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    Disagreed with you, disagreed with JM - does it matter who the disagreement is with? What you assume to be idiotic or disrespectful remarks, I take to be contrary.

    perhaps they weren't as respectful as we thought they were, eh?

    Like calling a fanbase lemmings? Yeah, that’s plenty respectful there.

    It was a comment on the calibre of some of the comments.

    So in your humble opinion some comments are below the calibre you would expect. That’s good to know. Now what are your thoughts on yaoi?

    juveniles with still-developing senses of perspective and logic, in which case... well, most will grow up.

    You’re absolutely right; juveniles who have not developed perspective or logic aren’t stupid at all. Because logic has nothing to do with the development of intellect.
    Last edited by sarcasmo; 24 August 2008, 02:32 AM. Reason: fixing tags


      Originally posted by sarcasmo View Post
      Disagreed with you, disagreed with JM - does it matter who the disagreement is with?
      You need to read more carefully. There was no disagreement. The notion of a disagreement is something you just added.

      What you assume to be idiotic or disrespectful remarks, I take to be contrary.
      Really? The example I gave above? Seriously? You think there's any sense in it? Ok. :shrug: I'd just prefer to give the authors of comments like that the benefit of the doubt and consider that they might be a very young poster who will grow beyond it. In the meantime, it was funny. Feel free to call juveniles idiots though, if it makes you feel good.
      Last edited by scarimor; 24 August 2008, 02:40 AM. Reason: spelling


        Geez, it’s painful when I have to spell everything out for people, so I’m not going to bother.

        But I am enjoying your dance of deflection. Yes, all juveniles are idiots, it DOES make me feel good. Almost as good as seeing an apologist tap dance around their original premise.


          Thanks for the red, scarimor. It's my first one. I’m not a child so I won’t be giving you one back even though you seem to crave my attention.

          To anyone else that would like to reply, is it common in this forum to give some a red? Is it just when you disagree with them or do people use them as a way of trying to get back at you for something? Is it normal for people to leave spiteful messages when they do?

          I'm a newbie so any thoughts on this would be appreciated.


            Originally posted by sarcasmo View Post
            Thanks for the red, scarimor. It's my first one.

            To anyone else that would like to reply, is it common in this forum to give some a red? Is it just when you disagree with them or do people use them as a way of trying to get back at you for something? Is it normal for people to leave spiteful messages when they do?

            I'm a newbie so any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
            I greened you! Some people can't understand that if someone disagrees with them it's not personal...


              Thanks, silly sally, I appreciate it . This is the first forum I've been on that uses this form of public approval/attempted censorship. It's bizarre.


                Originally posted by sarcasmo View Post
                Thanks for the red, scarimor. It's my first one. I’m not a child so I won’t be giving you one back even though you seem to crave my attention.

                To anyone else that would like to reply, is it common in this forum to give some a red? Is it just when you disagree with them or do people use them as a way of trying to get back at you for something? Is it normal for people to leave spiteful messages when they do?

                I'm a newbie so any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
                I think it's because of your choice of words calling juveniles 'idiots' and not necessarily because they disagreed with you. There are a lot of 'kids' on here and its a bit disrespectful to them and against the rules.... just a hunch.

                And just for future reference, naming and shaming on reds will most likely get your post deleted by the mods. Hope that helps to explain.


                  Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                  And just for future reference, naming and shaming on reds will most likely get your post deleted by the mods. Hope that helps to explain.
                  Really? Why all the secrecy?


                    Originally posted by sarcasmo View Post
                    Really? Why all the secrecy?
                    It's just considered bad form, and it's classed as 'personal issues', so the mods prefer you take things like that to a personal message and clear things up there, and it's off topic.


                      Well, off topic I can understand, thank you.

                      I still think it bizarre - people do things behind the scenes and you're not supposed to refer to it 'in polite company'? I guess I'm not used to such rules on a public forum on the internet.


                        Originally posted by sarcasmo View Post
                        Well, off topic I can understand, thank you.

                        I still think it bizarre - people do things behind the scenes and you're not supposed to refer to it 'in polite company'? I guess I'm not used to such rules on a public forum on the internet.
                        You're welcome.

                        It's just forum ettiquette. It's not that you're airing your dirty laundry in public, it's simply that when talking about personal issues, such as reds, heated arguments can and do occur and it derails the thread, and causes arguments etc... hence off topic.

                        Not that I of course know anything about derailing a thread or going off topic... *where the heck did I put that halo?*

                        If you want to familiarize yourself with the forum rules, just go to the main page and look in the help section there's a handy newbie guide for those starting out in the forum.


                          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                          Not that I of course know anything about derailing a thread or going off topic... *where the heck did I put that halo?*
                          LOL...I'll follow your lead as you seem to know the in's and out's of the place and will check it out


                            Originally posted by sarcasmo View Post
                            Geez, it’s painful when I have to spell everything out for people, so I’m not going to bother.

                            But I am enjoying your dance of deflection. Yes, all juveniles are idiots, it DOES make me feel good. Almost as good as seeing an apologist tap dance around their original premise.
                            sarcasmo, the original premise was this (I quote myself):

                            there were some really idjit comments that made it. But maybe they were from juveniles with still-developing senses of perspective and logic. It's hard to tell on the internet.
                            You decided to re-write that as this (I quote you):
                            People that disagree with me = idiotic juveniles
                            You took my simple observation and caveat, and re-wrote them into something entirely different. Most people with decent English comprehension will see that the latter is not the former, so I assumed that the absurd and insulting extrapolation was deliberate, therefore dishonest.

                            Yes, I gave you a red for that, because your syntax doesn't convery the kind of poor language skills that would suggest a genuine failure of comprehension over something so simple. And then I deliberately mimicked (partly) your method of verbal metamorphosis to mock it (which apparently did go over your head since you thought that was a "dance of deflection" instead. ouch ).

                            If your bizzare post was the result of a genuine failure of comprehension after all, then please accept my apologies for the red. And especially my condolences.
                            Last edited by scarimor; 24 August 2008, 04:12 AM. Reason: typos


                              Most people with decent English comprehension... which apparently did go over your head... genuine failure of comprehension... and especially my condolences

                              If this is the way you sincerely apologise to someone, then I ask you not to bother!

                              Congratulations on coming from the United Kingdom. I assume your first language is English? Please keep in mind that the internet =/= the US and the UK.

                              And as this is all off topic, I'm going to leave it at that.


                                Wow. Graceful. lol. *finds ignore button*

                                On topic:
                                Laura writes: “…was the Arthur line ad-libbed?”

                                Answer: Nope. It was scripted.
                                Which ep is this from, anyone? I've only seen no. 1 of season 5 so far.
                                Last edited by scarimor; 24 August 2008, 04:38 AM.

