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All you ever wanted to know about the 9th chevron

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    I don't have season 4 on DVD (1-3 only) and it's been along time since I've seen that one, so I don't know if it did. But I know here it didn't. I checked it to see if they did or not as I was wondering about it.
    This is my sugnature!
    Spelled wrong so no one steals it!


      Yes, I don't have season four either, but I found a picture and it didn't apear that they were lit, however I know I have seen it somewhere.

      Owen Macri


        I know, I have seen both in wallpaper sized pitures. If all did glow there and only 7 here, then we have a problem. So, untill told other, I am going with only ative chevrons glow, not all.
        This is my sugnature!
        Spelled wrong so no one steals it!


          I would say that they all glow, it seems reasonable, just for looks.

          Owen Macri


            Until it is stated in the show, you can see it however you want, like what does the 9th chevron do (witch is what this thread is called btw)
            This is my sugnature!
            Spelled wrong so no one steals it!


              Spoilers for Intruder. (Atlantis season 2)

              Unless Zelenka found out at the end of The Intruder, I don't think that it has a use. Atlantis was the last really really really really big technological creation (Stargates, Rings, and Giant Flying Cities count as really really big) by the Ancients that we know about, and unless a fully powered Atlantis can use Chevron 9, It probably doesn't do anything.


                Of course it does something, Atlantis wasn't fully powered though, it only had one ZPM, that isn't even half way to fully powered. Besides the information would be in the database which you can probably access that with naquadah reactors. The problem is that the database is huge.

                Owen Macri


                  Even if it is in the database, it could me locked, coded, and scrambled. So if they did find it, they then have to decode it. So buy the time they decode it, they may not care anymore, or found out another way.
                  This is my sugnature!
                  Spelled wrong so no one steals it!


                    You are right, it could be immensly hidden for some reason. Even if it was not purposley hidden the database is huge and likley doesn't have a search feature.

                    Owen Macri


                      I think I posted this before, but Exodus was contradictory. There a three scenes involving the stargate being hurled into the sun. In the first two scenes, when the gate is dialed and launched from the ship, then later as it is hurtling through space, only seven chevrons are lit. However, in the last scene, jsut before the gate enters the sun, all nine chevrons are lit. It's hard to tell if they all look lit due to the proximity of the sun or if the FX team made a boo boo. I don't have screenshots right now to prove it though.


                        Ok, I saw a picture of the gate inside the ship with what looked like only five chevrons lit but it looked like there were arms holding the gate covering two chevrons, however eight and nine weren't lit. But I could swear that I saw all nine chevrons lit while the gate was being hurdled through space, so perhaps I was right in my assumption that "Exodus" does show all nine chevrons lit, but I was to quick in assuming that I was wrong. Thank you VirtualCLD, that helped, now I believe it is safe to say that "Exodus" is contradictory to other scences shown. Thank you.

                        Owen Macri


                          Also the box set arts are contradictory too, they show all 9 glowing, but the gate is differnet. The chrevrons are too big, the symbles are differnt, and the open one is open while the show one is closed.(\ / and \/)

                          But we can agree that only active chrevrons glow, right?
                          This is my sugnature!
                          Spelled wrong so no one steals it!


                            Yes, I can't believe that I didn't notice that. lol. Well that was the original general shape of the seventh chevron in the movie.

                            Owen Macri


                              didn't the chevrons open up an then close in the movie as well


                                Yes, I don't think they glowed though. But I think in the early episodes they opened and closed, or was that just the point of origin chevron? I think it might have just been the point of origin.

                                Owen Macri

