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Star Trek Ships vs. Stargate Ships

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    The Doctor will beat em all!!!


      Originally posted by Ori Warrior
      That leaves the ships in close standoffs, the fun part. Each series in my rundown will use the most advanced stuff seen on either show. ST will indeed have transphasic photon torpedoes, so they will be able to go through sheilds pretty well. ST equals ST "goodguys"
      ST vs. Gould: ST
      ST vs. Asgaurd: ST (numbers, basically)
      ST vs. Replicators: Rep. (Borg should have won too but were dumbed down)
      ST vs. Ori: ST better learn the phrase "Hallowed are the Ori"
      ST vs. Ancient: Ancient
      ST vs. Wraith: I'd have to say ST would squeek one out.
      Species 8472> all else except combo of ST&Borg, or Ancient or Ori

      Borg vs. replicators: No way to call that battle, really. They'd keep adapting to eachother, may be a "billion years" war! But if I MUST call one, Borg.

      Borg vs. Ancient: Borg Why? Ancients were advanced, but seemingly small in numbers and not much for first strikes. Too much would be assimilated before they realized the danger they were in. (and Borg have more numbers than Wraith.)

      Borg vs. Ori: Ori. Ori are more aggressive than the Ancients, and the Priors may indeed by the tipping point. (telekinetics would allow them to do great damage to the Borg without the Borg being able to assimilate them due to their "magic". And if hopelessly outnumbered, the Prior just burns himself into nothing anyways.)

      Borg defeat all else SG in my book.

      Earth SG is pretty low on the totem poll, they run out of weapons after a few minutes of fighting. (and now have 1 ship left.)
      the Borg would easily lose to the Ancients. It's not really a question. What destory the replicators? The Ancient weapon Jack built.

      Borg vs Asgard= Asgard because the Borg can be kill with energy weapon,

      Borg Vs replicators= replicators! because all the Borg weapons are energy weapons so inturn replicators can win.

      ST vs. Gould: would be a tie because about same tech


        Originally posted by Jakebbq
        Ancients Vs Star Trek = Ancient
        Earth ships Vs Star Trek = a draw earth have partially good shields
        Goa'uld Vs Star Trek = Star Trek
        Wraith Vs Star Trek = Star Trek
        Ori Vs Star Trek = Ori
        Asgard Vs Star Trek = Asgard
        Tollan Vs Star Trek = about even.
        Nox Vs Star Trek = neither the nox wouldnt fight and the star trek wouldnt attack a peaceful civilization
        i dont think you people all saw enough star trek and stargate to judge which ship is better, plus the series differ much in the ship components and realism, IMO in star trek the ships are much more realistic, fragility and damage of ships is much more realistic, in stargate the ship is just hit and does some random damage - example:

        A deadalus ship has 7 decks inaccesible after wraith fighting - thats was for me like a WTF lame joke, how cant it be accesible? was the friggin hull melted over 7 decks or what or they only have 1 door to those decks which is stuck and no crowbars on the ship?

        in star trek a ship is hit it will produce damage and the damage is specific -borg cube cuts out a section of the hull, 12 people dead, hull is holding together with forcefields etc..

        for really good example of how much star trek ships can handle look voyager episode "the 100 days war" or something like that where the ship is under constant attack, that gives you a good clue how the damage works in star trek.

        you also cannot even begin to compare the power of phasers and railguns / asgard beam weapons - phasers can do really awesome and extensive drilling on planet surface into the lava layers and further - they are THAT powerful, would a railgun attacking a planet do that? we saw what a hatak does when shooting at a planet, several times - almost no damage to surface - barely any!

        comparing shields between the series is also impossible, star trek has really powerful shields, for example in star trek to transport they have to take whole shielding offline to do so, unline in star trek where they just fluctate the shields or something or even teleport right thru shields. and star trek has way more advanced and powerful teleporting (this is meant for efficient of teleport, not quantity, star trek teleport works in many cases when stargate doesnt - such as deep underground and while in warp-speed, stargate can surely transport a whole freakin skyscraper but fails to get thru wraith scattering field or something?!?!?)

        the shields in star trek are really powerful (multiphasic regenerative shielding in TNG especially)

        and remember - star trek ships have really cool deflector dishes to do funky stuff with particle accelerator to produce very powerful beams...

        comparing power sources is right now impossible, star trek ships are mostly matter / antimatter (with some exceptions like romulans which use a small singularity/black hole), we can assume hataks are powered by naqhuadah reactor, earth vessels power is unknown since we have no clue if it is still naquadria or something from the asgard, for ori whatever they use i'd say they use zero point energy, basicly overload and explosion of each of these causes really massive damage and explosion so the power sources of both stargate and star trek compare even.

        If that is true good by to the Treks because they need to "Power up the Warp" and if it takes Seconds goodbye that would probley what can be done to the Wraith which would be a better sacrifice
        huh? it takes about one second, and it takes time to enter hyperspace in gateworld as well you know...


          Originally posted by Fatewarns
          the Borg would easily lose to the Ancients. It's not really a question. What destory the replicators? The Ancient weapon Jack[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/PFAFE%7E1.LUA/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/IMG] built.

          Borg vs Asgard= Asgard because the Borg can be kill with energy weapon,

          Borg Vs replicators= replicators! because all the Borg weapons are energy weapons so inturn replicators can win.

          ST vs. Gould: would be a tie because about same tech
          That doesn’t necessarily mean the Ancients (not ascended beings but human ancients) would have been able to affect the Borg in the exact same way. Remember… the Ancients LOST to the Wraith. The Borg is far more relentless and more numerous in numbers. Once that first Ancient or ship is assimilated, all bets are off. Would Atlantis stand a chance against a fleet of 1000 Borg cubes all working as one? That is just a small fraction of their fleet and anything that is learned is shared instantly with the rest of the Borg much like with the Replicators.

          You must not watch Star Trek. The Asgard would only get a few shots before the Borg adapted. The Borg also has shielding on their ships as well as their drones. After a few shots from an Asgard cannon, they’d adapt. Asgard weapon is energy based; nothing they haven’t faced before. They’re also able to adapt in the heat of battle and a far more formidable fighters then the Asgard. The Asgard got their asses handed to them by the Replicators and would be in the same way by the Borg. Replicators’ intent is to consume and replicate. The Borg is much the same way, they assimilate (consuming both biological and technological material and fuse it into their own to make them stronger). In the Star Trek universe, Species 8472 were the only real threat to the Borg and only because they and their technology was biochemical based which proved extremely resistant to anything the Borg have encountered before (which up to that point had been mainly mechanical, biological and energy based) and were nearly wiped out (till Voyager intervened).

          Borg vs. Replicators is still a toss up. The Borg is capable of assimilating Replicator blocks (in essence learning everything about it) since their assimilation tubules are capable of penetrating any known alloy or energy shied and their assimilation probes are effective on both bio and mechanical material. Human form Replicators would be the only ones that may not be susceptible to the nano probes… to what extent is not known although their numbers are quite low.


            The probleme here is thet u guys are thinking just Federation Ships.

            1 Borg cube vs everyone else = Resistance is Futile
            2 Federation ships vs everyone else= depends
            3 Jem'Hadar ships vs ORI,Goa'ul,ANCIENT,ASGARD= Jem'Hadar because of ther kamikaze tactic and the huge number.
            4 Klingon,Romulans,Cardassians vs Stargate ships= Star trek looses
            5 Ferengi vs ORI = ORi will get suckerd out of this galaxy
            6 Vidiians, Krenim and all other delta quadrant races vs Stargate= even because not much is known abaut them.
            7 Krenim and other races with chronoton technology like the one in Voyager vs stargate= Star trek ships win because all wepons are useless on them .
            8 Species 8472 vs Stargate= let's just say thet since no borg nanoprobes exist stargate is .......dead
            9 Ocampa vs ORI= even because highly evolved OCAMPA have god like powers like the pryors. (see episode FURY for more details)
            10 Q vs everyone else = i will leave this up to your imagination

            Excuse my mistakes
            Last edited by Hecatomix; 15 July 2006, 03:12 PM.


              Oh man!!! I'd forgotten about species 8472... I wish Voyager repeats still came on.
              Snape kills Dumbledore
              Darth Vader is Luke's Father
              Rosebud is a sled
              Bruce Willis' character was a ghost
              The planet of the apes is actually Earth
              The two guys in Fight Club are the same guy
              Clark Kent is Superman
              What? You were expecting Stargate Spoilers?

              If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time for no good reason.


                deadalus class ship vs suppose it'd be the stargate ship. just take down their shields and beam a nuke

                ori>startrek no contest same goes for the asgard


                  Earth vs Federation: Depends; missiles counter photon torpedoes while phaser do nothing. railguns do nothing but nukes, bem them next to the shield and boom, lot of shield strength gone. Earth has got something called the shield frequency modulator which allows missile to possibly pass through shields.

                  Asgard versus Romulans: Asgard have been fighting the Replicators for hundreds of years so there tech has become super powerful and now that the replicators are gone, they've recovered there taken over ships. Asgard victory.

                  Goa'uld vs Klingons: Klingon victory until Anubis comes to save the day.

                  Replicators vs Borg: draw, they would keep advancing technologically against each other. They continually adapt to the other's countermeasures.

                  Ancient vs. any star trek race: project arcturus is capable of destroying a universe. Ancient victory.

                  Ori vs ST: ST better start capitulating to the Ori.

                  Tollan vs. Federation: even draw

                  Nox: No battle, Federation doesn't attack peaceful races.

                  Wraith: vs Borg: Borg victory; imagine the agony the Wraith would go through.

                  federation vs Lucian Alliance: federation; the lucian alliance is not organized.
                  Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                    Originally posted by Col. Shadow Quinn
                    Earth vs Federation: Depends; missiles counter photon torpedoes while phaser do nothing. railguns do nothing but nukes, bem them next to the shield and boom, lot of shield strength gone. Earth has got something called the shield frequency modulator which allows missile to possibly pass through shields.

                    Asgard versus Romulans: Asgard have been fighting the Replicators for hundreds of years so there tech has become super powerful and now that the replicators are gone, they've recovered there taken over ships. Asgard victory.

                    Goa'uld vs Klingons: Klingon victory until Anubis comes to save the day.

                    Replicators vs Borg: draw, they would keep advancing technologically against each other. They continually adapt to the other's countermeasures.

                    Ancient vs. any star trek race: project arcturus is capable of destroying a universe. Ancient victory.

                    Ori vs ST: ST better start capitulating to the Ori.

                    Tollan vs. Federation: even draw

                    Nox: No battle, Federation doesn't attack peaceful races.

                    Wraith: vs Borg: Borg victory; imagine the agony the Wraith would go through.

                    federation vs Lucian Alliance: federation; the lucian alliance is not organized.
                    I just love inaccurate comparisons from people who don't understand both universe.

                    Project Arcturus destroyed most of a solar system not the universe and only then because of an overload, which is far from a viable weapon. The Borg has mines capable of destroying a radius of 5 light years (10 light year range). I’m not sure if that’s their most powerful weapon but they do think on a very large scale. This is a weapon… not just an accident.

                    I still don’t see why so many put the un-ascended ancients on such a high pedestal. They’re not as powerful as everyone makes them out to be. Has everyone forgotten that with their superior technology and weaponry, they STILL got their asses handed to them by the wraith?

                    Ori/Ascended vs Star Trek…… maybe you should stay within the correct realm/context. It would more likely be Ori/Ascended vs. Q since obviously the Ori or Ascended beings are capable of destroying all the lower life in the Star Trek universe and at the same time, the Q are capable of destroying all lower life in the Star Gate universe. Think before you respond with rubbish.


                      As for Earth Vs Star Trek

                      A lot of people have said "just bring down their shields and beam a nuke aboard" HOW! Railguns are just shiny bits of metal travelling fast, given why its there a deflector disk would possibly just shove them to one side. While a missile could be easily targetted by a phaser, ST torpedoes seem to travel a lot faster and therefroe couldn't be intercepted

                      Facerit, eath vessals are essensially junk, I have no idea why people have the opinion they are anything else


                        Originally posted by KingofAquitaine
                        As for Earth Vs Star Trek

                        A lot of people have said "just bring down their shields and beam a nuke aboard" HOW! Railguns are just shiny bits of metal travelling fast, given why its there a deflector disk would possibly just shove them to one side. While a missile could be easily targetted by a phaser, ST torpedoes seem to travel a lot faster and therefroe couldn't be intercepted

                        Facerit, eath vessals are essensially junk, I have no idea why people have the opinion they are anything else
                        This IS a Star Gate forum....

                        Most of the comparisons on this thread is way off base or not a lot of thought is put into it since a lot of the respondant haven't really watched Star Trek or understand it so you get a lot of one sided comparisons.


                          Originally posted by pliepl
                          This IS a Star Gate forum....

                          Most of the comparisons on this thread is way off base or not a lot of thought is put into it since a lot of the respondant haven't really watched Star Trek or understand it so you get a lot of one sided comparisons.

                          That is true and I appriciate that, and fighting two differnet universes with two differnet takes on their weapons is hard. Still doenst excuse the power given the earths ships ^^. If nothing else time and time again the rain guns have been shown to be ineffectual, especially against shields


                            Originally posted by Col. Shadow Quinn
                            Earth vs Federation: Depends; missiles counter photon torpedoes while phaser do nothing. railguns do nothing but nukes, bem them next to the shield and boom, lot of shield strength gone. Earth has got something called the shield frequency modulator which allows missile to possibly pass through shields.

                            Asgard versus Romulans: Asgard have been fighting the Replicators for hundreds of years so there tech has become super powerful and now that the replicators are gone, they've recovered there taken over ships. Asgard victory.

                            Goa'uld vs Klingons: Klingon victory until Anubis comes to save the day.

                            Replicators vs Borg: draw, they would keep advancing technologically against each other. They continually adapt to the other's countermeasures.

                            Ancient vs. any star trek race: project arcturus is capable of destroying a universe. Ancient victory.

                            Ori vs ST: ST better start capitulating to the Ori.

                            Tollan vs. Federation: even draw

                            Nox: No battle, Federation doesn't attack peaceful races.

                            Wraith: vs Borg: Borg victory; imagine the agony the Wraith would go through.

                            federation vs Lucian Alliance: federation; the lucian alliance is not organized.

                            Cool.....let me try....

                            Earth Vs Star Trek= SG1 Earth.....

                            Earth has incorporated Asgard and Ancient Tech. Both seem way more advance the Federation....even more advance than anything found in the Trek Universe.

                            For a Earthship to beat a Federation ship, just use a Asgard beam weapons to blow the shields
                            and power supply...and finish the powerless ship with a conventional nuke or railgun. Earthships travel
                            intergalaxy distances routinely.....Federations ships are basically stuck in our Galaxy and rarely leave

                            Ancient/Ori vs Q= Ancients/Qri....the Q seemed to have limited number.
                            And slow to breed.
                            (See the Q and the Grey Voyager:

                            Ancients/Ori seem to have a unlimited supply of folks....

                            Ancients and ORI seem more focused and intense...the Q seem to be lazy and directionless.

                            Goau'ld vs Romulan/Klingons= Goau'ld.

                            All are arrogant, Goau'ld has done it longer, and posseses some Ancient tech like Earth.

                            Replicators vs Borg= Replicators. No need for organic parts....can use anything.

                            Nox vs Federation......draw..both too PC.....
                            Last edited by dec55; 16 July 2006, 04:01 PM.
                            Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


                              Ori ships Vs. Federation ships

                              The Ori will own the Federation ships. A beam to the Federation shields will cause 50 percent damage to the shields while the second shot will destroy the Federation ships. There is no chance for Federation ships to surivive in a battle unless they get help. They are bigger than the city and carry thousands of warriors.

                              Ori Raiders vs Federation Penguin Fighters

                              I would say Ori Raiders

                              DSC-304 Daedulas class vs. Federation ships

                              Federation ships uses energy weapons that constantly have to recharge to fire again. DSC-304 can shoot missiles until their shields are depleted. Their railguns can finish the job. I would say DSC-304 will survive a confrontation with Federation ships.
                              The Edge of the Night; contains love from the heart and soul, outpouring love to one and love one country.


                                Originally posted by Elitenova
                                Ori ships Vs. Federation ships

                                The Ori will own the Federation ships. A beam to the Federation shields will cause 50 percent damage to the shields while the second shot will destroy the Federation ships. There is no chance for Federation ships to surivive in a battle unless they get help. They are bigger than the city and carry thousands of warriors.

                                Ori Raiders vs Federation Penguin Fighters

                                I would say Ori Raiders

                                DSC-304 Daedulas class vs. Federation ships

                                Federation ships uses energy weapons that constantly have to recharge to fire again. DSC-304 can shoot missiles until their shields are depleted. Their railguns can finish the job. I would say DSC-304 will survive a confrontation with Federation ships.
                                Try a comparison more credible then that. We know that the Ori followers (Prior/worshippers) are one of the most powerful (thus far) in the Star Gate universe, yet you’re comparing them to relative middle weights in the Star Trek Universe (I’m not trying to single you out on this or anything since A LOT of others have done just that type of comparison too). If you want to use the Ori from the Star Gate Universe as a comparison, you might want to choose something more appropriate from the Star Trek universe. Since that’s right up there with me saying how much of a resistance could the combined fleet of the Gou’ld offer against the a Borg fleet (a small portion of their full force)… not much I’d say since we know how effective they were fighting with the Replicators. Remember how the Replicators just killed the Jaffa and used only their ships as raw material… the Borg would just assimilate the Jaffa and Gou'ld (effectively adding them, their “uniqueness,” knowledge, know-how, etc to suit them) and their technology (if it was worth it). As for the “but the Gou’ld can travel faster then the Borg”... that's not accurate since the Borg have transwarp technology enabling them to deploy ships to any part of the galaxy in minutes (Star Trek Voyager: Endgame), not even the Gou'ld are able to do that. That would be a silly comparison.

                                By Ori, I assume you mean the priors and their worshippers and not the actual ascended beings. So since they’re one of the most powerful from that universe, why not compare them from someone equally as powerful from the Star Trek universe… say the Borg or Species 8472 or even the Caretaker? Either of those races would be formidable against the priors and their followers. The “toilet ships” wouldn’t get more then a few shots against the Borg till they adapted. Energy weapons become useless against them rather quickly. Against Species 8472, from what we know, they and their ships are biological, energy weapons are dispersed or absorbed (toilet ship’s main weapon is energy based so would be largely useless against Species 8472). We (at least those of us who have actually watched Star Trek) know Species 8472’s weapons are a lot stronger then those of the “toilet ships.” 9 bio ships are able to combine their fire power to destroy an entire Borg planet. The Borg (if you’ve actually watched the series) were only able to fight them out to a draw (basically Borg nano probes do a kamikaze taking species 8472 with it). As for the Caretaker species, not much is known about them so I won’t speculate.

