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    just going to lunch and wanted to send an early congratulations on reaching 100 pages..... yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy yyyya yyyy..

    As well i want to send a big thanks to the wonderfull work all the crew and cast of the show does i know its been said before but i dont think that it can be said enough.!!!

    keep up the good work...
    kat (sga fan)
    I'm a doctor.. a medical doctor. I break things like this.. "beckett season one episode one of atlantis"


      It's a bit you're not here... probably too busy with the latest episodes...

      We miss you

      and for you the stunt-cow
      SHEPPARD: It was on the mensa test
      MCKAY: You’re a member of mensa?
      SHEPPARD: No I took the test. *grins*
      MCKAY: *disbelieving* When?
      SHEPPARD: You wanna talk about this now rodney?
      Italian Guide to SG1 ad SGA


        Yeah, we miss you BamBam! There's nowhere near enough smileys in this thread without you!!

        Hope all is well with you, look forward to chatting with you (and pestering you with inane questions) again next time you get chance to pop in...



          same here bambam well wishes galore... hope all is well and this finds you happy and healthy...

          try not to work too hard

          I'm a doctor.. a medical doctor. I break things like this.. "beckett season one episode one of atlantis"


            Originally posted by Pennywise
            Hi Bambam! First off, I'd like to say (as so many others have said) how great it is that you take time out of your undoubtedly very busy schedule to come in here and chat with the fans and answer questions! Thanks so much for that!

            Sooo, I've been meaning to ask you something for a while, I just haven't really been able to figure out how best to express myself...
            Ok, so the thing is, I've been training ninjutsu/bujinkan budo taijutsu (are you familiar with that?) for 4 years, and some of the things I've learned are causing me to notice some stuff in fighting sequences that I probably wouldn't have noticed before. While I think that the stunts in Stargate generally look great, there are certain things once in a while that kinda bug me (the same goes for many other shows). F.x. in The Defiant One, when Sheppard attacks the wraith with his knife, stabs its hand, and is then punched/thrown away. After attacking with his knife, he simply stands there and "waits" for the wraith to punch him. Now, anyone with a fair amount of hand to hand combat training (as one would asume that Sheppard has) ought to know better than to pause like that in the middle of a fight.
            Another instance is in Common Ground when aged Sheppard and the wraith are breaking out of the cells, and Shep flips one of the guards around in the air and throws him to the ground. Even if he hadn't been fed upon, he really shouldn't be able to do a maneuver like that. He does it only with his arm without having the weight and balance of his body behind it, and he doesn't really manipulate the guard in any way that would cause him to fall down like he does.
            So anyway, this might seem like nit-picking, but I see stuff like that often on TV, and my question is, why are things done like that? I mean, is it simply logistically and practically impossible to do every little part of a fighting sequence super realistically, or is it because making it look good on screen is more important than making it look authentic? Or do I simply not know what I'm talking about and oughta shut up now?
            Hmmm.......I pick............the last one.
            Last edited by 2BAM; 08 September 2006, 06:48 PM.


              BamBam! Good to see you back in here!

              We missed you the last few days!
              My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                Originally posted by worth_it
                And hes so good at everything and super cool and and!!! I could go all day.

                Okay a question!!

                When you spend hours fleshing out and rehearsing a fight does it disappoint you at all when the finished product on film doesn't show all the moves at their best angle or is the finished product cooler?
                Sometimes we just don't have the time to shoot it the way it should be, so yes.......I am at times. A TV time shooting frame is not always the best for quality. We try though........oooooooooooooo how we try.


                  Originally posted by 2BAM
                  Sometimes we just don't have the time to shoot it the way it should be, so yes.......I am at times. A TV time shooting frame is not always the best for quality. We try though........oooooooooooooo how we try.
                  I admit I know nothing about fighting, stunts or martial arts, but they all look good to me.
                  My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                    Originally posted by teknikal
                    im not a big fan of shipping either..i much prefer the explosions and fights and...explosions

                    i think you would make an awesome(my 2 weeks in america has rubbed off on me!) hitman!

                    * i read on that you have done 'The Art of Stretching and Kicking: Bill "Superfoot" Wallace' . did you train with the man(the legend!!) himself???(jealous of you!) my martial arts instructor met him..i think he did a seminar a few months ago..unfortunately i couldnt go..

                    3 posts was all i could handle smiley free..

                    Yes I did a seminar or two as I recall.....way back in the instructor is a good friend of his.


                      Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                      Bam bam...I love your smilie usage. (hey, I'm easy like that)

                      Where do you find them?
                      All over, my friend, all over!!


                        In Memento Mori, was that Ben or a stuntman
                        riding on the motorcycle?


                          Originally posted by Linzi
                          Oh shipping isn't my thing either, to be honest. I love the action, fights and explosions...and possibly the odd bit of Sheppy whump... as well as the good character moments. Will we be getting any good explosions any time soon?


                            Good to see you back. Hope your absence means that you have been working hard on more wonderful fights.

                            Hope you don't hurt your fingers typing too many responses to questions.

                            I am heading back to enjoy the end of Atantis!



                              Originally posted by SLC
                              indeed IWTB you noticed Linzi's typo too!!!!

                              BamBam can you give us any hints for The Return pt1? Of course as always is there any (Somehow I am assuming there wont be )


                                Originally posted by bluealien
                                Hi BamBam

                                Just dropping in quickly to say thanks again for the great work in Common Ground. Loved every moment of it and its my favourite ep since Sateda. Love all the action but its nice to get some developement on the characters as well. Phantoms sounds great and I'm looking forward to it. Probably best not to take any notice of the shipper questions as some get upset if its the not the answer they want.

                                Phantoms sounds like its gonna be action packed and the majority of viewers don't really care about shipper issues anyway.

                                Is there an upcoming scene where Ronan and Sheppard get to fight each other.
                                Thanx........I don't take any notice as all of you know..........they live in their own little world.....not this one..........their own.Yes............they will scrap a bit.

