squab and foie were perfect together – meaty, rich, sweet, and savory.

                  Our next dish was the fish course, often the least interesting entry so far as I’m concerned, but this one turned out to be one of my favorites in no small part due to the poaching process that renders the spotlight salmon incredibly moist and tender. Given the choice, this is how I’d have all of my fish prepared. The Nass River salmon was served with a wonderful little sauce of brown butter and lemon vinegar and accompanied by Saltspring Island white asparagus.

                  The final savory course was the kicker (roundhouse directly to our livers): Porchetta di Testa with English peas & cream, and lemon spaeztle. What, pray tell, is porchetta di testa? I’m glad you asked. It’s a crown roast. And what is a crown roast? Well, it‘s a crispy-skinned roast comprised of the incredibly well-marbled meat of the pork head.

                  Lip-smackingly deliciously. I think DeNiro ate all of this in order to achieve the look of that older, heavier Jake LaMotta in Raging Bull.

                  Finally, dessert!

                  Martin had an Albion strawberry tart – that he loved.

                  They, of course, knew better than to serve me something with fruit in it, so I got the Manjari Chocolate Terrine – which I loved.

                  A huge thank you to Tom, Chef Rob, Chef Ted, and the rest of the gang at Fuel for one of the tastiest – not to mention the most imaginative – meal I’ve had in recent memory. It was just like old times!

                  Next stop: Campagnolo!
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    Ashleigh: Joe is….wait, he is going to read this right???

                    {Editor’s note: No, no, I won’t. Feel free to speak your mind.}
                    i LOVE the chemistry between them.


                      What I wouldn't give for a "The Office"-style comedy set in Bridge Studios...



                        June 21, 2009

                        So we were having brunch today and I was enjoying my smoked salmon and spinach frittata when, two-thirds of the way through my meal, I noticed a little addition to the side salad: a tiny produce sticker gumming up a wad of leaves. Informative, but a bit of an appetite-killer. Our waiter was appropriately mortified and attempted to make amends with a complimentary double-dessert. A nice gesture but, at that point, the last thing I wanted to do was keep eating.

                        As someone who dines out more than the average person, I’ve come across more than my fair share of these unpleasant surprises. There was the time I was at a high-end restaurant when I spotted an inch worm casually making its way across my friend’s organic salad. Or the time my wife discovered a shard of plastic in her appetizer salad at what was, at the time, one of our favorite Japanese restaurants. But let’s not limit ourselves to restaurants. For a while, a couple of years back, we had signed on for one of those meal home-delivery plans in a bid to save time and eat healthier. Unfortunately, part of my wife’s dinner on one night was made up of grilled chicken, green beans, brown rice, and a big chunk of wood. Now I’m all for incorporating more fiber in my diet, but have to draw the line somewhere. Maybe if it had been balsa… My wife was less forgiving, promptly canceling the service.

                        It’s interesting how people react in these situations. In my case, it all depends on the severity of the incident, the response of management, and my mood. I imagine it’s much the same for most people. I remember, when I was a kid, discovering a bill floating at the bottom of our economy-size bottle of 7-UP. Given my age, I was thoroughly bewildered and couldn’t conceive of it having accidentally found its way inside prior to the bottle being sealed. The very thought defied logic so my mind automatically seized on the only other possible explanation. I asked my mother why she’d put the bill inside the 7-UP. My mother responded by – well, to put it mildly – going ape ****. She cleared every remaining bottle of 7-UP out of the refrigerator and poured their contents down the sink, angrily berating the manufacturer and vowing to never again purchase their product. For his part, my father carefully set the sodden bill down on the table and carefully transcribed its numbers on to a handy notebook. Later that week, he would play those same numbers in the national lottery. Alas, it turned out the bill was not directed into our bottle of 7-UP by the hand of some higher power seeking to bestow riches upon us. More than likely it was just a screw up with quality control back at the plant. THAT time. Now I wonder whether I should’ve paid closer attention to that produce sticker.

                        So, what was the most unsettling thing you’ve ever found in your dinner? And how did you react?

                        Catching up on the mailbag:

                        Chevron7 writes: “Have you ever thought of writing a cook book?”

                        Answer: Sure. I could call it “My Favorite Recipes From Other Chefs”.

                        Quade1 writes: “how was the pork head meat? that sounds interesting, was it similar to just normal pork?”

                        Answer: Yes, but a lot more tender and with a lot more marbling.

                        DasNdanger writes: “Soooooo…am I to understand that you think Todd is… sweet?”

                        Answer: In comparison to other wraith, he’s a darling.

                        Kabra writes: “When are the weird food purchases coming back??”

                        Answer: A local Indian restaurant has put crickets on the menu. We went last night but the line-up was too long. Soon. Soon.

                        Tammy Dixon writes: “I’m trying to learn the art of cooking fish. We in the south, fry everything and I’m trying to branch out. Any suggestions?”

                        Answer: Try poaching on occasion. It’s healthier and equally tasty.

                        Mackenzie’s Momma writes: “@Joe- hey any chance you could maybe get Kavan to do a guest blog for you?”

                        Answer: If I run into him, I’ll certainly ask him.

                        Demon Hunter writes: “I love Sea Bass but its a killer to try to fillet it. Do you prepare it for cooking yourself or do you get someone else to do it?”

                        Answer: My local fishmonger and I have an agreement. He won’t script my story ideas and I don’t filet his fish.

                        Deni writes: “Nothing to laugh at around here tonight. Hubby RAN OVER one of our stray cats…”

                        Answer: Sorry to hear, but encouraging news that it’s only a broken leg.

                        Nadine writes: “ Joe, do you watch many animated movies? If so, have you seen Lilo and Stitch?”

                        Answer: Yes and yes.

                        OHinNJ writes: “I know you’ve said that you don’t read fanfiction. But what about the official Stargate novels? Do you ever read those?”

                        Answer: I get enough Stargate at work. When it’s time to unwind, the last thing I look for is more Stargate- related material.

                        Miz writes: “Joe – So here we are in mid-June…any news on the business end of the SGA movie saga? Yes? No? Maybe?”

                        Answer: Still awaiting word.

                        Susan the tartan turtle writes: “What’s Topango?”

                        Answer: Topango is one of the many hilarious characters in Marty G.’s repertoire.

                        Kristintaps writes: “…tv guide dude says a source said that there is quality Sam / Jack time in SGU opener..Will you confirm/deny/ or plain ol’ comment??”

                        Answer: I believe this is a reference to the SG-1 movie and not the SGU opener.

                        Iamza writes: “I read THE WALKING DEAD, and, um, maybe I need to read more than just the first volume? It didn’t really feel like that great or different of a story.”

                        Answer: As someone pointed out (I believe here on this blog), writer Robert Kirkman conceived of the series as a means of offering the widest possible canvas for the horror sub-genre. Most zombie movies and books offer a glimpse of people dealing with the zombie onslaught. In The Walking Dead, however, Kirkman studies the long-term ramifications of a post-zombie apocalypse.

                        Major D. Davis writes: “ 1. I started to respond to spam like you said and my mom got kinda ticked when she found out(I forgot she told me not to when I did it the first time). So what did you say was so good at responding to spam. Like doesn’t it just make you get spam in the long run?

                        2. If SGU gets a second Season, will it air in the fall, summer, or winter of 2010?

                        3. What exactly are VFX temps. Are they the “first draft” of the VFX for the whole episode?

                        4. Since I will be in Vancover, would it be possible just to meat you at the gate of the bridge, shake hands, say hi, meat each other in person, and leave?(Well I might only on the weekend so I should also ask, do you at all work from the bridge during the weekend?)

                        5. Will there be any reacurring/ regular character deaths in season 1 of SGU(or should I rather say, has it been considered).”

                        Answers: 1. Rule #1 of responding to spam = Respond from a dummy email account so your real email isn’t inundated with spam.

                        2. No idea.

                        3. I guess you can look at them as a first draft or place-holder designed to give anyone watching a visual sense of what to expect from the finished product.

                        4. Alas, no, I am nowhere near the Bridge Studios on weekends. Hope you’re enjoying your stay in Vancouver though!

                        5. Yep.

                        Celina writes: “I adore you guys.”

                        Answer: Yes, we’re extremely lovable. Hey, say hi to Josh. Oh, and I may be in your neck of the woods in July. If so, I’ll give you guys advance warning so you can fast. Like that time at Campagnolo, we’re going “all-in”.
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                          What I wouldn't give for a "The Office"-style comedy set in Bridge Studios...
                          Give that fly on the wall a camera


                            Like most of what JM seems to say, it is almost all exaggeration in my opinion.
                            All this talk about how Universe episodes are so great has been done before by him about SGA episodes. Most of the praise for the SGA episodes were highly flawed in my opinion and nothing he says anymore that is an interpretation by him do I take as fact.



                              June 22, 2009

                              Photo: Jamil Walker Smith

                              Well, after several weeks of talking about it, we finally sat down and did it – the writers set aside their other work (editing, outlines, autobiographies) and their differences (the Binder-Gero feud is legendary) to gather and break Episode #19. And, in under two and a half hours, we were done. Not only did we have a terrific story with not three, not four, but five FULL acts, but Robert Cooper had come up with an episode title none of us hated (which, trust me, is a major achievement). Can’t reveal the name yet but, as Carl noted, if you switched out a single letter, it would have the same title as an episode of Atlantis.

                              Now if all goes according to plan, we’ll break Episode #20 on Wednesday, discuss Brad’s story, and ensure everyone is poised to go to script before our lengthy hiatus.

                              So Jamil Walker Smith dropped by the office the other day to kick back, chat, and regale us with tales of his latest cycling escapades. I recall, in those first few weeks of production, being struck by the contrast between the actor and the character he played. Onscreen, Sgt. Ronald Greer is a smoldering powder keg, tough, threatening, incessantly ominous. Off screen, however, Jamil is one of the happiest, most gregarious individuals one could ever hope to meet. On the surface, the two seem to be polar opposites but, getting to know Jamil over these past few months, I can’t help but note he shares one major attribute with his character: a quiet intensity that drives everything from personal philosophy to performance. He’s hilarious, a hell of a lot of fun, but when it’s time to get down to business, I’ve rarely seen anyone so inwardly focused. I told him he was doing a terrific job and that his character was really popping. Ever gracious, he likened our working relationship to a tennis match, his performance an inspired response to the material we were serving. “Keep smashing it our way,”he said, “and we’ll keep hitting it back.” And, so far, eleven episodes in, they all have.

                              Anyway, while Jamil was in the office, I had him sign off on some pics for the blog. As he was looking through my vast collection, he zeroed in on one in particular and announced: “That’s it! That’s the one for the blog!” I studied the photo and considered, not entirely convinced. Oh, it was certainly a handsome pic. Perhaps too handsome. I told him I feared that putting it up on the blog would win him the attention of female fans, potentially distracting him from the work ahead. No, no. Better to post an alternate pic. Maybe the one with his eyes half-closed and rolled up like some fearsome zombie? While he appreciated the logic of my argument, he nevertheless preferred the less-crazed photo. Fine.

                              Oh, thanks to everyone who weighed in with their disquieting, occasionally revolting accounts of the countless unpleasant surprises found in your meals. Keep ’em coming!

                              Today’s entry is dedicated to Deni. Condolences on your loss.
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                                Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
                                Like most of what JM seems to say, it is almost all exaggeration in my opinion.
                                All this talk about how Universe episodes are so great has been done before by him about SGA episodes. Most of the praise for the SGA episodes were highly flawed in my opinion and nothing he says anymore that is an interpretation by him do I take as fact.
                                You were taking his opinions as fact before?

