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Tau'ri Fleet-Why so small?

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    I think u can lock the ring transporters down. With all the Al'Kesh and Tel'taks onboard the Ha'Taks- no SG team will be without a starship backup and no having to bother the Tok'Ra all the time with ohhh we've lost sumone or ohhh we need to borrow a ship. Not to mention the Death gliders if we neeeded a fighter force fast


      That is true the Death gliders may come in handy...But Ha'tak on Ha'tak to me is lke bulls hiting horns to prove how tough they are.
      I would rather have a obious advantage and not go to there fight and fight the battle on my terms but thats me.


        if we could gather mass numbers of alkesh and death gliders and use them then that would be cool.

        it would be quite cool if we somehow got a wraith hive ship, the size of that thing would scare anyone... except for a wraith maybe


          Originally posted by Lord batchi ball View Post
          Very true and the under ground building docks would cost a arm and a leg and hard to build without speculation.
          At least in the SG universe the unexplained expenditures don't become lost to the ether like ours do.
          Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering-Yoda
          The more bizzare a thing, the less mysterious it proves to be-Sherlock Holmes
          I reject your reality and substitute my own-Adam Savage
          A person is smart. People are stupid, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it-Agent Kay
          That is the exploration that awaits you�not mapping stars and studying nebulae, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence-Q
          Church: I learned a very valuable lesson in my travels, Tucker. No matter how bad things might seem...
          Caboose: They could be worse?
          Church: Nope, no matter how bad they seem, they can't be any better, and they can't be any worse, because that's the way things f***ing are, and you better get used to it Nancy. Quit-yer-b****ing.

          If you smoke, you choke. If you choke, you're dead. 'Nuff said.


            Originally posted by wise one View Post
            if we could gather mass numbers of alkesh and death gliders and use them then that would be cool.

            it would be quite cool if we somehow got a wraith hive ship, the size of that thing would scare anyone... except for a wraith maybe
            lol thats true.
            I would like a fleet of hives insteed of fleet of ha´tak well that is my opinion


              I like the idea of Hives but they are just to hard to control for humans.

              However i would like to use Wraith darts, they seem to be faster than a Death Glider and they sceem to pack more of a punch
              Also if you have a Prior some where just have one or two on anther world and gate to the planet and scoop him up then maybe give a gift to the Wraith.


                Originally posted by JoNzA View Post
                lol thats true.
                I would like a fleet of hives insteed of fleet of ha´tak well that is my opinion
                I would like to see the faces of the jaffa when one show's up
                They would be like look it has no shields easy target
                Fight starts
                Our shields are gone sir
                Jaffa commander : oh crap


                  i believe hives or wraith ships to be quite cold so i would probaly pack a few jumpers.

                  wraith cruisers would be very cool since they are small enough to get a shield around them unlike a hive. with their pulse weapons or whatever you call it they would quite formidable like if in battle if shields go down then you still left with its organic armour which may or may not do anything but offers some protection.

                  if earth did get a hive ships, i would think they would land it another planet for research like wraith tech , since if they land it on earth they well someone gonna noctive a giant blue ship in the middle of the dessert.


                    If we get that cruiser from submersion back you may get to see that. I'm hoping for lights on those things, kinda spooky. And i agree it would be a formidable craft, especially if we install an asgard shield, hyperdrive and improve the powersource and controlability for us.
                    Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


                      Wraith ships are more powerful than Ha'taks but they need wraith DNA to use. During the War with the Goa'uld the Ha'tak would be useful for sneeking through enemy lines and blending in. You're all right H vs H would be pointless but if you had an enemy H with its shields down use the Al'kesh to drop its cloak and to bomb the Pel'tac and re-cloak-then send in the Ha'tak. Wraith ships have only interstellar drives and are very slow( sidenote does anyone know their speed of the Wraith ships in C eg Ha'tak has a 32,000C hyperdrive-What does the Wraith ship have )

                      I'm refering to either class of Ha'tak Original or Anubis enhanced and I am reffering to the Milky Way. I reckon then Standard Ha'tak could fight a Wraith cruiser with a 50/50 chance of winning and Anubis's one with a 75% chance of victory-Note 0% for either of them beating up a hive ship if they just sit there in space although they could harass one using their gravitational propulsion to out manouver them
                      Last edited by Jyral Nadreth; 26 July 2007, 01:18 PM.


                        Originally posted by 2ndgenerationalteran View Post
                        If we get that cruiser from submersion back you may get to see that. I'm hoping for lights on those things, kinda spooky. And i agree it would be a formidable craft, especially if we install an asgard shield, hyperdrive and improve the powersource and controlability for us.
                        They have powersources that can lift 11km ships off the ground doubt we could improve it.
                        Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                          Here's a solution:

                          Why build our fleet on Earth, using Earth labor, taxpayer money etc? Build the fleet on some other planet that has a suitable population and a stargate. I notice most civilizations encountered in SG-1 are pre-industrial revolution type agricultural based societies. The Goauld kept them that way. So, they have manpower, probably tons of untapped natural resources, we have tons of valuable goods and services to trade them--things that are relatively cheap and easy to us but quite valuable to them. We pick a suitable planet, hire a bunch of their people to work on our fleet, hand in hand with our engineers and technicians, foremans, etc. In exchange we develop their farming technology and manufacturing technology at least to the level of our early to mid 1900s or so. Imagine for them the change in lifestyle---Tractors and combines instead of plowing fields with horses, mass produced hardware goods, precision machinery, electric lights, telephones, decent medical technology. Nothing like computers and nuclear bombs, just basic 20th century earth stuff.
                          Total secrecy from the people of Earth, and once you get going, the whole venture would probably pay for itself. Do a little interstellar trading. Let's face it, new as the tau'ri are to the universe, they're pretty much ahead of the game when it comes to understanding of trade, overall knowledge of the universe, logistics etc. Up until the overthrow the Goauld, this kind of thing probably didn't happen.


                            The thing is though-Non Interference- the Asgard would not be chuffed if we ruin the galaxy they have nurtured for 10,000 years. Using these peoples would be only applicable if we liberated slaves to build Ha'taks for us but we make sure we set them aside a few ships as their own


                              Originally posted by Jyral Nadreth View Post
                              The thing is though-Non Interference- the Asgard would not be chuffed if we ruin the galaxy they have nurtured for 10,000 years. Using these peoples would be only applicable if we liberated slaves to build Ha'taks for us but we make sure we set them aside a few ships as their own
                              Why build a Ha'tak? They're larger and possibly more complex. At the end of the day to get primative cultures to build us is very unlikely. They need the factories etc...first and then you'll be giving them access to potentially dangerous technology.
                              Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                                I would bet there are many hundreds of f-302s by now. 304s take longer and are more expensive.

                                I would like to see 302s get some more love. Shields and hyperspace generators. With the stuff coming back from atlantis this should be reasonable.

