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Stargate Down Under

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    Wow, everyone was talky talky last night. Nice recap there Celestial, you'd think we had no lives or something.
    So what do you all picture me as? If any one says their mum I will teach Kath karate so she can get you with kung fu and karate

    Oh yeah, got my Atlantis about 1/2 hour ago
    No booklet or episode listing and the crappy cover. Will start watching soon, hubby has the day off and he and David are playing computer games so will have it all to myself.
    Last edited by shrap; 26 September 2007, 04:47 AM.

    Comment mum No, no seriously.....I've actually pictured you as Teyla (because of your sig).

      JM Blog:
      I've just included the whole thing coz it was a pretty interesting read.

      Three days to launch and we had the big SciFi/MGM marketing conference call this morning. I have to admit that, as much as I found fault with previous years’ promos that habitually gave away the big fourth act reveals, the promos that SciFi has put together this year have been great. Starting from the extended trailer they put together for Comic Con to the spots they’re running on the network, they’ve done an excellent job this year. And the fact that today’s call was not so much about the premiere (because, with three days to go, the push is already well underway) but about what SciFi is going to do to promote the show through its run - well, that was a very good sign. After all, why put so much thought and effort into a show you have no interest in picking up? Yes, it’s a good sign and everyone has done their part to get the word out - but now it’s in the hands of our fans. And, hopefully, any new fans who may be checking us out for the first time. Bottom line: it’s the ratings that will decide the fate of this show.

      Well, I’m hopeful. We’ve produced what I know is our best season yet, have the full support of the MGM and SciFi machines, and, despite the fact that we’re 1) up against a network premiere, 2) airing in the Fall against the new network shows, 3) still suffering from DVR/Tivo bleed-off, 4) finally returning with new episodes after a fairly long hiatus - I’m feeling confident I’ll be able to feed the dogs for one more year. And that confidence is mirrored in the writer’s room where we have kicked off our annual pre-season premiere ratings predictions with participants ranging from the coldly realistic Rob Cooper to the brightly optimistic Brad Wright -and everyone in between.

      Speaking of numbers, I’ve heard mention on more than one occasion that, statistically, one in ten people is gay. And yet, according to Iranian President Ahmadinejad, there are no homosexuals in Iran. “In Iran, we don’t have this phenomenon,”he informed his stunned audience, suggesting that the gay lifestyle simply never caught on in his homeland unlike, say, the Rubiks cube or the hula hoop. So I guess it stands to reason that if Iran, with a population of approximately 71 million people, has, oh, 0% homosexuals, then, statistically speaking and all things being equal, some other nation out there with roughly one tenth the population of Iran should boast a fully 100% gay citizenry. That’s either Paraguay or Tajikistan. Your guess is as good as mine.

      You have to give President Ahmadinejad points for trying though. Realizing he was floundering, he decided to lighten the mood by suggesting he tell a joke and then offered up the following zinger: "I think the politicians who are after atomic bombs, or testing them, making them, politically they are backward, retarded." According to Reuters: “The crowd seemed uncertain how to react. Some applauded that pacifist sentiment, others seemed befuddled by the insensitive use of the word retarded.” What Reuters failed to include in their report, however, was the unedited transcript of the ensuing few moments:

      President Ahmadinejad (clearly miffed): "Seriously. That joke killed in Yemen."
      Awkward silence.
      President Ahmadinejad, shifting nervously, consults his notes and then: “I see Britney in the news again. But her underwear I do not.”
      Another awkward silence. Someone in the audience coughs.
      President Ahmadinejad quickly: “What is the deal with doorknobs anyway? Some of them are not even knobs!”
      Audience member: “You suck!”
      A whistled catcall from another.
      Another audience member: "Get off the stage!"
      President Ahmadinejad, refolding and pocketing his notes, is overheard grousing to his aide: “When I get back to Tehran, remind me to execute my joke writer.”

      And it was downhill from there.

      Today’s pics: Oh, behind the scenes on Outcast and stuff around the office. - this one makes me think the season final (the last man) will involve the wraith.

      Today’s video: Click on the date to check out Martin Wood's new toy - the techno-crane.
      By *E*K*R*


        TBH, i picture Jo as kicking someones ass with her autographed fighting stick, in her SG jeans... lolz. and i pulled a look of you from somewhere, dunno whrere from lolz.

        oh and WHERE IS MY SGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        oh and I GOT NEW GLASSES!!!


          You picture me topless!!!!! You need to get out more


            ^ lolz! NO! hahahaha someones got a dirty mind!.. although i like the idea of eddie's jo and my jo combined. .

            ITS 2 AND ITS STILL NOT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!


              ^ Now that would be sweet!
              By *E*K*R*


                ^ yes it would...

                ummm is it just me or is my sig not changing!?


                  Na its changing for me.

                  And speaking of our combination for Jo. Anyone seen the article about RL on the front page. heres a little bit:
                  Any hints as to the baby's father [in the show]? "I wonder how much of that I can speak of. Obviously, Teyla is pregnant and it wasn't brought about by divine conception, so there is somebody ... There's somebody who will be new to the audience that is very important for Teyla, and also very important to her history and her connection with her people. Hopefully, that's enticing enough without giving anything away."
                  By *E*K*R*


                    Got my Atlantis at 12:30 today. With the minimouse
                    ...and before Ford! lol. Just walked into ezydvd and picked one off the shelf, they had tonnes there, and could see the stack of mouse boxes in the back.
                    Thus it will come to pass... the dying leader will know the truth of the opera house... the missing 3 will give you the 5 who have come from the home of the 13th... you are the harbinger of death, Kara Thrace - you will lead them all to their end. End of line.


                      ^ dont think i'm getting mine today, but my nearest ezydvd store is a state away. so frell that, frell ezydvd, and frell star track. GRRRRRR *crys* I WANT S3!

                      NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [\rant]


                        OMG.......I just realised something....
                        That pic in JM's blog is of Todd's knife for the season finale! Todd is the wraith from Common Ground! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!
                        By *E*K*R*


                          Originally posted by shrap View Post
                          Wow, everyone was talky talky last night. Nice recap there Celestial, you'd think we had no lives or something.
                          You're welcome.

                          Hehe!! I'm sure we've all got lives outside GW, but sometimes life in GW is more interesting and fun rather than life in the real world.

                          I know it is for me during the worst stressful times I have!!

                          Anyway, I just want to say.....I'm jealous of yous all (or those who are getting SGA S3 and that's most of yous) cause I probably won't be able to buy it until it goes on sale dirt cheap, and when will that be, when S4 comes out!!

                          Finally, should I be worried in knowing what you all think I look like?......dumdadadumdum......ok, lay it on me.... And be nice!
                          Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
                          and Captain Jack Harkness
                          Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
                          Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
                          Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
                          I live here.....Calling All Australians?
                          My other home...Stargate Down Under
                          My Life on LiveJournal


                            Damn. Why do I torment myself? Every single time I order DVD's from the net it's from EzyDVD. This time, for Season 3, I decided to order it from JB HI FI online.

                            Stupid stupid stupid. It hasn't shipped yet!

                            I will never betray EzyDVD again!

                            Now I truly know you can't top EzyDVD's brilliant service.


                              ^ i havent gotten mine.... it was shipped yesterday... from ezydvd


                                Gotta go folks.

                                Hope to be chatting with yous all tonight.

                                Hope all of yous who ordered the SGA S3 DVD will arrive soon at your doorsteps. And to those who have them, enjoy watching them again.

                                See ya!
                                Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
                                and Captain Jack Harkness
                                Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
                                Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
                                Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
                                I live here.....Calling All Australians?
                                My other home...Stargate Down Under
                                My Life on LiveJournal

