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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by jenks View Post
    We've known that since day one though haven't we? I mean have the producers even made any attempt to deny it?
    The decision to cancel Atlantis likely came before Season 5 even aired. They knew it at Comic Con and made it look like everything was just peachy.

    Originally posted by prion View Post
    Right now, the existence of SGU doesn't excite me at all. The 'younger, desperate' crap is just, well, bleh. If SGA had been axed, and then six months later, SGU announced, it would be different, but Skiffy execs just think fans need any old stargate 'fix' to make 'em happy. Pfft.
    That is the problem. SG-1 went another 3 years to run along SGA. I loved it . Had not one, but two Stargate shows to watch. The Producers stress it was a mutual decision. Well of course it's a mutual decision, the network cannot say no you must produce more SGA or no dice, lol. If they want to end it, MGM can end it. SGU was the "I'm sorry we are pulling Atlantis, but here is something even better" package.

    You hit the nail on the head, the announcement of SGU came less than 48 hours after the cancellation of SGA and the producers had the nerve to tell the fans the two are not releated. Is the fan base that stupid? I think not.

    Getting on topic with this thread. Joe M is going to try and sell it, and maybe inside he is Annoyed/Disappointed/upset that SGA is being canned but he is not going to come out and say how he really feels. Something that was given to him and Paul Mullie, which whether if you like the last 2 seasons or not is performing better than the previous season BW amd RCC were still showrunners.


      Originally posted by prion View Post
      Right now, the existence of SGU doesn't excite me at all. The 'younger, desperate' crap is just, well, bleh. If SGA had been axed, and then six months later, SGU announced, it would be different, but Skiffy execs just think fans need any old stargate 'fix' to make 'em happy. Pfft.
      So in other words you're just sulking!


        Originally posted by prion View Post
        Right now, the existence of SGU doesn't excite me at all. The 'younger, desperate' crap is just, well, bleh. If SGA had been axed, and then six months later, SGU announced, it would be different, but Skiffy execs just think fans need any old stargate 'fix' to make 'em happy. Pfft.
        In all honesty,. it wouldn't have mattered how much time has passed - "young desperate" sounds bad to me on any show, and I'm not going to sit through Stargate when it takes that route.
        Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
        Yes, I am!
        Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
        Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
        Peter Pan R.I.P


          Originally posted by Pitry View Post
          In all honesty,. it wouldn't have mattered how much time has passed - "young desperate" sounds bad to me on any show, and I'm not going to sit through Stargate when it takes that route.
          Yeah the show had me worried with "Party Girl" and the guy named "Psycho".


            Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
            Yeah the show had me worried with "Party Girl" and the guy named "Psycho".
            sounds childish ...hey it may attract younger people to the franchise



              Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
              sounds childish ...hey it may attract younger people to the franchise

              Who knows at this point. Just have to give it a shot I guess.


                Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                Who knows at this point. Just have to give it a shot I guess.
                yea i was trying to be sarcastic



                  November 12, 2008

                  Photos: Author David Anthony Durham

                  I’d heard a lot of good things about Acacia and its author, so when it came time to select a fantasy book for this month’s BOTMC, I decided to go with David Anthony Durham’s first foray into the genre. Well, I’m pleased to report that not only was Acacia as good as “they” said, but its author was as genial and good-humored as I’d been led to believe. So, if you see David at an upcoming con, be sure to say hi and tell him how much you enjoyed his book. Or, better yet, head on over to his blog and drop him a note at

                  Over to David…

                  First off, let me say how pleased I am that Joe chose to feature Acacia. It’s an honor, and I appreciate it, and I’ll do my best to write good books in the future so that he doesn’t regret having drawn attention to me. Okay, questions…

                  Terry writes: Have you been surprised by the community that reads and/or creates Science Fiction/Fantasy?

                  Not surprised, but generally pleased. In terms of fellow writers… I just got back from the World Fantasy Convention. One night there I’m hanging out in the bar with GRRM, Steven Erikson, Dave Keck, Daniel Abraham. Tad Williams breezes by (although I didn’t talk to him). The artist Todd Lockwood stops in to chat. Garth Nix is happy to report that he read and enjoyed Acacia… And the next night is the same, but with other names thrown in the mix.

                  I don’t mention these folks just to name drop (a little bit, though). I mention them because there’s no way that in the circles of “literary” fiction I would find myself so quickly welcomed and on a first name basis with comparably famous and respected authors. There are a lot more barriers in literary circles, a lot more emphasis on stature as a segregating force. So, I’ve found that most sci-fi and fantasy authors (not all – but I won’t name names negatively) are welcoming, unpretentious and great fun to drink with.

                  As for the fan community… I love it that there is a fan community! It’s a great boost each time somebody drops me a complimentary email. I respond to every one. As I do to blog or forum posts. I feel privileged to have readers, and I’ve found science fiction and fantasy readers to be every bit as intelligent as I could hope for. It is a new experience (four books into being an author) to have readers from around the world telling me they’re waiting for my next book – get to work. I love that, and I’m going to do the best I can to make it a lasting relationship.


                  Thornyrose writes: Thank you for agreeing to appear in Mr. Mallozzi’s blog, and I look forward to the sequels of Acacia.

                  That’s kind of you. I’m very pleased the Joe chose to feature my book, and thanks to all those that read along and those that had questions for me.

                  Back in the office today. Brad and Rob were in a meeting this morning so Paul and I ended up discussing the outline for the SGA movie. He’ll be making a few changes to the structure and then, hopefully, put it out before week‘s end. Once the meeting wrapped, we convened in the writers’ room and talked big picture notions for the series, the big bang, our expanding universe, and the interesting repercussions of FTL travel on both contact parties involved in an instantaneous means of communication. Oh, and the post-production schedule is out. It looks like February 4th will be the first day of principal photography.

                  Let’s check the mail…

                  Shawna writes: “Can’t help but notice an overabundance of testosterone in that room. Is this just because there aren’t many good female writers in sci-fi TV or what?”

                  Answer: Not at all. There are great female writers out there and, every season, attempts are made to bring in new talent, but writing for scifi is hard, and writing for a specific scifi show even harder. Often, it doesn’t necessarily come down to whether a writer is talented or not but whether he/she “gets” the show.

                  Arctic Goddess writes: “My congratulations to Brad Wright for remembering to wear his poppy on such an auspicious occasion. What was the excuse for the rest of the writers?”

                  Answer: Brad is wearing his jacket. Everyone else isn’t. I told Martin that he should pin his poppy directly to his forehead but for some reason he seemed reluctant. Shameful.

                  StellaByStargate writes: “Realizing, of course, that Brad and Carl are very busy with the new show, I was just wondering how things were coming on that 3rd SG1 script?”

                  Answer: It’s coming along. Carl?

                  Rose writes: “I’m puzzled every time it’s said (and it’s said a lot) that SGU will be more character-centered than SG-1 and Atlantis. The reason I eagerly tuned in to Atlantis every week for over four years is because of the characters. I looked forward to watching Sheppard, McKay, Ronon and Teyla, not the green screen stuff. Can you explain the difference?”

                  Answer: Don’t get me wrong. SG-1 and Atlantis owe much of their success to great characters like Jack O’Neill, Daniel Jackson, Amanda Tapping, Teal’c, and McKay. However, the premise of SGU is simply more intimate - a limited group of people trapped aboard a space ship hurtling through distant space - and therefore necessitates a more intimate form of storytelling.

                  Bailey writes: “What if you write a comedic scene and then find out that that particular actor sucks at comedy?”

                  Answer: Minimize his funny lines or find a different way to make him amusing.

                  PG-15 writes: “Doc Rush? Is he (like ytimynona said) Eli Hitchcock reimagined, or is he a new character?”

                  Answer: Eli is still around and Dr. Rush was a character envisioned from the get-go (although I don’t know if Rush was his original name).

                  For the love of Beckett writes: “ Character-driven, interpersonal relationships, but NO romance in the Universe? Not a smidge?”

                  Answer: Smidges are certainly possible. I didn’t mean to imply there would be no romance on SGU, only that the main focus of the interpersonal relations would be non-romantic in nature.

                  Bdash writes: “I really am getting tired of SG:90210 being hyped as the “bestest thing evah!” How about giving us some actual concrete reasons for wanting to watch this show?”

                  Answer: Here’s an idea. Why don’t you tune in and decide for yourself instead of basing your opinion on any pre-launch discussion.

                  Disappointed Fan writes: “ You know, I find it highly amusing that you constantly feel the need to tell us how great SGU is going to be. You feeling a little nervous about us hating it? I don’t remember this amount of encouragement being needed before Atlantis….”

                  Answer: I constantly feel the need to tell you how great SGU is going to be? Based on what? The occasional blog entry I’ve made about a show I happen to be working on? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, here’s an idea: Don’t read my blog. As for you not remembering this amount of encouragement being needed before Atlantis aired…You’re either kidding or may have been on another planet in the lead-up to the Atlantis premiere because there WAS plenty of talk about the new series.

                  MasterChief writes: “As for Atlantis you recently said there’d be a significant death of a familiar character in the remaining episodes of season 5. Were you referring to Michael in The Prodigal?”

                  Answer: I was.

                  Scary writes: “I was wondering when it coming to writing these first few Scripts, do you find it harder, easier or it doesn’t matter, that you don’t have a sense of who the actors are and how they will interpret these characters?”

                  Answer: As a creator establishing a new show, I think it’s important that the characters form in your head and are realized at the script stage before going out to actors. Then, once the actors take on the characters and make them their own, the scriptwriting process becomes much easier.

                  Matt S. writes: “ 1) Do you find that, despite the show being different in scope and approach, the lessons learned from the two previous series runs allow you to be a better writer? (as opposed to the early years of SG1 without those lessons to serve you) and 2) Do you think it is a struggle to maintain the connection for this series (not a spinoff like SGA) to the spirit of the first two while also making it distinctly unique?”

                  Answers: 1) I think that writing and production are a continuous learning process and, yes, there are elements in SG-1 and SGA I wouldn’t want to repeat in SGU. On the other hand, there were many elements from both o SGU’s predecessors that I would love to see recaptured in the new spin-off. 2) I wondered how Brad and Robert would pull it off when they first pitched the new series, but once I read the storylines and the first script, those initial concerns were laid to rest. Yes, it definitely possesses the spirit of both SG-1 and SGA, but also stands alone as a unique entity.

                  Susan the Tartan Turtle writes: “ Tokyo - have you planned any excursions to fill up the time between meals?”

                  Answer: I’m putting together a list.
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    Originally posted by prion View Post
                    Some of the actors at this past weekend's Stargate convention said it was about the money.

                    Quite simply, contracts are up for renewal, and it's not like the actors are going to say "oh yeah, we don't want a raise." THey'll want a raise, and MGM, etc., are going, we've got all the sets, can rework them, and the SG1 movie did well, so, let's can SGA, do SGU, hire a bunch of young actors who can't demand raises or raisinets, and start from scratch. Also, Brad Wright and RCC will also be at the helm again (aka employed). Basically, a win-win for virtually all production folk, unemployment for the cast, and upset fans....

                    Oh, and TPTB telling us how wonderful it will be, and sooner or later, we're gonna hear 'fresh'. They love to use that word. So do advertisers for toilet bowl cleaner *cough*...
                    LOL I don't think Brad and Rob know what the word means. I dread the words, fresh, young, new and exciting. You just know they will mean same old same old with a new name. I mean to be honest I think that is what SGA ended up being after season two/three but I would still rather SGA then SGU.

                    Of course all this doesn't bode well for SGU fans should they actually get any 3-4 years and that will be the end of SGU too. Sure on one level it is showbiz but it makes me more certain then ever that I will not be wasting my time on it... well not unless David Hewlett gets his wish and is crossed-over for a few eps.

                    David was reffering to SGU as SGU-90210 at the Cons in Australia! Do you think he reads forums? lol


                      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                      Wow talk about getting your knickers in a twist!! It's not hard to follow, but I have to say it's you who is getting confused, not everyone else. JM is reading a script that's already been written, ergo characters have already been written, ergo auditions for actors are based on those characters already written. So what's the problem?

                      It doesn't matter if it's a proof or a draft, they have the outline of the characters already because of (i'm assuming) months/years of planning AND with a written script. So, sorry Smurf it's you who I don't think understands.
                      They're snark knickers not twisted. People ironically screaming at me for not reading what is written is worth a few minutes of fun.
                      But *le sigh* if it's so easy to follow why are you misreading it?

                      1) JM blogs he's reading the first draft of the first script now. Notice first draft of first script. This means there was no previous written script. Are you saying that JM is so inexperienced he doesn't know the difference between script types? You may or may not like his work on SGA, but, man, that's kinda harsh.
                      Of course, JM could have mistyped which leads to...
                      2) I said I hope it's an old version of the script. Therefore, duh, yes, I do know the script has been written, but I hoped it was written a while ago. I don't know how much clearer "I hope that's an old draft of the SGU script he's only just got around to reading" can be. Seriously. Can someone else reword that?
                      3) I said it's a bit odd to have cast before the script writing stage. Because if it is a only now a first draft of the first script then you are writing to cast and not casting to what is written. In my experience that says strong outside influence.

                      And although I don't expect SGU to be any good it's always nice to think people do write things because they actually have a passion for it, rather than it being something horribly manufactured.

                      Anyway since I'm running out of ways to explain what was quite plain... onwards people.
                      Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                      The decision to cancel Atlantis likely came before Season 5 even aired. They knew it at Comic Con and made it look like everything was just peachy.

                      That is the problem. SG-1 went another 3 years to run along SGA. I loved it . Had not one, but two Stargate shows to watch. The Producers stress it was a mutual decision. Well of course it's a mutual decision, the network cannot say no you must produce more SGA or no dice, lol. If they want to end it, MGM can end it. SGU was the "I'm sorry we are pulling Atlantis, but here is something even better" package.

                      You hit the nail on the head, the announcement of SGU came less than 48 hours after the cancellation of SGA and the producers had the nerve to tell the fans the two are not releated. Is the fan base that stupid? I think not.

                      Getting on topic with this thread. Joe M is going to try and sell it, and maybe inside he is Annoyed/Disappointed/upset that SGA is being canned but he is not going to come out and say how he really feels. Something that was given to him and Paul Mullie, which whether if you like the last 2 seasons or not is performing better than the previous season BW amd RCC were still showrunners.
                      The way this all went down does make me feel a bit sorry for Paul and Joe.

                      You're show-running a decent sized, and reasonably well known show and no-one keeps them in the loop of what the master plan is - "Sorry guys, good job, bye now". Must have been a kick in the gut to find out that no-one was supporting you all along. It wouldn't surprise me if it comes out in future that they were offered a place working on SGU and turned it down.
                      Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                      sounds childish ...hey it may attract younger people to the franchise

                      Ah, but how much younger are they looking for.


                        Originally posted by smurf View Post

                        The way this all went down does make me feel a bit sorry for Paul and Joe.

                        You're show-running a decent sized, and reasonably well known show and no-one keeps them in the loop of what the master plan is - "Sorry guys, good job, bye now". Must have been a kick in the gut to find out that no-one was supporting you all along. It wouldn't surprise me if it comes out in future that they were offered a place working on SGU and turned it down.

                        Ah, but how much younger are they looking for.
                        Well that is how it felt I'm sure. It's like yeah good job guys making Atlantis regain some of it's lost viewers from after a dip, and getting the show more known by winning a PCA. I know not everyone loved the last 2 seasons, but I do see a lot of satisfied fans.

                        I just don't like how it went down, and I think SGU is going to suffer because of that. Not all shows are guranteed to make it on SCI FI. It's a difficult industry and well have to take it like a grain of salt since it's all about making money and not hurt feelings of fans or creative writing. But in my business upset customers leave and I lose money, so makes me wonder if pissing off customers is a good business strategy.
                        Last edited by Briangate78; 12 November 2008, 05:31 PM.


                          Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                          Well that is how it felt I'm sure. It's like yeah good job guys making Atlantis regain some of it's lost viewers from after a dip, and getting the show more known by winning a PCA. I know not everyone loved the last 2 seasons, but I do see a lot of satisfied fans.

                          I just don't like how it went down, and I think SGU is going to suffer because of that. Not all shows are guranteed to make it on SCI FI. Even Sanctuary is losing some steam after only it's 5th week. It's a difficult industry and well have to take it like a grain of salt since it's all about making money and not hurt feelings of fans or creative writing. But in my business upset customers leave and I lose money, so makes me wonder if pissing off customers is a good business strategy.
                          It does mess with the trust issue, not only with people who work for them, but for the fans as well. Like saying that they probably won't care about SGU as soon as they find something shinier.

                          I think Sanctuary is going to stick around easily, because it's cheap to Sci Fi and consistently 2nd is nothing to be sniffed at. SGU is going to be a riskier proposition, because it sounds like it's going to expensive even with a whole new (young ) cast.


                            Originally posted by smurf View Post
                            It does mess with the trust issue, not only with people who work for them, but for the fans as well. Like saying that they probably won't care about SGU as soon as they find something shinier.

                            I think Sanctuary is going to stick around easily, because it's cheap to Sci Fi and consistently 2nd is nothing to be sniffed at. SGU is going to be a riskier proposition, because it sounds like it's going to expensive even with a whole new (young ) cast.
                            LOL, as I was typing the above post, they just announced Sanctuary's renewal. I really like the show but it's no Stargate or BSG. Like you said, it is cheaper to produce so even if the ratings dip it will still be safe. As per SGU, BW was looking for a much bigger budget from what I read, so if SGU starts pulling in what SGA is doing now, that might not be good.


                              Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                              LOL, as I was typing the above post, they just announced Sanctuary's renewal. I really like the show but it's no Stargate or BSG. Like you said, it is cheaper to produce so even if the ratings dip it will still be safe. As per SGU, BW was looking for a much bigger budget from what I read, so if SGU starts pulling in what SGA is doing now, that might not be good.
                              Oh that's good. It's a good bit of sci-fi to pass the time. I like the "X-Files"y feel of it, but the effects work drives me nuts. I know it's kinda wrong to prefer to watch it online, because the compression rates hides the flaws.
                              I thought BW said that. If he got it then SGU may have a narrower space to play in ratings wise, and unfortunately, in a way, Sanctury's success makes it harder. Not only is it cheaper, but it's another step away from Sci Fi's old reliance on all Stargate, all the time.


                                Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                                LOL, as I was typing the above post, they just announced Sanctuary's renewal. I really like the show but it's no Stargate or BSG. Like you said, it is cheaper to produce so even if the ratings dip it will still be safe. As per SGU, BW was looking for a much bigger budget from what I read, so if SGU starts pulling in what SGA is doing now, that might not be good.
                                For me, "Sanctuary" hardly takes the place of any SG show. It's okay, but it still needs improvement, although the 'tribbles' ripoff episode was fun to watch if not predictable

                                But as for SGU, and all the rah-rah stuff from the producers, well, that kind of stuff only works on a certain percentage of people. The rest have free will and will make up their own mind

