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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    Didn't you know? I'm actually Rob Cooper.

    Oops...did I say that out loud?
    Hehehe I knew it, my spidysense is never wrong

    Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
    I think Joe answered to 1. to make a point that he couldn't care less if a few people want to try and be funny on their way out the door, and 2. show, once again, his sarcastic wit.

    I answered 'cause I like to stir things up. And because PG-15 didn't post them in the usual round up.

    Seriously, everyone who comes on the net to rant about the changes could stop watching and it wouldn't make much of a difference to ratings. They won't though. Anyone who has ANY sense will wait and see what the new season brings (and from spoilers it sounds like s4 will pack one hell of a punch)
    Never underestimate people power. The thing is we're not talking logical thinking here, these are people who are sad to see their favourite characters leave and they are pissed, and sometimes emotions dictate how a person behaves or reacts. And let's face it when are emotions ever rational? I'm looking forward to S4, and I'll be honest I wasn't initially, but the more I here the more I look forward to it.

    Oh and JM has updated his blog if anyone is interested But i'm leaving the goodies for PG15 to deal with That and i'm too lazy to do it myself


      Originally posted by prion View Post
      Well, seeing as how the rumors on Daniel dying, Janet dying, Beckett dying, Weir being removed, all were true, the fans can rant if they want. It doens't mean they lack sense. It means they're just pissed off with what TPTB are doing. It happens with virtually every TV show, so it's not like Stargate is anything special.

      I have no problem voicing complaints if I think they're doing something inane, etc. on the show. Newspapers, magazines, Joe Mallozzi - they all drop spoilers. If you don't want spoilers, you don't pick up TV Guide, Entertainment Weekly, stay off this site entirely, etc. But since the show's a product, which I watch, and if I like enough, I'll buy on DVD. If I hate a show, I sure don't waste time watching it and sure as heck won't buy it.
      I actually have NO problem with the ranting people prion, I can understand that some would be annoyed about the changes. It's the people who 1. Come to rant for months and months, and when the season starts doesn't even give it a chance, 2. The people who say stuff such as 's4 is crap' when, umm NO ONE HAS SEEN AN EPISODE YET, and 3. Those who go around ANNOUNCING to EVERYONE that they aren't going to watch. Yet complain. And complain. And complain!

      I can understand those who watch and complain about certain things they don't like, I do the same ALL the time. But why waste your life whining about something that you aren't going to have any part in? Just leave gracefully (without making stuppid posts trying to make out that anyone cares that you are going), and stop boring the people who are still interested in the show.

      Sorry, some things just annoy me to no end


        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        Never underestimate people power. The thing is we're not talking logical thinking here, these are people who are sad to see their favourite characters leave and they are pissed, and sometimes emotions dictate how a person behaves or reacts. And let's face it when are emotions ever rational? I'm looking forward to S4, and I'll be honest I wasn't initially, but the more I here the more I look forward to it.
        I know that, but I just don't think that many people of ALL the people who watch Atlantis (the general viewing audience who aren't hard core fans like us) aregoing to be THAT bothered about two or three changes. I expect the 'main' audience of Atlantis are similar to that of 'Lost' who maybe a little shocked when a character dies/comes over, but they will most likely not stop watching, and just go about business as usual.

        100 people can complain on internet site, and it makes it looks like 70%-80% of the fan base feels the same way. But that 100 are the only people who were really that bothered to actually sit at their computr and type.


          Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
          I know that, but I just don't think that many people of ALL the people who watch Atlantis (the general viewing audience who aren't hard core fans like us) aregoing to be THAT bothered about two or three changes. I expect the 'main' audience of Atlantis are similar to that of 'Lost' who maybe a little shocked when a character dies/comes over, but they will most likely not stop watching, and just go about business as usual.

          100 people can complain on internet site, and it makes it looks like 70%-80% of the fan base feels the same way. But that 100 are the only people who were really that bothered to actually sit at their computr and type.
          I'd love to know what the true demographics are for shows such as this that have a good following online, but we'll probably never know. I have to say before I had access to the internet I had no idea what went on behind the scenes or that forums like this even existed. But now that we have them and we have producers, writers and actors who are kind enough to give us their valuable time and let us know what's going on, it has made me a more *chooses her words carefully* passionate viewer shall we say And I would be ticked if my favourite character left, but I think JM was right (keeping on topic mods) when he said something along the lines of are people watching for one person or is it the show they love? I love the show, but would that change if my favourite character left? Probably. But I would give it a chance and see how things go, but some people won't and that's their choice. It does make me wonder if those people who have said they won't watch (and I do know who some of them are), will still post in certain threads, such as the episode threads come S4 time or if they'll have a change of heart and watch the show to see how it pans out.

          Did I have a point? Lol, nope just going off on one


            Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
            I know that, but I just don't think that many people of ALL the people who watch Atlantis (the general viewing audience who aren't hard core fans like us) aregoing to be THAT bothered about two or three changes. I expect the 'main' audience of Atlantis are similar to that of 'Lost' who maybe a little shocked when a character dies/comes over, but they will most likely not stop watching, and just go about business as usual.

            100 people can complain on internet site, and it makes it looks like 70%-80% of the fan base feels the same way. But that 100 are the only people who were really that bothered to actually sit at their computr and type.
            I love this coment by a casual viewer that disproves your theory.

            Anonymous said...

            Seeing the previews for the return of Atlantis here in the States, I logged on to the web and starting searching for info to refresh my memory for the rest of season 3. Big mistake. I have inadvertantly been seriously spoiled for the rest of season 3 and unfortunately season 4 as well. I was not happy with the information I read and extremely discouraged to read about the cast changes coming to Atlantis and the new direction to the show. I don't know who actually ever reads these one probably; but I felt compelled to share my dissappointment anyway. Thanks for a great first 2.5 seasons. I loved Atlantis, but I think I'll be taking advantage of the long US hiatus to cut ties. I'm no longer interested or invested in the "new" Atlantis.
            I, for one, think that even casual viewers will be bothered by this soft reset and so many changes. It's totally natural that they will, nobody likes too many changes at the same time. The difference between them and us will be that the majority of them won't bother to let TPTB know, they'll turn off their TV or change the channel. They may gain some viewers by bringing in Carter but I'm sure they'll lose just as many or even more of casual/faithful (until now) Atlantis fans and also Carson and Weir fans. Who wants their favorite show completely revamped not to be recognized anymore, huh? I watch something because I like it the way it is not because I wait for TPTB to make it completely different and along the way removing a few characters I possibly cared about. (speaking as a casual viewer would)

            P.S.: "Soft reset" means something different from before so I'm not exaggerating and one of the actors or writers labeled it as that themselves.

            Casual/faithful: meaning watching regularly on TV but not participating in fandoms
            Last edited by Celcool; 08 April 2007, 03:32 PM.
            Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
            at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

            R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              Oh and JM has updated his blog if anyone is interested But i'm leaving the goodies for PG15 to deal with That and i'm too lazy to do it myself
              By your command.

              April 8

              Photos: Yet more food, yet more family

              Main Write-Up: Carl Binder's dream place (and restaurant review of), update on books, family dinner (and review of), promises of more reviews, and The Sopranos wishes.


              SG Team Leader writes: “Has there been an episode of either series where things have gone so wrong behind the camera (accidents or technical failures or whatnot) that made filming difficult or almost impossible?”

              Answer: Rain is always a problem as it screws up with continuity. Counting on a Western location that suddenly becomes unavailable was a big problem for a certain late-season three episode.

              Someday Scientist writes: “Perchance, will there be any field-trip type Jumper moments? You know the kind, Rodney sniping at Ronon, Teyla searching for some sort of Athosian Tylenol, and John getting fed up and crying out "I *will* turn this jumper around!"

              Answer: There will even be some jumper-less field-trip type jumper moments.

              Anonymous #1 writes: “Answer: Hmmm. Well, technically I asked for ET or Access Hollywood

              Hmmm. Well considering they've managed to get you more publicty than you've managed for yourselves lately I wouldn't be so dismissive if I were you.”

              Answer: Not being dismissive, just cryptic.

              Vikitty writes: “Do fans ever send the writers flowers?”

              Answer: On occasion they do. By the way, what is your avatar?

              Joshua Meyers writes: “Is Lt.Ford dead? Whats Tealc's purpose in his cameo? Are we gonna see more about Teyla though?”

              Answers: Maybe. Wait and see. Yup.

              Monty the radioactive gopher writes: “I think with that episode in the works you've covered just about all your major fan bases (except for Ronon) Tut tut Mr M, can't forget Ronon) unless of course he's already been killed off in Adrift and you didn't want to spoil it for us.”

              Answer: Right. I forgot to mention Ronon because he’s part of the B plot that involves him, off-world, trying to babysit a bunch of rambunctious Athosian children. He has his hands full with the mischievous scamps but, when the camp comes under wraith attack, the little devils become Ronon’s greatest allies…

              Grapesofwraith writes: “Have you ever been recognized by people on the street as a producer? If so, have you ever been asked to sign anything/ be in a picture/ do any of those strange things? “

              Answer: The only time I have ever been recognized was at a pharmacy check out line where I had to provide I.D. with my credit card. The girl behind the counter looked at my driver’s license and asked: “Joseph Mallozzi? As in Latin for the Novice Joseph Mallozzi, PhD?” Yup, and that‘s Dr. Mallozzi to you.

              Allison writes: “Answer: Hmmm. Well, technically I asked for ET or Access Hollywood…My, my. Splitting hairs, aren't we? XD I think the late night shows would be a better agreement. No one really watches ET/AH anyways.”

              Answer: The Today Show appearance was admittedly impressive…

              Michael writes: “Will there be an episode dealing with the stargate itself next year? The technology behind the stargates and such”

              Answer: Possibly.

              Peter writes: “TPTB at Battlestar Galactica has been doing video blogs and all of that online stuff; have TPTB at Bridge ever thought about doing this?”

              Answer: Haven’t really thought about it as I have my hands full with this blog. Oh, and production.

              Shawna writes: “Once the actual act of fertilization takes place […] Okay, assuming you bothered to read all that, how close am I to the truth?”

              Answer: Check out the back half of season four to find out.

              Linzi writes: “Which episode would you say so far, has the most physical action in it? By that I mean fighting, being thrown around,running around, firing guns etc?”

              Answer: Lifelife, Travelers, Missing come to mind.

              Anonymous #3 writes: “What will we have to watch in first: SG-1 movies or Atlantis season four premiere ?”

              Answer: Whatever premieres first.

              Benny writes: “1. Who would you think will win if one was to pit an Aurora class warship in mint condition versus an Ori Battle Cruiser; that is if you were to bet money on who will you gage on? I really would like to see a fight of that nature.
              2. Also I was wondering if that downed Wraith cruiser from episode Submerged will see the light in season 4?”

              Answer: 1. Hard to say. The Ori Battle Cruiser is a little more contemporary. 2. Maybe.

              Dori writes: “Any more hints as to this actor you're pursueing for the show?”

              Answer: I can’t reveal too much about him - except that he was recurring on a very popular network show.

              Anthony writes: "What happens if you walk through the other side of the Stargate?"

              Answer: My guess is you'll out on the other side.


                You have the people who complain, complain, complain, complain... and then you have the people who complain about complainers, complain about complainers, complain about complainers, complain about complainers. It's a vicious cycle, and just as the complainers get told, "If you don't like it, stop watching, those who complain about the complainers get told, "If you don't like it, stop reading." And yet the complaints continue... and so do the complaints about the complainers. There's still plenty of hypocrisy to go around.


                  Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                  You have the people who complain, complain, complain, complain... and then you have the people who complain about complainers, complain about complainers, complain about complainers, complain about complainers. It's a vicious cycle, and just as the complainers get told, "If you don't like it, stop watching, those who complain about the complainers get told, "If you don't like it, stop reading." And yet the complaints continue... and so do the complaints about the complainers. There's still plenty of hypocrisy to go around.
                  I find it funny too, people who think are superior to others just because they agree with JM and don't mind the changes, complaining about complainers.
                  Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                  at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                  R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                    Me, I complain all the time; I'm known for it. But hey, it makes me feel better and contrary to popular belief it isn't the ONLY thing I do, so frak what everyone else thinks.


                      So...we can complain about the complainers without caring for what the complainers have to say in response?

                      Bah, let's just all shout until our virtual throats are hoarse.


                        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                        So...we can complain about the complainers without caring for what the complainers have to say in response?

                        Bah, let's just all shout until our virtual throats are hoarse.
                        just like space no one can hear you scream in a forum


                          Here I was thinking the topic was "Joe Mallozzi Blogs Again"


                          The "how we complain about complaining complainers and the people who hate them, who also complain" thread.

                          But I am probably just being a complainer.


                            if you took complainig out of fandom, wouldn't be much left on this board at all


                              Wouldn't be much left of fandom, not just this board.


                                It seems to me, quite ironically that the complainers the ones that care the most. If they didn't care half as much, they wouldn't be obsessing over things.

                                I think Joe Mallozzi knows this... as far as the TPTB are concerned it's all publicity for them. They're big boys... they've been in the game long enough and they know what happens when they drop potentially explosive titbits. As far as I 'm concerned, they're reaping what they've sown.
                                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"

