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The Future of GateWorld (Community Discussion)

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    Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
    Interesting idea, there's been several SG-1 re-watches in the past that different fan groups organized. And this forum helped me get into BSGverse.
    This forum and another that I frequent have made me decide to watch Fringe and I'm loving it and I'll be starting Dr. Who soon as recommendations I've seen around here.
    "Goodbye Eli Wallace, you're a good man."
    - imlad, from


      I have not been an 'active' member of the forums and such. However, GW along with a handful of other sites has been my home page and a huge resorce for me for years. I love this site. I think, that perhaps maybe you could do a section to go through each episode and season to include movies. Start from the beginning, like stargate is new again. I, like many other fans, can watch the show start to finish and still enjoy it. Some things early on don't make sense with the plot later on (Hathor anyone?), but we can look past 'knowing' what happens later. I also like the idea of keeping tabs on the actors other shows/appearances.

      As for the main page, I like the episode polls. I also like the idea of having a fanfic upload. Perhaps a front 'enter' page of backgrounds that some of the sites fans have made. You could do a weekly contest and choose the best entry and use it for the following week. I dont know anything about making web sites or computers, but i dont think that would be too much of a complicated task.

      I really must admit that I never looked at any of the other 'show' section on the site. I came for the Stargate, I left with the Stargate. Sure, I like other shows like Smallville (s1-4) and Lost (s1 and s6), but it's always been about the SG.

      I also think a section for fans to 'develop' their own stargate stories/show/movie ideas. Who knows, perhaps someone out there will see an idea and choose to run with it. With SGU ending, and the movies on the shelf, it is a dark time for all of us who have loved this show for so long. The comics never seem to take off, which is the main source of 'continuations' these days.

      Perhaps a flash game area for SG fanmade games as well. Or an RP area. Also, a Versus section. Perhaps you could create polls pitting stargate characters against either SG or general scifi characters(highlander, bsg, etc.).
      Teal'c: You have been impregnated without copulation.
      Vala: Yes, and I'm absolutely terrified. Have any of you ever heard of anything like it?
      Mitchell: Well, there's one.
      Teal'c: Darth Vader.


        I use Gateworld as my one stop Stargate resource. I check out the episode guides, reminisce in the galleries, look forward to the interviews. Mostly, I hang out in the character and convention threads in the forums. I don't go to the home page very often.

        I'm in favor of keeping the site mostly devoted to Stargate, with some expansion into Stargate related shows, such as Sanctuary, as well as news stories on anything the actors/writers/directors may be working on now/in the future. There always seems to be a huge lag between when an interview is done and when it's finally posted. Maybe, going into semi-archive mode for a time would allow for catching up with all things pending, while still posting any interesting news items that come along.

        Perhaps, once SGU ends its run, there won't be such a need to micromanage the forums, and things can relax again. I'm sure that would take some pressure off the mods, etc. at least.


          I am a new member of the forums but have been visiting the site for a lot longer.

          Just thought i'd say; i love the design of the site i personally think you should keep that the same (i especially like the sigs at the top of the home page when you enter the site. I also love the way you see the news column when you enter the site, quick and easy way to catch up on the wonderful world of Stargate!

          I love the forum, keep that!

          In terms of what else should be shown here, im a growing fan of sanctuary and im getting really into it! I would love to have this website not only cover Stargate but also Sanctuary. [the poll above] i dont watch any of the other shows, i do enjoy doctor who though

          I love finding out what the stargate actors are up too-deffo keep that.

          Im not sure if I like the idea of the site becoming a genre(sci-fi) site in general, definately keep the stargate as main feature!!!

          Not much else I can say other than I visit this site practically everyday, I do hope it continues!!!
          Sig by Yamiinsane, Thanks!
          'It's Nuttier than Squirrel poo' - Amanda Tapping
          : Thats it! Sphere, planet, label, name! : Following, still, you, not!
          I'm not crazy...I just have another consciousness in my brain! So he just looks crazy then?


            Business as usual...there is still the chance the the show continue.

            I like the idea of streamlining the forum mentioned before and adding stories from actors.



              Some of the expansion items, especially to the Main Site, may take some time but the additions/changes to the forum may not take as long. I would recommend trying to make the changes before the show ends so fickle members have a reason to stick around.

              Also, I wonder what kind of viral marketing we could put out their to bring in to fans of other shows during this time? A few ideas...

              -I could little square link people could post on blogs or other forums
              -E-mail generator to invite friends and describe the expansion plans for main site and forum
              -Other ideas?


                streamline forum? someone link me to the post please


                  The Future of Gateworld is to lead to the fight to make sure that Stargate is continued in some manner. We were promised the movies, or shopping SG-1 around to other networks(TBS, FX, etc.), and we deserve them! With the MGM restructuring, and the cancellation of SGU, now is the time to apply the pressure to breathe some new life into the franchise. If we don't, Stargate WILL die. Gateworld is a platform that can mobilize a lot of people(by running stories on the main page, purchasing featured ads on Google, etc.) to save something that we all truley enjoy!


                    For the love of Hathor tone down the moderation. No discussion are allowed to run their natural course here, they get **** canned the second they go an inch off topic.


                      I ticked the box so I'd really like to see a folder one day for Dark Angel, I know it's terribly wishful thinking

                      On GW, I love it the way it is and I cannot find anything to add except that I didn't read every page but there is one post that caught my attention and that was the comment about Stargate related role play. It is a wonderful way to indulge in our Stargate world and I would really like to see the ban on advertisng your games on other threads. I asked earlier on one of the assistance threads if I could go out into the various threads and do some recruiting for my game and was told that I shouldn't do this. To me, I created my RP, not for myself, but for GateWorld and it's community and I feel strongly that to be allowed to ask around openly might even help the whole Forum in general to stay healthy and strong for the long term.

                      Lastly thank you to all the Admins and mods for giving us this wonderful place to indulge in our love of Stargate.


                        Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
                        I ticked the box so I'd really like to see a folder one day for Dark Angel, I know it's terribly wishful thinking
                        There is a Dark Angel thread and since 2005 it has only generated 143 posts, the final comments came almost 2 years ago, so I'd recommend current or upcoming shows.


                          I would certainly be up for some coverage on V.


                            Originally posted by ussrelativity View Post
                            I would certainly be up for some coverage on V.
                            Old, remake or both ?

                            SGU Continued....


                              I personally think that GW has gotten so slow due to the fact that the mods jump in on almost every little thing that they percieve to be two people fighting. this is a forum where people are supposed to be allowed to voice thier oppinions. instead it has become a place where if i say for instance that SGU sucks i get a warning then possibly get banned. i have my oppinions as do many others. and the reason why we leave is due to the fact that our oppinions are being sensored by over reacting mods. the mods are not here to censor us but are instead supposed to help to prevent and resolve conflict not just warn and ban people. telling some one to not state that SGU sucks is censorship and does not allow for healthy discussion of why that person thinks that SGU sucks. and as mods the mods should know that anything can be inferred from written text. like right now the next person to read this may think that i am angry but im not i am writing a perfectly logical reply to the question of why GW is going down the tubes.
                              sigpicRequiescat in pace Weedle


                                Originally posted by Cmdr. Setsuna F. Seyei View Post
                                i am writing a perfectly logical reply to the question of why GW is going down the tubes.
                                Was that the question being asked? I must have misread.

