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All you ever wanted to know about the 9th chevron

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    I was born this exact reason. The ninth "chevron" is used. It has been. Watch Rising sometime, the gate with the power nodes attached thats not on the planets surface uses it. The ninth chevron is used in place of a DHD or a home symbol since ships are the only things that can reach them. Pause it after they realize that the MALP they sent through is in space, you can clearly see all ninve chevrons being used. See, all nine are used. Its crappy quality because I had to use a digital camera to capture my screen.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Killjoy_Zero; 12 June 2005, 08:10 AM.


      First of all, welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy it here! Happy posting!

      I am sorry, all nine chevrons are always lit, you could not possibly have seen the ninth locking because the image of the Stargate that you saw was through the MALP, so the gate must have laready been activated.

      The ninth is used in place of nothing, there is a point of origin. Besides that gate was not even dialed, and on Atlantis the ninth chevron is under the floor.

      Also, if the ninth chevron were in use they would have also needed to dial the eighth chevron, which is a distance modifier, to send them farther, they only traveled in galaxy.

      I beleive that you saw all of the chevrons lit, and thought that they must have dialed the ninth chevron, when actually all of the chevrons are lit all of the time.

      Welcome to the forum Killjoy_Zero! Enjoy!

      Owen Macri


        All nine chevrons are not always lit, the top seven are used on the Stargate in the SGC and you can see that only those seven are used because no part of the gate is under the floor because the gate is in fact hanging there. They Atlantis Expidition dialed that gate, it was the only one they could get a lock on. If you look REALLY close, every gate has the same 36/39 symbols on them. The Pegasus and Milky Way gates have the same symbols on them. That eigth chevron being dialed is where youre correct, but the power nodes might have a program in them causing the eigth and ninth chevrons to lock together. The nodes were never really explored so for all we know they maybe ZPMS in a case, kinda like an external hard drive. The same kind of hard drive you have in your computer with an extra peice to transfer and alter data so it can be stored. I know they didnt dial nine symbols, the.... I lost my thought.... ok, I cant remember it. The ninth chevron causes the gate to use any home symbol, in case someone wanted to dial an eight chevron address from a Jumper using one of those gates for some reason. I'm glad you attempted to prove my theories wrong, its kinda worked. Thanks for the nice welcome also.


          All right, theres one universe in all of exstince. Uni means one, unicycle, unitarien ( I dont know if that evens counts) and verse means whole, the verse in a song. Uni - one, verse - whole, universe - one whole. I know someone in here said something about the ninth chevron leading to another universe. The universe is everything in existence. Its not like we're in the Andromeda Universe and theres another you in the Pegasus Universe, no. Universe = everything in existence.


            Ya, I appoligize for jumping at you right away after your first post, that did not seem nice.

            However, all nine chevrons will always be locked, I can't seem to find a picture from an episode, but try watching the one when they blow up the star, I believe that it is "Exodus," the season four finale.

            The reason that I suggest that is because the stargate is floating in space and you should be able to see its' entirety.

            Only 38 of the 39 symbols are the same for every gate, the thrity ninth is the point of origin, it is unique to each gate.

            The Puddle Jumpers, would need some kind of symbol that would represent the point of origin, it would not be the same symbol, but it would dial that symbol on the gate. There is no need to dial nine chevrons.

            Once again, I appoligize for jumping at you like this just after your first post.

            Enjoy the Forum!

            Owen Macri


              Its ok, and the whole "every symbol being the same" thing was an editing error done by the studio. If you look closly the point of origin on the milky way gates is the same. No, not all nine chevrons are used in ery dialing sequance, the bottom two are always left unused uunless theres and eight chevron lock then only one is used ant the other remains blank and lifeless. The chevron only lights up with the symbol is locked. The only time all nine chevrons are locked is when the gate is in space with the nodes attached and that only happens in Atlantis. You can clearly see the eigth and ninth chevrons are blank on an open stargate that is fully exposed.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Killjoy_Zero; 12 June 2005, 09:14 AM.


                Ya, I could believe that they did this, it was probably just a matter of cost.

                You are right, most of the time only seven chevrons are used, each of them light up and lock, but when the gate activates all of the chevrons light up even if they were not used.

                I will try to find a picture.

                Owen Macri
                Last edited by _Owen_; 12 June 2005, 09:14 AM.


                  From another forum

                  I think that the ninth cheveron will be to open up a two way worm hole, that would be really cool and something that fits the acients style of making super cool, usually inmpossible devices, I also think that the base computer can't do it because it doesn't have enough power

                  My emojournal


                    That is possible, however then you would only be able to open a two way connection to another galaxy, and you would also have to be very careful, if you eneter the event horizon in one spot at the same time that someone else exits at the same spot, it won't be pretty.

                    Allthough if you manage to get enough power to the gate, you would be able to talk to the people on the other side so that this doesn't happen.

                    Yes, the bases power grid cannot even support an eight chevron lock.

                    It is a possibility, however it seems unlikley, because it just doesn't seem like it would be cool enough. What would it accomplish? Going two ways when the gate is open? I mean, so what, that just doesn't seem that big, however it is possible. I don't like this idea though.

                    Owen Macri


                      I know what you mean about the chevronws lighting up, that happens when the wornhole is first established.


                        Yes, so then, what are you trying to say, the ninth was used for and what evidence do you have that it was used? I am a little confused.

                        Owen Macri


                          I mean when all nine stay lit, not for just a split second, I mean until the gate is shut down. You were working short term, I was working long term.
                          Thats my proof, the gate is open with all nine lit.


                            Yes, I see that, but all nine are lit anyways when the gate is open.

                            I will try to find a picture.

                            Owen Macri


                              I can't exactly find a picture, however if you look at the images of the stargate that they have when you enter show all nine chevrons lit, as well, the first disc of season one, the menu shows the gate activate and all the chevrons stay lit. I can't seem to find a picture but I believe "Exodus" wouldhave good images, the Stargate floats through space into the star, it rotates as it goes, you should be able to see all chevrons lit.

                              Either way, proof that they did not use nine chevrons is right in the episode,

                              1) They do not travel outside of the galaxy, do dial the ninth chevron you have to dial the eigth which will send you to another galaxy.

                              2) Atlantis didn't have enough power to make an eight chevron lock, how could it have possibly made a nine chevron lock. (Working on the assumption that nine chevrons requires more power than eight, otherwise they would have dialed nine by now, or at least tried.

                              3) If they dialed nine chevrons this would be huge in the stargate universe, yet they never once mentioned it.

                              Owen Macri


                                rumors of time travel

                                i thinl that is what it is for

