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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by prion View Post
    Heh, for all we know Joe could be serious about being half of the anonymous comment posters! Rack up one for the conspiracy theory!

    Like you, I just read the comments for the most part, although one of your comments did give me an idea...
    A good idea, or a bad idea?


      You know, it doesn't take a genius to sign up. All you need to do is get an account there. Heck, took me 5 minutes. You don't even have to do any blogging.


        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        If people abide by his wishes. I will wait and see...
        If they don't, we shall raid and plunder their villages drive them off the internets.

        /needs to stop watching the new PotC trailer
        "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
        My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


          March 21 (PG's note: Happy Year Times Month Equals Day day!)

          Watched Joe on dailies today doing the wire stunts and taking one heck of a beating. What a trooper. Also ran into Jason today and he told me he loved Reunion, has been jotting down notes, and is looking forward to the read-through. I put out the outline of the first part of the mid-season two-parter, an episode Carl Binder is particularly forward to. And speaking of Carl, he was in my office this morning discussing his early back half story (which I personally covet) that is going to be a blast (pending actor availability of course). Martin was at home today working on a first draft of his script (a follow-up to what I thought was his best script of season 3) while Alan worked on his final pass on Tabula Rasa (Lorne fans take note). Paul, meanwhile, was on set overseeing “the grisly procedure”. Just not sure how much of it we’ll be able to show but, according to Paul, MastersFX did a typically brilliant job.


          Peter writes: “How CGI-extensive are Adrift and Lifeline? Are we going to get more First Strike-style eye candy or will it focus more on the characters' struggle to survive? Or both?:

          Answer: They are both big episodes, offering much in the way of eye candy visual effects, character moments, and major revelations.

          Prior_of_the_Ori writes: “I was curious and wanted to ask if there were any Goa'uld System Lords that you wished you could have explored more, (e.g Yu, Bastet, Olukun etc etc)?”

          Answer: I as always a fan of Yu because, unlike the other goa’uld, he possessed a sense of honor.

          Mel writes: “How often do you guys get letters or comments from angry fans who don't like what you guys are doing with the show(s)? Personally, I'd find hate-mail quite frightening.”

          Answer: Roughly, oh, every day. It’s always nice to hear from the fans.

          Zabadoo writes: “Is Dan Shea going to move over to Atlantis now that SG-1 is gone? Will we ever see anymore of Kolya?”

          Answer: Siler will not be making the move to Atlantis but will be putting in an appearance in Continuum. As for Kolya…stranger things have happened.


          Read the rest of the entry for a detailed explanation of why Paul Mullie thinks JM is a dandy.


            Fingers crossed for a "McKay and Ms. Miller" follow up


              March 22

              Let me try something different tonight.

              [b]Photos[b]: obligatory pieces of food, photos of fans and one of David Hewlett, another of what I believe to be David, and several photos of the head writers and others I don't know about.

              Main Part: A schedule showing his complete day. There are some very interesting bits (and I emphasize *bits*) within that I won't bother pasting out. Check out his blog for them. However I can't leave some of them out:

              11:00 a.m.: Wil and I do a casting session for Travelers. This Larrin casting will be the death of me.

              1:25 p.m.: I head down with Lawren assuming umbrella-boy duties, shielding me from the rain as I snap pics of the fans. I chat with the SaveCarsonBeckett campaign organizers - Tara, Anise, and Jennifer - who call me on my off-hand comment to the Province newspaper in which I marvel at the campaign’s ability to drum up press, essentially promising that if they can get their story on Access Hollywood or Entertainment Tonight (Entertainment Tonight Canada doesn’t count) that I would write Carson into at least two episodes in the back half of season four. The gauntlet has been thrown. I am treated to a mountain of Scottish shortbread cookies, chat with the media about the event, and then, when everyone is feeling good and their guard is down, I order the attack dogs released. They chase everyone back to the buses except for one slow-moving fan who goes down and disappears beneath the ravenous pack. I think he’s a goner and then, almost a full minute later, he rises up out of the hound cluster like a swimmer breaking the surface of the water. With surprising vigor and ignoring the snapping jaws, he manages to reach the bus and pull himself aboard, one of the dogs still clamped to his haunch. Fan and dog disappear into the bus that quickly motors off, beating a hasty retreat. If this dog is found, please return it to the Bridge Studios as he is the property of Stargate Atlantis Productions.

              2:00 p.m.: We discuss Alan’s Tabula Rasa rewrite. How could Lorne top his barefoot scene in Doppelganger? Well how about this meaty role? Oh, and poor Katie.

              3:45 p.m.: We talk to Paul Weber, our L.A. casting agent, regarding the Larrin part. Lots of interesting potential candidates. Meanwhile, Paul suggests that one of the local actresses who auditioned today, while not right for Larrin, would make a perfect Ara in Reunion. Genius.
              Huh...turns out I pasted more than I thought. Oh well, enjoy them. Now, the questions...

              GrapesofWraith writes: “Because SG-1 is not in full production as a television series, has the atmosphere at the office changed since last year?”

              Answer: Not really. It’s still very much a fun atmosphere although with only half the usual amount of episodes to produce things are admittedly a little more relaxed.

              Peter writes: “Ok, since you guys doesn't seem to mind critiquing each other, would you mind telling us your favorite script from each writer over the years?”

              Answer: 2010 (Brad), Meobius II (Robert Cooper), Duet (Martin Gero), Irresistible (Carl Binder), Line in the Sand (Alan McCullough).

              Peter also writes: “Do you ever visit the thread at Gateworld that talks about your blog?”

              Answer: Only if someone gives me the heads up that there’s some interesting reading.

              Vaberella writes: “1) Why did you choose John to be in the Air Force rather than any other military division? 2) Would John's father be in the Air Force too, or another division? Would we find out in S4? You can 8 ball me.”

              Answer: 1) Stargate has a long, happy history with the U.S. Air Force and it felt like a natural fit. 2) He would probably be in the Air Force and it’s possible we may find out in season 4.

              Anonymous #2 writes: “ "And speaking of Carl, he was in my office this morning discussing his early back half story (which I personally covet) that is going to be a blast (pending actor availability of course)." Can you tell us if the actor in question was a member of SG-1? Please be Daniel, please be Daniel, please be Daniel.…”

              Answer: Sorry, not Daniel.

              Rose writes: “And the mention of Kolya prompts me to ask, who is your favourite SGA bad guy?”

              Answer: I’m a big fan of Michael. Especially this year.

              Anonymous #3 writes: “What is your favorite episode of sga from a viewer's perspective, in the sense that you would have to put yourself in our shoes and why?”

              Answer: As a fan of the show, I’d go with The Storm and The Eye. Lots going on.


              Phew. Apparently Mark Stern and Tony Optican from SciFi are coming tomorrow. If only I can be there to punch them in the face...
              Last edited by PG15; 22 March 2007, 08:25 PM.


                Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                Would Shep/Sam be SHAM? 'Cos that would sum things up perfectly.

                Sam/Shep, however, is SAP.

                Take your pick.



                  Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post

                  Sam/Shep, however, is SAP.

                  Take your pick.
                  I vote for SAP!


                    Lol love his comments about the SaveCarsonCampaign XD
                    Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                      Photos: obligatory pieces of food, photos of fans and one of David Hewlett, another of what I believe to be David, and several photos of the head writers and others I don't know about.
                      I wondered who this one guy was for a sec until I realized it was David without his Hawaiian shirt. And there's Darren. The girl with them might be one of the mods, but I can't tell for sure.

                      Peter also writes: “Do you ever visit the thread at Gateworld that talks about your blog?”

                      Answer: Only if someone gives me the heads up that there’s some interesting reading.
                      *Waves at Peter (whoever you are)*

                      Anonymous #2 writes: “ "And speaking of Carl, he was in my office this morning discussing his early back half story (which I personally covet) that is going to be a blast (pending actor availability of course)." Can you tell us if the actor in question was a member of SG-1? Please be Daniel, please be Daniel, please be Daniel.…”

                      Answer: Sorry, not Daniel.
                      But he didn't say it was no-one of SG-1. Let the guessing begin...


                      About the SaveBeckett fans and the dogs: For a second (maybe only half a second) I thought JM was for real. Cruel humor. But a good way to practise your writing skills.

                      About the photo of David Hewlett: Either DH had a problem with shaving (his forehead), or we'll be seeing First Strike's
                      glass cut wounds for a while.
                      No, 'Eureka' is Greek for 'This bath is too hot.'

                      "Because only an extremely deranged individual would think of doing what we're doing."
                      (LOST producer Damon Lindelof, May 2007)


                        The lovely lady in that shot of us is Carole Appleby from Stargate's publicity office. We can't say enough about how great she is to us!
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                          Originally posted by sgeureka View Post

                          *Waves at Peter (whoever you are)*
                          *Waves back*


                            March 23

                            Everything. No really, this entire blog, save for a minor paragraph or 2, was about Stargate. Even the pictures lack their obligatory food references. Therefore, I'll just post the really interesting bits:

                            2 Production photos were shown that had minor spoilers. One of Doppleganger, and the other is unknown (but includes a cool-looking space ship!)

                            "On this day, we started prep on Travelers, finishing the concept meeting at around 10:30 a.m. and heading right into the Art Department meeting where we discussed ship interiors, auxiliary control rooms, and blasted door panels."

                            Well...ok, I thought there'd be more interesting bits. Still, the entry provides Joe's account of his concept meeting and how excrutiating it is.

                            Oh yeah, no questions were answered this time, unfortunately.


                              Yeah, Chris Judge was in today's collection of photos.

                              I've saved like 50 photos from Joe's blog, I just wanted to mention this.
                              Last edited by NowIWillDestroyAbydos; 23 March 2007, 08:54 PM.


                                Originally posted by sgeureka View Post

                                About the photo of David Hewlett: Either DH had a problem with shaving (his forehead), or we'll be seeing First Strike's
                                glass cut wounds for a while.
                                Since the filmed Doppleganger first they're probably still filming the season opener

