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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    That video was hilarious.

    And to think, those are the guys who write for Atlantis.


      Originally posted by wurlitzer153 View Post
      You were right.

      Well I said it was a hunch. I could not give a flying turd about the Olympics, and I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way. Obviously looking at the ratings, I am not.


        August 19, 2008

        Photos: Those Sam/Jack shippers are everywhere! EVEEEEERYWHEEEEERE!!!

        Video: In his continous attempts to make himself sick, Joe tries "Pork Blood Tofu" in his Weird Food Purchase of the Day segment.

        Write-Up: The Save Carson Beckett peaceful protest has opened the floodgates...

        “Shoo!”I yelled, waving my arms over my head. “Shoo! SHOO!” They backed up, wide-eyed and fearful, and then, slowly, advanced once again. “Tssss!”I hissed, stamping my foot for added effect. “TSSSS! SHOOO!” The pack held its ground and stared back at me uncertainly then, cautiously, two of them crept forward, sniffing the air for any signs of danger, and unfurled a banner. It read: “SAM&JACK CONFIRMATION”. Giving up, I approached the gate and snapped a picture.

        “Hi, Joe,”one of the fans greeted me. “I’m Nell. I came all the way from Washington.”

        “Well,”I told her, “if you came all the way from Washington AND made that banner, then the least Brad could do is put that confirmation in the next movie.” I promised to talk to him about it that very afternoon.

        I snapped some more shots, met my fellow culinary-naut Carolina, and gave them the lowdown on what all the commotion was about on my side of the fence. Marty G. was directing the last few scenes of Brain Storm in a reefer truck (which is capable of being refrigerated to below freezing). Room temp today. Tomorrow, Jewel gets chilly.
        Also, a bad culinary experience.



        (And this Joe smilie is CONFIRMATION that zuz is awesome)


          Nope, we Shippers weren't everywhere today. Just where it counted. Bridge Studios. We were thrilled that Joe spent some time to say hello to us. He's a genuine guy who enjoys the fans!


            Originally posted by PG15 View Post

            “Well,”I told her, “if you came all the way from Washington AND made that banner, then the least Brad could do is put that confirmation in the next movie.” I promised to talk to him about it that very afternoon.
            Does this mean that any fan who travels an further distance with a homemade banner can get confirmation? (thinking of ALL the sexual relationships fans want - hmm) *cough*


              Originally posted by prion View Post
              Does this mean that any fan who travels an further distance with a homemade banner can get confirmation? (thinking of ALL the sexual relationships fans want - hmm) *cough*

              *giggles*.....I'm sitting here in my Downtown Vancouver apt already ripping up the sheets, getting the paint pots out and working on my "JACK AND DANIEL FOREVER" banner!!....

              Or then again I could be having a cup of tea and pondering on what to do today!...

              Deeds xx
              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                Originally posted by PG15 View Post

                August 19, 2008

                “Shoo!”I yelled, waving my arms over my head. “Shoo! SHOO!” They backed up, wide-eyed and fearful, and then, slowly, advanced once again. “Tssss!”I hissed, stamping my foot for added effect. “TSSSS! SHOOO!” The pack held its ground and stared back at me uncertainly then, cautiously, two of them crept forward, sniffing the air for any signs of danger, and unfurled a banner. It read: “SAM&JACK CONFIRMATION”. Giving up, I approached the gate and snapped a picture.

                “Hi, Joe,”one of the fans greeted me. “I’m Nell. I came all the way from Washington.”

                “Well,”I told her, “if you came all the way from Washington AND made that banner, then the least Brad could do is put that confirmation in the next movie.” I promised to talk to him about it that very afternoon.
                Photos: Those Sam/Jack shippers are everywhere! EVEEEEERYWHEEEEERE!!!
                OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!! It's now 20-minutes into the 21st of August and my 27th birthday and even though it wasn't intended to be...I'll gladly take that blog posting from Joe for what it is: a super, fantastic, awesome, brilliant birthday gift and on we can all share!!!!! THANK YOU!!!

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  August 20th


                  Incidentally, my writing partner warned me that I’m dangerously close to becoming the Johnny Knoxville of Stargate.

                  Marty G. was directing within the deep-freeze confines of the reefer truck today. He cut quite the dashing figure in his galoshes and parka. The rest of the crew was similarly decked out for the chilly conditions - except Jewel, of course, who looked good - and cold - in her party dress and McKay’s jacket. Office and Control Room scenes shooting on Stage 6 today. Tomorrow, we move on to Beckett’s return, “eyes staring straight ahead”, and the stabbing (Hoo boy. The fans are going to freak. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone).

                  Alright. As promised - today, I start gathering questions for actress Sharon Taylor who plays technician Ameila Banks on Stargate Atlantis. We have interesting plans in store for the character in season 5 and if you’d like to find out about some of her on-set experiences and get the dirt on Amelia’s growing role on the show, then start posting your questions for Sharon. Get them in because, this weekend, I start collecting questions for our next two special guests: Director Andy Mikita and Atlantis Props Master “Evil” Kenny Gibbs, both of whom will be dropping by to answer your questions next week. Other confirmed future guests will include Stunt Coordinator James “Bam Bam” Bamford, Playback Supervisor Krista McLean, and, because you demanded it, Executive Producer Brad Wright who will field your questions about Stargate Continuum (and possibly offer up a some tidbits on the third movie if he’s feeling generous). But, for now, let’s see those questions for Sharon.


                    Bet this blog will wind down once SGA is gone.

                    Anyway, in the comments section of tonight's entry

                    49 josephmallozzi
                    Re: the end of Atlantis.

                    Yes, it’s true. I’m disappointed but not surprised.

                    I’ll be commenting on this in tomorrow’s blog entry.


                      I was afraid of this happening. Especially with all of Joe's "don't expect ratings to be the only thing that determines renewal".



                        Originally posted by Vala_M View Post
                        I was afraid of this happening. Especially with all of Joe's "don't expect ratings to be the only thing that determines renewal".

                        we'll read his spin tomorrow. doubt we'll get the whole truth though.


                          I'm so sad right now. I think I'm going to be sick....ok granted I was feeling sick before hearing the news but this just makes it worse.
                          Ramblings from my life:


                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            we'll read his spin tomorrow. doubt we'll get the whole truth though.
                   will probbaly be something in the spirit of - MGM prefers producing movies; It's impossible to produce both SGA and sGU at the same time; rising costs, Canadian dollar; SGa has not finished its career, there will be movies; the important thing is the franchise will go on.

                            Did I miss anything? Anyone cares for bets?
                            Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                            Yes, I am!
                            Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                            Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                            Peter Pan R.I.P


                              Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                     will probbaly be something in the spirit of - MGM prefers producing movies; It's impossible to produce both SGA and sGU at the same time; rising costs, Canadian dollar; SGa has not finished its career, there will be movies; the important thing is the franchise will go on.

                              Did I miss anything? Anyone cares for bets?
                              I doubt he will say anything that has not already been said. I would like him to point at MGM, but it's obvious they did not even approach SCI FI for a potential 6th season.


                                August 21 2008


                                By now, I assume you’ve all heard the news. This will be Stargate Atlantis’s fifth and final season. I’m disappointed but not surprised. We came into this year knowing that renewal would be a longshot. With 100 episodes under our belts, rising production costs, and the US dollar’s steep decline, the odds were stacked against us. Still, we’d heard no definite word either way and if SG-1’s surprising 10-year run taught us one thing, it’s that anything is possible. The circumstances that contributed to SG-1’s longevity were very different but, back then, we hadn’t expected it to get a sixth season pick-up either. Furthermore, with our strong premiere numbers and the equally impressive showing of the ensuing episodes, some of us were, if not exactly upbeat, then cautiously optimistic. We watched. We waited. And, finally, received word the other day.

                                We told the cast first, then headed down to set and broke the news to the crew. These are people who have given so much of themselves over the show’s five-year run and we felt it only right that they hear it from us rather than finding out about it elsewhere.

                                It’s been a bittersweet couple of days. On the one hand, I’m sorry to see the series end but, on the other hand, I’m extremely proud of what we’ve accomplished. 100 episodes is pretty damn impressive feat and, as evidenced by the quality of recent stories and the uptick in the ratings, we’ll be going out on a high. Even though I see a lot of anger directed at both MGM and Sci Fi, the fact is we couldn’t have done it without their support. And we’re going to count on that support as Atlantis continues its adventures as a movie franchise.

                                Episode 20, Enemy at the Gate, will mark our 100th episode and, contrary to online speculation, we will not be ending things with a cliffhanger. Regardless of whether we got the pick-up or not, we had always planned a clean conclusion to our 100th episode, one that would hopefully leave fans satisfied yet eager for more. And that “more” will come in the form of the Stargate Atlantis movie…

                                About a month ago, with so much uncertainty about the future of the series, Rob Cooper pitched out the idea of shooting the SGA movie at the end of this season. His thinking was that if the series did end, we would have a movie in hand. If, however, the series was picked up, the “SGA movie” (codenamed Project Twilight) would simply become the opening two episodes of the show’s sixth season. Alas, this notion never got past the consideration stage and, as a result, we won’t be rolling right into it as planned. On the bright side, however, the network has greenlit the movie and we do have a terrific idea in mind. Obviously, I can’t say much about it at this point but suffice it to say that it should include the entire cast in addition to a certain gaunt and pallid flowing-locked guest star. And, if it proves anywhere as successful as the first two SG-1 direct-to-video features, you can be assured that this will be the first in a long, long line of Stargate Atlantis movies.

                                Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…

