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Stargate Bloopers? and Outtakes

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    Well this is more a question then anything else but I guess it could be considered a plot hole:
    Now in Exodus SG1 was helping the Tok'Ra move the gate to another planet so they'd have a base that wasn't on a charted planet right?! Now because Apophis showed up they had to change their plans and use the gate to blow up the sun. What I don't understand is this, why didnt Earth just give the Tok'Ra the address of a planet from the Ancient (sp) data base? The Goa'uld didn't know them and Anubis hadn't shown up yet.


      This has probally already been posted, but hay!

      In Descent Jonas activates rings underwater, however when he is in the glider he has miraculously dried!
      Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!


        Originally posted by ablevins425
        Watching some DVD's today and I think I might have something. Let me know what you think. In Evolutions when they have the dead Supersoldier, they try to give him an MRI, in his suit. Your telling me that suit doesn't have any metal in it??
        you missed a plot hole there in your post they give him an MRI in his suit which "absorbs" energy and therefor should'nt be able to see anything


          Smoke and mirrows:
          At the hotel room, after the explosion,the smudge on Agent Barrets face keeps changing.

          Also found a pineapple:


            Originally posted by kes
            Smoke and mirrows:
            At the hotel room, after the explosion,the smudge on Agent Barrets face keeps changing.

            Also found a pineapple:
            Ah, yes, the pineapples. I can't remember which director tries to put a pineapple in his shots. I haven't look for them yet.


              Don't know if this has been mentioned yet but theres a discussion between Sam and Pete that always irked me...

              Pete: "We can go to the zoo."
              Sam: "There are no zoos in Colorado Springs."

              What...coming from a person who actually lives here this completely threw me off. There IS a zoo in Colorado Springs: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo of all things.

              Also, I dont think I need to mention the fact that Western Canada doesn't really look like Colorado Springs.
              "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
              DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                Originally posted by Descent
                Don't know if this has been mentioned yet but theres a discussion between Sam and Pete that always irked me...

                Pete: "We can go to the zoo."
                Sam: "There are no zoos in Colorado Springs."

                What...coming from a person who actually lives here this completely threw me off. There IS a zoo in Colorado Springs: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo of all things.

                Also, I dont think I need to mention the fact that Western Canada doesn't really look like Colorado Springs.
                It has been mentioned and answered. Writers were making fun of Carter. They knew there was a zoo but was making the point that Carter works too much and hasn't explored the area often.


                  Originally posted by Sasusc
                  It has been mentioned and answered. Writers were making fun of Carter. They knew there was a zoo but was making the point that Carter works too much and hasn't explored the area often.
                  Definately makes sense but then how come Pete didn't say anything then?? Where did you find out that the writers knew this when they wrote it?
                  "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                  DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                    Originally posted by Descent
                    Definately makes sense but then how come Pete didn't say anything then?? Where did you find out that the writers knew this when they wrote it?
                    Pete doesn't live there. He was there on an assignment.

                    At the end of this page it tells ya!


                      Originally posted by Sasusc
                      Pete doesn't live there. He was there on an assignment.

                      At the end of this page it tells ya!
                      Oh alright but I still think Pete would've known about it considering the fact that he suggested it. Theres billboards for Cheyenne Mountain Zoo everywhere, even in Denver where Pete lives. Theres also commercials on local channels...apparently Pete doesn't get out much either then.
                      "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                      DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                        Originally posted by Descent
                        Oh alright but I still think Pete would've known about it considering the fact that he suggested it. Theres billboards for Cheyenne Mountain Zoo everywhere, even in Denver where Pete lives. Theres also commercials on local channels...apparently Pete doesn't get out much either then.
                        Maybe he did see it and that's why he suggested it. I try not to dwell to long on Pete.


                          In 38 Minutes McKay closes the bulkhead door in the jumper so that when the stargate shuts down they won't be immediately exposed to vacuum. Ford asks him if it will work and he replies "like a screen door in a submarine".

                          So how come in Progeny (spoilers)
                          Sheppard blows the rear hatch to suck the Asuran out into space... and now all of a sudden the bulkhead door is completely airtight and they are able to fly home with the rear compartment depressurised? Is it because this time around they are in the front compartment and have access to the ships controls? Does that somehow make them able to make the bulkhead airtight? Anyone?


                            I got one, in "1969" Jack tries to go by the name Luke Skywalker when hes being interogated. But in "Ascension" he says to Carter that hes never seen Star Wars before.
                            "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                            DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                              It was prolly mentioned before but I must protest, again.

                              3.2 seconds for wormhole travel?!

                              Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                              Yes, I am!
                              Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                              Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                              Peter Pan R.I.P


                                Originally posted by Descent
                                I got one, in "1969" Jack tries to go by the name Luke Skywalker when hes being interogated. But in "Ascension" he says to Carter that hes never seen Star Wars before.
                                Maybe... But I don't think that really means anything. Like, I've never ever seen an episode of Farscape, but I know the main character is named John Crichton. You can learn these things in passing, and Stars Wars is a big enough franchise that just about everybody knows of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader even without having watched the movies. My best friend, for instance, has never watched Star Wars, but will get obvious enough references to it and knows the big character names.

                                I don't know, just my feelings on this.
                                Last edited by Aurum; 14 August 2006, 09:10 AM.

