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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
    But why? It's not like it's something that needs to be taken the piss out of. It should just be all locked away in the darkest corners of the internet never to be mentioned again
    Aw, where's your sense of fun.


      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
      Aw, where's your sense of fun.
      Off not reading about crappy conjoined names


        Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
        Off not reading about crappy conjoined names
        Er... OK

        So this werewolf thing and McKay; joke or doppelganger related? He seemed to spend a lot of time on it for it to be just a Joe Mallozzi joke, then again.


          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Huh, I'll start supporting this couple just to call them that!
          Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
          Yes, I am!
          Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
          Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
          Peter Pan R.I.P


            Obviously a John/Sam pairing would be Jam.

            Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
            Yes, but Nielsen ratings are based on statistical sampling. I have no idea on the specifics, but say if there was a box for every 5000 households then getting 5000 people to tune in would probably get some Nielson boxes watching it.
            Yes, but you have to have a Nielsen box in order to "count" for those 5000 households or whatever, just getting 5000 random people without boxes won't count for anything unless the networks have some Big Brotherish way of determining who's watching what at any given time. I don't think they can do that, can they? So what's the point of getting 5000 people to watch if they aren't going to be counted?

            Now, getting 5000 people with Nielsen boxes to watch, that would be an accomplishment!

            EDIT: post-coffee I see that you did mention that the 5000 would probably include some Nielsen boxes, but I still think that's a pretty iffy thing. Why not simply say, "If you have a Nielsen box or know anyone who does, get them to watch Stargate!"
            Last edited by ShadowMaat; 15 June 2007, 07:07 AM.


              Originally posted by prion View Post
              Sheppard is now under Carter. of course, by phrasing it this way, someone will no doubt see it in a whole new and, er, cough, cough, personal way Yes, we can start rumors of Sheppard-Carter romance stories now, which would be, um, hmm, what would the acronoym be...Sharter?
              YAY! Shep/Carter!


                So Carter will outrank Cam?


                  But wasn't Cam a LtCol before Carter? And Carter's accomplishments have mostly been in the scientific field.
                  Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                  ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                  encounter on the strange journey.


                  2 Cor. 10:3-5
                  3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                  4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                  5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                    Originally posted by jenks View Post
                    So Carter will outrank Cam?
                    Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
                    YAY! Shep/Carter!
                    With the rate Carter is going, she will soon outrank O'neill by the time Stargate Continuum comes around. LOL!


                      Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                      I've never understood those name combinations for pairings.... What's wrong with just Carter/Sheppard or Sam/John lol. Hollywood 'reporters' using names like Bradgelina is bad enough, I don't need to see it here either
                      Well, in ye olden days of fandom, before the net started mucking things up, the "/" meant slash, as in same-sex pairings. Now, people do whatver the heck they wanted, so I just thought I'd just jumpstart the insanity with "Sharter," which yes, bares a horrible semblance to 'Shatner'

                      I still can't fathom what SParky means and have to open up an URL to figure if it's Sheppard and Teyla, or Sheppard and Weir...


                        I hope so too. Maybe the plan is Cam becomes a Colonel, but stays with SG1 as O'Neill did and it becomes a four man team again. Meanwhile Carter is in Command of Atlantis?
                        Converting a human body into energy and sending it millions of light years through a wormhole. Bloody insanity!
                        Come on, how often do you get the chance to go to an alien planet?

                        I was a'ready on an alien planet!

                        - Poisoning the Well, Atlantis Season 1.


                          Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                          EDIT: post-coffee I see that you did mention that the 5000 would probably include some Nielsen boxes, but I still think that's a pretty iffy thing. Why not simply say, "If you have a Nielsen box or know anyone who does, get them to watch Stargate!"
                          But those with Neilsen boxes aren't allowed to admit to having them... so the "if you know anyone" thing wouldn't work... and statistically I guess out of 5,000 folks some could or should have a box (as it's supposed to be a representative sampling) and some of the people you know could well have a box but you just don't know it.


                            Originally posted by Thunderbird 2 View Post
                            I hope so too. Maybe the plan is Cam becomes a Colonel, but stays with SG1 as O'Neill did and it becomes a four man team again. Meanwhile Carter is in Command of Atlantis?
                            Yeah, i don't see why cam doesn't get promoted too.

                            But then what happens with the team and the movies?

                            And can't recall, but why did the SG1 team disband in the first place before Mitchell got 'em back together again?


                              Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                              Obviously a John/Sam pairing would be Jam.
                              Sorry, that's copyrighted by The Office fans.

                              Jim/Pam forever!!! [/OT]


                                Dorma Devala

                                Daniel/Vala/Oma Desala

                                ...a match made in Celestis.

                                Hamuels... Hammond/Samuels. THAT will be the inspiration for many a fanfic right there. Mmmm. Sweet.

                                Carson: Muh tuttles!

