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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Sep 19

    Several photos...

    Production on Stargate Atlantis wrapped today for most of our cast and crew. As the sets go dark here at The Bridge Studios, the scene shifts to Vegas for a few more days of filming after which work on the series is finally complete. Well, almost complete because work continues for post, viz, the producers, and Joel Goldsmith who still have weeks to go before they can sail off into the sunset.

    Yesterday, Bob Picardo came by the office after he wrapped and, as promised, took the time to sit down and answer some of your questions. Rather than do a video interview, we opted for a written Q&A which I’ll be posting next week as part of a special Bob Picardo guest blog. Speaking of guest blogs - Executive Producer/Writer Carl Binder has kindly agreed to field your questions and comments on Tracker. So, if you happen to catch tonight’s episode of Atlantis and feel like raking Carl over the coals on this one, let’s hear from you.

    Amanda Tapping also swung by the office this morning to say goodbye. She’s been working very hard these past few months but still found the time to put in an appearance in our final episode. And it was a pleasure having her back. Colin Cunningham also wrapped his guess stint and made it a point to pop his head into the writers’ room and thank us.

    With regard to the ongoing discussion on the forthcoming Stargate: Universe - At the end of the day, it is, of course, up to you whether you give the show a chance or not but I feel the need to point out that, at present, those characters are simply names on a page and a long way from being fully realized. It’s easy to imagine the worst case scenario. As for the relative value of my opinion - well, that’s also something for you to decide on. However given the fact that I’ve been privy to details beyond the official casting breakdown and public statements made, I am speaking from a informed position. I’ve always followed the maxim “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all.” so you can be damn sure that if I didn’t think SGU had potential, you wouldn’t be reading my opinions on the subject.

    Well, I’m off to - think about the Atlantis movie, clean up in preparation for Fondy‘s return, and pick out my office for tomorrow night’s wrap party. “So what are you doing?”Amanda asked me today on her way out. “Cocktail or full dress?” I told her I’d definitely be going full dress on this one.

    Final scene as per today’s call sheet:

    INT. F-302 COCKPIT 1: Sheppard

    Push in on the screen, word ARMED flashes


      Heh, you guys both posted it.
      If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


        September 20, 2008

        Photo: Author Justina Robson

        Video: F-302

        Today, I turn this blog over to author Jusina Robson who join us from a quaint little place called The U.K. (You may have heard of it. It was featured heavily in the early Bond movies.). Enjoy Justina’s insightful Q&A, post any questions for writer-producer Carl Binder if you have ‘em, then check out the video at the bottom of this entry for a peek at how the crew spent their final hours - giving each other rides in the F-302! Over to Justina…

        Last edited by Jumper_One; 20 September 2008, 05:13 PM.
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post

          September 20, 2008

          Photo: Author Jusina Robson

          Video: F-302

          Today, I turn this blog over to author Jusina Robson who join us from a quaint little place called The U.K. (You may have heard of it. It was featured heavily in the early Bond movies.). Enjoy Justina’s insightful Q&A, post any questions for writer-producer Carl Binder if you have ‘em, then check out the video at the bottom of this entry for a peek at how the crew spent their final hours - giving each other rides in the F-302! Over to Justina…

          Ah, you beat me to it. Well done Jumper!

          When I first saw the video with the F-302 I could have sworn I saw blonde hair in the cockpit and my immediate thought was...Amanda!

          Speculation containing possible spoilers for Enemy at the Gate:
          Hey who knows? Maybe Sam will pilot an F-302? That'd be sweet!

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            Originally posted by prion View Post
            Sep 19


            Final scene as per today’s call sheet:

            INT. F-302 COCKPIT 1: Sheppard

            Push in on the screen, word ARMED flashes
            OK I don't get this bit? Is Joe saying this is the all time final scene from the show? Or just for the day's shoot?


              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
              OK I don't get this bit? Is Joe saying this is the all time final scene from the show? Or just for the day's shoot?
              I think that's just the last scene they shot (yesterday)
              Final scene as per today’s call sheet
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                I think that's just the last scene they shot (yesterday)
                Well that makes more sense then Joe M giving away the ending. I guess.


                  Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                  Well that makes more sense then Joe M giving away the ending. I guess.
                  LOL indeed
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    Today, I turn this blog over to author Jusina Robson who join us from a quaint little place called The U.K. (You may have heard of it. It was featured heavily in the early Bond movies.)...


                      Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                      And no mention of the next SG-1 movie, that makes me want to boycott SGu even more...
                      Yeah... the kids (TPTB) have a new toy to play with, so the old one doesn't matter at all I want my Vala fix as soon as possible...


                        Originally posted by Ladyinred View Post
                        Yeah... the kids (TPTB) have a new toy to play with, so the old one doesn't matter at all I want my Vala fix as soon as possible...
                        Ben writes: “And also where do we sit in terms of getting another SG1 movie?”

                        Answer: If all goes as planned, we should be filming both the SGA movie and the third SG-1 around the same time next year.
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                          I've heard Joe wants Sam in the Atlantis movie, with Sanctuary on too does this mean we'll only get a Sam cameo in the next SG-1 movie?


                            Niiiiiiice. Hoping for in the third Stargate SG-1 movie. Brad, pleeeeeeeease don't let us down.

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              Originally posted by Ladyinred View Post
                              Yeah... the kids (TPTB) have a new toy to play with, so the old one doesn't matter at all I want my Vala fix as soon as possible...
                              Odd, that was what was being said at the beginning of S9. Go figure.

                              Mourning Sanctuary.
                              Thanks for the good times!


                                September 1 - wrap party


                                PHOTOS: (about 47 of cast & crew). The actors... David Nykl and wife, Kavan Smith, Robert Picardo, Jason Momoa, Paul McGillion and guest, Dean Marshall, Jewel Staite (who seems to have a bottle of peroxide!), Gary Jones.

                                Oh darn, no David, Joe, Rachel?? (David H did enjoy it, he mentioned 'hangover' on his Twitter today)


                                Well, MGM pulled out all the stops for the big 100th Episode/Series Wrap Party. The Sheraton Wall Centre was the scene of the festivities that included black jack, roulette, gaming stations, and lotsa food. A huge thanks to Jeff, Theo, and Ramona for organizing the event.

                                A month ago, when Tanja asked Paul and I whether we would be interested in speaking at the party, we both agreed we should. Unfortunatley, between then and last night, I assumed Paul was working on the speech and he assumed I was working on the speech and so, we learned the night before the party that neither of us had written a speech (which should give you some fair insight into how we approach the collaborative scriptwriting process). Anyway, I volunteered to say a few words and Paul volunteered to hang at the bar (which, in retrospect, was really the way to go). I’d decided to wing it on the night and then, realizing I’m better on paper, decided to jot down a few thoughts on the way to the pre-party dinner. Unfortunately, the only thing I had to jot my thoughts down onto were a couple of dry-cleaning receipts I had in my pocket. So, imagine if you will on the night -

                                One third of the crowd stopping to listen while the other two-thirds parties on loudly in the back (Martin’s intro was particularly memorable: “Hey, guys. I’d really appreciate if you just continue to talk over me. That’s right. Just continue talking amongst yourselves like I’m not even here and I’ll just keep going.” They were more than happy to comply.) and me trying to make out the teeny tiny notes I’d scribbled down on the back of the two receipts. A lesson in proper microphone handling would have probably served me well since the suggestion that “It’s a really good mic so you don’t have to hold it right up to your mouth.” was a bald-faced lie. Anyway, I launched into my speech. Many couldn’t here me. To my left, Carl laughed once. I had wanted to thank everyone but decided to speed things up, jumping to the end of my speech to wrap things up - and skipping several thank you’s including those intended for the cast. Fortunately, Rob and Lawren were front and center to remind me. Once my infernal yammering was done, I turned the stage over to Marty G. who introduced the touching series video tribute he and Ryan had put together. Unfortunately, the screens were too small, the sound too low, and, like I said, two-thirds of the attendees barely noticed. Lawren, however, was quick to notice that, ironically, a hush did fall over the huge ballroom for the raffle draw.

                                In any case, Martin is going to work at making sure the video tribute finds its way onto the season 5 box set. As for my speech - well, as I worked the room and thanked the various crew members, I was surprised by how many actually follow the blog. So, in case they missed it, this is what I said (more or less):

                                Whenever I’m asked to comment on Atlantis, I’ll often refer to the production as a well-oiled machine. And that says a lot about the people who work on the show, individual who are so damn good at what they do. Individuals like -

                                Krista who’ll come into my office, show me a matte painting and ask: “What do you think?” And I’ll say: “Great!” To which she’ll say: “Yeah, but I want to work on it a little longer. The buildings are too close together.” or “The houses are too far apart. But I’ll make the changes and bring it back tomorrow.”.

                                Mark Savela our fantastic in-house department and, frankly, everyone who has ever contributed to the show’s incredible VFX, people who can do everything from create a 3 minute long space battle sequence to make a snickers bar disappear

                                Ray and Scott and the SPFX crew who are so good at blowing **** up - sometimes when we haven’t even asked them to.

                                Andy shooting in the latex jungle.

                                Will trying to figure out where to hide his pineapples.

                                Alex Pappas who, besides running a tight ship, also goes out of his way to harass any on-set guests.

                                Krista who’ll stop by my office to show me the changes she’s made to her matte painting and ask me for my thoughts. “I think it’s great!”I’ll tell her. To which she’ll respond: “Yeah, but I still want to make a few more adjustments. I need to move the trees a little forward” or “I have to move the bushes a little further back. I’ll make the changes and bring it back tomorrow.”

                                Jim Menard, Terry Murray, and Bill Mizel who always take the time to really nitpick the scripts and call us out on seeming inconsistencies during the concept meetings. Thanks for continuing to challenge us.

                                Val and Koreen and the rest of the costumes department for making my dream of “no more aliens in funny hats” a reality.

                                Bev, Nancy, and Barry making sure not only the actors but everyone on set is neat and relatively lint-free.

                                James Robbins and the rest of the art department who design everything from ancient ships to ancient bath tubs.

                                The construction department that builds everything from ancient ships to ancient bathtubs.

                                The gals in accounting who are not only good with numbers but great with timing because whenever I go down for lunch they’re always the first ones standing in line at truck.

                                Steve, Anthea and the rest of the catering crew who were directly responsible for me putting on 15 pounds my first year on Stargate.

                                Jen and Kerry from post who, whenever they’re in the production offices, always make it a point to drop by and pester us about the mixes and cuts we’ve yet to get around to.

                                Esther and co. for keeping out the riffraff.

                                Krista who’ll swing by my office to show me the changes she’s made to a matte painting. And I’ll say: “Great! It’s perfect.” To which she’ll reply: “Not yet. I’m not totally happy with the texture of the chimneys. I’m just going to make some minor adjustments and bring it back tomorrow.”

                                The cast who, over the course of the series run, have had to brave freezing cold, blazing heat, driving rain, and babies.

                                John Smith and John Lenic who oversee the production schedules and budget, making sure we spend our money wisely and don’t blow it all on lottery tickets.

                                Glen who can not only make a great veggie sandwich, but also dress a head wound in the unlikely event a producer walks into the upraised trunk of his car.

                                Larry, Doug, and Graeme and the rest of the gang in transport who made sure I got to Widgen Park and back safely, ensuring I didn’t drive myself into the woods, get lost, and have to eat my own shoes to survive.

                                MGM and SciFi. Without their support, we’d probably be celebrating the five year run of Stargate Alantis, the radio play series.

                                Brad Wright and Robert Cooper who created the show, set it up, then stepped back and let Paul and I take it around the block. Twice.

                                My fellow writer/producers - Carl, Martin, Alan, and Paul. If it wasn’t for them, I’d probably be home, still working on Broken Ties.

                                Todd Masters and co and the gang in prosthetics.

                                Mike Blundell, Paul Trudel, Ryan, Fox, Johnny Z., Bruno B., Grizz, Ted, and Ashcroft who, worse than the fog, had to put up with me for the entire Whispers shoot.

                                Krista who’ll walk into my office to show me her revised matte painting. And I’ll say: “Love it! It’s approved!” To which she’ll reply: “It’s almost there. I just want to straighten a couple of the grass blades - “ To which I’ll reply: “No! Stop it! It’s fantastic! Move on!”

                                Joel Goldsmith, BamBam, Evil Kenny Gibbs and the gang at props, Tanja, Nathan, and David in the front office, Lawren, Alex Levine, Ivon Bartok, Sean, Vince, Tristan, Brigitte, casting, locations, greens, sound, our grips, the lightning department, set dec, playback, hair and make-up and anyone else I may have missed or failed to mention only because I ran out of room on the back of these dry cleaning receipt. I should have dropped off my shirts as well.

                                Thank you for five wonderful years.

                                And thanks to you, the fans, for five wonderful years of support.

                                Well, the party may have ended at the Sheraton but festivities continue here on this blog. I’m collecting questions for Stargate: Atlantis (and much, much more) composer Joel Goldsmith. If you have questions for the maestro, let’s see ’em.

                                Finish up The Black Company. If you have questions for author Glen Cook, let’s see them as well. I’ll be weighing in with my thoughts on the book in tomorrow’s entry.
                                Last edited by prion; 21 September 2008, 04:01 PM.

