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Why did this happen? SG1 Cancellation??

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    SG1 has been canceled but hopefully it'll return with a new name but same story.


      Originally posted by jander1023
      What? You don't consider wrestling science fiction? Well, it is fiction!
      Actually since wrestling is also considered a scientific sport and with all the fictitious grudges they write in, then technically, it is science fiction.

      Originally posted by jander1023
      The SciFi channel could be so much better. Why not get together with StarTrek and produce a new series. George Lucas and his production team has talked about a StarWars series. Seems to me that a science fiction network would be the perfect place for that! How about reruns of great/classic science fiction shows. Such as:

      X-files(already on, I know!)
      StarTrek - TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise and classic ST
      Quantum Leap
      For that matter, they could add the original Battlestar Galactica series, Lost in Space, and other old sci-fi shows that I used to enjoy as a kid.

      Originally posted by jander1023
      And instead of all these cheesy B movies(calling some of the movies on SciFi B movies is an insult to B movies!), how about showing classic SciFi movies. Such as:

      Weird Science
      Alien and the additional Alien movies
      Total Recall
      Star Trek movies
      Star Wars movies - the originals
      X-files movie
      Stargate movie
      Or pretty much any SciFi movie, including Universal Soldier, Galaxy Quest, Lost In Space, and many others.

      Originally posted by jander1023
      Now that is a SciFi channel I could watch regularly. Throw in some original science fiction programming like BSG and Eureka and you have a sweet, nerdy network!
      That is so true. On the other hand you guys shouldn't really complain, here in the Philippines, we are only up to Season 7 of SG1 and no SGA yet. Also no BSG.

      That's why I had to order the DVDs of SG1.


        your just now hearing about this? we've been mad about this for over a month now.


          Welcome to last month.

          a time to mourn


            SG-1 has been cancelled for next season.
            Atlantis has been renewed for next season.

            The second half of S10\S3 start airing in March (as far as I can tell) and then thats it for SG-1 until they roll out whatever miniseries or scifi original movie they roll out.
            Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

            ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

            AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


              Well, you guys dont sound like fans Hell I still like the show, people just dont like the Ori cause theyre the really bad guys, and theyre kicking our asses. I like the show still and Vala is... new but fine Dont see whats wrong with it.


                I have to admit that I also did not watch S6 with Jonas until AFTER S7 when they brought Daniel back.

                I have no problems with Cameron Mitchell or Vala since I enjoyed watching Farscape. So I'm glad to see them onboard for whatever reason, but I do admit Vala's character needs some work!


                  Originally posted by Arbiterjim
                  Well, you guys dont sound like fans Hell I still like the show, people just dont like the Ori cause theyre the really bad guys, and theyre kicking our asses. I like the show still and Vala is... new but fine Dont see whats wrong with it.
                  I agree, there is some negativity running through this post. To me the Ori are part of the story of the Ancients, so we're learning more about the Ancients and their past. And religious topics are usually uncomfortable ones (even Star Trek Deep Space Nine and the Bajoran culture in the beginning wasn't easy for people to digest), so maybe that's where some of this negativity is coming from?


                    Originally posted by northstar_08030
                    I also hope that we don't get a cliffhanger.
                    Nothing lasts forever. True. But the show must go on.
                    I don't think the Ori was a good ideea. The producers should have moved to a more science based and less war. And also the war with the Ori is helpless. The advancements are to slow and they look in vain. In my opinion, they should get out Vala from SG-1 team, put the char as science or field advisor in the base; they should try to bring back Richard Dean Anderson for 1-2 episodes in 10th season and re-establish its character for the end of 11th season, and so finnish the show if they (the producers) really get borred with the series.
                    And if the show will continue, please do not air again a 200th-episode-like. It was really bad.


                      I don't think it's any problem with the religious war imposed by the Ori, but...
                      I was very upset when they removed Jackson in season 6, but Jonas did a hell of a job. Even J. reentered the show, I would have never removed Jonas.
                      Anyway after RDA departure, the show presents less than half interest to me, even if I'm watching it every week and I am very eager to see each new episode. They should look a little at Star Trek - The next generation. There are a lot more characters than the main bridge crew, and all of those characters were taking part in the show. That is why some fans are leaving SG-1! Because here, to mark a major point - event, they take out characters. Terrible wrong from my point of view.


                        I disagree. Characters cannot stay around forever it would be unrealistic of us to think so. If an actor needs to move on I ask only that they write a great exit for that character. They deserve no less. Even though I enjoy every character I know that every once in awhile one will leave the show for one reason or other. What kind of a fan would I be if I only stayed while they kept certain characters? It's the concept and how the writers pull it off that are at the core of its likability. To expect only the characters/actors to carry it is foolish.


                          What killed SG-1?
                          1 word. Wrestling.

                          The day they put that stupid wrestling CRAP on the SCI-Fi channel, they lost at least 1 viewer (ME).
                          But honestly, it wasnt too hard to let go of SG-1, it's kinda gone downhill lately. the actors look like they are mailing it in. Atlantis is harder for me to let go.

                          BSG will be VERY hard to let go (if it ever comes back on), but I can't handle supporting a station that drops good shows in favor of putting crap like wrestling on.


                            To answere the question in the thread title: RDA left.

                            it's a sad reason ad I don't understand it but to those who has stopped watching it was the answere: O'Neill isn't in it. For me it was never a RDA-Show. (good i started watching it because of him but it's not the reason I stayed). And yes I am sorry that it's chancelled (how the hell??) but to be hinest I think they should have had an ending with winning over the Goa'ult. Not because it was going to be boring but a) i got the firts feeling "uuh NOW they got the real hard to defead enemies " and b) it seemed already like a new show why not start one? I mean then you got more possibilities.
                            I felt sorry for RDA that he "had to stay" that many seasons, I guess the story could have been better resolved (around the orginal SG-1) if would've give it willingly an ending and then have new and fresch ideas for a new show where it doesn't maybe feel for the old fans "no RDA=no show) and possible new viewers weren't that scared off by 8 (9/10) seasons! I got a friend and she loves watching SGA and I told her she shoudl watch SG-1 as well because it's a good show and she'd liek it. but she was liek "wah there are 9 seasons! So i told her to start watchingseason 9 because it's most likely a new beginning and they also talk about stuff she knew from Atlantis (ancients and stuff)

                            I thing people weren't prepared for the "major changes" what is really really sad. I must admit Ididn't liked the Ori first and the introduction to Mitchell (as LEADER od SG-1???) wasn't imo that good (I hate it) but I gave it a shot and besides that facs I really love the new season(s).
                            So ong story shor: frak, I want two stargate shows. I need my drugs!
                            Last edited by Orovingwen; 26 September 2006, 06:42 AM.
                            Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
                            Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
                            If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
                            "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


                              *blinks in surprise*


                                What surprises you?
                                Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
                                Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
                                If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
                                "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities

