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Bring back Jack

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    Originally posted by Dani347
    There's nothing wrong with wanting an actor back on a show. It's not disrespectful for someone to feel that for them, there's something missing in the show without Jack there. There have been shows that I've stopped watching once an actor left. I have no need to be "loyal" to a show. I watch a show that provides me with what I want.

    So, somone wishing RDA was back? I got no problem with that. The only thing I would feel was going over the line would be if someone goes beyond expressing an opinion (even in a fan letter) that they miss him, to actively campaigning to get him back. It smacks of too much putting pressure on a person, but that's just me.
    I agree to you. I can´t understand why some posters her seem so angry when other fans say that they are missing Jack. I doubt that RDA will feel insulted or forced to return by posts like that (or that any RDA fan want force him to return to the show). Maybe it´s just that many fans feel now
    the need to express their sadness about about the loss of Jack, because they want somehow contradict some of the not very sensible things that had been said recently by people like Chris Judge and Cliff Simon.


      Originally posted by rohannen of zorbia
      However, I'm a little disturbed by the number of people here who seem to want Stargate to stay the same forever. It seems to me that the same old jokes and storylines would get stale with too much exposure. We want the show and its characters to grow, don't we?
      of course i dont want the show to stay the same with the same ol stories and jokes. I do not mind the show growing and developing because that is a good thing, I just dont think they should have changed it so much that they lose probably the most important part of the show...the team. I just dont understand why they didnt end the show when they realised the team dynamic was dying back in season 6 or 7 because after that it was just going downhill, now even moreso with Jack leaving
      - Simon

      "Life. Its far more important than what you do for a living" - RDA

      "It's crazy cool!" - AT

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      (Update: GABIT AT2 Convention report uploaded)


        Originally posted by Kirara
        I agree to you. I can´t understand why some posters her seem so angry when other fans say that they are missing Jack. I doubt that RDA will feel insulted or forced to return by posts like that (or that any RDA fan want force him to return to the show). Maybe it´s just that many fans feel now
        the need to express their sadness about about the loss of Jack, because they want somehow contradict some of the not very sensible things that had been said recently by people like Chris Judge and Cliff Simon.
        I don't think anger is the right word... frustration maybe... But I've been here a fair while now and as I've said in my previous post, there have been thread after thread demanding "Jack's return". And not just in obviously targetted threads either. Mourning the loss of his character is valid but insisting that we must have the character back without considering RDA's wishes is overboard. I would hate to be the one to make him choose between Stargate and his growing child.

        I'm not sure what it is Chris Judge or Cliff Simon has said lately... but I suspect RDA is more than secure in the knowledge that he has contributed to television history. Regardless of what he does from here on, I think the man knows that he is greatly respected and loved by fans from 2 generations... as MacGyver and as Jack O'Neil. Who knows, maybe he's the smart one... he got out when the going was good.
        However, I've only seen 4 episodes of Season 9 and so far I think it's immensely watchable. But I don't have high expectations... it's Stargate... good popcorn fun... not heavy fare like The West Wing.

        Originally posted by Nem2k
        of course i dont want the show to stay the same with the same ol stories and jokes. I do not mind the show growing and developing because that is a good thing, I just dont think they should have changed it so much that they lose probably the most important part of the show...the team. I just dont understand why they didnt end the show when they realised the team dynamic was dying back in season 6 or 7 because after that it was just going downhill, now even moreso with Jack leaving
        The problem with this is that not everyone shares that sentiment. And the producers know this... so they keep writing the stories and continue making the show. If Scifi, Bridge and MGM think that they can still draw in an audience, from their point of view, the show is still largely a success.

        At the end of the day, if things become unbearable... we still have the perogative to vote with our feet.
        "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


          Spoilers for (US) aired episodes of season 8/9:


          Originally posted by Carina199
          Why don´t bring the Tok´ra back (they could be worthfull allies against the Ori - they have many thousand years experience of fighting against "god´s")
          They did get a mention in...I think Prototype?

          or the Retu
          They never touched upon them after Show and Tell, so why now?

          or characters like Mayborne?
          Mayborne is awesome, but we just visited him less than a year ago (It's Good To Be King)

          Why not bringing mini Jack back for some episodes? Than could Jack fans like me see O´Neill again without the need to have RDA back.
          I agree with this one. He should be free now since Joan of Arcadia's cancelled.

          I tell you what I think is the reason for it: It´s because TPTB think that Farscape fans (like you) don´t want it. That they want only new stuff and especially things which reminding them on Farscape (as "The Ties that bind"), I´m not sure if that is true but I think after reading many post´s from new fans that TPTB are not completly wrong here.
          I´m not against bringing new things into the show but when the writer treading the first eight years of the show like junk that they must get rid off, than I think is that an insult for the fans who made Stargate to the success the show is now!
          I'm not a fan of Farscape, but I still enjoy it.


            Originally posted by Nem2k
            i dont want to be putting words in peoples mouths but I believe she did. Granted we still dont know if her contract is signed, but if it has, then yes she will have a reduced role
            what we have is con reports of what AT said...and even in the con reports, they have AT saying that even she doesn't know because the writers don't know. so, no, we don't know if she will have a "reduced" role.

            but by reduced role, I dont mean that her character will be less important, I mean that Sam will be spending some time on Atlantis which of course would mean there will be some episodes of SG-1 that she wont be in. Which is a reduced role
            again, you can't make that assumption without any data to back it up. there is no "of course" in this equation because the equation hasn't even been written yet.

            like I said, this doesnt mean the character of Sam will be made less important, thats all speculation at this time, but I think people are bringing it up because we dont want it to happen
            then do something tangible, instead of, and not necessarily you in particular, sitting at GW flailing about in anguish for something that may not even happen.....pick up a pen and some paper and write them a letter. write TPTB a polite, respectful letter stating whatever your position is. from dealing with the Farscape campaign i can tell you the weight given to handwritten letters sent. but recognize something as well...we have no idea what TPTB are planning for AT's character. it could turn out to be something utterly brilliant. it could be a chance for AT to really stretch her acting chops. we have no idea. also, different doesn't by definition equate to bad.

            so consider writing a letter. talk about what AT's character brings to the show for you, talk about how much you feel the character is integral to the show dynamic...or, you know, whatever, but, put it in writing and mail it in if you feel that strongly about it. do something tangible. just be polite and respectful, and always, always keep in mind that television is a business, there are practical considerations that have a huge influence on the outcome of any given show, and there will always be stuff that we don't get to know.


              I started watching SG1 because of RDA but stayed because I liked the show, the premise, the writing. When he made the decision to leave, I applauded his desire to spend time with his only child. Children grow too quickly to be a part time dad. He would miss so much being in Vancouver most of the time.

              When season nine aired, I looked at it as I look at SGA. It's a new show, a spinoff, if you will, and tried to look at it with a fresh eye. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the same appeal without RDA but I still like it. I don't rush home on Friday nights to catch the first showing so that I can watch the second as well. But I make sure that I catch the second showing.

              Most of my disappointment with season nine has been the Ori storyline. I'm not sure that I'm really into that. Maybe if RDA had stayed, it would set better with me. Maybe not. But the man is nearly 56 years old. He should place his family first and enjoy the time off that his career has afforded him. I miss him but wish him well.


                Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                The only ways you're going to get back Jack is if they re-cast him, or clone RDA... And I don't think either are going to happen anytime soon
                Ah.....but we can hope and dream.....can't we?


                  Originally posted by Easter Lily
                  I agree that the show is not the same without Jack... RDA was integral to the show's success. However, I contend that the show hasn't been the same even with Jack doing his regular disappearing act the last few years. People in the know have said that RDA has wanted out since Season 6 and I believe it. It is evident that the man's heart hasn't been in it for a while and it has affected the writing of the character in no small way as well as the general direction of the team dynamic. In the last couple of years, the character has degenerated somewhat into a speaker of one liners and the all too often "Carter?".

                  I suppose I've become rather blase because since my becoming a member of GW a year ago, there have been more than a dozen threads lamenting the loss of RDA and the character. I just feel we need to move on... either exercising our remote power by flicking the ON/OFF switch... or enjoying Stargate as a good bit of escapist fare.
                  You make some good points, but I don't think the change in Jack was a reflection of RDA wanting out. Jack's character went through a lot of changes.....being killed repeatedly and brought back to life by Ba'al.....becoming a "desk jockey" in command of the SGC instead of being in the field.....feeling more responsible for the success of the program in the face of the increasing threats posed by Anubis and the Replicators. And yes, there were Jack's increasing feelings for Carter, which he still couldn't pursue because of their working situation. As the guy got older, he had to be considering that time would run out for him and Carter if he wasn't able to act on his feelings soon.

                  The writers created those situations. All those things caused Jack to turn inward.....and I think RDA played it very well. The Jack who was behind the desk after all those experiences wasn't the same snarky Jack who was out in the field in the early days. The character changed.....which is one of the beautiful things about Stargate SG-1. These people have always grown and changed. They've never been the cardboard cutout sterotypical sci-fi characters we've seen in so many other shows. Sigh. That's part of what I miss.


                    Originally posted by Carina199
                    I tell you what I think is the reason for it: It´s because TPTB think that Farscape fans (like you) don´t want it. That they want only new stuff and especially things which reminding them on Farscape (as "The Ties that bind"), I´m not sure if that is true but I think after reading many post´s from new fans that TPTB are not completly wrong here.
                    Then explain me. I have never once in my entire life so much as seen a single episode of Farscape, and I'm loving S9 so far. I'm glad Vala is coming back for S10. I'm glad the entire cast is coming back for S10. In fact, I am absolutely positively thrilled that there is going to be a S10.

                    I loved Jack for a lot of years, I really did, and still do, to a certain extent. I'd love to see him again, every now and then, just to kind of catch up with him, where he's at, what's going on...

                    But if given the choice between the dead, lifeless, expressionless character that Jack became (as RDA grew more and more dissatisfied with being on the show) and a new character with life and vitality and energy (like Vala, like Cameron), you can bet your DHD that I'd let sleeping Jack's lie.

                    So... if it's truly all because "they" want to keep the Farscape fans happy, then explain me. Explain the thousands of others just like me. Or do we not matter because we don't fit nicely into your generalization?


                      Originally posted by amytay
                      Here's one million and one-Let the man go!

                      I like the new characters and hope they will get to have more team ops and team moments. I like Mitchell, Dr. Lam, and Vala--although it took me until the last two episodes to like her at all. But that's a good thing.
                      Jee! I'm answering this one, but it's been said a couple of times before...

                      Just for the sake of being clear, or at least clearer:

                      Saying that we miss RDA isn't the same as saying that he shouldn't have a live, FCOL!

                      And wanting to have some sense of closure with O'Neill's character isn't that much to ask either!

                      I don't see why appreciating the man's acting and presence on that show should diminish your watching pleasure!

                      I seem to remember the big Jackson's death splash a few years ago (I acknowledge here that the circumstances were different) but I respected the people who were missing him and continued to enjoy SG.

                      Methinks that being vocal about wanting to see him again, in any capacity he'd be willing to be back, is only flattering to any actor and I'm reasonnably certain that he wouldn't take it as interference in his life's choices!
                      J a c k M a n i a c


                        well i havnt seen any of season 9 but when i was hit with the news that RDA was leaving i was pretty ticked off. seriously RDA is like the soul of stargate. but having said that, im going to give the other people a chance. but ive already seen vala in PU. i disliked her imensly. so i hope that RDA and hammond are replaced by competent actors (im sure they will be) and that vala's not as stupid as first impressions. hopefuly RDA returns soon but if not im sure the new guys will do just fine (i hope)


                          I think the graded distinctions between "I miss Jack," "I want Jack Back," "Bring back Jack!" and "RDA should come back!" become quite fluid between different people and different conversations. There's a Missing Jack thread where people wouldn't say things like 'let the man live his life' cos no one's suggesting otherwise and no one believes anyone is saying otherwise. A thread titled 'Bring back Jack' has undertones and connotations that make some people feel like RDA is being pestered in effigy. Things were different last november, wounds were raw and there were a lot of people pestering and criticising and even lambasting RDA in effigy. We now seem to be over that .

                          ::touches wood::


