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Star Trek Ships vs. Stargate Ships

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    Ok a few words before i post some more , i like reading this topic , it's a very entertaining debate and it's funny .

    Ok now let's talk about defense satellites , in SG they are useless , a ship can simply exit hyperspace near the surface of the planet and open fire there is no reason to thinking that a fleet of al'kesh can't appear right outside the control center in a suicide run , or just to go there and start bombing the hell out of them .

    And now something about detecting ships , let's see hyperspace doesn't leave any trail so when fleet of ha'taks appears right on Earth there is no way to call ships to defend it , and if trouble happens they can simply vanish , star fleet can't do a single thing to stop them , also if this doesn't work , they could try infiltrating the star-fleet , a similar creature succeeded .

    So let's say the Federation tech is in every way superior to the Goa'uld , how long will it be until they have people with glowing eyes around there ?
    Stargate Mods List

    I am webxro , google me .SG,ST,SW,B5 Fan since forever.
    StarTrek Excalibur enthusiast and Pardus player .
    GW member infractions : 1


      Originally posted by darth_timon View Post
      If person A had the means to hire a private detective, or was a whizz at internet snooping, or had some other mean to learn about person B faster than B could learn about A, would that be unfair? The rate at which people, cultures and governments learn about one another is not even, and is often determined by capability. During the 1600s and 1700s European nations learned much more about the Native Americans than the Native Americans learned about Europe.
      None of this takes away from the fact that at some point the Goauld will arrive in the STverse, they will know nothing about anyone who lives within that universe, this is the starting point, so they'll have to start here and begin exploring, you can't just assume they automatically know anything about the races or groups of races that live there because they will be flying blind.
      Even solar systems could be in very different locations to the Goauld's own universe's Milky Way, so they'll have to be careful about where they drop out of hyperspace.

      Yet Worf and Dax had to be sent on a special mission to learn where the Founder were and what they were up to in Change of Heart. Clearly Federation measures to unearth hiding Founders were not 100%, and as I mentioned an alien lifeform was able to remain undetected right in the heart of Starfleet, so your assumption that symbiotes will be detected is flawed.
      That's because the Ferangi had already learned that the Dominion existed through rumours from other races, so the Federation sent Worf and Dax to find the Founders.

      You still ignore the fact that Goauld symbiots can be scanned by Xray machines, this means that a far more advanced piece of technology like Federation or any ST sensors, even Asgard stuff can easily scan a Goauld symbiot within a persons body.
      Basically any foreign alien lifeform that cannot hide it's existence within a host will be detected with ease, if less advanced technology can detect it with ease.

      You mean like how La Forge was brainwashed by the Romulans? The Goa'uld were able to successfully brainwash military personnel! It is not a stretch to imagine them brainwashing Starfleet officers.
      Ok maybe it's possible, but that doesn't mean the Goauld will necessary be able to use such a method on the Federation, Goauld brainwashing methods could be easily undone by electrical therapy.
      It's possible that transporter technology dissassembling a person and reassembling them will effect the Goauld's brainwashing methods.
      Unusual behavour will be noticed as always happens in ST story lines, there's no proof that many operatives would go unnoticed for a lengthy period of time.
      Federation medical technology of the 24th century is far more advanced than that of SGC medical personnel, Starfleet officers are regularly checked out by medical personnel after returning from away missions, so it's highly possible any alterations to their brain chemistry will be found.
      That's because you made it sound that way. You simply said any Goa'uld ships would be detected if they appeared within Federation space. You made a very sweeping statement that was not backed up by evidence, and that statement is clearly false.
      Umm long range sensors detect vessel activity within a race's space, this happens all of the time in ST.
      If a wormhole is detected at a great distance, then something similar like a hyperspace window will be detected.

      Did you know the E-D didn't detect the huge Dyson Sphere in Relics until they were almost on top of it? If they struggle to detect such huge objects with their ships, there is no guarantee they can detect small objects within a person.
      Do you realise that it was made of a material that distorted space?
      If real world more primative modern technology can be used to detect the bombs in SG then more advanced technology that was detected later and can scan down to a biological or nano level (in the case of nanites like the Borg's) then I think they can detect an unnatural object within someone's body.
      Look I just proved my point!

      You're proving my point- rather than attack the Asgard, Anubis took advantage of an opportunity to capture Thor, and used him to learn more. This flies in the face of your notion that the Goa'uld pick the aggressive option as the first choice.
      No I'm not, I'm proving my own.
      Anubis got lucky, he hadn't planned on capturing Thor, he couldn't have known that Thor would have been the one to arrive with a ship.
      Anubis took two ships to threaten a planet that was protected by the Asgard, with his new technology he attacked an Asgard ship by force, after Thor had tried to defend the planet and warn the Ha'Taks off, Anubis defeated that ship and because Thor didn't go down with the ship he managed to capture.
      If it wasn't for the fact that Thor had survived the attack Anubis would have just destroyed an Asgard ship and shown his superiority over the other Goauld, because he would have done so by force, not through

      You ignore the fact that Thor's ship was actually taken out, by force and that Anubis actually threatened that solar system with his new ships.

      You wanted evidence that the Goa'uld are not one-dimensional and I've given you that evidence. They can and have used mind control, kids, bio weapons and infiltration.
      Against less advanced species. they've never used any of those things against the Nox or Asgard.

      There is nothing to prevent them from doing so again; you just want to construct a horribly contrived scenario whereby the Goa'uld go charging in and then get their butts kicked. You want to strip them of any possible advantage, whilst granting the Federation every possible advantage (like colonies being able to conjure up defence satellites on a whim, despite zero evidence for this). I thought you wanted a fair scenario.
      No you want to make seem like the Goauld can easily infiltrate a race they've never met before, just because they can't defeat them in a straight ship vs ship war, which is what this thread is about.
      This entire scenario of your's is actually off topic, because it's got nothing to do with one ship or more vs another side of ships.

      You do realise that the Federation and any race with replicator technology can just make a phaser appear, or a shield or anything that they've been shown to be able to possess with ease don't you?
      You obviously don't like this because the Goauld cannot do this.

      Blatently untrue. They cannot hope to move such huge numbers of personnel and resources through the gates- that's why they have ships and cargo shuttles! Gates are easy chokepoints, and the Goa'uld know this. They also knew earth's gate was heavily defended and that it was protected by an iris. They would have had to have deployed those troops through some other means, rather than just sending them through the gate.
      Since when has the Goauld not had access to the stargate network?
      It was a problem for Ba'al when Avenger caused the whole gate network to screw up, there was a whole episode about it, remember?
      The gate is a major advantage for every system lord and they rely on it to transport resources all over the galaxy.

      Are phasers any more complicated than staff weapons or zats? The Goa'uld are all about stealing technology and making it work- and I point out that the Romulans were able to recreate Federation phaser rifles- which was only discovered by a fluke, not by any routine scans. As for hyperdrive, SG earth had help from the Asgard in making it viable. They also had working units to work with. The Federation will have neither such advantage.
      Hand phasers had to be developed over time, it was easy for even modern real world Earth level Humans in SG to make their own plasma weapons that can stun, but no one's ever made a phaser or something similar.
      The Romulans also have similar replicator technology to the federation, SG humans or Goauld didn't have this kind of technology in the late 20th century.
      You act like the Federation couldn't capture a small shieldless cargo ship, these small ships are used all the time by the Goauld.
      Ermmm Earth in SG is still operating using their level of physics knowledge, they aren't as smart as someone from the 24th century.
      It's easy for SG teams to get on board Ha'Taks, if a crew like Voyager can create a plan to steal a transwarp conduit from a Borg ship then they can easily get on board a Ha'Tak and take down the crew.
      SG teams have been infiltrating Ha'Taks since season 1 of SG1, their internal security is terrible, especially around ring transports.

      The only thing that held Earth back from making a working Hyperdrive unit viable for their ships was power generation, Starfleet can warp space with their level of power generation, which requires masses of energy, they won't have any problem with their fusion generators and anti-matter/matter reactors.

      Hyperdrive windows don't remain open- as soon as a ship passes through they close.
      In the episode of Atlantis Travelers Rodney was able to detect the residual radiation left over from their hyperspace windows.
      It's also mentioned in Daedalus Variations when Rodney likens the reality drive's residual energy signature to that of a hyperspace window, so such an effect is common in SG and could be detected by long range sensors.
      Federation sensors and those of other races are geared to picking up such effects so they could detect such effects.

      I refer you once again to the Goa'uld who won over Jonas and his people, through a successful infiltration. She certainly was able to keep her ego in check.;

      Speak for yourself. Don't have the cheek to complain about rude behaviour or misleading information whilst you make comments like this. You have consistently ignored evidence and that's why I'm not discussing firepower with you. Draw all the incorrect conclusions about firepower and introduce your fanon into this scenario- it won't make you right.
      I was speaking for myself, I never said I wouldn't talk about firepower anymore.
      I'm not being cheeky at all, I have never ignored anything, not a shread of evidence has been ignored, that's why I've replied to pretty much everything you've posted in a reply to me.
      I have always stated things as they are displayed in the episodes referenced.
      My conclusions are not wrong, they have been drawn not just by me, but other posters here in this thread.
      You make accusations like this, but you can never actually quote a part of my posts where I've actually made a wrong conclusion, how can taking a piece of evidence like an old ship destroying a mountain on first strike be anything but a high display of firepower or a phaser from a later ship taking out a 1600 meter deep shaft of ground being anything but the same?
      You have not proven your claims that Goauld energy weapons can do anything similar, not even close, so don't tell me my conclusions are wrong, when you haven't even provided any evidence to prove this is wrong.


        More hyperbole. Betazed was a member world that didn't have up-to-date defences and it was overrun by the Dominion in a few hours. The Goa'uld would have no trouble with such a task, especially against such poor planning and a lack of competence. Plus, they can strike without warning, whereas the Dominion was limited to the same strategic situation has the Federation.
        The Goauld have never shown themselves to have firepower that does anything similar to Federation ships, those vessels can easily destroy mountains and large portions of a planet.
        In the era we're talking about, which is the 24th century, the Federation can destroy mountains with ease, they can destroy large portions of a planet and if they were to increase their quantities of matter and antimatter used they could destroy moons, which is proven by Dreadnaught, yet the Goauld have no such weapons.
        They may be able to jump wherever they want, but when they get to their intended targets they will have nothing powerful enough to throw.
        Prove me wrong, if you can, you certainly haven't done so far, can you do this now?

        They were throwing ships into a defensive situation! Strength in numbers against an enemy that launch an all-out assault on them! This is made clear as day in the episode!
        Yes and it's the only thing they could do against a superior enemy, it's exactly what would happen against the Federation and theyd lose.

        Other Goa'uld are a known quantity- there is no proof they would act so rashly against an unknown foe, especially one they just countered (and don't cite the Replicators- the Replicators attacked first, the Goa'uld merely reacted- the Federation would not attack the Goa'uld first).
        Don't tell me what not to state, I'll site any piece of evidence I chose, another sign of how rude you've been throughout this whole discussion, you ignore what it proves and don't like it, so you try to order me around, I won't do what you want just because you don't like it.
        Actually the Jaffa thought they were attacking a Goauld controlled ship, both sides went to war with each other.
        You're trying to make the Goauld sound blaimless lol, they attacked the Replicators and they didn't try anything else but to send ships and attack them back, this is common among the Goauld, it's what every system lord did in this situation and there is no other proof that they tried to do anything else.
        Even against other Goauld they always fought ship and army vs ship and army, then the winning side would take control of the other's jaffa or vessels, planets etc.

        Speak for yourself. I have pointed out numerous examples of poor firepower for the Federation and you gloss over it or try to mire us in endless speculation.
        No you haven't, you've given what you believe represents poor firepower, but it doesn't, it's either anomolies or examples that given what the numerous pieces of evidence that actually show direct signs of power cannot be weak examples, but you obviously don't like what they show, so you ignore them and call those examples weak.
        You are still accusing me of assuming the Goa'uld know everything about the Federation, even though what I have since pointed out is that the Goa'uld can learn about the Federation far quicker than the Federation can learn about the Goa'uld.
        No I'm not, you obviously haven't actually read what I wrote properly.
        I actually said the Goauld couldn't know of the Federation if they just met ship to ship, as in they just arrived in the same area of space, all the Goauld would see is a new vessel they hadn't seen before and if the Federation ship tried hailing them the Goauld would probably answer and say that the new ship should bow before them.
        You're making so many assumptions that are not backed up by any evidence.
        How exactly would the Goauld learn more about the Federation than the Federation can learn about them?
        The Goauld wouldn't even know about the Federation unless they came accross them and either a Federation vessel told them about a vast alliance of races that work together in cooperation, or they met another race that told them about the Federation, but why would they talk about the Federation without being promted to do so first?
        Nothing about your scenario actually deals with why the Goauld could even learn about the Federation or why they would chose them as a target without prior knowledge of what a conflict has to offer the Goauld, they'd have far too much to lose.

        How could all of the system lords spare enough ships to take on a new threat from another universe?
        The system lords have to take care of their own territory and if one lord desides not to jump to this new universe they can own everything, they simply can't trust each other and it's more likely that they'd only send a small portion of their forces to go to this other universe.
        You've assumed the Federation can reproduce hyperdrive relatively easily, despite their failures to reproduce other FTL methods. You ignore evidence that hurts your position and make stuff up to help it.
        The fact that they've had problems replicating or producing other methods of FTL means nothing when it's easy for the Tauri to make hyperdrive tech.
        I have not ignored anything, don't accuse me without proof.
        The fact that Earth can easily make hyperdrive means it would be even easier for the federation or some other race that can already generate masses of power and warp space to make their own Hyperdrive tech.
        Another thing you obviously don't like, since it proves you wrong!

        No, they wouldn't attack. You have NO evidence to support this assumption- it remains exactly that, an assumption.
        Yes they would, since all they'd see is another ship they've never seen before, there's no reason for some random race to just tell the Goauld about the Federation and the Goauld wouldn't automatically know to ask about the Federation, it's far more likely they'll seek out lesser races and try attacking them and they'd still lose because they aren't powerful enough to do anything to them.
        You have no evidence to support that they'd instantly know to start some long drawn out invasion, since when have they ever done this?
        Where's your evidence for this? You certainly haven't given any so far.


          Originally posted by darth_timon View Post
          For a short period of time, and in the original attempt, prior to Kim altering the timeline, Voyager crashed! Since then, we have not seen or heard from it.
          We can only speculate, but the fact that they got so close to actually making it work or the only reason Voyager didn't use the older version was because it damaged their structural integrity, when this new variant traveling even faster didn't have any such problems shows that it's within their grasp.
          For all we know the Federation doesn't want to upset the balance of power within the local Quadrants or draw the attention of other known super powers of the Delta quadrant like the Voth, there are plenty of reasons why they shouldn't try to extend their influence too soon, two years isn't that long in Federation history really.

          So they gave up out of fear? That's hardly impressive- Federation ships can be remotely controlled- they've more than a century since Kirk's era to study the technology, but they are no closer to implementing it- this is not encouraging for your position.
          I'd say it's more out of concern.
          You're correct in stating that ships can be remote controlled, but there may be unkown effects on subspace that the Federation wants to research in depth before installing such technologies on their entire fleet.
          If it's proven that a race has been using hyperdrive technology for thousands of years and no ill effects have happened in another universe with all of the same kinds of physics properties then the Federation would have no reason not to install the tech on a fleet of ships and start an attack run on the Goaulds staging area.

          Actually, you said .
          I know what I said.
          So yes. you basically said they'd scan it and then from there figure out how to reproduce it. You also ignore that the SG earth had working examples of hyperdrives AND Asgard help to make it fully operational. Finally, those corridors in Descent would have come in handy but we never see them used ever again, so clearly they have limitations.
          I don't need you to tell me what I said and I meant over time, I didn't say they know how to do it easily, but since they can tweak a few systems and make a variation of slipstream drive or jump to another universe using a few Borg mods well it shouldn't be that hard, especially if 20th/21st century Humans can make it almost work without the necessary power needed.
          There's no mention why the subspace corridors weren't used, yes they would have come in handy, but we don't have any info so it could be for any reason.
          Maybe they stopped working when they weren't activated by a Borg ship after a certain amount of time.

          When confronted with a number of possible means for how the Goa'uld could learn more about the Federation,. you have nitpicked each example in a desperate bid to show how none of them could possibly be of use against the Federation- and you have failed to do this.
          Desperate bid, don't make me laugh, I've proven you wrong on this countless times now and you don't like it.
          You've failed to show how the scenario could even start, let alone how the Goauld could actually implement any of these suppossed strategies and make it work.

          They don't need to be able to scan the entire galaxy, just the relevant part of it. They don't need to hack into Federation communications to see where most messages are being sent to and from.
          The Goauld would actually need to know what portion of the Galaxy they'd need to send a ship to in order to know where to scan.
          You assume the Goauld can even detect where communications are coming or going from, without a shread of proof that they can even scan into subspace.

          I sniped your firepower comments because I have addressed them countless times and won't bother anymore- you won't look at the evidence so I am not wasting my time.
          You haven't address anything, you just made false claims that the evidence you've given disproves what firepower the Federation or any race from Star Trek is capable of.
          You have not disproved that a 200 year old federation ship can destroy a mountain, you have not disproven that a ship from the 24th century can destroy enough matter to dig a 1600 meter shaft into the ground of a planet within seconds.
          You have in no way proven that a small group of ships can not destroy 30% of a planet's crust with their opening volley of fire.
          You claim that a ship that carries a very small percentage of this firepower as in less than 1% is capable on face value of penetrating a shield that can withstand the firepower listed above and you claim that a group of weapons that are considered much stronger than all of this must be weaker because they were intended to be used to destroy an asteroid that doesn't look spherical, so they must be weaker than all these other examples point to, your claims have been refuted and you have no evidence to support them, so you try to divert people's attention towards a scenario you cook up to try and make the side you don't support seem weaker than they actually are, you've shown your true colours and I will continue to use the evidence to prove this point.

          Totally untrue- they couldn't even replicate chromosomes to save a dying Romulan, or material to help Worf after injury- the ability of replicaters is vastly overstated.
          Did you notice that I was actually referring to weapons and technology the Federation has been shown to possess with ease, not a few things that are not possible with the tech?
          I wasn't actually talking about medical things, but yes there are things that replicators cannot do, making weapons and or commonly found items don't fall into the same category.

          I assume nothing. I look at evidence. You ignore evidence.
          I've never ignored any piece of evidence, if you want to accuse me of this then why have you not quoted a part of my post that proves this?
          Last edited by Rise Of The Phoenix; 04 July 2011, 10:57 AM.


            Originally posted by qingbest View Post
            the Tau'ri made a hyperdrive from Naduadriah from the Kelowans, most of the scientists on Earth wrote the algorithms for it. Although they never got passed that they needed a buffer. $2B was spend on the hyperdrive. I am responding to messages in the thread. I forgot Ancients are human and they lived on Earth so we can classify them as SG Earth. Hell the Destiny is in a star while recharging and only on reserve power only. Please watch Darkness and see how Rush gives Young a lecture on how much power they have and Light to see the Destiny recharge and you can glimpse the damage it has sustained. BTW I am 13.
            OK, so you agree that Earth was able to make hyperdrive work, it's just that they lacked the necessary power to open a window?
            I have seen Darkness and I agree that Destiny does trump the metaphasic shields of Enterprise D, but Enterprise D is still capable of something no other SG ship is capable of.

            The reason I asked why you replied to those posts was because it's highly unlikely they will ever reply, since they don't appear to have posted even on Gateworld for years.
            Last edited by Rise Of The Phoenix; 04 July 2011, 10:54 AM.


              Originally posted by webxro View Post
              Ok a few words before i post some more , i like reading this topic , it's a very entertaining debate and it's funny .

              Ok now let's talk about defense satellites , in SG they are useless , a ship can simply exit hyperspace near the surface of the planet and open fire there is no reason to thinking that a fleet of al'kesh can't appear right outside the control center in a suicide run , or just to go there and start bombing the hell out of them .
              It's true that in the real world satellites may not be of any use because the enemy will just drop out of ftl behind them, but in SG no one uses this strategy, so it's out of character.

              And now something about detecting ships , let's see hyperspace doesn't leave any trail so when fleet of ha'taks appears right on Earth there is no way to call ships to defend it , and if trouble happens they can simply vanish , star fleet can't do a single thing to stop them , also if this doesn't work , they could try infiltrating the star-fleet , a similar creature succeeded .
              I ST transwarp conduits are detectable, so it's possible something similar like hyperspace travel will be detected, especially with ships entering and exiting hyperspace.
              BTW as I've said to darth Goauld Symbiots can be easily detected using XRay technology, sensors in the 24th century are far more advanced than this, there's no reason to think a symbiot would go undetected, trill are detectable and can be scanned with ease by Federation sensors.

              So let's say the Federation tech is in every way superior to the Goa'uld , how long will it be until they have people with glowing eyes around there ?
              They'd be detected by sensors, foreign life forms will be noticed inside of someone's body.


                Like they where discovered in the TNG ep Conspiracy where they where discovered because they did a lot of things that raised suspicion of some captains ?
                Come one , it took some luck to expose this , the Goa'uld are a lot more careful and they would also use brainwashing on the medical staff to ignore the parasite .
                Stargate Mods List

                I am webxro , google me .SG,ST,SW,B5 Fan since forever.
                StarTrek Excalibur enthusiast and Pardus player .
                GW member infractions : 1


                  ST worlds could detect Naquada (in the gould) from satelites or land based sensors. Infiltration is unlikely.


                    I have a proposal for you Phoenix. We take our discussion to a neutral location, where it can be judged by our peers. A chance for both of us to present a case to people who have no interest in this one way or another.
                    To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield- Tennyson


                      Originally posted by morrismike View Post
                      ST worlds could detect Naquada (in the gould) from satelites or land based sensors. Infiltration is unlikely.
                      The original goa'uld have no Naq , and it implies that this metal is not needed for vital functions , so they could extract the Naq from the bloodstream before a mission like this if they know about any possible detection .
                      Stargate Mods List

                      I am webxro , google me .SG,ST,SW,B5 Fan since forever.
                      StarTrek Excalibur enthusiast and Pardus player .
                      GW member infractions : 1


                        Originally posted by webxro View Post
                        Like they where discovered in the TNG ep Conspiracy where they where discovered because they did a lot of things that raised suspicion of some captains ?
                        Come one , it took some luck to expose this , the Goa'uld are a lot more careful and they would also use brainwashing on the medical staff to ignore the parasite .
                        People were going missing and the Enterprise crew eventually discovered the alien's.
                        The Goauld have been discovered trying to infiltrate the SGC, the SGC doesn't have advanced sensors that are far more advanced than current XRay technology, Goauld operatives would be discovered with ease by such sensor tech, hell the transporter operations officer would pick them up before they even got back on the ship.

                        Originally posted by darth_timon View Post
                        I have a proposal for you Phoenix. We take our discussion to a neutral location, where it can be judged by our peers. A chance for both of us to present a case to people who have no interest in this one way or another.
                        Whatever you like, I don't mind, if you wanna create a thread just for that feel free, just post a link in here to it's location and I'll post in there.
                        No underhand behavour though, just post the evidence as it's shown with links to episodes in question, no trying to sway people's opinions with tweaked info and I'll do as I've always done in here.

                        You'll probably have to call it something like Goauld Infiltration of Federation Space.

                        I wouldn't be surprized if we end up back here again though, there will always be people who have a vested interested in either side of the argument, I'm into both SG and ST, so I'm not biased to any side because of personal preferences, I just look at the facts and make my judgements based on them.

                        BTW I would appreciate answers to any questions I've posted in my last replies to you, if you can quote any parts of my replies to you that have come accross like I'm being missleading or untruthful I would appreciate knowing where I've done this, because I honestly don't know how I can be accused of such things, can you do this?

                        Originally posted by webxro View Post
                        The original goa'uld have no Naq , and it implies that this metal is not needed for vital functions , so they could extract the Naq from the bloodstream before a mission like this if they know about any possible detection .
                        Goauld usually need Naquadah to operate certain pieces of technology, it's almost like it being in their blood stream makes them behave the way they do.

                        Their ships are made of Naquadah, as is their technology and a symbiot would be detectable, so the Federation or any race with advanced sensor technology even on NX-01 level will likely detect the presence of a symbiot and as always happens the Goauld would go ape once they got discovered and try to cause trouble on the ship or outpost they're trying to infiltrate.
                        I bet that the Goauld assassin would kill a few starfleet peronnel if they happened to get on to a base or ship, but he/she would be discovered and stopped before they got too far.


                          Originally posted by Rise Of The Phoenix View Post
                          The Federation has the means to detect alien vessels traveling through their space, using long range sensors they can easily detect a ship or group of them just popping out into normal space within their territory.
                          This point is only valid if they have a signature or some kind of radiation. And it is unlikely they can be detected in subspace or what they use to travel, it is also that according to Carter they travel in another dimension I don't remember what episode don't ask.


                            Originally posted by Rise Of The Phoenix View Post
                            What's this got to do with anything?
                            If the Goauld don't use warp drive then they will draw interest.
                            If the Goauld try jumping into hyperspace anywhere within the milky way they will draw attention from many different races and they will have given away their speed advantage.
                            This new technology will be researched and given that the Federation are a group of scientists if they detect a hyperspace window they will research it until they figure out how to replicate one, once they've done that they will copy it and implament changes to their fleet.
                            Draw interest I agree but replicating one will require the technology involved, what is the method and how to replicate that. Yes Carter has designed the hyperdrive for the Prometheus using the Naquadriah obtained from off world. It is not likely that they will be able to overcome the Naquadriah(if they ally themselves with the Kelonwans(Jonas people)) instability that the Naquadriah has. The Asgard is speculation that they use Neutronium to travel. And what will power the hyperdrive when they invent it.


                              Originally posted by qingbest View Post
                              This point is only valid if they have a signature or some kind of radiation. And it is unlikely they can be detected in subspace or what they use to travel, it is also that according to Carter they travel in another dimension I don't remember what episode don't ask.
                              I posted to Darth Timon that in the episode The Travelers Rodney makes reference to residual radiation from hyperspace activity.
                              There's also the similarities between the reality drive and hyperspace technology that Rodney mentions in Daedalus Variations, we can only draw the conclusion that all varieties of hyperspace technology leave behind a noticable radiation signature that is left in space after a window has been activated.

                              Also the Ancients had technology that could scan subspace (in The Siege Atlantis detects Hives and Cruisers traveling in hyperspace, with it's sensors), the Federation usually detects transwarp signatures from Borg Transwarp Conduits while they are in subspace, so it's highly possible that they could detect such subspace activity from ships traveling using hyperdrive.

                              Originally posted by qingbest View Post
                              Draw interest I agree but replicating one will require the technology involved, what is the method and how to replicate that. Yes Carter has designed the hyperdrive for the Prometheus using the Naquadriah obtained from off world. It is not likely that they will be able to overcome the Naquadriah(if they ally themselves with the Kelonwans(Jonas people)) instability that the Naquadriah has. The Asgard is speculation that they use Neutronium to travel. And what will power the hyperdrive when they invent it.
                              Not necessarily, if the federation could duplicate the energy needed to open a window.
                              All vessels with a warp drive are capable of generating much larger quanities of energy than that of the Tauri, figures of how much energy of how much power the Enterprise D produces have been given within this thread and it was far greater than that of the Beliskner, which has intergalactic hyperdrive technology far beyond that of the Goauld.
                              BTW this scenario of Darth's has the Goauld arriving in the Milky Way of the Star Trek universe, so there would be no races of the SG universe besides the Goauld.

                              Being that slipstream can be made using just a slight modification of shunting warp power through the navigational deflector of Voyager in the episode Hope, I think something similar will allow Federation starships to utilize hyperspace, so no new specific drive, just a slight modification and their already existing massive quantities of power generated by their Matter/Antimatter reactors and Fusion power sources.


                                Regarding the ability to scan subspace, Voyager was able to do this in the episode Dragon's Teeth, at the end of the episode they used their long range sensors to detect many Vadwaar ships traveling through subspace corridors, so it makes it all the more likely that such activity could be detected and used as an early warning system for attacks against Federation planets.

