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Stargate Down Under

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    ^ Where? lol

    I like all of them! Although Mitchell does get on my nerves sometimes! More so in s9 than now. And Shep can annoy me too!
    By *E*K*R*


      ^^ me its... uhh... you know... i don't know... umm... but i'd probably have to say noone... but if i HAD to pick anyone i'd say Jack, i don't dislike him, he's just the person i dislike the most... oh and possibly because he always cuts sam off... so then I dont know whats happening...

      ^ oh eddie she meant me...


        Originally posted by broken-heart View Post
        I didn't either! But that's because I didn't see it

        So, let me get this straight. When you watched Singularity, and saw Sam crying, you just sat there, staring at the screen?
        as the General said.....Yep!!!!!...although I don't, when my mum's watching/playing something on the/ that uses the TV her eyes are like this: 0 0 .......when they should be like this . . it's really freaky!!!!!!!!Now to continue reading what has been said in my short absence....
        Originally posted by broken-heart View Post
        Noo..I think I heard that someone wasn't going to show it, but then they did.

        Just putting that over and over just makes it clearer that it IS spam

        You got another typo there

        So...what character does everyone...dislike. Me it's Mitchell. Well..half the time anyway.
        The next person who says spam after this comment is spam!!!!!*chants the spam song off Monte Python and the glass shatters* woooopppppsss.......weeeellllll, that's why I play guitar....
        I need to see Stargate........stupid DVDs not being released at the same time here!!!!!!!!!!!!no wait.....they're released earlier's just that channel 7 doesn't show it.....I actually don't mind channel 7 *guards face*....wait I have p90s *grabs p90s8 oh and don't forget Katerpilla (I thought I said I'd never bring that up again) *pulls Katerpilla, the insane killer-bug, out of pocket and equips him/it/her....(it's a's hard to tell ) no, it's a him, with his mini-baz..nah... MiNi- PanZerFausT...if that's how it's spelt balalallalalallalallallalblblbllblbbababababbabablblbalblalbalblalblalblalbalbla llblal* and so fourth.... what I mean is 7 has the best shows on it: Stargate, Alias, Heroes, Lost,The Amazing RASIST CALLED AMAUNET!!!!!!lol, I needed to put something insane in there, it also has: A Homo/HOBO AND A GAY, Beyond Yesterday,Targate......Scrubs (what, it's random so it fits) ....didn't it used to have Farscape????

        Mitchell IS the SPAM incarnate!!!!!!He is spam in every way, shape and form....Can I eat him????lol...ewwwww.....too much fat......umm Mitchell is nowhere near as good as O'neill!!!!!
        Last edited by Supreme Commander Sil; 15 April 2007, 04:58 AM.


          You people need to stop staring and start crying. It helps the tear ducts

          Two typos Ford. Tsktsk.

          How can you hate Jack!? Unbelievable. So wait...when Jack left, were you doing the conga? LOL.


            YAY! Im the General! You all follow my commands!

            How could you not like Jack?!?!?!?!!? And I was just begining to like you! lol

            WOW, theres a fair few people on!
            By *E*K*R*


              oh spamming *sigh* since this thread is sg down under, it makes it seem that all we'd talk about is stargate down under. since there is no stargate down under most of the time, we talk about stargate elsewhere

              plus we all spam anyway. some more than most, but i'm not gonna point fingers

              who don't i like in the sg'verse?... hmm. the jaffa!
              *throat punch*
              My blog:
              LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                ^ Finally...some words of wisdom!

                Hey Rosey! Did you have a good time at Supernova?

                And yeah, I don't like them either! Teal'c and Bra'tac excluded of course!
                By *E*K*R*


                  Oh yes! Quite stuck up..S9 onwards of course. Before that..I don't relly mind them.

                  Ooh..I don't like the Replicators either. Everytime I hear that mechanic Replicator sound I thnk something along the lines of "Oh crap" or "WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE!!!"..You get the idea

                  I wonder why there are so many people on today...SEVEN members..and two guests, who should make an account and join in

                  Haha, if we didn't talk about Stargate Elsewhere (with some OT conversation), how else could we get 7000+ posts?


                    Originally posted by Gen_J_O'Neill View Post
                    ^ Finally...some words of wisdom!

                    Hey Rosey! Did you have a good time at Supernova?

                    And yeah, I don't like them either! Teal'c and Bra'tac excluded of course!

                    supanova was fun..."OH MY GOD IT'S RON GLASS"...ahem

                    yeah, teal'c and bra'tac and the sodan are pretty cool. and rya'c was cool, when he was on screen. but the other jaffa just really annoyed me
                    *throat punch*
                    My blog:
                    LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                      Actually supreme commander Farscape was shown sporadically on 9 not 7....
                      -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                      Thanks Camy!!


                        hmmmm...I hate the Ori.....Apophis........the looser that killed Fraiser (I haven't seen those episodes, I have part 2 but not part 1)....ummmm...there are some other cool jaffa!!!!!!

                        ROSEY IS $%@^^
                        ^^=m, %=p..........get the picture????

                        You mean 9 had a good show other than Smallvile?????!!!!!!!!!!!
                        OK!!!!You may be the General O'neill, however, I am the Supreme Commander.....and why did I choose green???Because it's dark and fluro colours hurt eyes, alos, you're probably tired and this would add to the effect.....Man, I'm so evil!!!!!no,not evil...Cru-el!!!!
                        ummm yes....


                          I really like/d the replicators! I do get the 'Oh Crap' and 'Why wont you die' feelings, but i still like them!

                          One thing that really annoyed me with Bra'tac is that he always seemed to be pulling Tea'c away from earth and SG1. He would always be like "The jaffa are your people, this is your legacy and responsibility"! Heck, SG1 was more of a family that the Jaffa were! I still love Bra'tac but did anyone else feel like this sometimes?
                          By *E*K*R*


                            Originally posted by Supreme Commander Sil View Post

                            ROSEY IS $%@^^
                            ^^=m, %=p..........get the picture????

                            nope, do not get the picture
                            *throat punch*
                            My blog:
                            LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                              Ja, sometimes......guhhhh....I liked the human form replicators....they were cool
                              HA!!!!think you can fool me????It's SP......wait a popcorn's I'll finish telling you.....NEVER!!!!!lol....I wish I had popcorn.....or GATE CAKE!!!!!!


                                Originally posted by Supreme Commander Sil View Post
                                Ja, sometimes......guhhhh....I liked the human form replicators....they were cool
                                HA!!!!think you can fool me????It's SP......wait a popcorn's I'll finish telling you.....NEVER!!!!!lol....I wish I had popcorn.....or GATE CAKE!!!!!!
                                oh, you said i'm spam? eh

                                yeah, the over-use of the replicators was kinda getting on my nerves
                                *throat punch*
                                My blog:
                                LVI now open to all fandoms!!!

