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Asgard Beam Weapon

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    I thought that ship was purely a replicator or stolen from another species because they were so far away, i dont think it had any affiliation with the asgard, but i could be wrong.

    Surely you cant be serious, I am serious and dont call me shirly.

    Danmit. What is it Oneil? I forgot to tape the simpsons .... Its important to me

    Sir i think you have gone mad with power.
    Ofcourse I have, have you ever gone mad without power, its no fun, noone listens to you


      considering that the replicators really became a threat after the Asgard brought one aboard one of their ships, this suggests that they were advanced and that they basically hijacked the ship.Many years later, with all of the Asgard knowledge, why would they use an older weapon considering that they went up against a modern Super Ha'tak.


        Are you talking about the ship in exodus? Im confused

        Surely you cant be serious, I am serious and dont call me shirly.

        Danmit. What is it Oneil? I forgot to tape the simpsons .... Its important to me

        Sir i think you have gone mad with power.
        Ofcourse I have, have you ever gone mad without power, its no fun, noone listens to you


          I'm talking about the replicator ship from the Season 4-5 episode enemies where sg-1 had their own Ha'tak which got chucked to another galaxy by a supernova along with apophis where they encountered a replicator ship. The stuff about the asgard was me trying to deduce whether the beam weapon was Asgard tech or not


            Yeah the was episode exodus in season 4, The replicator ship in that episode seems to have been of other origins than the replicators or the asgard, so i dont think there is a connection between those weapons and our new asgard beam weapons, also apophis's ship beat that rep controlled ship so if there had been asgard tech in that ship i doubt they would have lost, only anubis with his knowledge of ancient tech could challenge the asgard.

            Surely you cant be serious, I am serious and dont call me shirly.

            Danmit. What is it Oneil? I forgot to tape the simpsons .... Its important to me

            Sir i think you have gone mad with power.
            Ofcourse I have, have you ever gone mad without power, its no fun, noone listens to you


              If memory is correct, Aphosis Super Ha'tak lost easily to the Replicator ship. It was a very one sided battle.

              Wow you are right. The Replicator controlled ship in season 5 had a blue beam weapon. I always thought it was rapid fire ion cannons...That is amazing considering the fact that everybody else was 'way' behind in tech at this point. Surprisingly, that is the only time the Replicators ever used the beams.

              What race was that ship stollen from? Was the ship that advanced that the Replicators could not create similar weapons on say the Ha'taks?

              We can assume that the Replicators have overrun many galaxies by the time they started to battle the Asgard. Replicators have the ability to bypass shields (or nearly all shields).

              But that beam weapon was very 'short'...and does not appear to carry anywhere as much punch as the Asgard beams.

              However, did the Asgard some how capture this ship? Remote, but not impossible. Took the beams, and made them better (like the ARG weapons of the Ancients, they took it and made it planet wide).

              But come on, what other race could be more advanced than the Asgard? Only one is the Ancients and their warships are no better (worse, when considering O'Neills with beams). Nox have no warships. Furlings are well MIA. Only other thing: Ancient warship prototype???

              Both the Asgard and Ori beams moreso last longer and appear much stronger.


                This class of ship also featured in the episode where Thor took the Prometheus to Othalla when we first met Fifth. It was in orbit and scanned the Prometheus.


                  Yes, that ship was there. It must have been a high valued asset and really powerful, after all it is protecting the only human Replicators around at that time.

                  Was it the same ship or another ship like that?

                  If it wasn't unique, why didn't the Replicators use more of those awesome ships instead of upgraded Ha'taks, or Beslinkers in their war?

                  Even though it only had 1 short beam, probably a match for a O'Neill, or even better.

                  It can certainly own Super Ha'taks.

                  I am going to assume it is a unique ship the Replicators stole. I wonder from whom. Some other Ancient sect? Ori sect that used technology? Some left behind prototype the Replicators found.


                    It was of the same design as the one in the other episode. It did'nt own the super Ha'tak as when SG-1s Ha'tak had finished its repairs it came out of the Suns corona to find only the super Ha'tak which had been taken over by replicators. Another interesting thing is that the possability of running into a ship after being hurtled that far is astronomical which suggests to me that this is indeed an Asgard vessel as only the Asgard have been seen to be able to track ships from these ranges and travell to them like they did when the Prometheus got lost due to the instability of its hyperdrive.

                    Just to make it easy heres the episodes

                    Unnatural Selection


                      its either of 2 options.

                      1.) older version of an asgard ship

                      2.) another races ship from Ida who were killed off, or stolen from.

                      I would say its an older Asgard ship, because we have yet to hear about any other races in Ida.
                      Visit my Website


                        I agree with you completely for 3 reasons

                        1)Its ability to find the Ha'taks so quickly
                        2)The fact that it coul not destroy Apophis with a couple of hits
                        3)The fact that a ship of the same class was in orbit of Othalla

                        As for JSPuddlejumpers point about the Goa'uld Replicator war about the ships they use, the replicators use whatever materials they have at hand so they heavily upgraded the ships they captured like they were doing to SG-1's Ha'tak after they boarded it with Apophis. Another thing is in a wartime situation you are able to capture an enemy vessel, you dont throw it away you deploy it with the rest of your fleet.


                          Just watching the episode now.

                          "It was of the same design as the one in the other episode. It did'nt own the super Ha'tak as when SG-1s Ha'tak had finished its repairs it came out of the Suns corona to find only the super Ha'tak which had been taken over by replicators."

                          The ship was not destroyed. I quote Selmac "It is not out there". No debris at all. The ship left the scene after the Reps took out the Super Ha'tak shields and Reps boarded and took it over.

                          It appears ship had 2 beams (one on top and one on bottom)...So it would have probably beat a O'Neill.

                          Super Ha'tak was unable hit the ship even once! Super Ha'tak fire was 'destroyed' by the beam. The beam hit the ship at least 5 times before SG1's Ha'tak left the scene.

                          The Replicator ship took out Super Ha'tak shields in less than 10 hits IMO (5-10), some Replicators boarded the Super Ha'tak, while the other ship left the scene when the Super Ha'tak was captured.

                          Could be a Asgard prototype... Beams were the same blue color, lasted less longer than the Asgard one, but the fire rate was just as rapid! Beams 1.0 as you guys said?
                          Last edited by JSPuddlejumper; 25 January 2008, 05:31 PM.


                            The replicators could have caniblised the ship. The beam weapons it carried were nowhere near the strengh of the Plasma Beam weapons and also the Super Ha'tak is miles off the strengh of an Oniell as the guns the Oddessy got would have torn Apophis's ship in half on its very first shot. The Oniell was the most powerful Asgard ship to date and the tech the Replicators use is mostly Asgard designs. Also the replicators would not have to disable the shield as they can pierce Asgard shield system using replicator blocks like the shield was never there in the first place


                              WTH, the Rep ship actually has 3 beams, same color as Asgard, just shorter burst and appears to be weaker. I think in the end, they stole experimental Asgard beams. Beams 1.0. \

                              It was very convenient for the Asgard to come up with the beam weapons so fast after Flesh and Blood. They must have been developing them for a while.

                              Yes, they can bypass known Asgard shields (possible exception the O'Neill, since as far as we know none were taken by the Replicators).

                              Yes, O'Neill is more powerful than the Super Ha'tak, however, we know that beams weapons are the best at taking out shields...Not sure if the O'Neill would have fared that much better.

                              May be they did not think they could bypass Super Ha'tak shields, since it is completely foreign tech.

                              Whatever the reason, they easily beat the Super Ha'tak and took it over.
                              Last edited by JSPuddlejumper; 25 January 2008, 05:47 PM.


                                Perhaps this beam weapon was in the Asgard inventory as a standard weapon until they needed a beam weapon to be modified in order to exploit the weakness's in the Ori shield systems. My theory is this old beam weapon is a low to medium yield weapon that was extensively modified to the point where it became the all to familliar Plasm Beam weapons from Unending. If these beam weapons are the same as you are suggesting why would'nt the asgard swap out the weapons and anihilate the Ori forces??????????

