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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    I'll let our regulars handle the summary.



      July 31, 2007

      Photos: A big load: Ben Browder and Martin Wood showing off the cover of the new Stargate magazine; the SG1 Comic Con panel; Umm...a fan (I think I should know her...sorry); David Hewlett and fan; David Hewlett and Atlantis Season 3 DVD cover; Big-ass chocolate cake, created by Chef Poole; Chef Poole in the Ancient chair (note to self, bake awesome chocolate cake for Bridge Studios ---> Get tour); and finally, little Lulu fitting in at home.

      Write-Up: Lulu comes home despite money troubles, and she's fitting in juuuust fine. Also:

      Day 3 of Kindred I took the cast and crew to Green Timbers, a location shoot that necessitated our ordering in. We went with an old standby, Burgers, Etc., for barbecue chicken salads, pulled pork, and smoked sausage. For dessert, we were treated to something extra special by our extra special guest star/visitor - none other that Chef William Poole of Wen Chocolates in Colorado. It was a milk chocolate genoise with spiced French chocolate buttercream and elements of tofee with a rich chocolate ganache glaze. Incredible! After a tour of the sets, I took Chef Will on a tour of some of Vancouver’s tea and chocolate shops before capping things off with dinner at Tojo’s.

      By the way, we watched Marty G.’s producer cut of Be All My Sins Remember’d today. Another great episode. Can’t say enough about the convening of the war council scene. Oh, and in dailies today = the wee turtles!
      Questi-eh, the usual, these days anyway.


        Originally posted by PG15 View Post

        July 31, 2007

        Photos: A big load: Ben Browder and Martin Wood showing off the cover of the new Stargate magazine; the SG1 Comic Con panel; Umm...a fan (I think I should know her...sorry); David Hewlett and fan; David Hewlett and Atlantis Season 3 DVD cover; Big-ass chocolate cake, created by Chef Poole; Chef Poole in the Ancient chair (note to self, bake awesome chocolate cake for Bridge Studios ---> Get tour); and finally, little Lulu fitting in at home.

        Write-Up: Lulu comes home despite money troubles, and she's fitting in juuuust fine. Also:

        Questi-eh, the usual, these days anyway.
        David Hewlett mentioned something about burning things up in Surrey on his blog


          Yep, and Green Timbers is indeed in Surrey.

          I love it when it all fits together like this.



            August 1, 2007

            Photos: Restaurant and food.

            Write-Up: A good ole' fashioned restaurant review.

            Questions: They're back!

            FargateOne writes: “Which stories of s10 SG1 eps would have done ( or deserved to be ) a good feature film, considering that to do a film is not the same thing that a tv show?”

            Answer: Be All My Sins and Midway would have made great features.

            Anonymous #1 writes: “Lorne and Zelenka have had such a great fan reaction since they were introduced - was it your intention to keep them as recurring characters from the beginning or did it just sort of evovle? Have you ever planned to keep a recurring character and then decided it wouldn't work?”

            Answer: Lorne and Zelenka are great examples of peripheral characters who were created for a specific episode and ended up recurring because we saw something we liked. On the other hand, there were characters that we had hoped would pop, but didn’t.

            Anonymous #2 writes: “I was shocked at the immaturity of the whole panel from Gary Jones to the questions to many of the replies, seemed more like a waste of time to me.”

            Answer: Yeah, I told everyone to stop having so much fun but would they wouldn’t listen. I would suggest that, in the future, I’d suggest you check out early episodes of the MacNeil/Lehrer Report which may be more your pace.

            Miles writes: "Do you have any feelings on Atlantis being put back in the 10pm timeslot on SciFi? Is it going to be a good thing in the long run?"

            Answer: I think it will be a very good thing.


              Originally posted by PG15 View Post

              Anonymous #1 writes: “Lorne and Zelenka have had such a great fan reaction since they were introduced - was it your intention to keep them as recurring characters from the beginning or did it just sort of evovle? Have you ever planned to keep a recurring character and then decided it wouldn't work?”

              Answer: Lorne and Zelenka are great examples of peripheral characters who were created for a specific episode and ended up recurring because we saw something we liked. On the other hand, there were characters that we had hoped would pop, but didn’t.
              Ah, now if Lucious Lavin could appear and pop, like a bug on a windshield, I'd be okay with that..


                Originally posted by PG15
                Anonymous #2 writes: “I was shocked at the immaturity of the whole panel from Gary Jones to the questions to many of the replies, seemed more like a waste of time to me.”

                Answer: Yeah, I told everyone to stop having so much fun but would they wouldn’t listen. I would suggest that, in the future, I’d suggest you check out early episodes of the MacNeil/Lehrer Report which may be more your pace.
                I thought it was actually cute, and it looked like everyone was having fun

                Oh well there will always be a party pooper

                my fanfic


                  I just had to go back and find the whole post cuz JM only quoted a sentence...

                  I did not go to ComicCon but I watched a video of the Atlantis panel. One question - how can you and the others stand the idiocy? The dopey, sophomoric questions, the dullery of it?

                  The fact that many of the replies were laden with idiocy themselves may answer that question though - I was shocked at the immaturity of the whole panel from Gary Jones to the questions to many of the replies, seemed more like a waste of time to me. I'm pretty glad I never spent any money on a con trip if this is what they are like.

                  Also, at times that panel just seemed stifled with tension with some of the questions and some of the way it flowed, very uncomfortable. I was also embarrased for you guys on stage at times, partly because of the dopey questions but partly because of the dopey answers and some of the antics of those on stage.

                  I don't know - do you all think you're being cute or coy or sarcastic and trying to make some statement to the fans? What exactly is it that brings out some really dumb replies and immature behavior from some of the people on the panel? I really am interested because it was kind of shocking to see it unfold that way - it was disappointing in some ways.

                  July 31, 2007 11:51:00 AM PDT

                  Well, can't fault the actors if the questions were dopey (some weren't exactly thrilling, cough cough).


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

                    Oh well there will always be a party pooper
                    And they'll always be anonymous.


                      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                      And they'll always be anonymous.
                      Oh yes, let's not forget the ever present Anonymous. Party pooper extraordinaire... I don't know how Anon writes so many blog comments in a day... It seems to me some folks are a little lacking in the sense of humour department. I thought the CC SGA panel was really amusing and good fun, though I wasn't expecting any great revelations and enjoy seeing the actors et al joking around.


                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Oh yes, let's not forget the ever present Anonymous. Party pooper extraordinaire... I don't know how Anon writes so many blog comments in a day... It seems to me some folks are a little lacking in the sense of humour department. I thought the CC SGA panel was really amusing and good fun, though I wasn't expecting any great revelations and enjoy seeing the actors et al joking around.
                        Perhaps, because there's more than one person clicking in on the 'anonymous' button?

                        Yes, some folks do lack a sense of humor. Heck, you see it on this board all the time


                          Originally posted by prion View Post
                          Perhaps, because there's more than one person clicking in on the 'anonymous' button?
                          Oh, don't be ridiculuos Prion. Of course it's teh same person! What, you think he lets his friends have his password?

                          Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                          Yes, I am!
                          Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                          Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                          Peter Pan R.I.P



                            August 2, 2007

                            Photos: More Comic Con stuff: Jewel's husband Matt looking as though he just insulted Jewel; some...people (can't really get anymore specific than that!); Ewoks; Mikey Shanks smiling little-eyededly;; Ben Browder looking fly on the phone; and Martin Wood, probably kidding about something; Also, chocolates, chocolates, and more chocolates, and Carl Binder making an "Ewww, I just ate chocolate" face.

                            Write-Up: Big load of Stargate stuff today:

                            The last story slot has finally been filled. We spent most of yesterday spinning, then breaking Harmony which I am really, really, REALLY looking forward to. Alas, I won’t be writing it as Marty G. will be assuming said duties, but I have no doubt he’ll do a brilliant job AND have a lot of fun with it.

                            Watched the Day 2 Mix of Travelers yesterday. Great episode (Hey, Sheppard bruised and bloodied (!!) - what’s not to like?), and tremendous work on the part of Joel Goldsmith who produced a terrific score. To all of you Sam fans dying for a hint of what’s going on with Carter’s love life, you’ll have to wait until Trio for a not-so-subtle tip-off. Let the gang at SDJ begin their predictable hysterics…NOW! The director’s cut of Miller’s Crossing came in a little long which will probably mean a scene or two not making the cut - but hopefully finding their way onto a future Deleted Footage Special Feature. By the way, guest star Steven Culp is terrific in this one. [Major Hayes?! Sweet!! ] Finally, we will get around to breaking that Sheppard on Earth story next week along with what we hope will be the season finale.
                            Also, an overload of chocolate, and another reading update.


                            Anonymous #1 writes: “Is Teyla's pregnancy a season long thing, or will she be back to her wraith-kicking self before the end of season 4?”

                            Answer: Since Rachel will be pregnant throughout the shooting of season four, the Teyla character will also be pregnant through most of the season.

                            Miles writes: “Any chance we'll ever see Colin Cunningham make an appearance on Atlantis?”

                            Answer: No plans to see Colin in Atlantis for now.

                            Jason writes: “Do we still find out where Lorne is from in the Kindred I?”

                            Answer: Yup.
                            Last edited by PG15; 02 August 2007, 04:14 PM.



                              *** Bunch of photos, I'll let PG-15 use his flare to describe***

                              The last story slot has finally been filled. We spent most of yesterday spinning, then breaking Harmony which I am really, really, REALLY looking forward to. Alas, I won’t be writing it as Marty G. will be assuming said duties, but I have no doubt he’ll do a brilliant job AND have a lot of fun with it.

                              No sooner did we finish coming up with the final scene than a little gift arrived, compliments of the Save Carson Beckett campaign. Okay, not so little. It was a huge bag full of chocolate from Hotel Chocolat in the U.K., comprised of bars, beans, nibs, and wham bams. This follows on the heels of the chocolate delivery I received compliments of Pauline the other day - a heavenly assortment of bars. It, in turn, followed on the heels of the assortment my sister-in-law, Grace, picked up for me on her recent trip to London. This coming off the bars gifted me by Michelle (of the SCB campaign) during Comic Con. Among the latter was a fiery dark chocolate chili and red peppercorn that is, to put it mildly, an acquired taste. Check out Carl’s reaction to the unexpected “burst of singular flavor”.

                              Watched the Day 2 Mix of Travelers yesterday. Great episode (Hey, Sheppard bruised and bloodied - what’s not to like?), and tremendous work on the part of Joel Goldsmith who produced a terrific score. To all of you Sam fans dying for a hint of what’s going on with Carter’s love life, you’ll have to wait until Trio for a not-so-subtle tip-off. Let the gang at SDJ begin their predictable hysterics…NOW! The director’s cut of Miller’s Crossing came in a little long which will probably mean a scene or two not making the cut - but hopefully finding their way onto a future Deleted Footage Special Feature. By the way, guest star Steven Culp is terrific in this one. Finally, we will get around to breaking that Sheppard on Earth story next week along with what we hope will be the season finale.

                              Anonymous #1 writes: “Is Teyla's pregnancy a season long thing, or will she be back to her wraith-kicking self before the end of season 4?”

                              Answer: Since Rachel will be pregnant throughout the shooting of season four, the Teyla character will also be pregnant through most of the season.

                              Miles writes: “Any chance we'll ever see Colin Cunningham make an appearance on Atlantis?”

                              Answer: No plans to see Colin in Atlantis for now.

                              Jason writes: “Do we still find out where Lorne is from in the Kindred I?”

                              Answer: Yup.


                                Originally posted by PG15 View Post

                                August 2, 2007

                                Photos: More Comic Con stuff, chocolates, chocolates, and more chocolates, and Carl eating them chocolates.
                                Do you realize we posted at the exact SAME minute? (insert Twilight Zone theme) I left the photo description to you, though, and... and, that's all you had to say? "Comic Con photos"? Nothing about Ben? OR Martin?? Or Michael Shanks?? I knew it, you're snorting flocking again... brain's turning to mush We'll have to take the flocking into protective custody, for it's own welfare, y'see

