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Stargate Down Under

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    Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
    EzyDVD is awesome and the guys in the Knox store know me so well know, i walked in there to pick up the poster and the guy was already out the back getting it before i reached the desk! I remember chatting to him after the first con and he was like 'Ah, you the one that had dinner with them right?' that was awesome! Everytime i go in there i ask a Staragte question... or for a movie with someone from Stargate in it! It's where i ordered my copy of The Void from as well!
    Woah. I go to that store all the time! Was in there today, and yesterday.
    I live just around the corner!
    Didn't know anyone in this thread lived so close to me.

    This thread moves too fast for me lately. Mind slowing it down a bit guys? lol.
    Thus it will come to pass... the dying leader will know the truth of the opera house... the missing 3 will give you the 5 who have come from the home of the 13th... you are the harbinger of death, Kara Thrace - you will lead them all to their end. End of line.


      Originally posted by Gen_J_O'Neill View Post
      yeah, the weird thing is JM said it would be 'our' Beckitt. I don't know what hes getting at there. Whether he will be our Beckett in personality and memory or what. JM also said he's not an alternate reality beckitt, actually he said he's not a past or future Beckett either, so there goes my theory. This is really starting to annoy me! lol I guess we'll just have to wait and see. It should be brilliant either way
      oh ok then, never mind lolz.
      *throat punch*
      My blog:
      LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


        Originally Posted by Celestial
        Geez, you guys/gals can chat a lot! I had to spend some of my limited time just skimming through what you've all written

        it's called unlimited ADSL2+ access @ home & blogging on GW forums during free time @ the call centre where I work.

        Congrats on all the birthdays, cakes & other random stuff in here BTW!

        I leave the thread for ONE DAY to do study/gym/personal & family stuff & the whoole thread goes uber nuts & has a post-a-thon. How's a boi supposed to catch up with conversation, gossip, spoilers, etc for crying out loud?!?! *lol*

        I swear, I need a receptionist. . . .


          JM Blog:
          Steph writes: “What is the funniest thing any of your dogs have ever done?”

          Answer: There was the time they ate an entire bowl of Halloween chocolate while we were out. That was pretty funny. With the exception of the vomit and diarrhea. No, come to think of it, it wasn’t all that funny after all.

          Redtwin writes: “Col. Ellis had said that he should be in command last year so will Shepherd resent someone new coming in and taking his command away?”

          Answer: It’s not his command to be upset about - unless he wants it.

          Royal-Nonesuch writes: “1) If either [Daniel or O’Neill)were to appear would it be ocurring on a post-Contiuum timeline or are you treating that as a seperate entity right now? 2) You mentioned some time ago (sorry been away for a while) that you and RDA were chatting about the Simpsons movie--what did you and, or he think of it?”

          Answers: 1) Hadn’t really thought about it. 2) I can’t comment because I haven’t seen it.

          Sally writes: “Is replicarter dead for sure?”

          Answer: Yes.

          Mrs.B108 writes: “1)Would you classify any of the episodes as being "scary"? 2)Is there a long guest list for The Last Man?”

          Answer: 1) I don’t scare easy, so I’ll have to say no. 2) Nope.

          Anonymous #1 writes: “What kind of name is Lawren for a man?”

          Answer: He got off easy. His brothers are Sandra are Lorelei.

          Anonymous #2 writes: “Will we find out what happened to Tomin and Adria in one of the movies?”

          Answer: Yup. Learn their respective fates in Ark of Truth.

          Linzi writes: “I was wondering when Outcast is going to start shooting, this week, next week?”

          Answer: Two days ago.

          Suekay writes: “Will there be any heartache or angst for McKay this season?”

          Answer: Yes.

          Stressed and Depressed writes: “Can you reasure a stressed out SGA fan that those coming over are vital to plot lines, please? I'm probably overreacting, but need some reasurrance from you.”

          Answer: I’d suggest you watch the episodes in question to put your mind at ease.

          Concerned Atlantis fan writes: “I love the show, and understand the need to shake things up, and have a 'soft re-set', but, please, please Joe, don't make Atlantis into a playround for sundry SG1 characters.”

          Answer: First of all, I have no idea what is meant by “a soft re-set”. Secondly, Atlantis and its characters will always be the main focus and driving force of the show. However, it makes sense for some crossover to occur because both shows exist within the same franchise, the same universe, the same timeframe. It’s not like we’re crossing The Sopranos with Two and a Half Men.

          Anonymous #4 writes: “Any episodes with Colonel Caldwell this season?”

          Answer: Yep.

          Today’s pics: Tout la gang, my chicken burger, Carl shows no mercy, the new office temp, We’ve been working Hewlett too hard, Hey, where’s the guy whose job it is to carry the director’s chair between set-ups?

          Some relevant ones:
 - The new assistant
 - Wheres that chair carrying guy gone?
 - poor DH

          Today’s video: Click on the date for a sneak peek of tomorrow’s sneak peek of the lovely park scene shoot for Outcast. I woke up early for THIS?!
          By *E*K*R*


            Thanks for that, Gen O'Neill!

            MORE CALDWELL, YAY!

            Originally posted by shrap View Post
            Yes it will get messy with borg on board, I can see it now.

            "We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile"
            Hey, the Borg aren't the ones making things messy! On the contrary, we like to have peace and order, for everyone to be on an equal playing field, to share abilities and knowledge and work together in the spirit of co-operation to attain perfection...what's wrong with surrendering a little individuality to achieve that?

            Originally posted by rosey_angel View Post
            i bags Ireland! i have family there, and they own a brewery, so we can have parties!

            your sigs are pretty cool rhi, i think i've given you green for them...

            w00t s3 sga dvds are coming out soon! i was at k-mart today, and they had a whole shelf facing the floor with sg dvds, and banners annoucing sga's release date! i was so happy, i asked what they're gonna do when they finish them, but the publicity ppl are gonna take them
            Hehe, no one has challenged my bid for Canada yet, YESSS. Stargate is *mine*, mwahaha.

            I need to go check out K-Mart- I was at my local K-Mart just last week and I didn't see anything advertising SGA. I wanted the EzyDVD one, because they were giving away Atlantis gadgets...damn it, I'm not that old, I *know* the term...not iPod, not MP3, you know, the information holding thing...GAH!

            Oh, that's right. USB. XP

            Anyway, it was $80 at EzyDVD, so...I'm thinking I'll wait til Christmas.
            'I am frightened that the flame of hate will burn me
            will scorch my pride, scar my heart
            It will burn and I cannot put it out...'

            Sig by Falcon Horus- thank you!

            my LJ of squee *myspace of angst * my fic of random

            My OTP forever, by Stef, who is awesome:

            Thanks, Stef!


              I belive what you are referring ot is a SGA USB mouse for SGA S3 & the calculator/mousepad for SG-1 s10 boxsets if you pre-order/wjhislt stocks last from EzyDVD.

              I will out-bid you for Canada, if not for the fact STARGATE is made there & I wanna go snowboarding @ Whistler.

              Greece is mine, I have family there & our ancestors can be traced right back to the time of the Grecco-Roman Empire; so I think I have bigger dibs than half of you here (&I have 450 relatives in my entire family ot help back me up! ) *lol*

              Speaking of which, I should get my family to buy STARAGET SG-1/SGA & watch the shows on T.V. iof & when they air in Greece; could really help boosty the ratings/sales.


                I cant wait till i get my mouse, i already have my mouse pad XD.


                  I have never posted in this thread mainly becuase the title of the thread put me off... shouldn't it be updated? but anyways i thought i would seemings im from Australia too melbourne more specifically


                    hello ppl! work is annoying, so whast better place to come than sgdu?

                    thanks for the blog eddie, season four is sounding better by the second! i'm still sick of ppl writing in all the time, complaining that sga is gonna be sg1 all over again *sigh* why can't these ppl learn to read!
                    *throat punch*
                    My blog:
                    LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                      Welcome redrama9, yes the thread title does need updating but we just haven't got around to doing it yet.


                        Hey redrama9! Welcome to the thread

                        As always, no worries borgprincess and Rosey. Yeah I'm getting sic of them too. It seems they have already made up there mind and no matter what anybody says, even THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!, will change their mind. Oh well

                        Yeah, it does need an update, it should really be 'spoilers for all seasons' but oh well. Oh, and can anyone pm the mods or does Ben have to do it?
                        By *E*K*R*


                          hey guys,

                          i have not been on here in ages. you probably dont even remember me lol..

                          I am watching SG1 S1O as we speak. i have had all my prelim exams so i havent been able to watch it but now i have those pesky exams out of the way i can get down to whats important and thats stargate

                          Anyways i just dropped by to say hi!

                          So here it goes....."hi"


                            ^lol eddie. either they stopped asking, or JM stopped replying, but they seemed to dissappear for a while there. now they're back! everyone from Joe and Paul down has said they think the show is awesome, there are real reasons for carter to be in s4, and you'll have to wait and see. let it be. if you see it and hate it, that's fine! but continually asking the same questions over and over again is a sign of immaturity (hehe i has misspelling it immaturtity *giggle*)

                            welcome redrama9!!! sorry i missed you before! i'll green you tho, don't worry
                            Last edited by rosey_angel; 20 September 2007, 09:30 PM. Reason: i wrote a word that, if you take out some letters, could be bad
                            *throat punch*
                            My blog:
                            LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                              Just pm'ed a mod to change title to SG1 all seasons, SGA S 1-3


                                Originally posted by shrap View Post
                                Just pm'ed a mod to change title to SG1 all seasons, SGA S 1-3
                                cool thanks jo! i bought it up to bene a while ago, but i guess he never got around to it

                                originally by F R E E L A N C E R

                                hey guys,

                                i have not been on here in ages. you probably dont even remember me lol..
                                i do! hi ashley!

                                s10 is great, isn't it? i'm so annoyed, i slept through most of quest part 2 last night i got upto the part where merlin takes over daniels body, and then mum woke me up and it was ages later.
                                *throat punch*
                                My blog:
                                LVI now open to all fandoms!!!

