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    Originally posted by Jimbo-DR View Post
    I know what it said in the beginning of the thread, and I even admitted that Aurora energy weapons are not canon, I'm just saying I believe that they would have them.
    I don't think that the Aurora has any energy weapons what so ever and no energy weapons have ever been Mentioned and I don't think that they will ever be Revealed.
    Why have energy weapons when you have drones?

    For Wraith, hunger burns like a fire.

    Tell me, Sheppard, if you found yourself burning alive, would you settle for just one drop of water ...

    ....... or would you take more?



      Originally posted by VSHARMA View Post
      I don't think that the Aurora has any energy weapons what so ever and no energy weapons have ever been Mentioned and I don't think that they will ever be Revealed.
      Why have energy weapons when you have drones?
      Because drones run out?

      Tbh the fact that the Aurora model has dozens of turrets visable on it's surface proves it has other weapons regardless of your opinion.
      Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


        Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
        Because drones run out?:

        Tbh the fact that the Aurora model has dozens of turrets visable on it's surface proves it has other weapons regardless of your opinion.
        Don't Energy weapons run out too?

        and turrents don't prove anything. If that's what they are

        For Wraith, hunger burns like a fire.

        Tell me, Sheppard, if you found yourself burning alive, would you settle for just one drop of water ...

        ....... or would you take more?



          Originally posted by VSHARMA View Post
          Don't Energy weapons run out too?

          and turrents don't prove anything. If that's what they are
          No they don't unless the ship runs out of power...

          And yeah they do, so you're arguing that the ancients shoved a load of guns onto the hull of the ship which don't work?
          Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


            Originally posted by VSHARMA View Post
            I don't think that the Aurora has any energy weapons what so ever and no energy weapons have ever been Mentioned and I don't think that they will ever be Revealed.
            Why have energy weapons when you have drones?
            Nothing has really been mentioned regarding the 'Aurora' class as of yet. They have left Tria/Trea in limbo since 'Return II' & not said or done anything of it as of yet.

            McKay has previously said Atlantis has multiuple defensive capabilities. Yet we've only seen a shield to protect & Drones to attack. Going into exact details & specifics are just something tptb aren't all that good at!

            Lanteans always knew their ships would be outnumbered in virtually every Wraith encounter. They can only store a certain amount of Drones at any one time in their armoury. Why only have a single weapons system that can say store 2000 Drones, when you become trapped against an enemy fleet that needs 4000 to take it out.

            You're setting yourself up for a good ass kicking because ones those Drones are expended, you have nothing left. With energy weapons, as long as you have power or they haven't been damaged by enemy fire, then you have virtually unlimited ammo.

            We've seen 2 instances of them having those sorts of weapons before now. So it'd be either suicidal or just totally moronic to have such a thing at your disposal & blindly decide to ignore them.

            For that reason, I think the Lantean ships do indeed have them. Just there has never been a chance to get them into action. In 'Aurora', the ship was totally smashed. It was a mere shell. So nothing could be gained from that.

            The 'Orion' was also damaged, there was power problems, engine & weapons problems. Right in the ep, they couldn't get Drones up till the last minute & in order to do that, they had to lose the shields. So nothing really could be gained from that episode either.

            Then comes Trea/Tria. It may hold the key to finally revealing this mystery once & for all if we ever get to see it again in future. Either that or the other ship in 'Travelers'.

            I'm going for it to have energy weapons, those dozens of turrets running along the hull, I'm thinking will be energy cannons. While the 2 huge lances on the front will turn out to be the same beam weapon that was used in 'The Siege 1'.

            Guess it's simply a matter of wait, see & hope that they end up settling it once & for all this season!


              Originally posted by Wraith_Boy View Post
              Nothing has really been mentioned regarding the 'Aurora' class as of yet. They have left Tria/Trea in limbo since 'Return II' & not said or done anything of it as of yet.

              McKay has previously said Atlantis has multiuple defensive capabilities. Yet we've only seen a shield to protect & Drones to attack. Going into exact details & specifics are just something tptb aren't all that good at!

              Lanteans always knew their ships would be outnumbered in virtually every Wraith encounter. They can only store a certain amount of Drones at any one time in their armoury. Why only have a single weapons system that can say store 2000 Drones, when you become trapped against an enemy fleet that needs 4000 to take it out.

              You're setting yourself up for a good ass kicking because ones those Drones are expended, you have nothing left. With energy weapons, as long as you have power or they haven't been damaged by enemy fire, then you have virtually unlimited ammo.

              We've seen 2 instances of them having those sorts of weapons before now. So it'd be either suicidal or just totally moronic to have such a thing at your disposal & blindly decide to ignore them.

              For that reason, I think the Lantean ships do indeed have them. Just there has never been a chance to get them into action. In 'Aurora', the ship was totally smashed. It was a mere shell. So nothing could be gained from that.

              The 'Orion' was also damaged, there was power problems, engine & weapons problems. Right in the ep, they couldn't get Drones up till the last minute & in order to do that, they had to lose the shields. So nothing really could be gained from that episode either.

              Then comes Trea/Tria. It may hold the key to finally revealing this mystery once & for all if we ever get to see it again in future. Either that or the other ship in 'Travelers'.

              I'm going for it to have energy weapons, those dozens of turrets running along the hull, I'm thinking will be energy cannons. While the 2 huge lances on the front will turn out to be the same beam weapon that was used in 'The Siege 1'.

              Guess it's simply a matter of wait, see & hope that they end up settling it once & for all this season!

              100% agree with you. The Ancients did everything Big, to quote Daniel, it wouldn't make sense for them to skimp out on their ships.
              And we KNOW that they had energy weapons, one because of the Beam From Siege, and two because of some screenshots from the Asurans first episode, which really resemble energy weapons.

              Plus, the Ancients had ZPM's, so the whole "running out of power" for energy weapons would just seem kind of silly.

              A website by the people, for the people.


                Originally posted by Jimbo-DR View Post
                100% agree with you. The Ancients did everything Big, to quote Daniel, it wouldn't make sense for them to skimp out on their ships.
                And we KNOW that they had energy weapons, one because of the Beam From Siege, and two because of some screenshots from the Asurans first episode, which really resemble energy weapons.

                Plus, the Ancients had ZPM's, so the whole "running out of power" for energy weapons would just seem kind of silly.
                Exactly, I think it's simply the writers simply ignoring the obvious by leaving it all in limbo.

                Drones can eat up a Hive. However they are limited in how many can carry at any one time. So can be expended in a single firefight if they're fighting a certain number of ships. While the amount of energy it takes to fire 1000's of Drones. The firing alone can drain nearly an entire ZPM down to the bare minimum. They would have to be the dumbest smartest people ever to inhabit the universe if they had energy weapons but decided not to use them on their ships.

                We've seen what a single beam shot could do in 'The Siege'. Then we were shown in 'Trinity' that a whole fleet was taken out by a single energy cannon fired from the surface.

                At least by ignoring it for as long as possible, they don't have to bring up specifics of why the Lanteans were so stupid with all the tech that they had. Combined with the fact that their enemy didn't have any shields for protection.

                I do think they have them & we'll finally see in S4 either with the Trea/Tria or the new ship from 'Travelers', just it's been conveniently ignored up to this point by giving them damaged warships.

                Although it may prove to be a bit too late to really care or make a huge difference, especially if they can already duplicate them all by themselves thanks to the Asgard.


                  Originally posted by Jimbo-DR View Post
                  100% agree with you. The Ancients did everything Big, to quote Daniel.
                  What exactly have they done big???? Besides Atlantis……..which has to be big as it's a CITY ship? Which I believe is the size of only 3 Ha’taks anyway.

                  The Ori : - BIG – SuperGate
                  The Wraith : - BIG – HiveShip
                  The Ancients : - PuddleJumper

                  For Wraith, hunger burns like a fire.

                  Tell me, Sheppard, if you found yourself burning alive, would you settle for just one drop of water ...

                  ....... or would you take more?



                    Originally posted by VSHARMA View Post
                    What exactly have they done big???? Besides Atlantis……..which has to be big as it's a CITY ship? Which I believe is the size of only 3 Ha’taks anyway.

                    The Ori : - BIG – SuperGate
                    The Wraith : - BIG – HiveShip
                    The Ancients : - PuddleJumper
                    Well, there was the Gate network? Thats pretty damn big. And actually, jumpers are probably the largest of the smaller "fighter" classes that we've seen so far on the show.

                    A website by the people, for the people.

