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Ask Joe Mallozzi - Spoilers for SG-1 (S8, 9, 10) and SGA (S1, 2, 3)

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    Joe was there any though of having Jack turn bad or go missing or have the Team think he was Killed off in Moebius?I just do not see Jack going from one Deskjob to another and especially one that takes him away from Sam and the rest of the Team.Thanks


      . Sure answer everyone else's .

      I like donuts and good rep . P.S. If you send me good rep, I send it back . If you send me Donuts...I'll...umm...*Silence*


        Originally posted by JMallozzi

        Mmm, you didn't say maaaybe, but your answer seems slightly evasive. I mean you didn't come out and say "Yeah, she's military. Why wouldn't she be?"

        See, the reason I asked about Sam's military status when she returns is because I've read spoilers that Mitchell refers to Sam as "Sam" and not as Col. Carter. If Mitchell is a "Military man's military man" I would not think that he would refer to another military member of his team in such an informal
        manner while on-duty.

        So, other than Sam not being military any more, is there another reason why Mitchell would refer to her as Sam and not Col. Carter during a mission?

        I believe he refers to her as "Shasta". Weird, huh?
        Mr. Mallozzi, you are a bad man!! See, this is why I enjoy reading this thread--it doesn't matter whether you actually answer the questions (at least, how the fans want them answered). A lot of what you write is just so entertaining, I don't mind having to wait until the show airs for the answers. Thanks so much for taking time to come and hobnob with the fans. Now, if I could only figure out a way not to burst out laughing out loud at work at some of your answers--oh, wait, I shouldn't be reading at work. Anyway, how do you like Vancouver? Do you ever get to slip over the border into Washington State (God's Country!)?

        Thanks again!

        I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

        Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:


          Hi Joe I dont think you ever commented on this before but what do you think of all the flack that a producer another scifi series star trek enterprise Rick Berman got. Was it deserved? Could you emphasize with him, since you are on a show with highly critical fans too?



            Do you like chocolate ice cream? Raspberry's a great flavor with chocolate. A popular US brand had a chocolate and raspberry with choc. chips in it but they discontinued it. Could you get Teal'c or Vala to become addicted to chocolate? Maybe chocolate acts like LSD or heroin in a Jaffa. I think chocolate's the best. I think you should experiment with chocolate and amaretto liquer; chocolate and ouzo; chocolate and port; chocolate and wine; chocolate and shrimp. All of these can be made into ice cream, right?


              Do the Mitchell and Carter characters get along well or do they hate each other? It would be different (compared to Carter and O'Neill) if they actually hated each other and might have some potential for comedy and/or drama.


                Originally posted by binkpmmc

                They're going to take turns. Mitchell gets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday - Carter gets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, and they alternate Sundays.
                Joe - Speaking of cryptic - if I look it up in the dictionary are you mentioned? There have been several items saying Mitchell is in charge - in fairness to the Stargate fans who still hold out hope that Carter will "resume her duties" in her position as leader of SG1 why won't you answer the question about Carter and Mitchell and who will be in charge of SG1 after Carter returns to the team?

                Last edited by binkpmmc; 06 July 2005, 05:54 PM.


                  Hi again Joe,

                  Is there any chance we'll be seeing Skaara again this season? Since the new enemies are evil ascended beings, and you're bringing back ascended Orlin, it's seemes logical that Skaara could make a comeback after his ascension in "Full Circle".


                    Hello Joe,
                    I would like to thank you for answering our questions. I was wondering if Daniel's grandfather Nicholas Ballard would be brought back into the mix.
                    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

                    Live life for what you have and those you love.


                      hi, joe,

                      i know that sam returns in beach head, but can you tell me if she's in the entire ep, or just the last few seconds or something?




                        1: in the pilot of Atlantis i saw a guy with the belgian flag on his jacket.
                        Question: is there any change we will be seeing a belgian on the show again ?
                        <snipped by moderator>
                        i also wanted to thank you for taking the time to answer all our questions, this is one of the many things that make Stargate and Atlantis such great shows, so thanks
                        Last edited by Shipperahoy; 06 July 2005, 07:40 PM. Reason: ONE (1) question per post!


                          Originally posted by JMallozzi
                          Two are connected. But not the two you're thinking.

                          Speaking of episodes being connected. We have the three part S9 opener (Avalon 1&2 and Origin), the mid-season two-parter (The Fourth Horseman 1&2), and I'm going to assume a two-part season finale. But are there any other consecutive episodes that might be considered a two-parter (or non-consecutive eps that might have a connection), or would you consider the rest of the episodes to be "stand-alones"? If there are any that are connected, I'd like the names of the episodes, please.




                            Hey Joe a TV Guide article about the premiers of SG1 and SGa said that the Ori have a planet size stargate is this true. And if its true what possible use would the Ori have for such a big gate.


                              Originally posted by JMallozzi
                              We're way ahead of Hollywood stunts. We were killing off characters way before it was fashionable. Remember Martouf and Rothman?
                              MARTOUF!! you had to mention that! Why did you kill that wonderful man?


                                G'Day Joe,
                                Reading some of your answers has me a little confused. You keep saying the Ori dont have a need for ships therefore have no ships (because the are accended beings or whatever).....but do they have any allies that can challenge us on a corporeal level. I mean...whats this "Lucian Alliance" evryone keeps going on they pose a threat with regards to fleets upon fleets of technologically advanced ships? I guess im just hungry for space battles...i need to be fed!

                                Thanks, Jordo

