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Megathread - Versus battles

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    Originally posted by tomuchtimeonmyhands View Post
    id say shadows as there ships are organic and they can heal themselves, gota love that, how about anubis mothership against a o'neil class asgard ship
    Tough to call because we don't know the fighting abilities of either particullary well.

    Anubis mothership was able to repel the firepower of a dozen Ha'taks easily so its shields are probably atleast as good as the O'neills IMO. If Anubis had the eyes he'd own an O'neill possibly even more than one judging by the speed he decimated that fleet. Without the eyes I'd give it to the O'neill just because Anubis' mothership took many shots to take down the weakened Prometheus shields and while I think the mothership could take a lot of punishment from the O'neill I believe an O'neill could soak up those shots like nobody's business.


    Anubis (with the Eyes) Vs O'neill = Anubis.
    Anubis (without the eyes) vs O'neill = O'neill.
    Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


      What about the Predator alien vs SGvrse. Not just in the hunting role, but in a more open warfare role.
      385 Heroes coming Home

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        I'd say the predators would take that one. Their hunting tech is apparently not nearly as nasty as their War Tech and the SGC isn't much of an adversary for an entire alien civ like them without writing protecting them.

        All they'd really need to to cripple stargate operations would be kill everyone in Cheyanne mountain and area 51 and maybe a few in washington. I'm inclined to think they could probably manage that without too much trouble.

        Even SG "super villian" type badguys like Kull warriors and Replicator human forms lack the sheer apptitude for killing and tactical cleverness of a predator. A predator might not be immune to small arms like a Kull for example but he's also not going to stomp down the middle of a corridoor getting shot by them.

        A decently sized group of predators, say about 20-50 in a cloaked ship could probably wipe out the entire SGC in a pretty short timeframe. It's true that they'd have to find it first but that's not going to be too hard for them considering they've been coming to Earth for thousands of years already, likely already have detailed data on the planet, and can just scan from orbit while cloaked.

        They also have some limited ability to immitate human voices via recording them and playing them back so could possibly trick someone in the control room into opening the Iris for them after they'd stalked and eventually slaughtered an offworld team. Or just kill all but one of them, wait for the last guy to flee for the stargate, then follow him through it while cloaked with an initial strike force, or just throw one of their arm gauntlet nukes through after him, or something bigger and worse.


          Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
          I'd say the predators would take that one. Their hunting tech is apparently not nearly as nasty as their War Tech and the SGC isn't much of an adversary for an entire alien civ like them without writing protecting them.

          All they'd really need to to cripple stargate operations would be kill everyone in Cheyanne mountain and area 51 and maybe a few in washington. I'm inclined to think they could probably manage that without too much trouble.

          Even SG "super villian" type badguys like Kull warriors and Replicator human forms lack the sheer apptitude for killing and tactical cleverness of a predator. A predator might not be immune to small arms like a Kull for example but he's also not going to stomp down the middle of a corridoor getting shot by them.

          A decently sized group of predators, say about 20-50 in a cloaked ship could probably wipe out the entire SGC in a pretty short timeframe. It's true that they'd have to find it first but that's not going to be too hard for them considering they've been coming to Earth for thousands of years already, likely already have detailed data on the planet, and can just scan from orbit while cloaked.

          They also have some limited ability to immitate human voices via recording them and playing them back so could possibly trick someone in the control room into opening the Iris for them after they'd stalked and eventually slaughtered an offworld team. Or just kill all but one of them, wait for the last guy to flee for the stargate, then follow him through it while cloaked with an initial strike force, or just throw one of their arm gauntlet nukes through after him, or something bigger and worse.
          Yeah, that was what I was thinking. Except the stalking through the gate. That's a really good idea. Wish I would have thought of it.
          Their space ships are even pretty cool. They have heat projecting weapons that can slice through 100ms(??) of Antartic ice in an instant.

          Thier shoulder cannons would mince wraith, kull and human alike.
          They could take Jaffa hand to hand no problem, being bigger and stronger physically.

          I know this much; I'd rather they hunt every now and again and not come for territoty...........we'd all lose out big time......
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            Ori would win, their not like the ancients, they will win or die trying (unlike these puny ancients that run away because their stupid and arrogant).
            Ori Mother of all toilet ships (extremly superior shields+extremely superior weapons) VS a Hive ship (no shields+not extremely powerfull weapons)=Ori win.

            Wraith at full strenght (50+ Hive ships+dozens of crusiers+probably millions of darts) vs Ori at full strenght (huge amounts of ships were under construction so I guess roughly the same numbers or even more+suicidal maniac ori fighter pilots), that would be a totally epic battle, wraith will probably loose their entire space fleet where the ori will probably loose aprox 5-10% of their fleet. Ori will loose huge amounts of ground forces (unless a prior is leeding the attack, than the wraith are screwed) where the wraith will loose large amounts as well but less than the Ori.

            the final line is that the Ori will win quite easily due to their vastly greater technology and because of their priors that can kick wraith after wraith without blinking and when finished just burst into flames and magically disappear.


              Originally posted by boberth2o View Post
              There is one the other hand the ancients in the avalon galaxy could have become more advanced before they totally acended, hell for all we know the ori battle ships could be way more advanced than the ancient battleships in the Pegasus galaxy, even resistant against drones.
              No, if they were resistant to Drones then they'd have made a B-line for Earth as soon as they had more than four ships in the Galaxy.

              No I'm fairly confident they knew they couldn't take a Drone swarm head on.

              Personally I always thought it would have been amazing if the wraith Hives made it to the Milkway only to drop out of Hyperspace right in front of two Ori Motherships which proceed to just bend the wraith over the proverbial table.


                Originally posted by deathil93 View Post
                Ori would win, their not like the ancients, they will win or die trying (unlike these puny ancients that run away because their stupid and arrogant).
                I do hope that this was sarcasm. I agree, the Ori would win, because they have the ability to make advanced humans, that have no moral problems with using their powers to conquer another race. And the fact that a bunch of fanatics and zealots are usually the hard to deal with.
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                Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                  SGverse earth vs. 22nd century starfleet
                  Alt Reality Stargate Fanfic Click and coment


                    SGverse Earth would annihilate 22nd century starfleet.

                    They have a speed advantage so great Starfleet couldn't hope to touch them and the Odysessy alone has shields able to resist coronal mass ejections so the primative weapons of Starfleet are likely to be less than completely useless.

                    There's an instance of phase canons leveling 6000m high mountains so they could probably do something to the other 304's in large numbers but most ships in Starfleet aren't even at the NX class level. The Asgard beams and naquadah enhanced nukes would roast anything Starfleet has. Also as with most ST Vs SG debates Starfleet doesn't even have the massive numerical superiority ST usuals relies on.

                    Its a cake walk for SGverse Earth.
                    Last edited by Buba uognarf; 12 August 2009, 03:34 AM.
                    Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                      22nd century is Enterprise with Archer era right, yeah they get crushed by wankbeams and gigaton level nukes, and for once I'll be cheering it on when it happens.

                      Git'm Caldwell! They're protecting Michael, the *******s!

                      For our next BSG vs Stargate fistfight,

                      Carter vs Starbuck.

                      Take both in their top physical condition whenever you think that was.


                        Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
                        22nd century is Enterprise with Archer era right, yeah they get crushed by wankbeams and gigaton level nukes, and for once I'll be cheering it on when it happens.

                        Git'm Caldwell! They're protecting Michael, the *******s!

                        For our next BSG vs Stargate fistfight,

                        Carter vs Starbuck.

                        Take both in their top physical condition whenever you think that was.


                        Only because Carter doesn't fight dirty.


                          Originally posted by Phantom6 View Post

                          Only because Carter doesn't fight dirty.
                          yeah, she just blows up your solar system afterwards because she's sore loser.
                          "You spent 7 years as MacGyver and you can't figure this one out? We got belt buckles and shoe laces and a piece of gum, build a nuclear reactor for crying out loud.."



                            the ancients verses the forerunners both have super advanced tech and big egos, and lost to an organic based menach.
                            time doesn't go in a linear path like everyone thinks, time is a ball of timey wimey wibbly wobblely uh....

                            Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.


                              Originally posted by the-alguroan View Post
                              the ancients verses the forerunners both have super advanced tech and big egos, and lost to an organic based menach.
                              forerunners. Easily. Retreat to Ark, detonate Halo, they win. done and done!
                              385 Heroes coming Home

                              Here's to smart Mods


                                BSG vs Stargate fightfight round 3

                                Number Six Cylon vs Wraith Queen

                                Take a typical number six, not one of the softie ones like Caprica or Gina, and a typical Wraith Queen, not one of the shortie ones like Teyla or that other queen in the same episode.

