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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
    LOL ! Well I like that name, even if it's a cliché.
    How so?


      March 29

      Photos: Definately worth a look this time. No, it's not more spoiler drawings; this time, we get some pics of the shooting of a Atlantis promo being done by Martin Gero, including a small make-shift gate and DHD and...well, just take a look. Other stuff include a pic of a deep-fried mars bar and the effects it had on those who ate it (among other, unhealthy-looking things). Oh, and there were 2 strange photos of Jason Momoa.

      Main Write-Up: Explanation of the promo, which details...

      ...the misadventures of three uber-fans and their attempts to reach Atlantis.
      I can't wait to see it. And of course, there is the obligatory food comments, which were hilarious.


      None this time; sorry.


        And to seemingly "make-up" for last day's entry (I hate saying that), looks like today we get a huge load of Stargate-related stuff! I'm not going to post the whole thing, so take a look for yourself if you so wishes.

        March 30

        Photos: All Stargate related. Nice views of the costume shop, including one of Jill Wagner, looking...hmmm...very hot. Also, we get a pic of what they're shooting through the camera for Lifeline; definately worth a look. Oh, and sets, sets, and more sets...for Travelers. Looking pretty good! [ETA: Holy frack! I haven't actually looked at the pics close up, but now that I did...there's Torri! ]

        Main Write Up: The joys about being the show runner, descriptions of the photos, and fallout on the food party last night; apparently, Alex Levine got lost and went around in a big circle for 20 minutes.


        Anonymous #1 writes: “I was wondering how many episodes in season 4 are you writing personally not counting reunion and the mid season two parter nor the joint projects with your buddy Paul?”

        Answer: Paul and I will probably write four scripts this season. Two down. Two to go.

        Sanssong writes: “Does it ever drive you crazy that people who have NO experience or knowledge of the television business comment on your decisions as if they are experts?”

        Answer: Only when they claim to have plenty of experience and knowledge of the television business (“I worked for the local WKRAP affiliate in Estonia and I should know what I’m talking about…”) and then go on to make ridiculous assumptions, displaying an utter lack of experience and knowledge of the business.

        Prior_of_the_Ori writes: “Should the SG-1 movies be a success, and I hope they are, would we see story arcs introduced in the show being wrapped up in the movies? Say like perhaps that rumoured third Aschen storyline or return of those Foothold aliens?”

        Answer: These would be questions for Brad and Rob as they’ll be the ones writing any future movies.

        Prior_of_the_Ori writes: “Do you think we will get to see Cadet Hailey again? Either in Atlantis or Universe or in the movies?”

        Sarcastic 8 Ball says: Are you kidding?

        Anonymous #4 writes: “Speaking of promos, Joe, have you seen the absolutely ridiculous ads that Scifi is using to promote the upcoming episodes? They're horrible! The one for SG-1 gives away just about every cool image and episode resolution from the final ten episodes.”

        Answer: We’ve complained about it in the past, even made jokes about it on the show. They’re clearly graduates of the Robert Zemeckis school of teasing.

        Anonymous #6 writes: “I can't help but notice that Lawren looks alot like a supposed curious passer-byer from last week's rally.”

        Answer: I think you’re referring to Alex Levine. He’s intensely curious by nature.


          What, all of that not good enough for comments? Looks like Joe's gonna have to piss you all off again.

          March 31

          Photos: Pugs and hot chocolate

          Main Write-Up: The stupidity of network announcers, embarrassing auditions, what's on TV, and an interview for a local university...that is not mine. Curses.


          Rozey writes: “Do you read anything besides sci-fi? And does Jason Momoa always dress like that?”

          Answer: I occasionally read a bit of fantasy and non-fiction. And, yes, Jason Momoa usually dresses like this. Don’t even get me started on his pink Cadillac.

          Anonymous #1 writes: “ 1. Are we going to encounter another ancient city ship like Atlantis, Asuras or the one from The Tower episode in the upcoming season 4.
          2. What happened to the Asgard Space ships after the destruction of their planet.
          3. Any ZPM conquest episodes for season 4, you know like The episode the Brotherhood.

          Answer: 1. Possibly. 2. That remains to be seen. 3. Sort of.

          Anonymous #2 writes: “I was wondering about the episode the seer; is there any other episode from the past three seasons that is similar or we should refer to to get a hint.”

          Answer: No hints on this one yet.

          Anonymous #3 writes: “Of the scripts you've written, which in your opinion was the bigger disappointment The Tower or Irresponsible?”

          Answer: 1) Paul wrote The Tower. 2) Far from being a disappointment, I actually liked The Tower. Granted, it was an atypical episode, but I thought Paul did a great job creating some very entertaining guest characters. 3) Irresponsible.

          Anonymous #4 writes: “Can you tell us how many episodes Elizabeth will be in. You have numbers for the others, including Jewel, who's also recurring. Please give us an indication of how many Torri will get.”

          Answer: Jewel and Amanda were contracted for a set number of episode’s at the beginning of the season. For that reason, I can say that Amanda will appear in 14 and Jewel in 8. Torri was not contracted for a set number of episode and so, for that reason, I can’t give a definite number. We’re still coming up for stories for the back half of season four.

          Lorr54 writes: “Is there anything left on the cutting room floor that you wish had been in the final product, and what was it?”

          Answer: There were some scenes from Ripple Effect and Good to be King that I wish had made the final cut.

          April writes: “I was wondering where do we send these postcards to in order for them to reach her or anyone else?”

          Answer: Send them to the production offices. Our crack staff will ensure they end up in the right hands.

          MaryB writes: “I was just wondering why you don't have any female writers?”

          Answer: It hasn’t been from lack of trying. In previous years, we’ve invited pitches from new writers, several of them women. For whatever reason however, it didn’t work out.

          Arctic Goddess writes: “ 1. Do you prefer to be called Joe or Joseph? 2. If you were invited to Creation's Vancouver Convention (or any other) would you go? 3. Who is your all time favourite actor/actress? 4. Have you ever tried to get him or her on Atlantis?”

          Answer: 1. Joe’s fine. 2. No way. 3. That’s hard to say. I don’t think I have a favorite. I have always enjoyed Forest Whitaker’s work. 4. Haven’t tried to get him on the show as I’m sure he’s far too busy, but I hear he’s a fan.

          Anonymous #6 writes: “She says she sees it as the beginning of the end for the series, because about 50 percent of the Atlantis fans don't actually watch SG1..”

          Answer: Interesting findings. I’d love to see the research on that.

          Anonymous #6 writes: “She said she feels that Sam will be too central in the series…”

          Answer: Based on…a gut feeling? Well, her spidey senses seem to be out of whack.

          Kate writes: “With your new important status have you ever thrown a qeeney fit, or asked for something totally unreasonable, just because you could?”

          Answer: Would you consider Perrier shampoos and mid-conference knee massages unreasonable? No? Then the answer is no.

          Giu writes: “I was just wondering something... do you know if we will see Kavan Smith/Major Lorne in season 4? and if we are going to, how often?”

          Answer: Yes, we will see Lorne in season 4. As for how often - that remains to be seen.

          Anonymous #7 writes: “What is Lifeline about?”

          Answer: Oh, well coming off Adrift it’s about…aaah…tricky!

          Lisa writes: “I've always wanted to work behind-the-scenes on a TV show. Something Science Fiction related would be awesome. What sort of advice would you give to somebody who wanted to get into that line of work?”

          Answer: If you’re looking to work on-set, I’d suggest learning a trade and then joining the local union.

          Anonymous #8 writes: “Why would you respond to Prior of the Ori in such a dismissive fashion?”

          Answer: It wasn’t intended to be dismissive toward Prior_of_the_Ori who has always weighed in with some great questions and comments - more a reflection of my - I mean, the Sarcastic 8 Ball’s feeling about the Hailey character.

          Snitexmarex248 writes: “ 1.) Is Amanda Tapping in any of the first four or so episodes of Season 4? 2.)Has the whole city of Atlantis been explored yet? Or just some of it still? If most of it, will we ever see anything that's been discovered? 3.)What's your favorite book or movie?”

          Answer: 1) She will be in the first few episodes of the season, yes. 2) We have yet to fully explore Atlantis. 3) Favorite book or movie? Hmmm. I’ll have to give this some thought.

          Smiley Face06 writes: “Can you tell us the name of the episode that the pictures are from?”

          Answer: Lifeline.

          Anonymous #9 writes: “I was just watching "Conversion" (again) and was thinking about all the stuff Shep has in his quarters....the skateboard, the Johnny Cash poster, that guitar, the pic with Evel Knievel, et al. Here's my question.....ummm, when did Shep bring all that stuff back from Earth?”

          Answer: It is suggested in Intruder that the members of the expedition are able to travel back to Earth on occasion for some R&R. The items in question would have been brought back to Atlantis with him on a return trip.


          I think someone should really ask "how many eps is Weir in so far?", at least then he can't give his usual answer.


            Originally posted by PG15 View Post

            I think someone should really ask "how many eps is Weir in so far?", at least then he can't give his usual answer.
            Well nothing is stopping you from asking. Really though do you think he would give a straight answer? And even if he did say 6 episodes or something, I am sure the Weir fans far and wide would say that isn't enough and point to it as being a sure thing she is being written out. He is in a no win situation.

            Nah much better to say they haven't written the back half and give hope to the Weir fans, then say they haven't even bothered to think about whether she would be in the second half.


              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
              Well nothing is stopping you from asking. Really though do you think he would give a straight answer? And even if he did say 6 episodes or something, I am sure the Weir fans far and wide would say that isn't enough and point to it as being a sure thing she is being written out. He is in a no win situation.

              Nah much better to say they haven't written the back half and give hope to the Weir fans, then say they haven't even bothered to think about whether she would be in the second half.
              Yeah, you can ask, but I supsect he'll ignore the question. Simply ask, Is Weir in the episodes you have filmed so far? I think she'll be joining Beckett in the unemployment line


                I don't want to waste my question on one that won't get answered.

                But who knows, one of these days the Weir die-hards might get one. I'm not invested in this, but I am interested.


                  Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                  Anonymous #1 writes: “I was wondering how many episodes in season 4 are you writing personally not counting reunion and the mid season two parter nor the joint projects with your buddy Paul?”

                  Answer: Paul and I will probably write four scripts this season. Two down. Two to go.
                  Oh goody, 20% of the season! *headdesk*

                  I think someone should really ask "how many eps is Weir in so far?", at least then he can't give his usual answer.
                  Someone asked him a while ago how many eps Weir will be in out of the first 10 eps. He never answered the question. Take that as you will, I certainly know how I interpreted it...


                    If the person who asked about Joe dismissing my comment is reading this, thanks for the mention but its alright

                    Its an interesting note about the Asgard ships though. Wonder how that will go as I know quite a few keep wondering about them.

                    'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

                    'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

                    Contribute to the Stargate Wiki a source for any information on the Stargate universe from the books, RPG to games and comics.


                      PG-15, thanks for posting these. I don't ever go to his blog, so this is a nice place to keep up to date.
                      It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                        What, all of that not good enough for comments? Looks like Joe's gonna have to piss you all off again.

                        I think someone should really ask "how many eps is Weir in so far?", at least then he can't give his usual answer.
                        Somebody did. Wonder if he'll just not answer it.


                          Ok sorry, this is technically not on JM's blog but rather a comment attached to it but I just wanted to point it out (although maybe it should just be ignored).

                          Have stuck it in spoilers as am not sure on the whole comment versus actual blog situation and also because I am about to rant...

                          Anonymous said...
                          Hi Joe
                          I was interested in hearing you say that for one reason or another a female writer has never worked out. I think it's time you re-visited that. Why? Because the treatment of female characters - and by extension your female viewer has degarded to the level where I - and others - actually find your show offensive (and not in the challenging, make you think way that some shows can). I don't want to appear like I'm being nasty, I would just like to explain why I think many female fans are switching off. Since Season 2 the primary function of females on the show has been to look pretty and be there for one of the boys, either as a romance or a distraction. Now while I was still enjoying the stories overall I could put up with it but then came Irresistable. Someone on the Stargate production team should have realised that an episode (and presented as comedy) which when boiled down involves a date rape drug was completely and utterly unacceptable. It should not have required a woman writer to strangle that at birth (and the fact that not one man on your team recognised how utterly offesnive this would be is disturbing), but clearly a female perspective is sorely missing. Do you have any idea of the fear that being drugged out of your choices on who you sleep with has for most women? Or of what a real threat it is in the world today? How could any of you ever have thought that would in any way shape or form be funny?
                          As I say, I don't want to sound nasty or unkind, but I also don't think you realise how much of a turn-off Stargate Atlantis is becoming (the cast changes are not helping here either) to the female viewer. Now obviously a lot of people will not agree with me, and that's fine, I don't claim to speak for anyone but me, but I really think that you now have a serious problem appealing to female viewers

                          March 31, 2007 4:46:00 PM PDT
                          I am guessing I must have missed when this person asked other female viewers their opinion. Last time I checked I am female, I love SGA and I am in no way offended by the show.

                          Regardless of the last section, which contradicts everything else in the post completely and therefore negated the need to post it in the first place. Its just laughable that people seem to believe their opinion is shared by every other viewer out there. Its not give it up people!!

                          OK sorry rant over, back to JMs wonderful blog. How cute are those dogs btw. Wonder if we will get a bit more info on the eps, I loved that he posted set pics, he just keeps on dangling the carrot infront of the fans, I love it.


                            Originally posted by Listy View Post
                            Ok sorry, this is technically not on JM's blog but rather a comment attached to it but I just wanted to point it out (although maybe it should just be ignored).

                            Have stuck it in spoilers as am not sure on the whole comment versus actual blog situation and also because I am about to rant...


                            I am guessing I must have missed when this person asked other female viewers their opinion. Last time I checked I am female, I love SGA and I am in no way offended by the show.

                            Regardless of the last section, which contradicts everything else in the post completely and therefore negated the need to post it in the first place. Its just laughable that people seem to believe their opinion is shared by every other viewer out there. Its not give it up people!!

                            OK sorry rant over, back to JMs wonderful blog. How cute are those dogs btw. Wonder if we will get a bit more info on the eps, I loved that he posted set pics, he just keeps on dangling the carrot infront of the fans, I love it.
                            Um, sorry, are you agreeing or disagreeing ?

                            Love the sig picture by the way.
                            Visit me on


                              Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                              Um, sorry, are you agreeing or disagreeing ?

                              Love the sig picture by the way.
                              Disagreeing - I am in no way offended by the show, and as a female viewer I am not put off by the show in anyway, and I am completely looking forward to Season 4.

                              Saying that its more than whether i agree or disagree with the post, its more the post itself, stating one person's opinion and then putting the royal "we" in there which indicates they think its a general opinion, it just really bugged me - sorry ranting again

                              oh and thanks those pics always make me smile
                              Last edited by Listy; 01 April 2007, 01:13 PM.


                                Heeee. There's gonna be uproar over JM's latest blog update.... check out the text on the laptop screen in the photo of his recent book purchases....

                                ..... and remember the date folks!

