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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    It's Sam/someone news; let's not jump to conclusions.

    Although I do hope it's Jack.
    JM said *nothing* about Sam/Jack, just Carter's love life and, for crying out loud, didn't they spend more than enough time on that during SG1 already?? Face it, anybody who gets interested in her tends to die

    Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
    a) he didnt mention s/j at all (because its obviously about s/v)
    b) sdj are noobs and deserve it anyway.
    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    SDJ = Save Daniel Jackson, a more-or-less rabid group of Daniel fans most of whom despise Sam and Sam/Jack (since some of them prefer Sam/Daniel).
    Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
    Why would he even think they would care? Wasn't the SDJ formed to bring back Daniel to the show around the time of season six? What does the one thing have to do with the other? Or am I being dense? I can't think that many people, other than the hard core shippers, could give a stuff whether Carter gets together with someone or not.
    Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
    Because they pretty much despise her from what I have seen. Infact, some of them are even so deluded as to think she is important to the other characters and THEY don't like her. And it seems if a number of people like a certain ship (i.e J/D) then they hate the fact that the show focuses more on J/S, and as such, come to hate Sam.

    They really are quite pathetic from what I have seen. And believe me, it certainly looks like they care. As long as Sam is happy, they are angry. Reminds me of some of the people here in the s4 anti threads who go on about wanting to write fics of Elizabeth torturing Sam. Really pathetic, and a bit sick too.
    Originally posted by Agent_Dark
    oh yeah, its very pathetic. ironically, they spend most of their time talking about the very character they hate. if anyone of those noobs are reading this too btw, sup. noobs. lol.
    Is it possible to give this villifcation of a fan group (any group really) a rest? I know some fans will harp about the SDJ until they go to the grave (and probably have something chiseled in their tombstone), but geez, it's been YEARS....


      Originally posted by wurlitzer153 View Post
      I've done things even more impressive than that! Just take a look at my sig


      Or how about this:


      Very very impressive.

      ETA: 900 posts! Almost to 1000!
      Last edited by Killdeer; 03 August 2007, 08:56 AM.
      - Life after Stargate -
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        Originally posted by prion View Post
        Is it possible to give this villifcation of a fan group (any group really) a rest? I know some fans will harp about the SDJ until they go to the grave (and probably have something chiseled in their tombstone), but geez, it's been YEARS....
        Fans will definitely harp on things for years. In some cases, fans will continue to attack a character or actor who they feel took away from their fave's screen time. It's the way things have always worked in the SG fandom. It's been years since S4 or S6, and yet people still find reasons to gripe. : shrug :

        Though I'm pretty sure the mods don't like us talking about other fans or other websites, so... It'd probably be best to drop it here. I wouldn't be surprised if his blog is on fire right now, though.


          *reads Mr M's blog*

          Shep, bruised and battered... OH MY I feel a squee coming on

          SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! (snurched from Morjana as it's so pretty) hehehe

          PG15 you need to get rid of that flocking hon, it's messing with your brain How many posts was it today? Are you going for the record? Pass it over, hon, I don't want your brain getting any more warped than it already is.


            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

            PG15 you need to get rid of that flocking hon, it's messing with your brain How many posts was it today? Are you going for the record? Pass it over, hon, I don't want your brain getting any more warped than it already is.
            See, see, PG15, others too have noticed your flocking folly

            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
            Fans will definitely harp on things for years. In some cases, fans will continue to attack a character or actor who they feel took away from their fave's screen time. It's the way things have always worked in the SG fandom. It's been years since S4 or S6, and yet people still find reasons to gripe. : shrug :

            Though I'm pretty sure the mods don't like us talking about other fans or other websites, so... It'd probably be best to drop it here. I wouldn't be surprised if his blog is on fire right now, though.
            Yeah, that's why I mentioned why bring it up? It's ancient history and even if some folk want to say 'you can't forget', geez, it's not WWII, it's fandom. fandom will always have disgruntlement


              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              *reads Mr M's blog*

              Shep, bruised and battered... OH MY I feel a squee coming on

              SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! (snurched from Morjana as it's so pretty) hehehe

              PG15 you need to get rid of that flocking hon, it's messing with your brain How many posts was it today? Are you going for the record? Pass it over, hon, I don't want your brain getting any more warped than it already is.
              *runs away frmo more colourufl squees*
              *bumps into the SDJ discussion*
              *runs away agani*

              welll... has anyone actually checked his blog in the past hours? Or is he screening all the mess he's probably re-awakened? Man, now I'm tempted to go and check
              Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
              Yes, I am!
              Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
              Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
              Peter Pan R.I.P


                Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                *runs away frmo more colourufl squees*
                *bumps into the SDJ discussion*
                *runs away agani*

                welll... has anyone actually checked his blog in the past hours? Or is he screening all the mess he's probably re-awakened? Man, now I'm tempted to go and check
                I've read it. Quite honestly the shipping stuff and SJD stuff goes right over my head, and I haven't a clue what it's all about!


                  Well, I jsut ended up readint it meself, I think he's moderating it. Either that or most people haven't seen/ noticed that comment yet - I mean, SG fandom is one of the more flammable ones I've ever encoutnered adn what's going on there is almost civil!

                  On a differnet note, however, I fail to see people's fascination with A Game of Thrones. I mean, the books were somewhat entertaining but they grow very tiersome very quickly, GRR MArtin's writing style gets on me nerves and I'll be honest, I read about 3 pages from the fourth and stopped right there. Eek.
                  My friends are all mad about it, tho.
                  I'm just midunderstood
                  Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                  Yes, I am!
                  Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                  Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                  Peter Pan R.I.P


                    Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                    welll... has anyone actually checked his blog in the past hours? Or is he screening all the mess he's probably re-awakened? Man, now I'm tempted to go and check
                    Not me. Last time I was tempted to go read comments on his blog I came away feeling mortally embarrassed to be a fan, of anything! I'll just stick right here where it's safer.
                    - Life after Stargate -
                    Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
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                      Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                      Not me. Last time I was tempted to go read comments on his blog I came away feeling mortally embarrassed to be a fan, of anything! I'll just stick right here where it's safer.
                      So you've never read the comments on his blog here, now, have you?

                      Well, often on the forums as well, you get the feeling being a Stargate fan isn't the nice and friendly obsession you trhought it was.
                      Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                      Yes, I am!
                      Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                      Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                      Peter Pan R.I.P


                        Originally posted by prion View Post
                        JM said *nothing* about Sam/Jack, just Carter's love life and, for crying out loud, didn't they spend more than enough time on that during SG1 already?? Face it, anybody who gets interested in her tends to die

                        Is it possible to give this villifcation of a fan group (any group really) a rest? I know some fans will harp about the SDJ until they go to the grave (and probably have something chiseled in their tombstone), but geez, it's been YEARS....
                        Um, I wasn't involved in any villification. I have nothing but respect for the SDJ group, as without them I'm not at all sure we would have gotten Daniel back. I was just questioning why JM would think they more so than any other group would care if Sam gets together with someone.

                        From things I have read and from seeing some of the SDJ people at cons etc they are all a wonderful group of people, nice, friendly and more than willing to welcome others and make them feel at ease, no matter what thier preferences on the show.

                        Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                          Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                          So you've never read the comments on his blog here, now, have you?

                          Well, often on the forums as well, you get the feeling being a Stargate fan isn't the nice and friendly obsession you trhought it was.
                          Oh I know it gets crazy here, just not quite so much I don't think. Some of the comments I've read there the mods here would have deleted quite quickly. And I think it also feels different in that it's his personal blog, vs this being a public forum. I know it's his choice to let through what he does, but it just doesn't seem like people should be using it as a forum, to go after each other like they do. It just seems like going to someone's house and starting a fight with another guest in their living room. *laughs at self*
                          - Life after Stargate -
                          Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                          Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

                            PG15 you need to get rid of that flocking hon, it's messing with your brain How many posts was it today? Are you going for the record? Pass it over, hon, I don't want your brain getting any more warped than it already is.
                            And let it warp your mind too? Sorry, but I tend to care about my fellow fans' safety.

                            And FYI, those posts were just a series of bad lucks. Yes, that's what it is.

                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            See, see, PG15, others too have noticed your flocking folly
                            Oh, that is good. Damn, I reaaaally wish I could green you but...can't. Ugh.


                              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                              And let it warp your mind too? Sorry, but I tend to care about my fellow fans' safety.

                              And FYI, those posts were just a series of bad lucks. Yes, that's what it is.

                              Oh, that is good. Damn, I reaaaally wish I could green you but...can't. Ugh.
                              My mind is already warped, so it's not like anyone would notice.

                              Bad luck? Suuuuuurrrrrreeee it was, you just keep telling yourself that. You know, I can just imagine you in bed... yeah I know that sounds wrong on all levels, but bear with me, there is a method in my madness. JF mentioned at comic con that his lil boy stuck the monkey thing up his nose at night, and I honestly believe that you do the same with the flocking.

                              How else can you possibly explain you losing the plot? If you notice, ever since you got the flocking, you've been late updating the thread, you're losing the fallatus to post or speak correctly on Mr M's blog and have resorted to having to apologosise for the apology

                              Yep, that flocking has got to go! Hand it over Mr Snuffleuppucus!


                                No, it's mine. My preci-well, you know where I'm going with this.

