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Sen'il Worship/Discussion

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    Originally posted by Tiret
    Okay, scratch that idea about having so much more time to be on the forum! My computer just died...a suspiciously similar death to the one it experienced just five months ago...and until I can get it repaired I must now walk to one of two on-campus computer labs to do any sort of typing or internet activity. Now Oranos, you haven't been playing with your viruses recently and let one of them get loose, have you? (Only kidding.) But, grrrr! This had better not be yet another attempt by those in direct power over me to thwart me in my service to Sen'il. That would bring them way up on my list of 'persons requiring incidental instruction.' (Actually, the folks I take my computer to think that it's my memory chip going bad, which would not be a good thing at all...) This also means that I can't use my imaging program for making signatures unless I can persuade my brother to let me install it on his PC...which may call for some tactful negotiations.
    Talk about a good week gone wrong!
    Talk about misfortune. And a helpful suggestion... Persuasion can often require gifts... That is the only way my sister can persuade me on anything. And I'm shocked that you could even joke about blaming this on me. The horror!


      Originally posted by Oranos
      And I'm shocked that you could even joke about blaming this on me. The horror!


        Originally posted by Oranos
        Talk about misfortune. And a helpful suggestion... Persuasion can often require gifts... That is the only way my sister can persuade me on anything.
        Indeed, of this strategem I am very aware. The thing that makes it tricky for me is his idea of good 'gifts'...
        Stuff like: potentially lethal and difficult-to-purchase chemicals for use in an electroplating solution, fairly large objects made of pure sterling silver for dissolving in said solution, nuts and bolts of very specific sizes, glass globes, very large (empty) glass jars (as if normal people have those just lying around), copper wire in good condition - not already bent - and of a very fine thickness...or an hour of my volunteered time to be spent winding said wire around a large fiberglass tube, for incorporation into the electrical monster currently being developed in our basement...

        Originally posted by Oranos
        And I'm shocked that you could even joke about blaming this on me. The horror!
        It wouldn't even have crossed my mind except for the fact that you are the sole person I know who admits to making viruses (even in jest!) But I totally don't blame you for my current situation. The real culprit is likely going to cost me $$$ for replacement parts, which is unfortunate, as $$$ is precisely something I do not have at the current moment.


          Posting for Mafdet

          Remember Mafdet - Sen'il's Clone Daughter?

          Mum? Mom? Madame?
          Great Exulted Clone Mother? Venerable Servant of Ba'al?
          MOM? Where are you? MOM!!!

          Where oh where is Sen'il?

          Surely she doesnt find the idea of a Buddhist Gouald that scary
          that she has to hide from her offspring?

          Nyak arggle hak nyak

          That was Goldie being disrespectful!

          Seriously though where is she?

          I hope she's not being sooo cowardly
          that she's doing if I ignore certain people they'll go away?
          Keep the science in SciFi!


            Haven't been here in a while. It is interesting how the thread has seemingly died from lack of my presence. Though the query I pose now is but a simple one. Does anyone care to test the time machine which I believe has been completed successfully. The operative word being believe...


              Originally posted by Oranos
              Haven't been here in a while. It is interesting how the thread has seemingly died from lack of my presence.
              That's a rather interesting statement. I should think it died from lack of anyone's presence. I have not been here since my PC croaked.

              Originally posted by Oranos
              Does anyone care to test the time machine which I believe has been completed successfully. The operative word being believe...
              You sound so confident!

              Perhaps we should try it on an infidel to start, so that if anything should go wrong it would not be a loss to Sen'il's cause. Although it may be even better to try it on a robot or non-human creature first, if that's possible. Anybody got a monkey they want to volunteer?


                Originally posted by Tiret
                That's a rather interesting statement. I should think it died from lack of anyone's presence.
                That's exactly what I thought when I read that post of his...


                  Originally posted by Tiret
                  That's a rather interesting statement. I should think it died from lack of anyone's presence. I have not been here since my PC croaked.

                  You sound so confident!

                  Perhaps we should try it on an infidel to start, so that if anything should go wrong it would not be a loss to Sen'il's cause. Although it may be even better to try it on a robot or non-human creature first, if that's possible. Anybody got a monkey they want to volunteer?
                  My first statement was laced with sarcasm... I just didn't feel like searching for a smilie.

                  Are you attempting to establish you don't trust my time machine and my abilities enough to volunteer yourself for this cause!? I'm hurt. I truely am...


                    Originally posted by Oranos
                    Are you attempting to establish you don't trust my time machine and my abilities enough to volunteer yourself for this cause!?
                    Let's see.........this is what you posted previously:

                    Originally posted by Oranos
                    Does anyone care to test the time machine which I believe has been completed successfully. The operative word being believe...
                    Now this is supposed to inspire my confidence?

                    I have, of course, enormous respect for you and your work. But I can only 'believe' in your success as much as you yourself do. Of course if this time machine works, you shall be my hero, and I shall be greatly in your debt...however, you must first prove to me that it works...


                      ^ don't believe him! Don't believe him!...


                        We interrupt the usual banter with a set of special messages from the girls over on SassyGate

                        Sassy herself

                        Where are you Sen'il you wimp?
                        Afraid to come out and play?

                        and from Goldie

                        Yesss Sen'il Darling where are you ? Coward?!

                        And from our newest resident Mafdet our Turquoise Goddess

                        Dearest Clone Mother please stop hiding !
                        Denying my existence will not help matters!
                        It may however lead to a quantum tunnel opening
                        and you being covered by a bombardment of books and paperwork!

                        You could at least sign the parental rights transfer over to Sassy and Goldie ?

                        Really Mother this silence distracts from your "Glory" !!!

                        I refuse to type or code what they did next !

                        The girls are getting restless !

                        Has anyone seen Sen'il?
                        Keep the science in SciFi!


                          Originally posted by ancientalliance
                          ^ don't believe him! Don't believe him!...

                          I can't believe I am reading this! Perhaps I shall force you to be my first test subject for the time machine...*evil laugh*


                            ^ yet another quite odd post by neith4...


                              Originally posted by Oranos
                              I can't believe I am reading this! Perhaps I shall force you to be my first test subject for the time machine...*evil laugh*
                              Sure! I mean what the worst that could happen?

                              Edit: after thinking I might actually die from one of Oranos' experiments O revoke the above statement...


                                Originally posted by ancientalliance
                                Sure! I mean what the worst that could happen?

                                Edit: after thinking I might actually die from one of Oranos' experiments O revoke the above statement...
                                death!? You have that little faith in my project!?

