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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by prion View Post
    believe me, i heard FARGO and instantly thought woodchipper myself!
    Can someone explain the wood chipper thing to me, because I don't understand


      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      Can someone explain the wood chipper thing to me, because I don't understand
      You sure you wanna know?
      The inept kidnappers accidentally kill their kidnap victim and, to try and cover their tracks, one of them feeds her body into a woodchipper.. and (bear with me, I haven't seen it in a long time), I seem to recall ends up getting woodchipped himself?


        June 2

        Photos: Food.

        Write-Up: The trials and tribulations of Lawren Bancroft Wilson as he strives to fulfill his duty as office assistant, while at the same time order lunch for Martin “egg-salad sandwich on white bread” Gero, Brad “gravy” Wright, Carl “Dominos Pizza” Binder, Alex “side of salad” Levine, Rob “duck and pork” Cooper, Paul “Rigatoni al Porto” Mullie, Joe "no Swiss Chalet" Mallozzi....and Alan McCullough.

        Also, update on the reading and anime lists.


        PG15 writes: “I thought Joe Flanigan's pitch has been pushed to Season 5? Has it been "reinstated"?”

        Answer: Nope. Different pitch.

        Anonymous #1 writes: “ Is Travellers one of Amanda Tapping's fourteen episodes?”

        Answer: Nope.

        Anonymous #2 writes: “Have you ever had a computer crash/lost a notebook that erased months of hard work on a script/idea? How did you deal with it?”

        Answers: Yup. I got a new one.

        ChevronSeven writes: “Would you really deal your entire anime colletion, Dr. Mallozi, on a chess game with Zelenka?”

        Answer: Probably not since Zelenka would undoubtedly kick my ass.

        Anonymous #3 writes: “Can we please have at least one picture of Amanda on the Continuum set - I believe those you posted of AT are from SGA or AoT (please correct if I am mistaken) - but please, please, please give us one from Continuum - it's so not fair that you haven't!!!!!”

        Answer: Sorry, I don’t take pic requests. Who or what I snap is wholly dependent on: my mood, who or what is within camera-range, and a willingness to have one’s picture taken.

        Anonymous #4 writes: “So we finally get to see Teyla and Ronon on Earth?”

        Answer: Ronon, yes. Teyla, no. Changes were made after the first draft.

        Jbpiggy writes: “Was the organic origin of Wraith technology inspired by the new foes in the star wars galaxy?”

        Answer: Doubtful. I was present when Rob and Brad came up with the idea for the wraith and there was never a mention of any particular source of inspiration.


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          Well from the snippets from Fargo you guys have told me, it does sound a bit like Miller's Crossing, but JM specifically said it was the first of the two parter concerning the return of a character - so I'm still clueless! Nothing new there then!

          To quote from the blog entry:
          The return-of-that-character two-parter with its Fargo-esque first part, the big team-up eppy...
          Well Jeannie IS a returning character. As for the two-parter well we are only assuming the show is sticking to the usual only one two parter to split the season thing. Also I thought Carson was appearing way in the latter part of the season.


            Guys, Joe has referred to the "Carson Returns" 2-parter many times by calling it the "return-of-that-character" 2-parter; it's not new.

            We can safely say that the first part of the 2-parter where Carson returns will be "Fargo-esque" according to JM.


              ^Wot he said. Also, the eps he mentioned spinning *are* those for way in the latter part of the season. They've already actually written at least 3 eps of the second half of the season (and have started filming on 1-2)... leaving only 7 to go.

              Joe has confirmed the running order of the first half, so far, and Jeannie's ep is airing as episode 9 in the Season.


                ^ You people take the fun out of everything. I was all set to start rumours about Jeannie being preggers.


                  Originally posted by Joseph Mallozzi
                  “Was the organic origin of Wraith technology inspired by the new foes in the star wars galaxy?”
                  I had completely forgotten about the Yuuzhan Vong up till a while ago. It should be mentioned that the Yuuzhan Vong are, as far as I know, established canon.

                  Still, the Yuuzhan Vong and the Wraith are somewhat different, and the same.

                  The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                    Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                    ^ You people take the fun out of everything. I was all set to start rumours about Jeannie being preggers.
                    Wait... so does this mean Carson is preggers?


                      Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                      Wait... so does this mean Carson is preggers?
                      OMG! Teyla is giving birth to Carson!

                      Now that is rumour worth spreading!


                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        You sure you wanna know?
                        The inept kidnappers accidentally kill their kidnap victim and, to try and cover their tracks, one of them feeds her body into a woodchipper.. and (bear with me, I haven't seen it in a long time), I seem to recall ends up getting woodchipped himself?
                        Oh dear! Well, maybe that's not the reference in the episode then!
                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                        OMG! Teyla is giving birth to Carson!

                        Now that is rumour worth spreading!
                        Funnily enough, I heard the rumour a while back! The images in my head of Carson popping out were quite disturbing!


                          very disturbing...especially when it comes to breast feeding
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                            ^ You people take the fun out of everything. I was all set to start rumours about Jeannie being preggers.
                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                            Wait... so does this mean Carson is preggers?
                            Damn, I was gonna make that joke and you beat me to it!

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            very disturbing...especially when it comes to breast feeding
                            Ewwww.. mental imagery.... not good!

                            Anyway, it did occur to me that maybe the "Fargo-esque" reference does refer to one of the main elements of the film... the lead character being heavily pregnant. Maybe this is a Teyla-focused ep? By late in the season she should be getting fairly well into the pregnancy?


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              very disturbing...especially when it comes to breast feeding
                              I hadn't thought of that, but, yeah, that's pretty disturbing to say the least!
                              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                              Damn, I was gonna make that joke and you beat me to it!

                              Ewwww.. mental imagery.... not good!

                              Anyway, it did occur to me that maybe the "Fargo-esque" reference does refer to one of the main elements of the film... the lead character being heavily pregnant. Maybe this is a Teyla-focused ep? By late in the season she should be getting fairly well into the pregnancy?
                              Interesting thought. You could be right.


                                June 3

                                Photos: From Joe, because I'm lazy:

                                Alex got game, Ivon the poster boy for clean living, Ivon mentally prepping by the pool, Ivon and Steve come to play, Alex checks his stocks, I keep an eye on my chips, Steve and Chris get down to business, Lawren enjoys a drink of his creation - what he refers to as The Scotchalatte, things are looking up for me, Chris plays a hand, Ivon surveys the competition, Ivon not lovin' the chip, Ivon descent into madness, me missing my fortune, while Steve's fortunes are looking up, and my ice cream cache.
                                Write-Up: Hilarity ensues as Joe participates in a Texas Hold'Em at Chris Judge's house! In attendance are: Chris Judge (duh), Joe Mallozzi (double-duh), Alex Levine, Ivon Bartok, Steve Bacic, and Lawren Bancroft Wilson along with a friend.


                                None today, sorry.

