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    Is it Oct 5th yet????


      I agree... This show has started out great and evolved into something amazing. I get disappointed when so many people run to shows that are just so corny and cliche and so repetitive and flat... cough WH13 cough.... and they get twice the numbers of SGU. SGU goes places most shows won't dare to go, its so different then any show on TV. I so hope you guys get a third season.

      Honestly im not too concerned.... I think the move threw a lot of people off.... im pretty sure we'll see a 10-20% uptick for next week.. maybe 1.33-1.4 ish. Ill wait till a few more numbers to come in before worrying.. though even if they stay the same.. heck.. im not gonna let people missing out on SGU rob me of my enjoyment of the show. Even if it is only two seasons (and hopefully a movie), im glad we got what we go.

      PS ive really been loving the action and stunts on SGU. They're so intense and so real.. Like when Scott and Greer took down those alliance soldiers.. it felt very real techniques the military would use and not something that was perfectly planned by a stunt coordinator.

      Keep up the good work,
      Major Davis


        Originally posted by 2BAM View Post appears too many people seem to want to pirate programs these days.......Intervention is a great episode for fact....just you wait as the season picks up. It picks up super fast next week already!!! It's a wild ride out there!! We've done some fantastic things on this show in season 2. We love working together, and we all really believe in what we are making for the fans. The characters are real, and sometimes people can't seem to handle that. The dark nature of the program scares some folks, and they wish for a lighter side that was presented in previous the old incarnations for the lighter side!!!!! This series is raw, and real, and edgey. Myself, personally, am a big fan of Stargate:Universe. I don't like anything on television without depth. SGU has depth,story, and strong characters......Season 2 you get to see the characters get out there and discover......adventure......action......heartbreak....death....all of it. I don't know about everybody else, but, I'm watching it!!!!
        I have to agree with you there James! I was on David Blues FanPage on FaceBook and he was asking about what people thought of the episode and some said that they couldn't see it (because it didn't air here in Canada till Friday & app UK doesn't get it till this Tues). And wouldn't you know it some people had the audacity to actually post links to places where they could illegally download it! My heart broke, & I started to cry because I know what that does to the show and how much it will only hurt it. You's all work waaay too hard for people to be doing that "crap". Sure I don't get the eps till the Friday and as tempting as it would be to want to go that route so I can discuss with others here, I WILL NOT do it. My preference is to not visit certian areas of GW till after I've seen the episode for the week. Sure it only gives me about a four day window of being on here but to me that is better than being selfish and watching the episode via pirating and such.

        I for one started out at the beginning of season 1 with my reservations. I was in that "I'm not so sure about SGU" camp. And yes over the season there have been things that I didn't like about it. But there have been 1,000 times more things that I have absolutely loved about the show. And admittingly at the end of last season I had some reservations on how things were going to "get resolved" this season. Shoulda known I would have absolutely nothing to worry about!

        Intervention was a brilliant episode. I for one have fallen absolutely in love with SGU and the path that it has taken. I didn't think I'd be one for the darker edgier feel, but I find myself watching the episodes and in what seems like only 20 minutes (but really is the one hour) the episode is over. And then I find myself watching the episodes again and again. I too believe in what you and the rest of the cast and crew are making for us 1,000 percent. But I also agree that SGU will not be for everyone and that's ok too.

        And if you can give a huge kudos to yourself, and all the cast, crew and anyone and everyone who had a hand in that episode Friday nite. I was completely blown away. And what ever anyone else says about SGU I am looking forward to the rest of S2! And if how good the premiere was is any indication, I can definately see SGU getting tons more seasons!

        Originally posted by teknikal View Post
        Is it Oct 5th yet????
        Agree with you Teknikal! Is it October 8th yet?????
        Last edited by SG7; 03 October 2010, 09:46 AM.
        My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
        "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


          Oh and BamBam, in spite of these low ratings for SGU, fans have decided to act NOW and promote the crap out of SGU online to get more viewers, rather then wait till after the renewal/cancelation decision is made. We're currently in the organization and planning stage, but we have a thread up on GW, and a FB group. Check it out!

          As if the Stargate Movies campaign wasn't enough for me to work on.


            Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
            You guys did such great work with SG-1 and SGA, those shows had a lot of dark moments, and Season 4 of SGA was amazing and had a very dark tone. I think SGU is very good, but there is just something missing, that the other shows had. I rate it a B+ series, but previous Stargates were A to A+ shows to me. I think the slow start for the first season half could of turned a lot of people off, but they never came back for the 2nd half. I kinda hope SGU goes back to more classic SG roots, because 15 Successful seasons of a franchise cannot be easily forgotten.
            In my own opinion, I really enjoy watching SGU far more than the previous's jut my taste, as liking the other shows are the taste of other individuals. I have enjoyed working on all of them.....but.....I find the end product of SGU to be fantastic. Yes, the first half of season 1 spent quite a bit of time on developing the characters, but how else would you have gotten to know them? Season 2 picks up where the intensity of season 1 left off, and keeps on going!! If anyone were to give the show a chance, it would be now in season 2. There are some elements from SG1 and SGA, but also newer a great package.


              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
              What, exactly, are classic SG roots? SG-1 was about the SG-1 team fighting big bad guys who were then replaced by something even worse such as the Goa'uld then Anubis and finally the Ori. SGA was about the Atlantis expedition fighting the Wraith and Asurans. The 'classic roots' include a lot of running around with guns, big explosions, alien races who were a threat to Earth and a few allies such as the Asgard, Tok'ra and some of the Jaffa towards the end of SG-1.

              Dark's fine with me. One of my top favourite SG-1 stories is Talion because it gives us an interesting insight into Jaffa culture. When it comes to SGU, though, I sometimes feel there are too many contemporary Western Earth humans and not enough blue aliens. I want to know more about these aliens as a species and am hoping that if they do turn up again they aren't going to be there just so the humans can blow them up.

              I'll be watching it but when it comes to what's depth in a TV show I think that's very subjective. I always wince when people say SGU is just another Battlestar Galactica. I can't see that at all because BSG had the human form Cylons so much of the show was devoted to exploring the question of what it means to be human etc. Maybe SGU will go that route later on. If so, I hope there's more to it than SGA's version with the Wraith -

              Wraith: Wraith and humans are more alike than you know.

              Human: Oh, no we're not.
              Well thank you in regards to Talion....I put a ton of work into that episode to create a dark/violent culture....that is....the culture of the Jaffa. To me, in the past, the would show up....flex....get in a firefight.....fall down.....and be gone. I wasn't interested in them from what I saw. Talion made me think about the Jaffa, and where they came from a lot more. Creating the action was a good time....especially the constant addition of more blood! I tend to ask the make-up folks for more, and more blood in cases like that where the fighting is that helps create a legit feel to the situation.

              I'm glad you will be watching SGU. It really is a solid series. Yes, it took it's time to develop the characters in season 1......but now you can really see what they are all capable of in season 2. It's a beautiful ride for sure......and I don't want to give away too much about the alien factor....but you will be happy on that front as well. Enjoy the show!!!


                Originally posted by teknikal View Post
                Is it Oct 5th yet????
                That'll be tomorrow buddy!!


                  Originally posted by major davis View Post
                  I agree... This show has started out great and evolved into something amazing. I get disappointed when so many people run to shows that are just so corny and cliche and so repetitive and flat... cough WH13 cough.... and they get twice the numbers of SGU. SGU goes places most shows won't dare to go, its so different then any show on TV. I so hope you guys get a third season.

                  Honestly im not too concerned.... I think the move threw a lot of people off.... im pretty sure we'll see a 10-20% uptick for next week.. maybe 1.33-1.4 ish. Ill wait till a few more numbers to come in before worrying.. though even if they stay the same.. heck.. im not gonna let people missing out on SGU rob me of my enjoyment of the show. Even if it is only two seasons (and hopefully a movie), im glad we got what we go.

                  PS ive really been loving the action and stunts on SGU. They're so intense and so real.. Like when Scott and Greer took down those alliance soldiers.. it felt very real techniques the military would use and not something that was perfectly planned by a stunt coordinator.

                  Keep up the good work,
                  Major Davis
                  Thank you for liking what you far as the Greer and Scott take down......there will be a special feature on that sequence on the season 2 DVD/Blu-Ray set....check it out!! We had fun with that one. The action on SGU is completely different from what you have seen in both SG1, and is meant to be realistic, and not perfect or stylized. In a real fight, everything does not always go as planned....people trip, loose their balance, or any number of things that don't allow the fight to look pretty(I'm speaking from experience). I always loved shows like The Sopranos for the same reason.....great script, and lots of reality!! It is too bad that people didn't seem to be aware of the new time slot, and night. Hopefully they have figured out by now.....they really don't want to miss this's KICK ASS!!!


                    Originally posted by SG7 View Post
                    I have to agree with you there James! I was on David Blues FanPage on FaceBook and he was asking about what people thought of the episode and some said that they couldn't see it (because it didn't air here in Canada till Friday & app UK doesn't get it till this Tues). And wouldn't you know it some people had the audacity to actually post links to places where they could illegally download it! My heart broke, & I started to cry because I know what that does to the show and how much it will only hurt it. You's all work waaay too hard for people to be doing that "crap". Sure I don't get the eps till the Friday and as tempting as it would be to want to go that route so I can discuss with others here, I WILL NOT do it. My preference is to not visit certian areas of GW till after I've seen the episode for the week. Sure it only gives me about a four day window of being on here but to me that is better than being selfish and watching the episode via pirating and such.

                    I for one started out at the beginning of season 1 with my reservations. I was in that "I'm not so sure about SGU" camp. And yes over the season there have been things that I didn't like about it. But there have been 1,000 times more things that I have absolutely loved about the show. And admittingly at the end of last season I had some reservations on how things were going to "get resolved" this season. Shoulda known I would have absolutely nothing to worry about!

                    Intervention was a brilliant episode. I for one have fallen absolutely in love with SGU and the path that it has taken. I didn't think I'd be one for the darker edgier feel, but I find myself watching the episodes and in what seems like only 20 minutes (but really is the one hour) the episode is over. And then I find myself watching the episodes again and again. I too believe in what you and the rest of the cast and crew are making for us 1,000 percent. But I also agree that SGU will not be for everyone and that's ok too.

                    And if you can give a huge kudos to yourself, and all the cast, crew and anyone and everyone who had a hand in that episode Friday nite. I was completely blown away. And what ever anyone else says about SGU I am looking forward to the rest of S2! And if how good the premiere was is any indication, I can definately see SGU getting tons more seasons!

                    Agree with you Teknikal! Is it October 8th yet?????
                    Thank you again for all of you positive comments....and remember....if you catch anyone who pirates our show.....slap them!! That is all for now.


                      Originally posted by major davis View Post
                      Oh and BamBam, in spite of these low ratings for SGU, fans have decided to act NOW and promote the crap out of SGU online to get more viewers, rather then wait till after the renewal/cancelation decision is made. We're currently in the organization and planning stage, but we have a thread up on GW, and a FB group. Check it out!



                      As if the Stargate Movies campaign wasn't enough for me to work on.
                      Nice work kiddo!!! You seem to know what you are doing.....keep doing it!!


                        Originally posted by 2BAM View Post
                        That'll be tomorrow buddy!!
                        or today (3am-ish over here)


                          Well...that was awesome!Throat shot (FTW BTW!) ,Choke hold and pistol whipping oh my!!


                            Originally posted by 2BAM View Post
                            The action on SGU is completely different from what you have seen in both SG1, and is meant to be realistic, and not perfect or stylized.
                            When I heard that SGU was going to have more action my first thought was a suspicious "What sort of action?". I've now watched 'Intervention' (I'm in the UK) and was relieved to see that the action continued to be realistic so I could believe in what went on. SGA, on the other hand, had a lot of what I class as 'over the top' action - it looks spectacular but a part of me is always thinking "This is silly because it could only happen in a TV show'. But then, SGA was that kind of TV show.

                            This doesn't mean I could never suspend disbelief where SGA was concerned. The Wraith in 'The Defiant One' was an alien living up to Beckett's statement that Wraith would be "bloody hard to kill". My top favourite SGA stories with action, though, were 'The Storm' and 'The Eye'.


                              Originally posted by 2BAM View Post
                              I'm glad you will be watching SGU. It really is a solid series. Yes, it took it's time to develop the characters in season 1......but now you can really see what they are all capable of in season 2. It's a beautiful ride for sure......and I don't want to give away too much about the alien factor....but you will be happy on that front as well. Enjoy the show!!!
                              My dad would agree with you on that. He told me he had to watch the first few episodes a few times each because he got "lost" in what was going on. And sadly hadn't really had the desire to keep watching (hard as I try practically every week to get him back into it).

                              Originally posted by 2BAM View Post
                              Thank you again for all of you positive comments....and remember....if you catch anyone who pirates our show.....slap them!! That is all for now.
                              Will do!

                              Look forward to Friday. But sadly I can't read much further down your pages till after Friday so I don't get spoiled. And oh, almost forgot! A huge kudos to Canada for picking up the U.S.'s slack and bring up our own SGU ratings 16%!!!! That is freaking awesome! Everyone working on SGU should be proud! And with all the twitter chatter I had to carefully skim over in the last 14 hours or so (just to get to non SGU stuff in my feed) that the U.S was tweeting, I bet Canada's ratings will jump even more this week! Cheerz!
                              My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
                              "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi



                                Holy turd.. I mean.. Holy turd *head explodes* Incursion/Intervention/Aftermath is the best thing thats happened to SGU and one of the best things thats happened to SG in general! Awesome. That scene with Young beating that LA guys.... SOO well done. That scene was brutal!
                                Last edited by Skydiver; 06 October 2010, 04:42 PM.

