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Asgard Beam Weapon

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    Originally posted by 2ndgenerationalteran View Post
    It wasnt a gound based version, you can tell by the looks of it and that It was built by the Dorandans rather than the ancients

    SHEPPARD: The outpost was ordered by the Ancients in Atlantis to defend the Dorandan people using their weapons powered by this new power source.
    Yet Sheppard also said, "From what we can tell, it's a ground-based version of the satellite weapon we used to destroy that hive ship."

    It also seemed to function the same way as the satelite weapon, in that in builds up power before being able to fire. And the fact the Ancients were researching a way to eliminate charge time from their weapons, indicates ZPM's were not enough to this on their satelite weapon.


      As for 304's, so far we seen them very easily beat Aurora's.

      Others have already answered the Lantean satellite: Specifically built for taking out Hives, and very long charge times, powersource had nothing to do with it.

      "A true Aurora would beat the hell out of an Oneill."

      Not if the O'Neill had the beam weapons, even with a ZPM, the Aurora would be beaten.

      If the Aurora get's a ZPM, so the O'Neill get's the beams.

      No Ancients ships had beams weapons (not even Atlantis has them). They used primarily drones.

      "Joe Mallozi actually said the Asuran ships weren't as good as the true ancient ships" Anybody has the quote?

      We know now that the Auorra's had ZPM's before, now they likely do not. So that is the difference. Logically, machines would be able to built other machines far better than biological beings ever could.


        Still it wasn't of Ancient design, there fore understandably less powerful, firing in burst rather than a sustained beam. And there was no charge time the weapon was a release valve for excess energy if im reading the transcript correctly. Actually they say something that directly states there is no charge time
        SHEPPARD: It means they can fire multiple bursts without having to store up more power for the next firing sequence.

        Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
        As for 304's, so far we seen them very easily beat Aurora's.
        Yes unshielded Auroras, not impressive.

        Others have already answered the Lantean satellite: Specifically built for taking out Hives, and very long charge times, powersource had nothing to do with it.
        #1 there was no indication of charge time.
        #2 it used a Naquadah Generator to charge the weapon, and the team believed that the satellite could have taken out all 3 hives, indicating there is almost no charge time or that only a small portion of the stored energy was released.
        #3 No one can say with certainty that it was made to only damage hives and leave everything virtually undamaged. From what has already been inferred about sustained beams is that they do massive damage to shields, as shown by the Asuran satellite on the Apollo, and Asgard beams against the Ori ships, and even the Ori ships on the 304s. It should be assumed that the Lagrange point satellite would act in the same way, then after shields are depleted, it cut through maybe 4 km of a heavily armored hive in about 1.5 seconds meaning it could do the same for almost any ship.

        Not if the O'Neill had the beam weapons, even with a ZPM, the Aurora would be beaten.

        If the Aurora get's a ZPM, so the O'Neill get's the beams.

        No Ancients ships had beams weapons (not even Atlantis has them). They used primarily drones.
        I dont know how many times i must say this but we dont know how damn effective or ineffective the asgard beams are to the Asuran Aurora shields, because we've never seen one fire at the shields.

        And consider the hypothetical situation if each race could out fit one ship with the best of their technology.
        Considering that the Ancients would pound the Asgard so hard that the floor of their ships would be a cest pool.

        "Joe Mallozi actually said the Asuran ships weren't as good as the true ancient ships" Anybody has the quote?

        We know now that the Auorra's had ZPM's before, now they likely do not. So that is the difference. Logically, machines would be able to built other machines far better than biological beings ever could.
        Ask PG15 he was the first to find it. That said its not the same, the asuran ships are like the generic brand, while the Ancient's Auroras are like the real deal. Logic play no difference when the executive producer has something played out in another way.
        Last edited by 2ndgenerationalteran; 20 January 2008, 12:33 PM.
        Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


          Originally posted by 2ndgenerationalteran View Post
          Still it wasn't of Ancient design, there fore understandably less powerful, firing in burst rather than a sustained beam. And there was no charge time the weapon was a release valve for excess energy if im reading the transcript correctly. Actually they say something that directly states there is no charge time
          SHEPPARD: It means they can fire multiple bursts without having to store up more power for the next firing sequence.
          The reason there was no charge time was because they bypassed the capacitor and connected the power source directly to the weapon. Arcturus was capable of delivering the power of 12 ZPM's while operating at 50%, according to McKay, and so was capable firing multiple bursts without having to store more power as Sheppard said. Without Arcturus it would have required the capacitor to build up power as the satelite weapon did.

          Also, the single weapon took out a Wraith fleet, and was powered by a much greater power source than the satelite weapon. It stands to reason it was actually more powerful than the satelite weapon.


            "Asgard Oneill
            Beam weapons.
            Time dilation.
            Extra ion neutrino generator

            Ancient Aurora
            Pulse canons
            Lagrange point satellite beam weapon (possibly two since it can be powered with a small power source)
            Atlantis style shields
            A ZPM."

            Why don't we add the Arturus project generator to the Ancients? Oh yes, and infinite shields.

            BTW, to let you know: Ancients had no beam weapons on their ships, and no Atlantis like shields. If they were capable (or had lots and lots of time), they would have build them. Wraith wars lasted decades.

            If you watched AoT, you would have known that the Asgard had come much closer to Atlantis like shields than the Ancients on their warships.

            As for the producer he is covering his behind. Not the 'real' Aurora's??? Why not? Asurans obviously had all the knowledge of the Ancients (Auroras, other ship classes built, Atlantis city ships, ZPMs etc). That still does not explain why there was no drone fire from the planet!


              **** how many times do i have to say this, Rodney had control over the city's power. He's not an ass in the sense where if he saw drones firing from the planet that he wouldnt shut them down.

              All AoT will be ignored.

              And apparently the words hypothetical mean nothing to you. I am offering you a chance to choose the best in your favored asgard technology to design a ship, you seem to avoid the chance because you know overall the ancients had much better tech and you have to much pride to say you were wrong.
              Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


                Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                "Asgard Oneill
                Beam weapons.
                Time dilation.
                Extra ion neutrino generator

                Ancient Aurora
                Pulse canons
                Lagrange point satellite beam weapon (possibly two since it can be powered with a small power source)
                Atlantis style shields
                A ZPM."

                Why don't we add the Arturus project generator to the Ancients? Oh yes, and infinite shields.

                BTW, to let you know: Ancients had no beam weapons on their ships, and no Atlantis like shields. If they were capable (or had lots and lots of time), they would have build them. Wraith wars lasted decades.

                If you watched AoT, you would have known that the Asgard had come much closer to Atlantis like shields than the Ancients on their warships.

                As for the producer he is covering his behind. Not the 'real' Aurora's??? Why not? Asurans obviously had all the knowledge of the Ancients (Auroras, other ship classes built, Atlantis city ships, ZPMs etc). That still does not explain why there was no drone fire from the planet!
                Asgard oneils didnt have beam weapons either.


                  Originally posted by Ripple in Space View Post
                  Best at war? Jack & Hammond proved themselves more so than the collective forces of any race.

                  Everyone else is stupid. The Wraith especially, since Tptb said that they created the Wraith to be stupid.

                  Why are the Wraith stupid? If they weren't, in the end of the Siege pt.3 they would've sent down a WMD to make sure there weren't any survivors, which would've annihilated the Atlantis Expedition.

                  Goa'uld? Earth would be destroyed or conquered by now.

                  Replicators? Would've sent colonies into Ida & Pegasus for good measure.

                  Asurans? Would've spread out to at least 3 solar systems... come on! A single cityship with drone & ZPM production facilities could've taken down fleets of Wraith Hives. A handful would've made dust of all Wraith & Tau'ri.

                  Jack coordinated the team/armies that destroyed the Goa'uld & Replicators.

                  Hammond coordinated the defenses in the largest scale battle that the Earth has ever seen. He then destroyed one of the largest fleets that the Universe has seen.
                  Wow, first of all The wraith would not have destroyed atlantis as you say, completely false. AS STATED in the episode they would want to keep parts intact to retreive evidence of earths location, if they thought we destroyed it ourselfs why bother? The wraith have outsmarted us on occasion they arnt stupid.

                  Also when watching the asgard beam weapon in action it appears as tho it does not even impact on the shields, which leads me to beleive that it is similar to the drones and simply bypasses them. And all this arguing about who could kick whose but really comes down to the ability to adapt and evolve. dont you think given enough time the ori could adapt there tech to the beam weapon, and the same for the asurans, i mean common, its the replicator weapon all over, and the anubis drone weapon, = new weapon kills bad guy= bad guy adapts after losses, etc. I dont beleive this weapon has anything to do with power as so much as its configuration. Thus making it diff from the ori weapon that is simply very powerfull on shield impact, cant really counter it.
                  Also we have not seen the beam weapon impact on wraith, with the wraith being organic in ship design the weapon may have a huge impact, or very little at all.

                  Surely you cant be serious, I am serious and dont call me shirly.

                  Danmit. What is it Oneil? I forgot to tape the simpsons .... Its important to me

                  Sir i think you have gone mad with power.
                  Ofcourse I have, have you ever gone mad without power, its no fun, noone listens to you


                    The Asgard will need all of 1 day to equip their fleet with the beams. The Asgard did create the beams.

                    That Ancients suff is hypothetical.

                    Hypo Asgard tech:

                    The Asgard takes the time diliation to the next level: Target any ship, freeze it in time, and fire away. 100% kill every time, however powerful the enemy ship is.

                    With time diliation, the Asgard are unstoppable.

                    Hypo case closed.


                      The Asgard would not even need a day as look how fast Thor equiped the Daniel Jackson with an anti replicator weapon in season 8 New Order


                        Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                        The Asgard will need all of 1 day to equip their fleet with the beams. The Asgard did create the beams.

                        That Ancients suff is hypothetical.

                        Hypo Asgard tech:

                        The Asgard takes the time diliation to the next level: Target any ship, freeze it in time, and fire away. 100% kill every time, however powerful the enemy ship is.

                        With time diliation, the Asgard are unstoppable.

                        Hypo case closed.
                        I dont beleive the time dialation device can be used in the mannor you have stated, it imminates from the device which would be located on an asgard vessel and spreads outward, it is not a directional weapon, you couldnt freeze a ship unless you hade one ship to freeze enemy and themselves and another outside the dialation range to fire on the ship, and even then when the weapons entered the field they would slow down, so it would have to be powerfull enough to destroy the ship once the dialation device was turned off.

                        Also i have beleive it seems as though the asgard beam weapon only bypasses shields and impacts on the hull, in no episodes have i seen any sheild impact whatsoever, and thus reason would lead one to beleive this could be countered similar to the kull warriors and replicators to new tech.

                        Surely you cant be serious, I am serious and dont call me shirly.

                        Danmit. What is it Oneil? I forgot to tape the simpsons .... Its important to me

                        Sir i think you have gone mad with power.
                        Ofcourse I have, have you ever gone mad without power, its no fun, noone listens to you


                          Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                          The Asgard will need all of 1 day to equip their fleet with the beams. The Asgard did create the beams.
                          Well time is not a restraint in a fair fight, and i didnt say the asgard didn't create the Asgard beams.

                          That Ancients suff is hypothetical.
                          You do realize i chose things that are proven that the ancients do have, outfitting a ship of a hypothetical design.

                          Hypo Asgard tech:

                          The Asgard takes the time diliation to the next level: Target any ship, freeze it in time, and fire away. 100% kill every time, however powerful the enemy ship is.

                          With time diliation, the Asgard are unstoppable.
                          Yeah, hypothetical tech, in contrast to the ancients PROVEN tech.
                          Maybe if you made a field around the ship with the time dilation tech and time is sped up, and weapons are fired into slower time the slower time could collect all the pulses/beams and when you deactivate the field they all get released seemingly simultaneously. But all indication shows that that would not be possible since the team in unending did not even consider that. Some answer like tidal forces would dissipate all the energy would probably be given. But even if that were not the case, the Ancients could do the exact same thing since they have the technology too, so even before the battle goes on for a second they both would have annihilated each other, bringing us right back to who's tech overall is better, where the ancients still prevail.

                          Originally posted by delrey View Post
                          Also i have beleive it seems as though the asgard beam weapon only bypasses shields and impacts on the hull, in no episodes have i seen any sheild impact whatsoever, and thus reason would lead one to beleive this could be countered similar to the kull warriors and replicators to new tech.
                          It hit shields on the Ori ships in unending.
                          Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


                            I went back an saw it hit the shields, but it seems to be more of a shield disruptor i would guess. And with the time dialation read my previous post, it could work with a decoy ship against the enemy inside the field and then others outside the field fireing, but the ancients dont seem to have time dialation merely time travel? Not the same thing, unless im mistaken and they do have it, only the possibility.

                            Surely you cant be serious, I am serious and dont call me shirly.

                            Danmit. What is it Oneil? I forgot to tape the simpsons .... Its important to me

                            Sir i think you have gone mad with power.
                            Ofcourse I have, have you ever gone mad without power, its no fun, noone listens to you


                              Okay, now I'm gonna say it definitively. The BLUE beams ARE better, by virtue of being blue. Seriously though, blue beams WOULD be an indication of a narrow wavelength upon which the beam would be operating on. This means that whatever energy was being poured into the beam would be highly focused on a tight beam, packing an overall greater punch than an equivalent beam would on a broader wavelength. In essence, the blue beam places more stress on a smaller point than the traditional beam weapons of lighter coloration. After all, the Asgard DID say they were giving Earth their latest and MOST advanced technology along with everything else they knew.

                              An example of the difference between narrow and broad wavelength optics in a realworld situation would be the view of the moon from Earth. Most of the time it is relatively small and very bright (during a full moon). However, sometimes is seem nearly twice its normal size and with a reddish hue as well. This is a result of the light hitting the moon from the sun, first passing through the Earth's atmosphere, and by doing so filtering out the blue light, leaving the reddish end of the spectrum left over to continue on to the moon. As a result the moon looks reddish, and since the color red is of a broader wavelength of light, it also magnifies the appearance of the moon as well.

                              This is also seen in astronomy as well. Object that are moving away tend to show up as a reddish hue, whereas objects that are moving closer show up with a more blue coloration. Again, the optics are defined by the wavelength of light being recieved. The Red end of the spectrum is on a broader wavelength, and blue is at the narrow end.

                              Take that idea further still, into the notion of force applied, and you know then that two equal amounts of force applied can have very different results depending upon the amount of area said force is applied to. The smaller the area a given amount of force is applied upon, then the greater the stress in said area. Conversely, using the same amount of force on a greater area is much less stressful.

                              So upon reflection, said 'Blue' beams were specifically designed to break through shields and such. Shields work best when an impact is spread across a wide field. A highly focused point of attack is far more successful in bringing a shield down. It is the same reason people stab with sharpened points, rather than blunted ends.

                              Anywho... that is my opinion. Of course it is just as likely that the animators simply picked blue out of the proverbial 'blue' and it actually had nothing to do with anything the writers imagined. Or, perhaps they actually DID tell the animators to use blue. I don't think that has ever been specifically said.
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                                Makes sense to me, would there be a way to counter this? and what effect would there be on a wraith ship?

                                Surely you cant be serious, I am serious and dont call me shirly.

                                Danmit. What is it Oneil? I forgot to tape the simpsons .... Its important to me

                                Sir i think you have gone mad with power.
                                Ofcourse I have, have you ever gone mad without power, its no fun, noone listens to you

