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Stargate Down Under

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    ^ hehe WOW. i remember tapes... brings back old memories... i just 'obtain' my episodes. i don't worry about that steaming pile of crapola called free to air television.


      ^*evil stare*
      Yay for tapes !!!
      PS, I don't have a bed time either, it's a figure of speech

      EDIT: Hah-ha! You're unemployed !!!!


        Originally posted by Kidwizz View Post
        no... i dont have a bedtime.... i dont have a job, nor anything to go to...
        My daughter tells me they are currently 1,072 personell short in the RAN, get out there, join up and have a ball of a time. (I did, 35 best years of my life)
        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


          And I hate tapes, they're so 1980's, and they take up too much space when you've got 1,100 dvd's to watch. Yep, crapola on TV is right on, except for the News and a couple of other prog's, we just re-watch all our DVD's. By the time we'll get through em' all, we can start again.
          Yay for The Cook and The Chef.
          My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
          sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


            eh. cbf joining the RAN. too much energy required. i didnt get a dual diploma in sitting on my ass infront of a computer to go outside and do stuff....
            Last edited by Kidwizz; 27 July 2009, 06:43 PM.


              Bugger not having cable! not a bad reason for being late to work the next day. 'Sorry I was up late watching Stargate Universe and slept through my alarm.'
              Who wouldn't be ok with that!
              Anyone going to the convention in Melbourne or NZ in October?


                Originally posted by Kidwizz View Post
                RIGHT THERE *points to GW front page. Oh and the second one is HERE *points to youtube link*

                SO omnomnomnomnomnom. does want right NAO.
                Thanks for posting.

                I don't have high hopes for the series, but that trailer looked alright.

                Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                Hi to all my Aussie and Kiwi friends. PJOZ here, I've only been on the Forum a couple of weeks, took me that long to find you all, even though I posted a query about us Aussies and Kiwis being cut off from our overseas friends when they go to bed or whatever. Took a little bit to re-find the thread.

                Anyway, I'm from Sydney (westie sort of), and one of the other posters said I was probably the oldest on the forum, so you all can call me "Sir". Only kidding, PJOZ or Ray will do. I'm an ex-navy sf, and I've been a "gate" fan, since I first saw "Children of the Gods" in the States when it was released (we got it on board ship).
                So I hope to hear from some of you, I've been busy posting on the FanFic and whatnot, it's here. Got Aussies in it!

                And some other things I did, been busy in a short while


                Post a reply on my threads if you have time or PM me, would love to hear from a lot of you.
                Welcome to the thread. If i get some time i'll try and have a read.
                Science Fiction is an existential metaphor; it allows us to tell stories about the human condition.

                Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.




                  Bugger not having cable! not a bad reason for being late to work the next day. 'Sorry I was up late watching Stargate Universe and slept through my alarm.'
                  Who wouldn't be ok with that!
                  Anyone going to the convention in Melbourne or NZ in October?
                  ! I agree !

                  Welcome back MB!!!!

                  So.... when's SGU out here? *topic x.x*


                    Oct 2 give or take 5 years if its on ch7. or oct2 give or take a few months if its on scifi... OR if were REALLY lucky, oct 2 give or take a day on scifi (like BSG)

                    I'm so cut... went to brissy yesterday with a bunch of friend... i go to the ezydvd store in queen street... AND ITS CLOSED!? WHY DO IT!?!?!?!!?! no SGA S5 for me D:


                      When I said 'tape' I mean record- we have a DVD player that records from the TV. Too used to saying 'tape' to my family in ref to the player recording.

                      I'm kinda pissed off right now- was up at the local shops on Wed (didn't even KNOW that SGA was out till I saw it in the new section of Sanity- with a label stating "the final season"- duh!)
                      Went up to Big W (they're always cheaper there)- saw a sign for it. Double sided- one side for S5, the other was for the S1-5 box set.
                      Scanned the 'TV on DVD' section- couldn't see the damn thing! Only older SG1 seasons. But they have a glass cabinet at the end for the big Box Sets- both the SGA Complete Box Set ANNNNNNNNND S5 were in there! *gapes*
                      Couldn't see a price tag on it- dumb idiots. Ever since they re-did the store (forced to by centre management *hump*) they've ditched price tags. So now you either have to look for a price on the shelves (which are never there) or scan the item at a price check screen. The cabinet is locked- so you can't pick them out.
                      Looked up the website that night- turns out they're highly over pricing them. Almost $80- that's worse than Sanity & JB, who I know always have it way too expensive.

                      And I'm keen to convince my siblings to go in for it with me- my sis brought back what she thought was the complete S5 on DVD from China. It was the fact that it said '5 discs' on it ("that's how many they usually are in a complete season?" she asked) that had her tricked. Turned out it was only the first half- 2 eps per disc.
                      And of course we've only watched a few episodes- stupid sis saying we shouldn't since we don't have all the eps. I honestly felt like saying "we could watch the first nine- the tenth one is the only one that should technically wait to be watched as it's the first half of the mid-season 2-parter" but I didn't.


                      All Sigs Made By Me.


                        Just picked SGA s5, for $69.95 @ JB hifi. Even though I've already seen it all, they were downloads, so it'll be good to watch em' all in quality.

                        BTW, people, I've started a new social group for us Down Underun's, need troops, so if you go to my Profile page, please check it, and join up. Ain't much there now 'cause I need your input.
                        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                          Originally posted by Supreme Commander Sil View Post
                          YAY!!!!!!! Phaeton's back *Celebrate Good Times begins playing in the background*
                          How've you been ? Where've you been ?
                          Hi Lisa thanks for the welcome back

                          I've been well; very busy working and doing car enthusiast stuff
                          Last edited by phaeton; 31 July 2009, 02:15 AM.


                            *ahem* Elissa/Lis
                            Just squashed spider with lappy. Best use... for... macs... EVER!!!


                              Apologies Lis

                              I got my SGA S5 for $67.85 at BigW yesterday arvo watched the behind the scenes of Vegas and the first disc


                                <Still hasn't seen it !!!

                                Thanks !

