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Stargate Bloopers? and Outtakes

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    Originally posted by Promethius30
    You see beckett with a scotish flag on his arm but you see the other guy (forgot his name) with the union flag so why doesnt beckett have that
    Maybe he is angry that scotland conformed and joined england and wales and he just wears the scottish flag because hes sour all the time.


      Originally posted by Promethius30
      You see beckett with a scotish flag on his arm but you see the other guy (forgot his name) with the union flag so why doesnt beckett have that
      More than likely because Beckett is proud of his Scottish ancestry. I would think most English people would automatically choose to use the Union Flag as their national flag (rather than the St. George Cross) as England is the majority/dominant part of the UK and pretty much just associates itself entirely with the UK. Those of us from e.g. Wales and Scotland however are often proud of our heritage (and we do have quite a different heritage from the English - celtic as opposed to anglo-saxon etc) and we do have separate flags which probably mean more to us, on a personal level, than the Union flag (not in any way denigrating the Union flag or the UK - I am proud to be both British and Welsh).

      If I were given a choice of flag to wear on my Atlantis uniform (oh, if only! ) I would probably choose the Welsh flag. I would assume those expedition members seen with Union flags on their jackets are English.

      Of course, it may be that all of the above is just reading faaaaaaaaaaaaaar too much into things and that - more than likely - TPTB chose to put a Scottish flag onto Carson's jacket because his "Scottishness" is a major character trait and something they wanted to reinforce.


        Pineapple: Zero hour

        Last edited by kes; 17 August 2006, 08:10 PM.


          Is there not supposed to be a pineapple?


            Oh its a little in-joke the directors or producers made. They put one in several, if not all. eps. The trick is to find them.


              Spoilers for Uninvited season 10 and Zero hour season 8:
              Originally posted by Maj_Cliffhanger

              And we won't go into the glaring use of PSPs as scanners (even my kids caught that one) [...].
              That also happens in Zero Hour
     The pic isnt the best but if you watch the ep it looks just like the ones they use now.
              My point is...why is everyone complaining about that now, 2years later.


                At the end its Teal'c, Sam and Daniel aboard the ship, there's only 1 bad guy (girl lol ) left so why didnt they just ran to the bridge to get control of the ship?! Instead they let her escape with an Alkesh!


                  I was watching 48 hours just now and I noticed something weird. When Rodney was in the line with Sam, he grabbed cheesecake and said that he was "mortily alergic to lemon". but cheesecake has lemon in it. Perhaps the writers didn't know this, but have any of you noticed anything things like this?


                    I didn't know that but there arte countless inconcistancies in Stargate, like any other show.
                    Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-o.
                    O'Neill: ...Call Daniel.


                      This kind of stuff is fun to catch and I suppose there would be lots of them after 10 years. I would love to write for a show like this but it would get hard to keep up with all the rules that are created in previous shows. Good catch Jacksmyman! I didn't know cheesecake had lemon in it. Maybe that is why Rodney switched to the blue jello.
                      Atlantis Girl

                      Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

                      please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


                        Originally posted by senordingdong
                        I didn't know that but there arte countless inconcistancies in Stargate, like any other show.
                        They are called Contanuity errors
                        Have a thirst for galactic conquest??
                        Join the Battle



                          It's not a continuity error, its just an error...


                            Originally posted by Jacksmyman
                            I was watching 48 hours just now and I noticed something weird. When Rodney was in the line with Sam, he grabbed cheesecake and said that he was "mortily alergic to lemon". but cheesecake has lemon in it.
                            I dont know where you are from but here in Canada there are many different flavores of cheescake, and few of them have lemon in them.


                              Well that explains alot then. Since the show is filmed in Canada, that wouldnt' count. I'm from the US and looked up a recipe after this post and it had "lemon shavings" in it. So Rodney must have had a Canadian version. Is it true Canadian's put mayo on hambergers? I saw it in a movie and tried it and it's very good!
                              Atlantis Girl

                              Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

                              please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


                                Originally posted by Laura the Asgard
                                Well that explains alot then. Since the show is filmed in Canada, that wouldnt' count. I'm from the US and looked up a recipe after this post and it had "lemon shavings" in it. So Rodney must have had a Canadian version. Is it true Canadian's put mayo on hambergers? I saw it in a movie and tried it and it's very good!
                                Mayo is a common hamburger addon?

