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Ask Joe Mallozzi - Spoilers for SG-1 (S8, 9, 10) and SGA (S1, 2, 3)

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    Originally posted by General
    Joe - Who made Mitchell commanding officer of SG-1 over Sam???

    Mitchell will be commanding SG-1 at the beginning of season 9 because Carter will not be around. It isn't a matter of having selected him OVER her.
    Last edited by Darren; 03 March 2005, 08:23 PM. Reason: quote tag fix


      Hi Joe - depending on how the filming sequence goes for 9, and in past seasons it seems that the eps are not necessarily filmed in the same order as they will air, will you try and have Carter in any of the first 5 eps at all, even as a token scene to explain her absence or is it that she will be out all 5 and C. Black will be in all 5? Basically, will the filming of the first 5 be the ones done before ATs return and no scenes will be shot for those eps after ATs return? Thanks just curious as there seems to be discussion about this possibility in other threads and it got me to thinking . . . .


        Originally posted by JMallozzi
        Mitchell will be commanding SG-1 at the beginning of season 9 because Carter will not be around. It isn't a matter of having selected him OVER her.
        So, when Sam comes back, who will be in command? Him or her? Will they both be on SG-1, will Mongo Mullet get another team, or will Sam Carter stay on base as a science geek full time?

        (BTW, when all we knew about Mitchell were the initials MM, Ben Browder said he thought they stood for "Mongo Mullet" ).
        My LiveJournal.

        If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.
        -Frank A. Clark

        An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?
        -Michel de Saint-Pierre

        Now, there's this about cynicism. It's the universe's most supine moral position. Real comfortable. If nothing can be done, then you're not some kind of **** for not doing it, and you can lie there and stink to yourself in perfect peace.
        -Lois McMaster Bujold, "The Borders of Infinity"


          He already answered that question regarding who would be in command when Carter returned. The response was "I'm sure they'll work something out"


            Joe - has MGM/Sci Fi provided a larger budget for SG1 this year especially in light of all of the new characters to be added to payroll? I ask because I am hopeful that there will not be the same budget issues (US to Canadian dollar, etc.) as in seasons 7 and 8 - in that regard will the team actually get to go off world more in 9 as budget has been what fans who have expressed discontent with so many earth-based eps in these past 2 seasons have been told was the reason. Thanks.



              How many people working on Stargate have ever read fanfiction or looked at other fan-made things???

              Just curious

              Another thing...

              ...With Ford Now only being a recurring character () does that mean there's a possibility of him not being in the show at all towards the end of the season?

              PLEASE DON'T KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!

              Suz (who asks waaaaaaaaay too many questions)
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Hi Joe

                More Atlantis questions, plus a few general ones.

                1. Will we get meet McKay's sister in the future of Atlantis, or even Season 2 or 3? Not to mention how is her name spelt; Jeannie, Genie or some other way?

                2. Exactly how diverse are the scientists, academics and other personnel taken on the expedition to Atlantis? I know there's obviously several (astro)physicists, an anthropolgist (Dr. Corrigan from Suspicion - was so happy to see they had an anthropologist, makes my degree feel a bit more exciting) and engineers. But are there for example, archaeolgists, chemists, oceanographers?

                3. People keep talking about Atlantis running out of bullets, soap etc; personally I presumed the expedition was designed to be selfsufficient as far as possible. So did the expedition take support staff and specialists in making necessities (chefs etc) or did they just take all the knowledge and equipment and everyone pulls their weight on tasks - like someone gets barber duty etc?

                4. What, if any, specialism does Peter Grodin have? It's fun to guess but it'd also be cool to know.

                5.How do you decide on titles for episodes for the shows? Does anyone have final say, like the person who wrote it out you all? Have you all ever got completely stuck for titles and then come up with one from a randomly inspirated by something silly? And if so what was the title and what inspired it?

                6. It's been mentioned Teyla's alieness will be explored in season 2, will that include learning more about the Athosians? I'm obviously curious about there customs being an anthropologist and would love to see how they differ from Earthlings. Even if that isn't part of exploring Teyla's alieness, will we still be learning about the Athosians in the future?

                7. What's the official reason for McKay's uniform change in the 2nd half of Season 1 ? (The reason in the show that is, not to do with costuming department ) And what's with the underarm navy/black stripes on the short tshirts, that only he and Weir have? Does this indicate he's civilian 2IC or has had some kind of status change?

                Last edited by Purpleyin; 04 March 2005, 07:48 AM.


                  Joe i have read on the sg1 season 9 page that there will be another jaffa character for teal'c to contend with. Having just finished watching reckoning which was excellent by the way, i would like to know if isaac hayes will be back and more importantly what of bra'tac? surely either of those two characters make excellent leaders for the jaffa


                    Hi Joe,

                    Firstly, thanks for taking time out to reply here!

                    I was wondering if it was ever originally scripted (or planned in any way) for there to be a romantic undercurrent between Sam and Jack in the show, or if it was just something that evolved.




                      can i hav Joe Mallozzi's email if anyone has it please because i have an idea that he might want to know about

                      Please email:
                      [email protected] (not a web page it's "jacko_" also)
                      if anyone knows it
                      "I ask you, what could possibly be in my eye that would explain this"

                      HALLOWED ARE THE SHIPPERS!


                      PROUD TO BE ENGLISH


                        Whatever happened to Rak'nor? I thought he was leader but he just dropped off the face of the earth, err... planet... you get the idea.
                        'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.


                          Originally posted by Commander Aegir
                          can i hav Joe Mallozzi's email if anyone has it please because i have an idea that he might want to know about

                          Please email:
                          [email protected] (not a web page it's "jacko_" also)
                          if anyone knows it
                          You're not allowed to send Joe, SG1/SGA Staff, or even the studios any ideas. That is a waste of a question.

                          I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
                          [Revelations 22:13]


                            Originally posted by DownFallAngel
                            You're not allowed to send Joe, SG1/SGA Staff, or even the studios any ideas. That is a waste of a question.
                            yes, that's right, you need an agent first


                              Hey Joe!

                              Thanks for replying to my last three questions!

                              I have a few questions about the character of Elizabeth Weir on Atlantis who I think is brilliant by the way and has been excellently cast!

                              1. Are the burdens of leadership that were mentioned by Teyla in Suspicion in regards to the character of Elizabeth Weir going to be explored? for example the character feeling that she can't afford to show her doubts?

                              2. Are we going to get more insight into Weirs personality and backstory as well as her relationships with the other characters in Season 2? Torri proved in before I Sleep she's capable of bringing the emotional storylines to life and it'd be really great to see those things explored further.

                              3. Can you tell Torri that she is a really wonderful actress and let her know she has an appreciation thread on this board as we read an interview about how she had read some negative comments and we'd like her to know that she has a lot of people who support her too and think she's a really wonderful actress and is doing so well on Atlantis.

                              Thank you

                              Lucy x


                                i've got another question

                                any chance baal will return next year?? (well, for more reason than to just get killed off... *crosses fingers that her new fave guy doesn't kick the bucket, esp. after the wonderful reckoning *) and
                                and specifically, will we get to see what anubis was telling him about in the opening of threads, and will baal try to defeat anubis once and for all now that he knows anubis just wants him dead? any chance it'll be by getting help from earth again now that it seems he was genuinely greatful and impressed with their help in reckoning?

                                thanks, and thanks for answering some of my questions so far
                                Last edited by emily_reich; 06 March 2005, 03:36 AM. Reason: adding to the question after new spoilers :)

