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    The ego of some Fans with the attitude of how dare someone not like my show or want my show cancelled. I never knew Anti Fans on Gateworld had the power to cancel shows with their thoughs and comments. It's nice Joe has some Fans who will back up anything he says or does. It's too bad Joe and those Fans have to tear down certain fans to defend their show. Shows will be picked up and cancelled regardless of what is written by Pro and Anti Fans on Gateworld. If a show I like is cancelled or is in danger of being cancelled I'm not going to take it out on a certain fan base. It's not right for Joe or anyone to call someone or their views idiotic.
    Last edited by ses110; 30 October 2007, 06:52 AM.


      Originally posted by smurf View Post
      I have to ask; is it an "active campaign" or just a place for people to bemoan something they once/still love?
      I've been in anti threads previously, and there wasn't any "active campaigning" (frankly, that all seems a bit high energy), but there was a bit of "look at the ratings it agrees with us", and "if it carries on like this don't be surprised if it gets cancelled". Admittedly, there were a few "I'd rather it was cancelled than go on like this", but I wouldn't call that a campaign.

      So is it an active campaign - with the badges and the t-shirts and the letter-writing - or just over-emotive use of language? (on both sides )
      No, there hasnt as far as im aware been any form of campaign in the anti 5 thread.
      the most recent discussion was on possible cast changes for season 5. that is why i dont understand where JM is coming from.

      I also hope he was only talking about extreme posters not just generalising everyone on the anti threads as we are not all anti everything
      banner by Pandoras-box


        Originally posted by smurf View Post
        I have to ask; is it an "active campaign" or just a place for people to bemoan something they once/still love?
        I've been in anti threads previously, and there wasn't any "active campaigning" (frankly, that all seems a bit high energy), but there was a bit of "look at the ratings it agrees with us", and "if it carries on like this don't be surprised if it gets cancelled". Admittedly, there were a few "I'd rather it was cancelled than go on like this", but I wouldn't call that a campaign.

        So is it an active campaign - with the badges and the t-shirts and the letter-writing - or just over-emotive use of language? (on both sides )

        I think the one who does the most campaigning wins an official Anti Team Stargate beanie.


          Originally posted by smurf View Post
          I have to ask; is it an "active campaign" or just a place for people to bemoan something they once/still love?
          I've been in anti threads previously, and there wasn't any "active campaigning" (frankly, that all seems a bit high energy), but there was a bit of "look at the ratings it agrees with us", and "if it carries on like this don't be surprised if it gets cancelled". Admittedly, there were a few "I'd rather it was cancelled than go on like this", but I wouldn't call that a campaign.

          So is it an active campaign - with the badges and the t-shirts and the letter-writing - or just over-emotive use of language? (on both sides )
          Just a place for people to bemoan whatever. There is no active campaign. JM just started the rumor


            Originally posted by ses110
            What a surprise. I see Joe still like his robots who question nothing about the show and who like to bow at his feet.
            It seems a little hypocritical to complain about being insulted for not liking the show any more, but basically calling those of us who do mindless robots...

            Originally posted by ses110
            Most Anti's do not like the direction there show has taken and many would rather the show ends then go on. It does not make them good or bad or right or wrong.
            It's not just their show, though... Most fans are still enjoying it, and to me it just seems selfish to want to take it away from them.

            As a Star Trek fan, I thought that Enterprise was god-awful, but if somebody else wants to watch it, that's fine by me... The weirdo...

            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
            Changing one leader to another and killing off a reasonably popular character like Carson doesn't make the show different it makes it desperate!
            I'll never understand how people can have such a big problem with a character being killed off, etc., even if it is a character that they love. Obviously I don't expect them to be happy about it, but to say that a show is bad because of it seems... silly.
            Characters I like get killed off all the time on various shows, but I don't stop watching the shows because of it.


              Originally posted by prion View Post
              Just a place for people to bemoan whatever. There is no active campaign. JM just started the rumor
              Ratherm the person who originally psoted the question
              Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
              Yes, I am!
              Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
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              Peter Pan R.I.P


                Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                I think the first discussion will be Carter's, Carson's, and Keller's fate.
                I doubt it. From my understanding, they will eb satrting to spin story ideas... I should think their first priority will be tying up the resolution of the Season 4 cliffhanger...

                Originally posted by Moneypenny View Post
                It's one thing to actively dislike a character being brought onto a show or removed from a show, or a plotline or whatever. That's an ever-revolving door and it's entirely about personal opinions. They will never, ever please everyone.

                It's quite another thing to actively encourage the cancellation of a show (one that you - general you - presumably once enjoyed) just because it's not going your way. (And partly basing that encouragement on a season that hasn't even finished and/or started airing yet is definitely special.) It's not only selfish and petty, it's insulting to the fans who are still watching and liking what they see AND to the cast and crew, who bust their asses every week trying to put together a good program. The end result of the show getting cancelled may mean personal satisfaction for unhappy fans, but it also means a lot of people losing their jobs. All because you have a different opinion of how some person (or people) should be doing their particular job.

                Now of course it doesn't actually come to anything. Of course Sci Fi is not suddenly going to axe the show just because a bunch of people wish it so. But what on earth is the point of wishing for something like that? It's uselessly negative. If you don't like the direction the show is going and want it to end then hey, stop watching and for you, it *will* end. The magic of that remote control. If it's a particular point you're not liking and you want that to change, then wouldn't actively campaigning for that change be more rewarding? And, you know, productive?

                I mean, seriously, we're not even halfway through season four. It's mind-boggling.

                Joe was a hell of a lot more polite than I would've been.
                Good point (especially the bit I've bolded). Basically, what it comes down to is this: you (general you) don't like the direction the show has taken and don't like it any more. Fine. So what do you do in this situation? You don't like the show any more so you stop watching. Again fine. For you, the show is over. And you can criticize it and the changes made etc and complain as much as you like and that's your prerogative. If, however, you then go a step further and, in your complaining, state that the show should be cancelled... what is your thought process behind that? What are you hoping to achieve by that statement?

                The only logical things that I can think of is that you either feel the show should have ended before the changes that you dislike (i.e. Season XX never happened) so that effectively the show would remain how you liked it and your precious memories of the show you loved will not be tarnished by what you feel to be an inferior version (and yes, I have seen people express exactly this opinion here on GW) OR you feel that if the show were cancelled it would somehow validate your opinion that the show is bad and "prove you right" and make you feel superior to all the people who were dumb enough to keep watching it when you "knew" it was a terrible show.

                Why would you care so much what anyone else thinks? Just as people repeatedly tell the pros on GW to ignore what the antis think and not let it bother them, why should it bother the antis that other people enjoy the show? If you don't enjoy it anymore then that's a shame but there you go.. but why should it upset you or bother you that other people do enjoy it and want to see it continue? And why should you feel the need to hope that it doesn't continue? Just to upset or annoy those pro fans? Because, really, it shouldn't make any difference to you, as an anti, whether it continues... Because you don't like it and don't want to watch anyway...

                Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                The ego of some Fans with the attitude of how dare someone not like my show or want my show cancelled. I never knew Anti Fans on Gateworld had the power to cancel shows with their thoughs and comments. It's nice Joe has some Fans who will back up anything he says or does. It's too bad Joe and those Fans have to tear down certain fans to defend their show. Shows will be picked up and cancelled regardless of what is written by Pro and Anti Fans on Gateworld. If a show I like is cancelled or is in danger of being cancelled I'm not going to take it out on a certain fan base. It's not right for Joe or anyone to call someone or their views idiotic.
                As said above, it's not remotely about whether fans calls for cancellation will actually bear fruit... it's about intent. Just because you (general you) don't like something, why would you want to deprive others who do enjoy it? How can that desire be anything other than selfish? I absolutely hate sprouts. Cannot abide them. Do I hope that sprouts get banned or all sprout plants succumb to a terrible spout-plant-blight so that no-one else can eat sprouts and I don't have to be aware that sprouts still exist in the world? No. To do so would be selfish. It's my decision not to eat sprouts, my personal preference that I don't like them.. but why should it bother or offend me that other people like them?


                  Originally Posted by prion
                  Just a place for people to bemoan whatever. There is no active campaign. JM just started the rumor

                  Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                  Ratherm the person who originally psoted the question
                  This is what happened. A fan posted this:
                  Smiley Face06 writes: “On the GW forum, there are already anti season 5 threads. That makes absolutely no sense to me, for various reasons.”

                  to which JM replied:
                  Answer: Yeah, I found those hilarious. (Yeah, I said hilarious.) Criticizing a show you are watching is one thing, but actively campaigning against the production of a show that other fans are enjoying is, well, idiotic. “Yeah, I said idiotic.)

                  However, there is only ONE anti-season 5 thread, so either all evidence of multiple threads has been erased, or Smiley Face06 was exaggerating, and either JM doesn't know what a thread is (and confused posts with threads) or else he never even bothered to go over. And whichever scenario it is, don't particularly care, but he could at least get his fact straight. I went through the only anti season 5 thread I could find, and while people are bemoaning casting, writing, Mark Stern, and JM's remarks about the thread, plus photos of couches, mod posts warning anti-anti people to stop trolling the anti-thread, there's not one mention of campaigning, or hidden agendas.

                  Again, another case of a mountain being made out of a molehill.

                  And oddly enough, since season 5 has yet to be created, Joe can't complain about fans complaining about it


                    Originally posted by gange57 View Post
                    I think the one who does the most campaigning wins an official Anti Team Stargate beanie.
                    which no doubt will be handed out by MGM, who is turning fans into spammers with their team stargate memos. Hmm, a black cap with red letters and little flames off the font style?


                      I believe the comments about wanting the show cancelled were mostly made in the Anti Season 4 Thread, before the news of the renewal came out.

                      I don't profess to know what JM meant by actively campaigning but maybe he understood the "Anti Season 5" thread title to mean that people didn't want Season 5 to exist - therefore making an active statement that Season 5 shouldn't happen?


                        I never meant to imply anyone who still likes the show as a robot. If anyone took it that way I'm sorry. I just have a problem when joe insults a certain group for not agreeing with his vision for the show and then certain posters use the same insults that Joe used on the Anti's.


                          Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                          I never meant to imply anyone who still likes the show as a robot. If anyone took it that way I'm sorry. I just have a problem when joe insults a certain group for not agreeing with his vision for the show and then certain posters use the same insults that Joe used on the Anti's.
                          Fair enough. I think the point people were trying to make though is that Joe wasn't insulting people for not agreeing with his vision for the show, or even for not liking it, he was mocking people for wanting something to be gotten rid of, even though other people enjoy it, simply because they don't like it anymore. I think a lot of people, though they may respect the antis right to be anti, find that a hard stance to understand and accept.


                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            which no doubt will be handed out by MGM, who is turning fans into spammers with their team stargate memos. Hmm, a black cap with red letters and little flames off the font style?
                            Hopefully since SGA got the 5th season pickup, that MGM campaign will slow down. It really is annoying.


                              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                              Sorry hon but the show has been crap imho for the last 2 seasons, so far season 4 has not changed my opinion. So far season 4 is just cementing that opinion, giving them another season just means another season of the same when you don't change the writers or the over all producers... sorry hon but if you keep everything the same you get the same. Changing one leader to another and killing off a reasonably popular character like Carson doesn't make the show different it makes it desperate! The only real change is to the show runners and as I have never been a fan of Joe M or Paul M's writing I think it is safe for me to say that is not a change I see as positive... but that is just me.
                              Are you being sarcastic with my 'hon', hon? I have no problem with people expressing opinions, irrespective of where they stand. I've said that from the begining. My rather long winded point was, that there have been people who are no longer watching the show and haven't now for quite some time, who are 'posting' that they want the show to be cancelled. Whether that could be classed as a campaign is down to your interpretation. Whether these people are actively campaigning, I don't know, if they are, then they're really sad individuals (imo).

                              To want changes and to petition for changes are one thing. The SEW girls and the SCB girls have come up with some creative ideas in the hopes of getting their characters back. Good for them! I simply don't understand why a person would post anti comments about a show that they're not even watching, and blindly following other people based on what they have watched. How can they objectively form an opinion if they aren't watching it? If they watch and hate it, or think it's crap, like you. Great, let's talk about it, but what can a person say about something they've never seen? They'll end up like a broken record, because they've got nothing else to add! You may not agree with me, but do you see where i'm coming from?

                              As for this so called active campaign to get it cancelled... give me a break, if Bridge want to keep making it and SciFi want to keep showing it no campaign will get it cancelled. That is just laughable, and I think Joe M knows it which is why I assume he is willing to make digs at the expense of the Anti posters on GW and other forums.

                              Anyway who are you to say people can't post what they want here in a designated thread for those posts? As long as no GW rules are broken why should you care?
                              Don't fall off your chair willow, but I agree. It doesn't matter how the fans campaign, be it positive or negative. It won't make any difference, unless it affects the ratings. For the record, I never said that they couldn't post, Willow and you know that, and i'd never say that, because it's not my call. To be honest, I don't care if they watch the show or not. I am simply at a loss to understand why someone would play in the episode threads, have said they can't wait to see the show cancelled, and then slap it down. Them to top it off admit they haven't even watched said episodes. That's my point.


                                Originally posted by prion View Post
                                Originally Posted by prion
                                Just a place for people to bemoan whatever. There is no active campaign. JM just started the rumor

                                This is what happened. A fan posted this:
                                Smiley Face06 writes: “On the GW forum, there are already anti season 5 threads. That makes absolutely no sense to me, for various reasons.”

                                to which JM replied:
                                Answer: Yeah, I found those hilarious. (Yeah, I said hilarious.) Criticizing a show you are watching is one thing, but actively campaigning against the production of a show that other fans are enjoying is, well, idiotic. “Yeah, I said idiotic.)

                                However, there is only ONE anti-season 5 thread, so either all evidence of multiple threads has been erased, or Smiley Face06 was exaggerating, and either JM doesn't know what a thread is (and confused posts with threads) or else he never even bothered to go over. And whichever scenario it is, don't particularly care, but he could at least get his fact straight. I went through the only anti season 5 thread I could find, and while people are bemoaning casting, writing, Mark Stern, and JM's remarks about the thread, plus photos of couches, mod posts warning anti-anti people to stop trolling the anti-thread, there's not one mention of campaigning, or hidden agendas.

                                Again, another case of a mountain being made out of a molehill.

                                And oddly enough, since season 5 has yet to be created, Joe can't complain about fans complaining about it
                                To be honest with you, I don't think JM has or wants to spend time getting into specifics regarding the Anti & Pro Threads, looking over everything about it. These are small groups of people, compared to the greater whole (of all fans of Stargate).

                                I think the way to view it is that how would you at seeing "Anti Season 4" or "Anti Season 5" as a Producer for a TV shows you put lots of hours, lots of creativity, and have worked on for the better part of 7 years?

                                We are the ones who simply enjoy the fruits of his labor, but he is the one making it all possible. I, for one, fully admit to the fact I could not do what he does (although I would not be against giving it a go).

