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Speculation on Stargate's future, Networks, mini-series, movie

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    I think that RDA would go back to SG-1 and the "new characters" would move onto the third series, whatever that would be. I don't know anything about how a show is produced but is it possible that RDA's company owns the rights to certain storylines? Could this be why the "new" Stargate has almost nothing from the first 8 seasons? Maybe he has an agreement with MGM.


      I personally would love this. As an exc. producer of Sg-1 his knowledge of the ins and outs of the buisness (i.e. budget meetings, staff meetings, more than likely overseeing the writing staff, ..., etc) is invaluable to the third series.

      I'd also would love to see Gekko and MG make a return. Throughout his time on primetime television he's had great mentors (Henry Winkler for one) and it seems he's learned a lot from them.

      ETA: As to the financial questions, there may have been a time that maybe as one of the primary players, he added his funds to the pot.
      Last edited by LaCroix; 24 July 2006, 02:47 PM.


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        So I've been thinking about the state of the franchise, the themes and trends of SG-1 and the character interactions and have come to the conclusion that I would LOVE if Richard Dean Anderson were to show run the new proposed Stargate.


        Because with Gekko came a true understanding of what made SG-1 special...and that is, the TEAM. The people. The interaction between and relationships of the characters with each other. They didn't use big names to build out the cast but rather took relative unknowns who had a strong chemistry with each other and made magic. We cared about the team because we felt how they cared about each other.

        I don't sense that bond on SG-1 anymore and that saddens me. It seems as though the current direction of the series lacks that emotional core it used to have and I have to at least consider the possibility that this was due to the influence of Richard Dean Anderson, both in front of the camera as Jack O'Neill but also...and perhaps MORE a showrunner.

        So that's my current line of thinking. Get Richard Dean Anderson for the 3rd series. Ideally, I'd love to see Gekko return to showrun SG-1 again so he can add that spark that used to exist...but if SG-1 is about to go out (who knows at this point), I'd LOVE to see him showrun the new series.

        Exactly. I agree, as always. RDA added a lot to the show. Any input of his would be welcomed by me.


          Yes, I'd like to see RDA and Gekko as EP's of the new series, they bring a maturity to the show. I think he knows what makes a good show, the storytelling and sticking to the show's bible to make sure you get things right, not just pull it out of your a$$ and not caring if it makes sense or not.

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by Jonzey
            He is just one man, you know. He's not God.
            Want to bet! HALO'D IS THE RICHARD DEAN ANDERSON! lol

            Well, he wants to spen time with his family... So convince his family to go on the show(like his daughter could be his daughter on the show.. his daughter with Carter lol...adopted??[cuz of age]) And then she can go thru the gate and pwn noobishly noobed aliens along side her daddy, and slowly take the galaxy..

            "And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made onto dust." Then Shall Fall Scifi!

            If you don't worship Metonic... your parents won't love you anymore.. well they dont now...


              Originally posted by STARGATE7777
              I think that RDA would go back to SG-1 and the "new characters" would move onto the third series, whatever that would be. I don't know anything about how a show is produced but is it possible that RDA's company owns the rights to certain storylines? Could this be why the "new" Stargate has almost nothing from the first 8 seasons? Maybe he has an agreement with MGM.
              Good questions.

              It's possible I suppose and certainly would explain the almost utter lack of certain story arcs in the new show.

              I don't know about moving the new folks over to the new series though. I think he'd probably make them work in SG-1 better and would allow for tighter, deeper storytelling that meshes the pre-existing team with the new folks more gracefully.

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                Good questions.

                It's possible I suppose and certainly would explain the almost utter lack of certain story arcs in the new show.

                I don't know about moving the new folks over to the new series though. I think he'd probably make them work in SG-1 better and would allow for tighter, deeper storytelling that meshes the pre-existing team with the new folks more gracefully.
                If the new show is based on the Cam and Vala characters, I really wonder if RDA would want to touch that can of worms

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                  So I've been thinking about the state of the franchise, the themes and trends of SG-1 and the character interactions and have come to the conclusion that I would LOVE if Richard Dean Anderson were to show run the new proposed Stargate.


                  Because with Gekko came a true understanding of what made SG-1 special...and that is, the TEAM. The people. The interaction between and relationships of the characters with each other. They didn't use big names to build out the cast but rather took relative unknowns who had a strong chemistry with each other and made magic. We cared about the team because we felt how they cared about each other.

                  I don't sense that bond on SG-1 anymore and that saddens me. It seems as though the current direction of the series lacks that emotional core it used to have and I have to at least consider the possibility that this was due to the influence of Richard Dean Anderson, both in front of the camera as Jack O'Neill but also...and perhaps MORE a showrunner.

                  So that's my current line of thinking. Get Richard Dean Anderson for the 3rd series. Ideally, I'd love to see Gekko return to showrun SG-1 again so he can add that spark that used to exist...but if SG-1 is about to go out (who knows at this point), I'd LOVE to see him showrun the new series.

                  i like the idea of gekko being involved again, but i'd prefer michael greenburg (rda's partner) to be show running the new show.




                    Originally posted by Bragi
                    He might be in the pilot, but I don't think he's going to come back to any tv show full-time. Not until his daughter is older, at any rate. Besides, you'd probably still b*tch that even though RDA was on the new show, it wasn't the TEAM you love of Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c.

                    And I agree with Jonzey. . . . get over it.
                    ooh, that's really good DEBATING.




                      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                      Good questions.

                      It's possible I suppose and certainly would explain the almost utter lack of certain story arcs in the new show.

                      I don't know about moving the new folks over to the new series though. I think he'd probably make them work in SG-1 better and would allow for tighter, deeper storytelling that meshes the pre-existing team with the new folks more gracefully.
                      I really doubt they have propietary storylines. I doubt MGM would allow it. I just think that Bridge (with some "help" from SciFi/MGM) went in a different direction. A bad one IMO. <shrug>

                      I'd love RDA to be showrunner of a third series. I tihnk he's a major reason why S8 was watchable (because of his position as Ex. Prod. - not because of Jack) as he was the only one focused solely on SG-1, not split between SG-1 and Atlantis.

                      I don't think the new ones should come over. Not because I have a problem with the actors but because the new characters were so poorly introduced - to the detriment of the established characters - that I don't think they can be recovered.

                      I definitely don't think the newer characters should go to the third series. They irrepairably tarred and feathered marred SG-1. They can now keep it. Let the (used-to-be) well-written characters move on. They can keep Michael Shanks on SG-1 though. We can leave someone for Vala to torment as he likes it so much.

                      Loving the idea.

                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        i like the idea of gekko being involved again, but i'd prefer michael greenburg (rda's partner) to be show running the new show.

                        Either one. Or both. I like Greenberg too. I tihnk the loss of both Greenberg and RDA were issues.

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                          I agree. He seems to have a talent and a knack for making really good tv. He finds those he has chemistry with and ensures that connection comes through the screen...because if we don't feel how much they care about each other, why should we bother?

                          The writing also seemed to be tighter and sharper. It was also smarter. It painted a picture but let the viewer think for themselves. The humor was also sharper I think...snarky and yet grown-up. I appreciated that more than the current trends and I think these things can be attributed to Gekko's influence.

                          And whereas you don't mind being accused of not liking change, I find it tiresome. It's such a broad brush we're being painted with that conveniently disregards the salient points we make because "we don't like change." But as I said before, change is inevitable in life and I accept change as a given. But change has no value in and of itself. One can only judge the changes in the show by the consequences we can perceive onscreen. I perceive a long series of BAD changes.

                          So again...I think that if SciFi is smart, they'll go back to the tried and true showrunning Gekko provided for the third incarnation of the franchise (if not for the first).
                          i don't mind change at all, and like you said, if it's for the better, all the better for us.

                          i adored season 6, but i understand that if you were a daniel/ms fan, it would be a miserable ride. but the season's writing was still spot on. AND, even more important, jonas quinn's addition to the show was just an addition, not a complete retooling to make him the star and the existing characters supporting to him. i really liked jonas, i thought he added a new dimension for the existing characters to play off of.

                          change can be good. change can be refreshing. i'm not feeling it this time around.




                            i think that RDA and Greenburg would probably make really good showrunners for a new series, although i think that they would probably need someone like brad wright, jonathan glassner or JM & PM as partners for the sci fi element because neither RDA or Greenburg was really into the sci fi aspect of it.

                            if a new show were to be filmed in LA it would even be possible, and considering that canada may no longer be the ideal place to make a tv show in terms of the economics of it all this too might be possible. it really would depend on a lot of factors though.

                            i wouldn't like to see mitchell be a part of it, and depending on how vala is developed she may or may not fit in, daniel obviously could fit in. carter and teal'c for me would be the ideal stars of it, with some new characters added in (and preferably some guest roles from MS and RDA who i don't think would neccessarily want to be part of another full time show). i think the next logical step would be to have a show actually set on one of earths ships, in which carter would be the commander of it. but thats just my theory on it, i'm sure they would come up with something different and better.

                            i think that people tend to really underestimate the possitive effect that the gekko team had on sg-1. RDA really was never thought of much in his role as a producer because he didn't seem like he got all that involved in that side of it. it wasn't really until his time with the show was diminised and eventually over that even i began to realise just how much influence he had.


                              I agree. I underestimated Gekko's contribution until it was gone. Then the difference was startling.

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                I agree. I think he'd do a great job BEHIND THE SCENES.

                                now if he wants to reprise Jack, cool. But my preference would be for RDA to show run, him and maybe Green burg bringing thier special brand of magic back to the show. The same magic that made the show so popular and preferred by so many for 6 years.

                                THier leadership got stargate off to such a great start that it literally took on a life of its own and i'd think the third incarnation could only benefit from their input
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


